OOTB's Political Thread . ..

How do you know it's not just some kind of leftwing propaganda created just to scare people?
Heritage's name is all over it, the right echoes it. Heritage discussed it with all 2024 Republican pres nominees, reportedly. And it has plenty of verbiage straight from Trump's mouth even though he hasn't officially confirmed or denied a relationship.
I think Nixon was responsible for creating the EPA, dude. In fact, I'm sure it was him. So, it is a thing because Nixon got his way. It's even been used as a criticism because Republicans are not supposed to grow government.
He tried to veto clean water act. And EPA certainly wasn't his idea, though almost everyone recognizes some level or regulation is needed, but that level obviously has a huge range.
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Trump, whose term in office bears little resemblance to the picture you draw and was all-in-all actually a very good job for us.
By “us”, l assume you’re describing peeps like yourself: grumpy, old, entitled white men who have the time and wherewithal to hang out on OOTB at all hours insulting those with whom you disagree; all the while, never empathizing with fellow American citizens who struggle in ways that you won’t recognize. Kinda like your orange, felonious hero, who never walked in anyone else’s shoes in his entire life.
there is much truth in that, but as I have posted before, I actually voted FOR Trump after initially calling his candidacy a clown show. I believe that that was a fairly general feeling among those who voted for him.
A vote for TFG = a vote for a 🤡
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Joe Biden did meet with veterans today at Normandy. Quite a few of them.

You're a dumbass and you just got played. That top video is from the RNC's Twitter account and they manipulated the footage and posted it, knowing that 3 million of their sheeple, including you, would lap it up. Congratulations.

@3:35 of this video you will see what actually took place:
"Manipulated footage" lol

Sure, it was cut away before he eventually sat down, but they didn't manipulate shit. They didn't pause the video, slow down the video, or anything that would explain why he froze in place for 10 seconds trying to figure out how to sit down.

My favorite part of that video was when the guy said "And it's manipulation like this that makes people think Biden's old!". Nah, he's got that one covered all on his own 😂😂😂
Sooo, as you see here, he's just reaching for a chair. Then he sits in that chair 10 mins then gives his speech.
A completely lucid speech. One of the most lucid ever, some say. We should all be amazed at that level of lucidness.
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"Manipulated footage" lol

Sure, it was cut away before he eventually sat down, but they didn't manipulate shit. They didn't pause the video, slow down the video, or anything that would explain why he froze in place for 10 seconds trying to figure out how to sit down.

My favorite part of that video was when the guy said "And it's manipulation like this that makes people think Biden's old!". Nah, he's got that one covered all on his own 😂😂😂

A completely lucid speech. One of the most lucid ever, some say. We should all be amazed at that level of lucidness.
He's old as balls, does senile actions, has verbal gaffs (he always has though), and rambles, but guess-whatabout -> Trump does too.

The difference is that one is fairly moderate, the other has zero interest in anything but his own image, is incapable of governing, surrounds himself with incapable grifters, and aligns himself with extremist people that want to destroy tenants of democracy and wreck (wreck, not just reduce) established parts of the government.
You fell for it cuz you're gullible, blinded.

So I didn't see Biden stumbling around, looking confused and walking like a robot hopped up on meds? Interesting.

Heritage's name is all over it, the right echoes it. Heritage discussed it with all 2024 Republican pres nominees, reportedly. And it has plenty of verbiage straight from Trump's mouth even though he hasn't officially confirmed or denied a relationship.


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By “us”, l assume you’re describing peeps like yourself who have the time and wherewithal to hang out on OOTB at all hours insulting those with whom you disagree; all the while, never empathizing with fellow citizens who struggle in ways that you won’t recognize.

WTF do you know about people struggling? You don't know shit. You don't do shit for people struggling except act like you care and virtue signal. You're the worst kind of liberal and boy, that's saying something.

Also, forcing people to capitulate to crazy notions such as "blacks being hunted by police", "men can be women and women can men" and "closing the borders is xenophobic" is not at all speaking to the regular American in the struggle. In fact, supporting such idiocy only exacerbates the struggle normal, everyday Americans are fighting.
He's old as balls, does senile actions, has verbal gaffs (he always has though), and rambles, but guess-whatabout -> Trump does too.

The difference is that one is fairly moderate, the other has zero interest in anything but his own image, is incapable of governing, surrounds himself with incapable grifters, and aligns himself with extremist people that want to destroy tenants of democracy and wreck (wreck, not just reduce) established parts of the government.

How did we make it through 4 years of Trump? It's amazing that he didn't crash the nation into a tree. How did the majority of Americans live better during his 4 years if he's such a trainwreck?

Look, y'all are losing the narrative. People are tired of you telling them how awful it was when they don't remember it as such. They remember those times fondly, certainly in comparison to the last 4 years. Give it up. It's not working anymore.
Heritage's name is all over it, the right echoes it. Heritage discussed it with all 2024 Republican pres nominees, reportedly. And it has plenty of verbiage straight from Trump's mouth even though he hasn't officially confirmed or denied a relationship.
Trump is not an idealogue. He might go along with something if he thought it was going to get him attention. But he's not calculated like that. He's low IQ, and he doesn't have any real allegiance to some ideology, just himself. I mean he would participate as long as there was something that was going to benefit him personally. But he doesn't really have an understanding of ideologies. Now there are other people who absolutely have agendas. I just don't think they could pull that off.
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Trump is not an idealogue. He might go along with something if you thought it was going to get him attention. But he's not calculated like that. He's low IQ, and he doesn't have any real allegiance to some ideology, just himself. I mean he would participate as long as there was something that was going to benefit him personally. But he doesn't really have an understanding of ideologies. Now there are other people who absolutely have agendas. I just don't think they could pull that off.
Good points, but he loves praise and admiration, and he'll do anything to get attention on Fox. Who would have thought in 2015 he'd suddenly like Heritage's anti-abortion judges so much for scotus?

The former dem went from drain-swamp guy to qanon/heritage/extreme-right cuz of the attention.
This was seriously rofl stuff until I realized it wasn't a Bee like parody and you actually follow this as if its true and/or actual news. Take a break from tictac my man, you are really losing it.
Are you saying the topics covered are lies? Misrepresentations? That you like Project 2025's agenda? Or what?

Needless to say, Project 2025 is a real thing. It's interesting to go to its site and look around.

Advisory Board​

A broad coalition of over 100 conservative organizations has come together to form the project pillars.

Project 2025, organized by The Heritage Foundation, is a movement-wide effort guided by the conservative cause to address and reform the failings of big government and an undemocratic administrative state.​

They even have a book! You can read it for free (damn socialists) at the link below.

180-Day Playbook​

The fourth pillar of Project 2025 is our 180-day Transition Playbook and includes a comprehensive, concrete transition plan for each federal agency. Only through the implementation of specific action plans at each agency will the next conservative presidential Administration be successful.​
Pillar IV will provide the next President a roadmap for doing just that. To learn more about Project 2025’s vision for a conservative administration, please read our recently published book, Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise.​

Libs and cons alike ought to check it out. It's likely a lot of it will be implemented.
Wtf kind of "real" answer were you expecting to this lame-ass shit?
well, generally speaking, answers are to questions, not statements. Questions are asking for answers and statements don't need an answer, although replies to them are always welcome, or at least are not excluded.. So what I mean when I say you don't give 'real' answers is that you avoid answering the questions posed and instead come back with deflective idiocy to what you conveniently call 'lame-ass shit', like that I am now replying to. .

See? You asked a question and instead of deflecting with gibberish, I answered it. That's how it normally works. *But of course, we know you aren't normal.

I guess basic English is the problem here. Get some.

*I await your usual 'how can you speak for others' response.
I don't know if this is literally true, but I also can't disagree. But as tempting as it might be, I will as usual turn down your offer.
I wasn't offering. It probably won't surprise you... but, gay guys don't wanna fvck you any more than straight women.
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By “us”, l assume you’re describing peeps like yourself: grumpy, old, entitled white men who have the time and wherewithal to hang out on OOTB at all hours insulting those with whom you disagree; all the while, never empathizing with fellow American citizens who struggle in ways that you won’t recognize. Kinda like your orange, felonious hero, who never walked in anyone else’s shoes in his entire life.

A vote for TFG = a vote for a 🤡
certainly it includes people like me, which is why I said 'us'. But 'us' is not limited to people like me. It also includes presumptuous liberal dooshers who throw out ill-considered and off-base factoids that ring true only in their own minds. It includes intellectually-limited hypocrites as well, people who obliviously belittle others for throwing insults, by throwing insults at them.

'Us' actually includes all citizens of this country, even pathetic dolts like you who use their internet time to keep track of someone's internet time.

I'm sorry, but I don't subscribe to your lib POV that if I'm not giving you something, I'm stealing from you. You can stupidly assume that I don't empathize, just because I'm not in favor of throwing misguided money at whatever you are currently weeping over. You can demean Trump all you care to, but the proof is in the pudding as they say. The presidencies are there for comparison, and in comparison, the current disaster doesn't hold a candle to the former one from any sane perspective. So keep your head jammed as far up your ass as you can and tell yourself you could be in a bed of roses if 'they' would just pay for it.

And BTW, you incredibly stupid and presumptuous motherfvcker, I didn't start at the very bottom but I could reach out and touch it from where I was. And even though I easily could have, I (and my family) never took a dime from the government, save for the grant-in-aid I got to go to school.

I'm comfortable, not because of what was given to me but because I took advantage of the opportunities that are out there for anybody who cares to take advantage of them. And I worked my ass off, sometimes literally wallowing in mud for little in return. THAT is why I look down on your entitled pinko gimme gimme mentality. I got nothing I didn't earn because not earning what is given is shameful.

And I don't know and don't care what 'TFG' is.
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I wasn't offering. It probably won't surprise you... but, gay guys don't wanna fvck you any more than straight women.
I'm pretty sure you were suggesting. I've never met anyone in so dire need of a cornholing as you. I'll pass, of course.

And how is it you know what gay guys want to do? Hmmm?
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Are you saying the topics covered are lies? Misrepresentations? That you like Project 2025's agenda? Or what?

Needless to say, Project 2025 is a real thing. It's interesting to go to its site and look around.

Advisory Board​

A broad coalition of over 100 conservative organizations has come together to form the project pillars.​
Project 2025, organized by The Heritage Foundation, is a movement-wide effort guided by the conservative cause to address and reform the failings of big government and an undemocratic administrative state.​

They even have a book! You can read it for free (damn socialists) at the link below.

180-Day Playbook​

The fourth pillar of Project 2025 is our 180-day Transition Playbook and includes a comprehensive, concrete transition plan for each federal agency. Only through the implementation of specific action plans at each agency will the next conservative presidential Administration be successful.​
Pillar IV will provide the next President a roadmap for doing just that. To learn more about Project 2025’s vision for a conservative administration, please read our recently published book, Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise.​

Libs and cons alike ought to check it out. It's likely a lot of it will be implemented.
But, Donald Trump is just a tool. He's not the author of it, or in charge of it. He's great at gaining the favor and obedience of a lot of people because of his ability to bullshit them. But, that is helped by establishment government in this country constantly failing them for so long. They get sick of it and will only take so much. I don't know if their grievances are legit, but that's not my call to make.
Joe Biden did meet with veterans today at Normandy. Quite a few of them.

You're a dumbass and you just got played. That top video is from the RNC's Twitter account and they manipulated the footage and posted it, knowing that 3 million of their sheeple, including you, would lap it up. Congratulations.

@3:35 of this video you will see what actually took place:
this is hilarious. The dipshit says the video was manipulated, but when he says he's going to show the actual video, he simply shows the video with Biden's bumbling sit-down cut out. The bumbling was not some manipulation, but leaving it out was. Biden started sitting down before he was supposed to and his wife was apparently trying to stop him.

Biden was caught on a hot mic telling Macron he would have to be the first to leave because his handlers said that otherwise, he would slow everyone down. In other words, just another ploy to avoid revealing his incapacities.

I did like his speech, or what I heard of it. But if I'm trying to avoid the big nuke, he is definitely not the guy I want directing us.

I'm LMAO at you presenting this tripe.
I read your posts and it's screamingly obvious.
weak. I think what's obvious is that you are speaking from your own experience. It's OK, there's nothing wrong with you having gay tendencies. Just please don't direct it at me.
I think Nixon was responsible for creating the EPA, dude. In fact, I'm sure it was him. So, it is a thing because Nixon got his way. It's even been used as a criticism because Republicans are not supposed to grow government.
beat you to it, and provided a link verifying it. The EPA was created under Nixon. 'Ol blaze f'ed up. Usually he disguises it fairly well, but this proves he just slings whatever crap seems to back him up. LOL.
beat you to it, and provided a link verifying it. The EPA was created under Nixon. 'Ol blaze f'ed up. Usually he disguises it fairly well, but this proves he just slings whatever crap seems to back him up. LOL.
like i said, epa wasn't his idea, and he tried to veto the clean water act. Manchin isn't the only DEM with coal money in his pocket, but you are fooling yourself if you feel modern GOP maga has a clean environment in mind. The conservative base seems happy to deregulate and let big biz have their way.
like i said, epa wasn't his idea, and he tried to veto the clean water act. Manchin isn't the only DEM with coal money in his pocket, but you are fooling yourself if you feel modern GOP maga has a clean environment in mind. The conservative base seems happy to deregulate and let big biz have their way.
stop obfuscating. When you misspeak, it's better to just own up to it.

The subject was the EPA; Nixon created the council that recommended its creation and Nixon was responsible for carrying through with it. It was his idea to protect the environment and his impetus is why we have an EPA.

And I'm not fooling myself about ANY deflection you throw out. Nixon opposed the CWA as it was originally written, but not in principle. He just thought it was too expensive, and he wanted to attack differently...but he did want to attack the problem..

I do NOT think the GOP is focused on the environment but I also don't think the dems are that much better. I have made it clear (and very recently) that I part ways with the GOP and Trump on environmental concerns and science in general.
No it wasn't.

Here ya go 🍪
yes, of course it was, and YOU are the one who introduced it and who I responded to about it.... here ya go;

Would the EPA be a thing if Nixon had his way?

And then it came up again and you tried to deflect with a little sort of lie about the CWA. Jesus, if you're going to lie, try to be a little more subtle.

I don't know what YOUR 'here ya go' is supposed to convey.
like i said, epa wasn't his idea, and he tried to veto the clean water act. Manchin isn't the only DEM with coal money in his pocket, but you are fooling yourself if you feel modern GOP maga has a clean environment in mind. The conservative base seems happy to deregulate and let big biz have their way.
The strongest driving force for the good environmental and consumer protection legislation of that era was probably Ralph Nader and the various Public Interest Research Groups he spawned.

Nixon merely read the handwriting on the wall when he went along with the EPA.

If the Dems had nominated Nader instead of vilifying him, imagine how much better off we'd be today.
The strongest driving force for the good environmental and consumer protection legislation of that era was probably Ralph Nader and the various Public Interest Research Groups he spawned.

Nixon merely read the handwriting on the wall when he went along with the EPA.

If the Dems had nominated Nader instead of vilifying him, imagine how much better off we'd be today.
Environmentally, yes.
little sort of lie about the CWA. Jesus, if you're going to lie, try to be a little more subtle.
He did veto the cwa, no little lie about that. And clean water and air was the initial point, not an agency. This has devolved into a matter of semantics for you which is only fun for people who like reading and writing novels on forums. Cya
The strongest driving force for the good environmental and consumer protection legislation of that era was probably Ralph Nader and the various Public Interest Research Groups he spawned.

Nixon merely read the handwriting on the wall when he went along with the EPA.

If the Dems had nominated Nader instead of vilifying him, imagine how much better off we'd be today.
we'd probably be almost as far toward outright socialism as you would take us. Commie.

And BTW, when did reading the handwriting on the wall become something to be belittled in a democratic system? Isn't addressing the will of the people and anticipating their needs supposed to be why we elect our various officials? Or does your snippity doo da come from some other place? Like that place where you demean anything not accomplished by your commie ilk.
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He did veto the cwa, no little lie about that. And clean water and air was the initial point, not an agency. This has devolved into a matter of semantics for you which is only fun for people who like reading and writing novels on forums. Cya
and AGAIN jackass, he vetoed it... not 'tried to veto it'...NOT because he was against a clean water act, but because that bill as written was deemed by him to be too expensive. Where are the semantic ploys in that simple, repeated fact?

And it was you who implied that I was saying that modern conservatives were for clean water and the environment. I never even hinted at such a thing and I never have. I oppose them in their attitudes toward environmental issues..

And AGAIN, jackass, what I replied to was the specific subject you created in a post, of Nixon and the EPA. And I'm the one making this about semantics? You're just attacking the messenger instead of the message here because you shit the bed and don't want to admit it.
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and AGAIN jackass, he vetoed it... not 'tried to veto it'...NOT because he was against a clean water act, but because that bill as written was deemed by him to be too expensive. Where are the semantic ploys in that simple, repeated fact?

And it was you who implied that I was saying that modern conservatives were for clean water and the environment. I never even hinted at such a thing and I never have. I oppose them in their attitudes toward environmental issues..

And AGAIN, jackass, what I replied to was the specific subject you created in a post, of Nixon and the EPA. And I'm the one making this about semantics? You're just attacking the messenger instead of the message here because you shit the bed and don't want to admit it.
This is the broad sweeping generalization stuff that drives me nuts. Things must fit into a "Yes" or "No" box to check and they will dig no deeper. Simpletons.

Call it the Inflation Reduction Act (which will actually cause more inflation), a vote against and you must be pro big business at the expense of the people. Call it the Border Bill (which is actually 80% funding for other things and the remaining 20% is suspect at best in terms of actually impacting the border), a vote against and you are Trump's lackey. Call it a Contraception Bill (which contains language allowing abortion prescriptions), a vote against and you want to deny access to contraception.

It's not as simple as D's are all virtuous and want healthy air and water while R's are slimy big business who could care less what is dumped into the river or pumped into the air. But that would be how the battle is framed. The pipeline that Joe cancelled with his EO's upon sitting in the Oval Office is a good example. His actions actually will create more pollution and environmental risk, but it was framed as a win.
Environmentally, yes.
Pretty much everything. Outside of environmental and consumer arenas - where he was particularly strong - Nader was more of a traditional FDR liberal than any Dem nominee we've seen in a long time. If you like that sort of thing. Right on civil rights, education, democratic structures, labor, and more.
Pretty much everything. Outside of environmental and consumer arenas - where he was particularly strong - Nader was more of a traditional FDR liberal than any Dem nominee we've seen in a long time. If you like that sort of thing. Right on civil rights, education, democratic structures, labor, and more.
I voted for him in 2000...
