OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I think about you and your bipolar disorder whenever presidential polls are in the news. I'm assuming now that the tide has turned you no longer buy into these polls like you did a few short months ago when they were in Trump's favor, eh?

Your obsession is clear. If we looked through your poast history, my bet is that you have tagged me more than any other poaster here and 10 times the number of times I’ve tagged you. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever tagged you in a poast. I mean, maybe. But I can’t remember when that would have happened and neither can you. I’d also bet that if we look at the genesis of each interaction we’ve had here at OOTB, we’d find that they begin when you address me and we’d find it’s extremely rare that I address you. My poasts towards you are 98% in response to your poasts directed towards me. I assume you’re a grown man. Have some self respect, man. Like, yikes.

As for the polls, as I stated when Trump was leading, and as 2016 shows us, Trump is usually polling higher than polls lead one to believe. That may be waning as people are no longer as afraid to say they support Trump. People have finally said, “fu*k these loser, racist democrats and their policies.” So that’s a good thing. Have all Trump supporters finally extinguished the fu*ks they have to give? Doubtful. So I’ll assume there’s a bit of that factored in. But I saw the recent numbers. Looks like Julia Roberts and Jack Black’s magnificent stardom has influenced some mental midgets that look to celebrities for their political views. Not sure what you want me to say about that.

But congrats. Your candidate, the sitting President, just moved ahead of a convicted felon. By 1 point. Which is within the margin of error. You should celebrate by milking your wife and thinking about me.
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A really bad case OMO is what everyone fears in Joe. And that still applies even if he is physically sitting across from you.

Currently, he's been MIA hanging out at the beach house in Delaware. Tonight, he flies to Camp David for a full week of debate prep.

Wonder who's gonna be running the country? Probably whoever does even when Joe is at the WH, on AF1, etc.
the right person...and there should be any number of right persons...could absolutely slaughter Joe Biden in a debate, regardless of his boning up on canned answers. I'm concerned that Trump isn't that person.

If he actually delves into the actions and non-actions of Biden and talks about how that affects us all, it will be golden. But if he resorts as usual to mockery and ridicule and the persecution that has been heaped on him, Biden will have the upper hand...because half the country has no clue as to when they are being sold snake oil and when they aren't. I'm sure Trump is being prepped as well, but not nearly so much as Biden. For one thing, they have kept him 'distracted'.. The other thing is that Trump shoots from the hip. Shooting from the hip isn't so good when the country wants to get the feeling that issues will be resolved and a sane, competent person will lead us.

This is almost like a trap game. They have been promoting the idea that Trump is a dangerous wild card bent on revenge. He could easily lend credit to the notion if he plays to those who are going to vote for him anyway rather than the non-committed.

And you have to wonder if questions aren't being leaked to Honest Joe. We know that sort of thing happens between leftist media and leftist candidates, don't we Hillary?
you keep bringing this up but I have no idea what you're even referring to. Don't you think some linkage or at least an explanation is in order?
Do you not read the articles you link here? No wonder your points are . . . well, pointless.

From your Monday post, #58, 512 which you labeled the REAL scoop:
The church operates a methadone clinic with hundreds of patients, whom the Trump campaign expressed interest in talking with, Sewell said.

As if.
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Do you not read the articles you link here? No wonder your points are . . . well, pointless.

From your Monday post, #58, 512 which you labeled the REAL scoop:
The church operates a methadone clinic with hundreds of patients, whom the Trump campaign expressed interest in talking with, Sewell said.

As if.
'expressed interest in'.. What am I missing? You driveled...

Oh, well, at least Donnie tried. I wonder how his "talks" with the hundreds of opioid addicts went at the free clinic afterwards.

By the way, if you learn how the discussions between Trump and the hundreds of meth heads and heroin addicts at the church's methadone clinic went, please share.

And I'll ask you again, what do you think happened when the germaphobe that is Donald Trump visited the church's methadone clinic to visit its patients as he said he would?

Wanna try again, or should I just write off yet another attempt by you to insinuate negativity. Just more disingenuous shitposting.
'expressed interest in'..
Exactly. Trump and his accomplices said they would like to talk to the crackheads. So I'm just asking how that all worked out. Why is this so difficult for you to follow? Is it because you're a total f#cking moron?
Exactly. Trump and his accomplices said they would like to talk to the crackheads. So I'm just asking how that all worked out. Why is this so difficult for you to follow? Is it because you're a total f#cking moron?
no, it's because you'd rather walk across the street to insinuate bullshit than stand still and tell the truth. Read much?
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Of course Thomas is the lone dissenter
"Of course", instead of applauding and congratulating them on an 8-1 decision, you choose to bitch about a "lone dissenter". I'll tell ya, that 6-3 MAGA conservative court sure has been screwing everyone lately. Better get busy packing the court so some of these decisions can go against those cultists.
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I'm confused about your point. Are you saying that transgender people are just like all of the straight people that kill other people?

I’m saying that this person has a mental disorder. I thought my poast made that clear when I sarcastically said, “totally not a mental disorder.”
And I'll bet the compassionate, heartfelt talks Trump had with the drug addicts at the church's free clinic will have a lasting effect on those lost souls.
you keep bringing this up but I have no idea what you're even referring to. Don't you think some linkage or at least an explanation is in order?
He keeps harping on it because he thinks it's a dig at Trump somehow just because they had expressed interest in doing so after the church event because the church runs services for addicts. Thus, the name name 180 Church. It's about turning lives around. Noir's the only one who wonders or is driving the imagined dig at Trump.

Regardless of how it impacted them and whether it "will have a lasting effect on those lost souls", there is something I can guarantee: it will have profoundly more influence than the phone call that Biden had with the family of Rachel Morin. Oh yea, that's right, there's been no phone call or contact.
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I’m saying that this person has a mental disorder. I thought my poast made that clear when I sarcastically said, “totally not a mental disorder.”
So you weren't trying to insinuate that this murder was a big deal because of the irrelevant transgender angle? Just wanted to make sure since that's what Fox was trying to do.
So you weren't trying to insinuate that this murder was a big deal because of the irrelevant transgender angle? Just wanted to make sure since that's what Fox was trying to do.

No, not at all. I’m saying this person has a mental disorder evidenced by it killing its mom and dad. Oh, and being transgender.

Whereas a non-trans killer only has one piece of evidence showing a mental disorder, this person has 2. That we know of.
Regardless of how it impacted them and whether it "will have a lasting effect on those lost souls", there is something I can guarantee: it will have profoundly more influence than the phone call that Biden had with the family of Rachel Morin. Oh yea, that's right, there's been no phone call or contact.
Are you suggesting Trump actually spent time with the drug addicts at the free clinic after the roundtable? Or was his "interest" in them insincere?
"Of course", instead of applauding and congratulating them on an 8-1 decision, you choose to bitch about a "lone dissenter". I'll tell ya, that 6-3 MAGA conservative court sure has been screwing everyone lately. Better get busy packing the court so some of these decisions can go against those cultists.
I’m not bitching at all jack ass. I’m poking fun at how he stands alone to the far right on a lot of issues. And I have criticized scotus exactly ZERO times on their decisions. If you had told me of the decision beforehand and said there was one dissenter I would immediately have guessed Thomas. That’s it. No bitching. Just a laugh. No need for you to be offended and clutching your pearls over someone poking fun at one of your heroes

why so serious GIF
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So I was reading about trumps potential vp picks (depressing af) and I came across something fascinating. I never knew that a states electors can’t vote for two persons (pres and vp) from the same state. This evidently dates back to when the person getting the most votes was made pres and the second most got vp. Anyway there’s been a couple times that a running mate has had to change his residence cause of this. Rubio lives in fla so it would affect him and he would have to “move” to be on the ticket. Interesting
Are you suggesting Trump actually spent time with the drug addicts at the free clinic after the roundtable? Or was his "interest" in them insincere?
I don't know what he's suggesting, but I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself and boring us with this idiotic display of feigned ignorance. Hint to the clueless; it ain't gaining traction.

In spite of your persistent insinuations, I'm sure most of us haven't assigned any negativity to Trump's stated interest in the addicts or any action he may or may not have taken regarding the same. Of course you're always welcome to deal in a more forthright manner with it and supply actual information that could change our minds, if you're capable of doing so. if.
So all it took was a favorable Bill Maher video to get you back to believing in polls again, huh? That's funny.

Keep in mind in three of the demographics he listed -- Hispanics, black voters under 50, and women -- Biden still has convincing leads over Trump. Maybe the reason Bill can't figure out how Joe just moved ahead in the new FOX News poll is because he didn't consider the 11-point shift in independent voters since May, which Biden now leads by 9 points.
So all it took was a favorable Bill Maher video to get you back to believing in polls again, huh? That's funny.

Keep in mind in three of the demographics he listed -- Hispanics, black voters under 50, and women -- Biden still has convincing leads over Trump. Maybe the reason Bill can't figure out how Joe just moved ahead in the new FOX News poll is because he didn't consider the 11-point shift in independent voters since May, which Biden now leads by 9 points.

This shit is too easy.

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So all it took was a favorable Bill Maher video to get you back to believing in polls again, huh? That's funny.

Keep in mind in three of the demographics he listed -- Hispanics, black voters under 50, and women -- Biden still has convincing leads over Trump. Maybe the reason Bill can't figure out how Joe just moved ahead in the new FOX News poll is because he didn't consider the 11-point shift in independent voters since May, which Biden now leads by 9 points.
The independent vote is an important consideration.

And don't forget that Biden won by 7 million votes in 2020. He can afford to lose lots of support as long as it's not in purple states.

I mean who cares if he's sliding among Hispanics in Texas or blacks in NC? They were already red.

It would be interesting to see similar polls just in those battleground states.
The independent vote is an important consideration.

And don't forget that Biden won by 7 million votes in 2020. He can afford to lose lots of support as long as it's not in purple states.

I mean who cares if he's sliding among Hispanics in Texas or blacks in NC? They were already red.

It would be interesting to see similar polls just in those battleground states.

I’m dumbstruck to the point of being speechless. I am without speech.
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take a good look at what you would really be voting for. But Trump lied, right?

And I promise you, this is just the tip of the phony iceberg. Plenty more where this came from, all perfectly verifiable.

No wonder @Heels Noir idolizes this idiot...

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And don't forget that Biden won by 7 million votes in 2020. He can afford to lose lots of support as long as it's not in purple states.
Trump might be in pretty good shape if the election were held tomorrow, but he has four and a half months to put both feet in his mouth, repeatedly.