OOTB's Political Thread . ..

my expectations: a hot fresh new rw Qanon conspiracy theory embraced by several in here to explain trump looking and sounding like a buffoon. Waaaaaaaaa……The format was unfair, the moderator was conflicted, the mike was sabotaged by the deep state, it was too cold, the camera man’s daughter is friends with a democrat, gag order prevented him from saying what he needed to, biden was on cocaine, the police are holding his supporters at gun point, Milwaukee is against him, and of course….CNN!!!! GAAAAAA!!!!!!

Other than that nothing significant to move the needle. Both sides supporters will draw from it what they want. In a complete shocker You’ll declare trump the “obvious winner”. Lol

Gene Wilder Nonsense GIF by MOODMAN

Trump has shown to be more measured this time around. Even throwing some pity to the Bidens regarding their degenerate, pedo son and his poor little drug problem.

If he resists the urge to be as combative as he was last time, he’ll come away looking great. I don’t think anyone expects to hear deep thoughts on policy from either candidate. Can he just sound like he doesn’t need help eating his tapioca pudding? If he can do that, he’ll win the night despite Jake Tapper ‘s faggit ass playing for the Biden team.

If you can’t admit the chips are stacked against Trump for this, then I can’t consider you a serious person. All the demands that the Biden team had to have to protect PawPaw, Trump agreed to, knowing it puts him at a disadvantage. Like, why no audience? Pawpaw can’t get his folks to show up to something?

But in the end, Trump’s VP choice in a couple weeks moves the needles more with Indies than this debate will. Although I’ll admit that he can do himself in again with a super contentious performance.

On a related note, ever seen the movie “Dave”?
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Are you even five foot tall?
Are you angry because I continuously call you out on your blatantly false statements? A recent example regarding Trump's conviction -- from earlier today, no less -- is "most people realize this was politics from start to finish and they don't like it." You're so brainwashed you'll mutter anything that sounds good, but you couldn't be farther from the truth. According to this poll, overall 48% approve of his conviction while only 28% disapprove.


About half of Americans say that the conviction was politically motivated, while a similar share think it was not.

Care to revise your very erroneous statement or will you feign innocence again?
Are you angry because I continuously call you out on your blatantly false statements? A recent example regarding Trump's conviction -- from earlier today, no less -- is "most people realize this was politics from start to finish and they don't like it." You're so brainwashed you couldn't be farther from the truth. According to this poll, overall 48% approve of his conviction while only 28% disapprove.


About half of Americans say that the conviction was politically motivated, while a similar share think it was not.

Care to revise your very erroneous statement or will you feign innocence again?

But what you don’t get is that most of the people that agree with its legitimacy will still vote for him. Nobody cares. Tell the Dems to stop trying so hard. Yikes.
Are you angry because I continuously call you out on your blatantly false statements? A recent example regarding Trump's conviction -- from earlier today, no less -- is "most people realize this was politics from start to finish and they don't like it." You're so brainwashed you'll mutter anything that sounds good, but you couldn't be farther from the truth. According to this poll, overall 48% approve of his conviction while only 28% disapprove.


About half of Americans say that the conviction was politically motivated, while a similar share think it was not.

Care to revise your very erroneous statement or will you feign innocence again?
You're so dense that you can't even realize that you are comparing fruits to vegetables, or in this case wanting to claim that approve means non-political. Just because someone may approve of something is not the same as asserting that it wasn't politically based. A large majority of dems should be pro joe and anti don. So would some repubs and others. Thus, they would "approve" of the conviction. This is where you are once again language challenged. This is much like your take on the Snopes edits where you claimed a lie could be characterized as misconstrued. They are two different things, but your hatred won't let you see the issue. And all of that assumes your "poll" was even valid.

U of Chicago is famously liberal. The AP is not far behind these days. Just two days ago, they crafted a headline and article so as to not offend the left. In reporting about the death of the Houston girl at the hands of two illegals, they said:

"2 men arrested in strangulation of 12-year-old Houston girl whose body was found in a creek," They went on to mention their names, ages and that they were roommates. NOWHERE did they reference that the two Defendants were illegal immigrants from Venezuela that had entered illegally, were caught, and released. Of course, this was changed after it was reported by others. But keep searching the internet to find whatever it is that you think supports your next sidestep.
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in all honesty heelman, the debate is not really a debate. It has been structured to limit any exchange between the two parties, no actual back-and-forth where Trump tends to hold sway. Biden is good at canned answers and IMO he has the advantage. IMO, Trump is at a disadvantage and I already posted my concerns being over how he approaches this. He shoots very well from the hip but this isn't a's target shooting. He needs to focus on how he can solve current issues and keep the personal derision directed at Biden to a minimum. Don't eliminate it, just don't rely on it. Make it about us, not so much about what has happened to him.

If Biden demonstrates the ability to maintain his poise and tell lies with his usual conviction, and Trump fails to show that he isn't a vindictive psycho, the scale will be tipped in Biden's favor.

If I were Trump, I'd stick to my guns about forcing Biden to submit to a drug test.
I agree
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Trump has shown to be more measured this time around. Even throwing some pity to the Bidens regarding their degenerate, pedo son and his poor little drug problem.

If he resists the urge to be as combative as he was last time, he’ll come away looking great. I don’t think anyone expects to hear deep thoughts on policy from either candidate. Can he just sound like he doesn’t need help eating his tapioca pudding? If he can do that, he’ll win the night despite Jake Tapper ‘s faggit ass playing for the Biden team.

If you can’t admit the chips are stacked against Trump for this, then I can’t consider you a serious person. All the demands that the Biden team had to have to protect PawPaw, Trump agreed to, knowing it puts him at a disadvantage. Like, why no audience? Pawpaw can’t get his folks to show up to something?

But in the end, Trump’s VP choice in a couple weeks moves the needles more with Indies than this debate will. Although I’ll admit that he can do himself in again with a super contentious performance.

On a related note, ever seen the movie “Dave”?
Yes trump dropped a tease yesterday at a rally saying something like “should I be polite and let him talk this time” or something like that. Which imo would benefit him a lot. But I agree the vp choice will be huge for the few undecideds out there who will decide the election.

I faintly remember Dave. A presidents look alike takes over for him?
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Yes trump dropped a tease yesterday at a rally saying something like “should I be polite and let him talk this time” or something like that. Which imo would benefit him a lot. But I agree the vp choice will be huge for the few undecideds out there who will decide the election.

I faintly remember Dave. A presidents look alike takes over for him?

Yes. Kevin Kline stars. He’s terrific in everything but I especially like him in Dave (and A Fish Called Wanda). If Biden isn’t wandering around stage aimlessly or tries to shake hands with his imaginary friends on stage, I’ll think we’re getting Daved.
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That was pretty funny, Nice work. And, don't be so certain about your conclusion on my declaring anything about Trump.

If SOTU Joe shows up, he may very well win it (I just think everyone has been setting his hurdle so low in light of his recent "challenges"). I'm also not at all certain Trump can resist the temptation to be right on something, but be a total asshat when he presents it. That's not going to play well with those swing voters out there. This may be a debate that I actually force myself to watch. I will say that I am concerned about the format and it being hosted by CNN, particularly these "moderators" who have expressed anti-trump rhetoric in the past.

Regardless, thanks for the response and enjoy this little ditty:
Tbh I’m shocked trump agreed
to all this or even a debate at all. Unless he shocks the world and comes out contrite and respectful. That I think would help him with the undecideds. But if it’s more of the same combative insulting stuff I think it hurts him. I think the voters are weary of all of it. If I’m the biden team though I’m terrified of any glitch, any misstep or mumbled word or hesitancy. It will be leapt upon by the repubs like a Gaza refugee on a pack of ramen. I would have liked a normal format myself but with moderators more in control. That last one was unwatchable. I was so embarrassed by the shyt show. And I think cnn should have gone with someone outside as a mod.
Yes. Kevin Kline stars. He’s terrific in everything but I especially like him in Dave (and A Fish Called Wanda). If Biden isn’t wandering around stage aimlessly or tries to shake hands with his imaginary friends on stage, I’ll think we’re getting Daved.
Lol I agree. I would have “biden wanders aimlessly” on my debate bingo card.

Fish called Wanda is one of my fav all time movies. “K-k-k-ken is gonna k-k-k-kill me”
Are you referring to the "Trump is innocent!" complaints, or "The judge was biased!" complaints, or, and this is my favorite, "It was politics from start to finish!" complaints?

Please, Judge Wapner, share some more of your incompetent legal notions.

The Trump camp isn't wasting time declaring the debate was rigged . . . three days before it even happens! Hilarious!!
Let’s see. The debate is on CNN, perhaps the most left leaning news channel of all. It’s being moderated by two of Trump’s biggest critics in Tapper and Bash. Will we get pertinent questions regarding reducing inflation, fixing the border, energy independence, rampant crime, foreign policy, etc…, with each debater having a chance to address each of these issues? I submit that we will not. The questions will be designed to keep Trump on the defensive and to put Joe at ease. Why can’t we have a debate where the topics are determined by a poll of the people and are unknown to either debater in advance? IMO the debate will be a farce with a predetermined outcome in mind, make the orange man look bad and the Cadaver in Chief look good.
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Let’s see. The debate is on CNN, perhaps the most left leaning news channel of all. It’s being moderated by two of Trump’s biggest critics in Tapper and Bash. Will we get pertinent questions regarding reducing inflation, fixing the border, energy independence, rampant crime, foreign policy, etc…, with each debater having a chance to address each of these issues? I submit that we will not. The questions will be designed to keep Trump on the defensive and to put Joe at ease. Why can’t we have a debate where the topics are determined by a poll of the people and are unknown to either debater in advance? IMO the debate will be a farce with a predetermined outcome in mind, make the orange man look bad and the Cadaver in Chief look good.
And don't forget that Joe will be hopped up on all kinds of mind-enhancing drugs. It's so unfair.
Yes. Kevin Kline stars. He’s terrific in everything but I especially like him in Dave (and A Fish Called Wanda). If Biden isn’t wandering around stage aimlessly or tries to shake hands with his imaginary friends on stage, I’ll think we’re getting Daved.
I don't know if it will be Joe Biden or Dave Biden at the debate, but there was this that was on the Jennifer Hudson show, so it must be true.

The WH and KJP claim that it is improper to use "cheap fakes" and that's what everyone has been doing to show that Joe is frail and senile. Yet, the Biden Harris campaign posts this

The attempt is to show how many more people are attending Joe's rally v. Trump's. Only, it's the unstated here that matters. These are pictures from the same location at Temple University, but they are not the same in any respect beyond that. First, it must be remembered that this is in Philly, a deeply blue area that voted more than 8 out of 10 for Joe last time. That Trump can muster any numbers of attendees is impressive. Further, "Joe's" pic is not actually his.

Note that there are no Biden Harris signs in the photo. It's because it wasn't a recent campaign rally for him but rather a Get Out the Vote event that featured Sen. Fetterman, Gov. Shapiro, and Joe. Oh yeah, there was some guy named Obama featured as well. Further, what the pics don't show is the layout of the day. Trump's had the upper bowl closed, so of course no one is sitting there in the angle that's posted. Joe's claimed pic? This video speaks for itself. The point is, here's another time they accuse everyone else of doing exactly what they do. This pic is the exact definition of cheap fake.

Here's Joe's actual recent Philly event

He can have all the drugs he needs. Just ask pertinent questions and give each two minutes to answer the same questions. “What are you going to do to secure the border? What is your plan to curb inflation? Etc…”
This is just one part where I am concerned about the "rules". Do they have to do this? Do they get to craft different questions on the "same" topic so they can claim it was even? I mean, I don't expect them to say "President Biden, what is your favorite ice cream and why?" Followed by "President Trump, how many times did you bang Ms. Daniels and who else have you broken your marriage vows with?" But, those are both "personal" questions about issues out in the public so they would justify it as essentially being the same. This is CNN with two "moderators" who have expressed anti-trump and pro-joe cheerleading in the past.

I'd rather them ask a question and when the mic is turned off to whomever goes first, turn to the other person and say: "Same question" and let them respond. But, that would be fair to both, so I don't expect that to happen.
I mean, I don't expect them to say "President Biden, what is your favorite ice cream and why?" Followed by "President Trump, how many times did you bang Ms. Daniels and who else have you broken your marriage vows with?"

Really? Because that’s exactly what I expect.
The Trump camp isn't wasting time declaring the debate was rigged . . . three days before it even happens! Hilarious!!
hilarious? Is that you, Kamala?

Hey genius, ever notice that when an event is rigged, the rigging takes place before the event takes place? I guess you haven't because the ability to recognize the obvious seems absurd to you. for some reason. What I take from it all so far is that Trump is willing to go toe-to-toe with Joe in this rigged setup. I'm glad you obliviously find that funny because to me it just speaks well for Trump and exposes the coziness between dem presidents and the lib media like CNN, and the need to make things favorable to Biden..

A lot of verbiage was exchanged here and everywhere over the idea that Trump should have claimed the election was rigged BEFORE it took place and not so much after. Because it was rigged to foster vote harvesting, and the rigging was perfectly apparent. Either way, pointing out something is rigged before it takes place instead of after seems to be the smarter play, and here you are finding the smarter play funny..

Can you image what would happen if they gave Donald Trump a truth serum before the debate? That would make things interesting.
I would be willing to give both of them truth serum and live with the fallout (they both lie), because Trump is real (which is why like and support him) and Biden is phony down to his bones (which is why I and other sensible people despise him).

But what would be really hilarious is if we gave YOU the truth serum.
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The WH and KJP claim that it is improper to use "cheap fakes" and that's what everyone has been doing to show that Joe is frail and senile. Yet, the Biden Harris campaign posts this

The attempt is to show how many more people are attending Joe's rally v. Trump's. Only, it's the unstated here that matters. These are pictures from the same location at Temple University, but they are not the same in any respect beyond that. First, it must be remembered that this is in Philly, a deeply blue area that voted more than 8 out of 10 for Joe last time. That Trump can muster any numbers of attendees is impressive. Further, "Joe's" pic is not actually his.

Note that there are no Biden Harris signs in the photo. It's because it wasn't a recent campaign rally for him but rather a Get Out the Vote event that featured Sen. Fetterman, Gov. Shapiro, and Joe. Oh yeah, there was some guy named Obama featured as well. Further, what the pics don't show is the layout of the day. Trump's had the upper bowl closed, so of course no one is sitting there in the angle that's posted. Joe's claimed pic? This video speaks for itself. The point is, here's another time they accuse everyone else of doing exactly what they do. This pic is the exact definition of cheap fake.

Here's Joe's actual recent Philly event

deceitful to the core they are, and as you point out, in true lib fashion they accuse others of what they themselves perpetrate.
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And don't forget that Joe will be hopped up on all kinds of mind-enhancing drugs. It's so unfair.

all kinds of mind-enhancing drugs? Why not just a little Adderall? Let's test him.

From the web...with a little help from his friend

"What effect does Adderall have on adults?

It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills.This drug is also used to treat a certain sleeping disorder (narcolepsy) to help you stay awake during the day."
This may be a debate that I actually force myself to watch.
The individual antics of these two candidates are funny, but the actual debate is just gonna be painful... normal debates are just pure he-said/she-said spin. Surely you can find better use of your tv time - how bout

Though i'm still in the camp that will kinda be shocked if it actually happens... one of them will bow out due to covid or being a puss or cuz "they are out to get me", etc
Let's test him.
Since presidents should be closer to gated and cross-checked figure-heads than dictators, let's have their cabinets, advisors and other appointees debate each other. Or just list out their lists of criminal charges vs accomplishments.
Since presidents should be closer to gated and cross-checked figure-heads than dictators, let's have their cabinets, advisors and other appointees debate each other. Or just list out their lists of criminal charges vs accomplishments.
na. Let's just test him. I have little interest in hearing opposing sycophants tell lies on behalf of their appointers.

This was impressive..."presidents should be closer to gated and cross-checked figure-heads than dictators"....although I really don't follow just what it tries to convey. But it really looks like it should be meaningful, and of course that's what really counts.
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"presidents should be closer to gated and cross-checked figure-heads than dictators"....although I really don't follow just what it tries to convey.
It suggests our leaders are limited in power as opposed to dictatorial overlords with absolute power. What are you, stupid?
That's your response? I mean, I understand it can be depressing for you to continuously be wrong but you should be able to do better.
There is nothing depressing about my response, that's a fun game involving a low bar. You know that, you just played it this week.
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That's your response? I mean, I understand it can be depressing for you to continuously be wrong but you should be able to do better.

lol. I didn’t get what he was going for. I was thinking, “what does the limbo have to do with it?” Do you get it? I’m not opposed to the idea I was just not on top of my game but that one was quite a stretch. Poor jpg usage. In limbo terms, that’s actually not a “low bar”.
To follow up on this “low bar” situation we have going here, I don’t really like the reference at all, especially if you’re trying to say it with a jpg or gif. Just doesn’t convey the sentiment well. But if you’re married to it, I would suggest the following:


Now that’s a low bar. Or low bars.
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I was trying to figure out how @blazers could have conveyed his thoughts better while incorporating a gif/jpg. This is a tough one. Again, the low bar reference doesn’t resonate and it certainly doesn’t come through well with a picture of people doing the limbo (at fairly beginner setting) on the beach. But I want to help the guy. So blaze, tell us what you were feeling when you initially read @tarheel0910 ’s sarcastic poast that was directed towards you. He’s once again dressing you down for past remarks you’ve made regarding the, as you see it, right-wing extremist SCOTUS and gleefully throwing in your face the continuous unpredictable SCOTUS rulings. Unpredictable if they are indeed right wing extremists. Anyway, go ahead and poast your thoughts and I’ll format a better poast for you to respond with. And don’t worry about it you chintzy bastard, I’m not gonna charge you for it.
Had to vote twice for the primary... it was worth it! First round ended in a run-off (too many candidates). Fortunately, we kept the MAGA preacher out of Congress! Jeff Duncan decided to bail since the GOP went totally cult-nuts.

You and your fellow dims like to use the term 'cult' when referring to TRUMP supporters. I have no issues with cults. Actually, I like the occult.

Explain to me, if you can, what makes TRUMP supporters members of a cult? What is a cult? How can a person be considered a follower of a cult? What do they have to do?
I’d say a cult is when people have in common the worship or devotion of a person or idea that circumvents family relations, law, or scientific facts. I wouldn’t say trump supporters in general are in a cult. But some of them certainly are. I’d also say groups like PETA or BLM or antifa would qualify as well as pretty much all religions’ devoted followers.
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So a “squad” member got smoked in a ny primary and lost to a dude that’s uncomfortably cross eyed. I mean it’s hard to look at. His brain has to be doing back flips to process the info.
lol. I didn’t get what he was going for. I was thinking, “what does the limbo have to do with it?” Do you get it? I’m not opposed to the idea I was just not on top of my game but that one was quite a stretch. Poor jpg usage. In limbo terms, that’s actually not a “low bar”.
You aren't on top of your game... shocker. And your fat ass couldn't fit under that bar.
  • Haha
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