OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Well, this only took SEVEN YEARS to get right. It's a shame all those tds'ers and media types have repeatedly trotted out this crap and falsely made this claim. If only there had been actual video and a transcript available, maybe this wouldn't have been such a challenge to figure out. And since our illustrious leader said that this was the reason, this was the moment, that he decided to run, does that mean that he's now going to withdraw because it was all based on an outright lie? Ooops, I forgot, he won't remember making this choice all those years ago. . . . .
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Well, this only took SEVEN YEARS to get right. It's a shame all those tds'ers and media types have repeatedly trotted out this crap and falsely made this claim. If only there had been actual video and a transcript available, maybe this wouldn't have been such a challenge to figure out. And since our illustrious leader said that this was the reason, this was the moment, that he decided to run, does that mean that he's now going to withdraw because it was all based on an outright lie? Ooops, I forgot, he won't remember making this choice all those years ago. . . . .
Thankfully Joe Biden misinterpreted Trump's message since it led him to run for office and force out our most inept president ever.
Quid Pro Joe

When are the impeachment articles coming? Last time a president alledgedly withheld something from another country, one that wasn't even close to being described as our closest ally, he got crushed by the msm and sm. Yet, this president gets protected. . . . . . . hmmmmm. . . . .

And even now, you still lie about it.
Misinterpreted, misrepresented, whatever you want to call it. My point is that we should all be grateful that he did because it eventually led to Donald Trump getting his ass kicked out of the White House.
Quid Pro Joe

When are the impeachment articles coming? Last time a president alledgedly withheld something from another country, one that wasn't even close to being described as our closest ally, he got crushed by the msm and sm. Yet, this president gets protected. . . . . . . hmmmmm. . . . .
Are you suggesting that Biden is holding back on Netanyahu for dirt on Donald Trump? Stupid is as stupid does.
Well, this only took SEVEN YEARS to get right. It's a shame all those tds'ers and media types have repeatedly trotted out this crap and falsely made this claim. If only there had been actual video and a transcript available, maybe this wouldn't have been such a challenge to figure out. And since our illustrious leader said that this was the reason, this was the moment, that he decided to run, does that mean that he's now going to withdraw because it was all based on an outright lie? Ooops, I forgot, he won't remember making this choice all those years ago. . . . .
link doesn't like my adblocker but I saw the headline. I was yelling at the top of my lungs at that time, figuratively speaking, that Trump never said that. What he said was that there were fine people among the protesters, in response to the entire attendance being referred to as right-wing agitators.. And of course, the lefties immediately did a Heels Noir on him.

I don't know if the article also refers to this, but the left went into hysteria because Trump wouldn't condemn the Nazi element. BUT HE DID, just not right then and there. He condemned them previously, when it was proper to, when they weren't part of a mixed demonstration and when their hate stood on its own.

All that happened was that Trump defended in general people who had properly gotten the right permits and gathered to voice their POV. It doesn't matter what the makeup of the crowd was, they had the right to demonstrate because THIS USED TO BE AMERICA, where freedom of speech is a precious right to be fiercely guarded and savored as such.

But it was THE LEFT who came in and illegally tried to disrupt the exercise of that right, and when they got a little comeuppance for their treachery, they screamed that the murderers had been blessed by Trump to commit mayhem.

I hate those lying a-holes.
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link doesn't like my adblocker but I saw the headline. I was yelling at the top of my lungs at that time, figuratively speaking, that Trump never said that. What he said was that there were fine people among the protesters, in response to the entire attendance being referred to as right-wing agitators.. And of course, the lefties immediately did a Heels Noir on him.

I don't know if the article also refers to this, but the left went into hysteria because Trump wouldn't condemn the Nazi element. BUT HE DID, just not right then and there. He condemned them previously, when it was proper to, when they weren't part of a mixed demonstration and when their hate stood on its own.

All that happened was that Trump defended in general people who had properly gotten the right permits and gathered to voice their POV. It doesn't matter what the makeup of the crowd was, they had the right to demonstrate because THIS USED TO BE AMERICA, where freedom of speech is a precious right to be fiercely guarded and savored as such.

But it was THE LEFT who came in and illegally tried to disrupt the exercise of that right, and when they got a little comeuppance for their treachery, they screamed that the murderers had been blessed by Trump to commit mayhem.

I hate those lying a-holes.
Maybe your adblocker is progressive based, lol, because it's just a link to foxnews. You'll surely find article if you go there. The big news is not that the media and dementiacrats repeatedly lied about Charlottesville, it's that the "fact checker" known as Snopes has finally corrected their entry about it after seven years, admitting what apparently everyone but Noir and Blaze already knew. Here's the content with my emphasis:

The left-leaning fact-checking website Snopes acknowledged Saturday that former President Trump never called neo-Nazis "very fine people" during his press conference following the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally in 2017.

Critics of Trump have claimed for years that he equated neo-Nazis with counterprotesters following the event. President Biden was chief among those critics, citing the supposed incident as a main reason for launching his 2020 campaign.

"While Trump did say that there were ‘very fine people on both sides,’ he also specifically noted that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and White supremacists and said they should be 'condemned totally.' Therefore, we have rated this claim 'False,'" Snopes wrote.

The Snopes fact check now aligns with years of arguments from Trump's camp, who long stated, backed by transcript and video, that his comments were taken out of context. The fact-checker notes that the false claim about Trump's comments "spread like wildfire" on the left, eventually being cited as a cornerstone of Biden's election campaign.

When Biden released his 2020 campaign announcement video, the first words he said in it were "Charlottesville, Virginia."

"The president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it," Biden claimed in the video. "And in that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I’d ever seen in my lifetime."

Snopes' ruling removes key ammunition from Biden's arsenal just days before he and Trump are scheduled to meet in their first debate this week.
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Maybe your adblocker is progressive based, lol, because it's just a link to foxnews. You'll surely find article if you go there. The big news is not that the media and dementiacrats repeatedly lied about Charlottesville, it's that the "fact checker" known as Snopes has finally corrected their entry about it after seven years, admitting what apparently everyone but Noir and Blaze already knew. Here's the content with my emphasis:

The left-leaning fact-checking website Snopes acknowledged Saturday that former President Trump never called neo-Nazis "very fine people" during his press conference following the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally in 2017.

Critics of Trump have claimed for years that he equated neo-Nazis with counterprotesters following the event. President Biden was chief among those critics, citing the supposed incident as a main reason for launching his 2020 campaign.

"While Trump did say that there were ‘very fine people on both sides,’ he also specifically noted that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and White supremacists and said they should be 'condemned totally.' Therefore, we have rated this claim 'False,'" Snopes wrote.

The Snopes fact check now aligns with years of arguments from Trump's camp, who long stated, backed by transcript and video, that his comments were taken out of context. The fact-checker notes that the false claim about Trump's comments "spread like wildfire" on the left, eventually being cited as a cornerstone of Biden's election campaign.

When Biden released his 2020 campaign announcement video, the first words he said in it were "Charlottesville, Virginia."

"The president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it," Biden claimed in the video. "And in that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I’d ever seen in my lifetime."

Snopes' ruling removes key ammunition from Biden's arsenal just days before he and Trump are scheduled to meet in their first debate this week.
thanks. Where are all those here who called bullshit in knee-jerk fashion when we pointed out the plain truth, of this episode and any number of others, where Trump's words were deliberately twisted or taken out of context or just plain ignored in order to further the leftist agenda.

This was a big deal. This was what they needed to give Trump a reputation as a racist and facilitator of right-wing hate groups. People are stupid to believe crap like this without question, but they are also stupid enough to vote that way.
Congress was ready to act - finally! - but Trump nixed it.

How do you feel about that?
the same way I felt about it when I explained right here that what was nixed was a bill that assigned a small fraction of money to the border and the rest to things that had nothing to do with OUR border security. It was yet another leftist political sneak play, they either sneak by with what they really want, or they get dimwits like you to open their ignorant pieholes and ask the same stupid questions over and over when they are called on it.

Think you can remember this time? Never mind, of course you can't. You'll be chirping that same idiocy til the cows come home.
for me too because I skipped all the way to the non-citizen pro-Trump chick in the pink top who has her head screwed on right. Would skip to that part again.
The best panelist was Lady MAGA. The best wisdom was from "Corey", who stated the most obvious and unpleasant truth ... If America has any "enemies", then they're loving the current state of America's social and political climate. It's decaying from within, which is the only way it can ever be defeated. This country is dying from the inside out. A polarized population is too profitable and too much fun, apparently.
The best panelist was Lady MAGA. The best wisdom was from "Corey", who stated the most obvious and unpleasant truth ... If America has any "enemies", then they're loving the current state of America's social and political climate. It's decaying from within, which is the only way it can ever be defeated. This country is dying from the inside out. A polarized population is too profitable and too much fun, apparently.
I agree with that assessment completely., and I have stated the same thing any number of times over the years. Long ago I said that the collapse of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that could have happened to us because we lost the foil, the enemy, to our freedoms that we needed in order to maintain a common cause. Long ago I said that if the Russians/commies knew it would be this easy to discombobulate us, they would have given it up long before. Putin laughs his ass off every night. at the way we are eating ourselves from the inside out, probably yuks it up on the phone with Xi. and Un.

But you? You're always lecturing that there are no problems, that we're just making stuff up to bitch about.. I'm telling you in all sincerity that the fool currently at the wheel is acting almost like an agent for our destruction, and apparently just for his selfish political gain if not for something more insidious (not that I really think that, but I don't rule it out either).
The best panelist was Lady MAGA. The best wisdom was from "Corey", who stated the most obvious and unpleasant truth ... If America has any "enemies", then they're loving the current state of America's social and political climate. It's decaying from within, which is the only way it can ever be defeated. This country is dying from the inside out. A polarized population is too profitable and too much fun, apparently.
I don't have the patience to sit through a 90-minute kerfuffle between a bunch of Republicans, but I did watch some of it. My takeaway is that only Donald Trump could turn members of his own party against each other so divisively. I did scroll to the end to see if it ever came to fisticuffs but to my disappointment there was no blood or dead bodies on the ground.
I don't have the patience to sit through a 90-minute kerfuffle between a bunch of Republicans, but I did watch some of it. My takeaway is that only Donald Trump could turn members of his own party against each other so divisively. I did scroll to the end to see if it ever came to fisticuffs but to my disappointment there was no blood or dead bodies on the ground.

John Fetterman has vowed and declared he is no longer a progressive and is in a constant war of words with "the Squad". Depending on the day and which the way the wind is blowing, the progressives hate Biden as much as they hate Trump. Minnesota dems have rallied against Biden and voted "uncommitted". Biden's approval is in the high 30s. A Dem congresswoman just denounced her own party on the House floor. Yet Trump is the only guy capable of dividing a party?

Lol at you.
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What will you do for an encore, deny that Trump is a convicted felon?
Well, I won't do anything for an encore dimwit. The quote you replied to was not mine or my words. Had you read the posts between @bluetoe and myself (and had the ability of reading comprehension), you would have realized that it was a fox article I had quoted and they were speaking about Snopes. I simply copied and pasted so he could read it.

As for an encore, maybe Snopes will correct some other "fact check" they have falsely pushed in support of your affliction. Regarding your statement, the expression is currently accurate. Many, including myself, do not expect that to be the case once the appeals are finished - at least from this particular case. The problem you have is that beyond the joy of dancing around your yard repeating the phrase convicted felon, most people realize this was politics from start to finish and they don't like it. The bottom line is that the net result is likely the gaining of votes (and certainly a ton of money) for the orange one.
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I don't have the patience to sit through a 90-minute kerfuffle between a bunch of Republicans, but I did watch some of it. My takeaway is that only Donald Trump could turn members of his own party against each other so divisively. I did scroll to the end to see if it ever came to fisticuffs but to my disappointment there was no blood or dead bodies on the ground.

To be accurate, Joe Biden's approval rating among Democrats and Independents is more like 65%. As for the rest of your assertions, where are the YouTube videos?
is 65% good, especially for an incumbent president? Those percentages trip me up as you know.

youtube videos? You mean the youtube video kind of thing you just used to bolster an assertion? Here's one from CNN....

The video references a previous approval rating of 77% among dems. Here's where I need help. Is 65% better than 77%? It seems to me that indicates a falling approval rate from an approval rate described as ONLY 77%. But again, as you know I'm not good with percentages. What kind of assertion might you render regarding an approval rating going from 77% to 65% among a president's own party? Talking about YOUR boy Biden of course, please don't get distracted and reference anyone else.
{M]ost people realize this was politics from start to finish and they don't like it. The bottom line is that the net result is likely the gaining of votes (and certainly a ton of money) for the orange one.
You're wrong. The majority of those polled agree with Trump's conviction and he has lost voter support since the ruling.

And what makes you think he will win his appeal? Despite your personal feelings about the defendant, there were no aberrations in court procedure. Most likely Trump will lose his appeal.
You're wrong. The majority of those polled agree with Trump's conviction and he has lost voter support since the ruling.

And what makes you think he will win his appeal? Despite your personal feelings about the defendant, there were no aberrations in court procedure. Most likely Trump will lose his appeal.
It's impossible for Trump to "lose support" given the present (and past 10 years) circumstances. Public exposure is like turbo-fertilizer. One thing that's abundantly clear since 2015... the more that Americans see Trump (TV, social media, anywhere), the more his popularity and support grows. It's undeniable. If her were a convicted felon in 2015, I doubt he would have even been allowed on a debate stage. Now, it fast-tracked his nomination in one of the two major American political parties.
And what makes you think he will win his appeal? Despite your personal feelings about the defendant, there were no aberrations in court procedure. Most likely Trump will lose his appeal.
Again, there's that challenging thing called reading comprehension which is even a nastier problem when you combine it with tds. How about just going back through and reading the dozens of pages that were debated back and forth here in the runup to and during the time period of the trial itself? I'm not gonna lay things out for you a second/third/fourth time just to have you again ignore or fail to understand it.

You want to remain in the dark and speak from the wrong orifice, that's your choice. But, you should take a long hard look at yourself and consider how "your personal feelings about the defendant" have impacted any neutrality whatsoever. Further, I'm willing to bet a considerable sum that you have no background or qualifications to opine that "there were no aberrations in court procedure." If that is truly your actual opinion versus your undying hope, there is nothing myself or anyone else could post to change your fervor. Lol, you guys always want to use the word "cult", but never look in a mirror when defining it.

Statistically speaking, this is actually correct: "Most likely Trump will lose his appeal." That just goes to show how significant the errors in this particular matter were - so many legal scholars believe his chances are excellent.
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Anyone have any thoughts on the upcoming debate? Has the bar been set too low/too high? What about the format? Any expectations? Does this win or lose it for either masterdebater?

Anyone have any thoughts on the upcoming debate? Has the bar been set too low/too high? What about the format? Any expectations? Does this win or lose it for either masterdebater?

my expectations: a hot fresh new rw Qanon conspiracy theory embraced by several in here to explain trump looking and sounding like a buffoon. Waaaaaaaaa……The format was unfair, the moderator was conflicted, the mike was sabotaged by the deep state, it was too cold, the camera man’s daughter is friends with a democrat, gag order prevented him from saying what he needed to, biden was on cocaine, the police are holding his supporters at gun point, Milwaukee is against him, and of course….CNN!!!! GAAAAAA!!!!!!

Other than that nothing significant to move the needle. Both sides supporters will draw from it what they want. In a complete shocker You’ll declare trump the “obvious winner”. Lol

Gene Wilder Nonsense GIF by MOODMAN
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But, you should take a long hard look at yourself and consider how "your personal feelings about the defendant" have impacted any neutrality whatsoever. Further, I'm willing to bet a considerable sum that you have no background or qualifications to opine that "there were no aberrations in court procedure."
I'm not exclusively expressing my opinion. These are what legal analysts said following the court ruling. Conversely, you're recommending I put stock in the "dozens of pages" of opinions posted here, including some of those opinions invariably posted by you? You're laughable.
my expectations: a hot fresh new rw Qanon conspiracy theory embraced by several in here to explain trump looking and sounding like a buffoon. Waaaaaaaaa……The format was unfair, the moderator was conflicted, the mike was sabotaged by China, it was too cold, the camera man’s daughter is friends with a democrat, gag order prevented him from saying what he needed to, biden was on cocaine, the police are holding his supporters at gun point, Milwaukee is against him, and of course….CNN!!!! WAAAAAA!!!!!

Other than that nothing significant to move the needle. Both sides supporters will draw from it what they want. In a complete shocker You’ll declare trump the “obvious winner”. Lol
That was pretty funny, Nice work. And, don't be so certain about your conclusion on my declaring anything about Trump.

If SOTU Joe shows up, he may very well win it (I just think everyone has been setting his hurdle so low in light of his recent "challenges"). I'm also not at all certain Trump can resist the temptation to be right on something, but be a total asshat when he presents it. That's not going to play well with those swing voters out there. This may be a debate that I actually force myself to watch. I will say that I am concerned about the format and it being hosted by CNN, particularly these "moderators" who have expressed anti-trump rhetoric in the past.

Regardless, thanks for the response and enjoy this little ditty:
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I'm not exclusively expressing my opinion. These are what legal analysts said following the court ruling. Conversely, you're recommending I put stock in the "dozens of pages" of opinions posted here, including some of those opinions invariably posted by you? You're laughable.
No dumbass, you asked a question about the reasons for the appeal and what they were. I answered by telling you to simply look at what has already been laid out here many, many times because that exact question has been answered for you before. Don't think you can sidestep yet again.

Regarding those "legal analysts", just an FYI, Morning Joe, Joy Reid and the gals from The View (except maybe Sunny since I think she is an attorney possibly) don't qualify. But you keep on sheeping.
I answered by telling you to simply look at what has already been laid out here many, many times because that exact question has been answered for you before.
Are you referring to the "Trump is innocent!" complaints, or "The judge was biased!" complaints, or, and this is my favorite, "It was politics from start to finish!" complaints?

Please, Judge Wapner, share some more of your incompetent legal notions.

The Trump camp isn't wasting time declaring the debate was rigged . . . three days before it even happens! Hilarious!!
my expectations: a hot fresh new rw Qanon conspiracy theory embraced by several in here to explain trump looking and sounding like a buffoon. Waaaaaaaaa……The format was unfair, the moderator was conflicted, the mike was sabotaged by the deep state, it was too cold, the camera man’s daughter is friends with a democrat, gag order prevented him from saying what he needed to, biden was on cocaine, the police are holding his supporters at gun point, Milwaukee is against him, and of course….CNN!!!! GAAAAAA!!!!!!

Other than that nothing significant to move the needle. Both sides supporters will draw from it what they want. In a complete shocker You’ll declare trump the “obvious winner”. Lol

Gene Wilder Nonsense GIF by MOODMAN
in all honesty heelman, the debate is not really a debate. It has been structured to limit any exchange between the two parties, no actual back-and-forth where Trump tends to hold sway. Biden is good at canned answers and IMO he has the advantage. IMO, Trump is at a disadvantage and I already posted my concerns being over how he approaches this. He shoots very well from the hip but this isn't a's target shooting. He needs to focus on how he can solve current issues and keep the personal derision directed at Biden to a minimum. Don't eliminate it, just don't rely on it. Make it about us, not so much about what has happened to him.

If Biden demonstrates the ability to maintain his poise and tell lies with his usual conviction, and Trump fails to show that he isn't a vindictive psycho, the scale will be tipped in Biden's favor.

If I were Trump, I'd stick to my guns about forcing Biden to submit to a drug test.
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Are you referring to the "Trump is innocent!" complaints, or "The judge was biased!" complaints, or, and this is my favorite, "It was politics from start to finish!" complaints?

Please, Judge Wapner, share some more of your incompetent legal notions.

The Trump camp isn't wasting time declaring the debate was rigged . . . three days before it even happens! Hilarious!!
Are you even five foot tall?
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