OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Well, If anybody knows anything about whores Trump sure does. You guys are embarrassing yourself. Let them all be judged by their words and their actions. They don't need us trying to excuse them for what they said or what they did . They are grown people.
Settle down, worrywart. In a post from yesterday, Biden said he will address the nation sometime this week. The only person you should be worried about right now is Kamala.

Oh yeah, I did see that letter that he supposedly wrote not on official Presidential letterhead and has a different signature than usual. I’m sure it’s nothing. Just out of the ordinary which seems to be the ordinary for this administration.

And why would I worry about Kamala? I may be the only one but I’m not getting a BJ from her. So I don’t particularly care about her massive horse teeth.
Settle down, worrywart. In a post from yesterday, Biden said he will address the nation sometime this week. The only person you should be worried about right now is Kamala.

question for you. I understand that Biden has no intention of resigning from the presidency. If he sees a need to withdraw from his re-election bid due to his condition (which clearly he does), why doesn't he see the need to resign from a job he isn't fully capable of carrying out (for the same reason)? I mean, it's only like the most importand job on the planet. Shouldn't it be completed by a fully competent person? Is fulfilling his legacy more important than the welfare of the country he claims to care about? Isn't his insistence on inflicting his condition on us a threat to our democracy?

As always, I appeal to you for guidance in these weighty matters.
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Oh yeah, I did see that letter that he supposedly wrote not on official Presidential letterhead and has a different signature than usual. I’m sure it’s nothing. Just out of the ordinary which seems to be the ordinary for this administration.

And why would I worry about Kamala? I may be the only one but I’m not getting a BJ from her. So I don’t particularly care about her massive horse teeth.
do what you want but I'm staying in line. I hear there's nothing like a giggling BJ. @Heels Noir says every one he gets comes with much giggling.
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Suppose there was no slavery and the Confederate States seceded because of other political and cultural and economic reasons (which is partly true). There would still have been a war because the war would have been fought in order to bring the seceding States back into the Union, and not to end slavery that didn't exist.
Why would there be a war in 1861? Why would the Confederacy have even existed, let alone secede, if there was no slavery? What "political and cultural reasons" existed separate from chattel slavery?
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Oh yeah, I did see that letter that he supposedly wrote not on official Presidential letterhead and has a different signature than usual. I’m sure it’s nothing. Just out of the ordinary which seems to be the ordinary for this administration.

And why would I worry about Kamala? I may be the only one but I’m not getting a BJ from her. So I don’t particularly care about her massive horse teeth.
Don't worry about her teeth, she is going after your ass.
question for you. If [Biden] sees a need to withdraw from his re-election bid due to his condition (which clearly he does), why doesn't he see the need to resign from a job he isn't fully capable of carrying out (for the same reason)?
How would I know? Why don't you phone him and ask?
question for you. I understand that Biden has no intention of resigning from the presidency. If he sees a need to withdraw from his re-election bid due to his condition (which clearly he does), why doesn't he see the need to resign from a job he isn't fully capable of carrying out (for the same reason)? I mean, it's only like the most importand job on the planet. Shouldn't it be completed by a fully competent person? Is fulfilling his legacy more important than the welfare of the country he claims to care about? Isn't his insistence on inflicting his condition on us a threat to our democracy?

As always, I appeal to you for guidance in these weighty matters.
I'm sorry but where did you read that he was withdrawing from the election because of his health?
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did you just decide to post something that makes no sense whatsoever? Good job then, you succeeded fantastically..
You indicated you've never had giggling or laughter from your woman partner during sex. Maybe you've been with uptight people or maybe it's you. Or maybe you've only been with Heritage people:

ETA : ^American Taliban
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Why would there be a war in 1861? Why would the Confederacy have even existed, let alone secede, if there was no slavery? What "political and cultural reasons" existed separate from chattel slavery?
do you thrive on repeated failures? Go back and read my reply again, and pay special attention to the first part. Then decide which argument you want to engage in. If it's secession, let me know. If it's the reason the Civil War was fought, let me know that. I'm not going to watch you again chase your tail endlessly in an effort to conflate the two notions.
If he sees a need to withdraw from his re-election bid due to his condition (which clearly he does), why doesn't he see the need to resign from a job he isn't fully capable of carrying out (for the same reason)?
What condition? The condition of wanting to spend 2025 and beyond on the beach with his family?

Some people like to announce a retirement mid-season. Some people like to give their cohorts a heads-up and let them do succession planning. Gawd your dumb.
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You indicated you've never had giggling or laughter from your woman partner during sex. Maybe you've been with uptight people or maybe it's you. Or maybe you've only been with Heritage people:
I'm sorry, I assumed you were trying to be funny in some way. I guess you were actually only trying to spew nonsense for the sake of appearing dull. Congrats, you've succeeded fantastically.
What condition? The condition of wanting to spend 2025 and beyond on the beach with his family?

Some people like to announce a retirement mid-season. Some people like to give their cohorts a heads-up and let them do succession planning. Gawd your dumb.
LMAO.. I'm dumb but you're the one asking 'what conditiion' in the face of even stalwart dems demanding his withdrawal? Here's how I picture you with your denial.....

What condition? The condition of wanting to spend 2025 and beyond on the beach with his family?

Some people like to announce a retirement mid-season. Some people like to give their cohorts a heads-up and let them do succession planning. Gawd your dumb.

lol. Do you really believe that? You really believe that he was steadfast in wanting to run again, even becoming angry with those continuously asking, and then all of a sudden, he just decides, “oh nevermind. I want to spend time with my family. I did not want to spend time with my family yesterday when asked about it but now I do.”

That’s what you believe?

Gawd *you’re* dumb.
Is that the female version of @bluetoe? Consequentiality of sex? WTF?!
you're right. You have no reason to consider consequences....if you're a brainless, irresponsible lib who relies on the governement to allow for or fix your idiotic mistakes. Thankfully I am not a lib.
I'm sorry but where did you read that he was withdrawing from the election because of his health?
my bad. I should have known you don't consider the development of mental deficiencies to be a health issue.
do you thrive on repeated failures? Go back and read my reply again, and pay special attention to the first part. Then decide which argument you want to engage in. If it's secession, let me know. If it's the reason the Civil War was fought, let me know that. I'm not going to watch you again chase your tail endlessly in an effort to conflate the two notions.

The "first part" is irrelevant. You said...

"Suppose there was no slavery and the Confederate States seceded because of other political and cultural and economic reasons (which is partly true). There would still have been a war because the war would have been fought in order to bring the seceding States back into the Union, and not to end slavery that didn't exist."

I'm doing what you said. I'm "supposing there's no slavery." In 1787, the Continental Congress abolished it. Now... why are there hostilities in 1861? Why do all of the cotton states secede? What are the "other" political and cultural differences?
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you're right. You have no reason to consider consequences....if you're a brainless, irresponsible lib who relies on the governement to allow for or fix your idiotic mistakes.
:rolleyes: Don't worry your conservative little mind. My wife and I are fully prepared to be parents without government assistance if that is in the cards.

Thankfully I am not a lib.
Is that what's standing in your way of having joyful sex?
You indicated you've never had giggling or laughter from your woman partner during sex.
you're a true lib. You'd rather cross the street to tell a lie than to stay where you are and tell the truth.

I did not say or even imply the above. I only indicated that I had never had a giggling blowjob. You, on the other hand, are evidently used to a good deal of giggling and laughter when you present your man(?)hood. Too bad for you. I usually invoke gasps.
Why would there be a war in 1861? Why would the Confederacy have even existed, let alone secede, if there was no slavery? What "political and cultural reasons" existed separate from chattel slavery?

The "first part" is irrelevant. You said...

"Suppose there was no slavery and the Confederate States seceded because of other political and cultural and economic reasons (which is partly true). There would still have been a war because the war would have been fought in order to bring the seceding States back into the Union, and not to end slavery that didn't exist."

I'm doing what you said. I'm "supposing there's no slavery." In 1787, the Continental Congress abolished it. Now... why are there hostilities in 1861? Why do all of the cotton states secede? What are the "other" political and cultural differences?
I'll tell you this last time before I dismiss you and refer you back to the archives for the discussions that have already answered you.

The first part is ONLY relevant. Decide which issue you want to discuss and get back to me with that or just go away.

And grow a brain and try to grasp the concept of a creating a mental exercise for the purpose of illustrating a point. Grasp it instead of purposely and stupidly ignoring it. Your idiocy is annoying and tedious.
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Thankfully I am not a lib.

Is that what's standing in your way of having joyful sex?
no, that's what's standing in the way of me being a clueless, irresponsible dipshit. Joyful sex can be partaken in responsibly.

:rolleyes: Don't worry your conservative little mind. My wife and I are fully prepared to be parents without government assistance if that is in the cards.
fine for you personally, but you condone the irresponsibility of others who rely on the government to bail them out of the consequences. That makes you just as bad in my book.
I don't know what an article of succession is, but I will remind you that we are discussing why the Civil War was fought and not why the Confederate States seceded. If you want to discuss why the Conferate States seceded we can do that too, but I can save you some trouble and stop you from continuing to be a numbskull, and not contest whatsoever that slavery was a major...but not the only...issue at hand in that secession.

I can also possibly save you some trouble and inform you that the Confederate States could have peacefully seceded with no hostilities at all, but Lincoln did not want to allow that. THAT is why the war was fought. It was NOT fought to end slavery and Lincoln is plainly on record making that perfectly clear. He waged war in order to preserve the Union and nothing else, and he said so. He himself SAID he was not fighting to end slavery, but to preserve the Union. What was in the Articles of Secession of various States is completely immaterial in this regard.

With very little trouble you can verify the above via the internet and other sources of info.

Suppose there was no slavery and the Confederate States seceded because of other political and cultural and economic reasons (which is partly true). There would still have been a war because the war would have been fought in order to bring the seceding States back into the Union, and not to end slavery that didn't exist.

The Civil War was not fought over slavery. There did not have to be a war. The seceding States had every right to withdraw because the Union pact did not forbid doing so. At that time, States were actually considered sovereign and not in name only. As a sovereign entity, a State was not beholden to Union requirements if it was no longer part of the Union.

If you want to get technical, it is true that Northern politicians quickly pushed through such a mandate that no State could withdraw, but that was enacted only after secession had begun; so to the seceding States it was meaningless.
God the lost cause has got you hard son. Is your education just one side of a Ken Burns documentary?

Did i meet a literal Checkmate Lincolnite’s in the wild?

Trying to divorce from the civil war is definitely a choice.

You say Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union? Why did it need preservation? Because the south left due to slavery- they all citied it and they werent hiding it?

Suppose “other cultural and economic reasons”, yet the cultural and economic reasons both boil down to slavery. What states rights were they looking to keep? Was the culture a “peculiar institution?” What economic system was so important? Come on man. Suppose your dad didnt **** his cousin ? Then I wouldnt be here trying to explain something to you that your high school clearly failed to do.

“States were sovereign”- yeah thats not true. Tell me, in the 1850’s what was South Carolina’s foreign policy? How many ambassadors did it have?

The “right” to leave the Union was no right at all. War was fought over the question and they lost.

“Did not have to be war” if only the north quit its abolitionist meddling and complied with fugitive slave act etc.


“For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property“

“A brief history of the rise, progress, and policy of anti-slavery and the political organization into whose hands the administration of the Federal Government has been committed will fully justify the pronounced verdict of the people of Georgia. The party of Lincoln, called the Republican party, under its present name and organization, is of recent origin. It is admitted to be an anti-slavery party.”

Every state is like that- shall I continue? Whats after this- Holocaust denial? Because this is the same level of settled history that you’re trying to deny.
I'm doing what you said. I'm "supposing there's no slavery." In 1787, the Continental Congress abolished it.
Just FYI, slavery was not abolished until after the Civil War. I think what you are referring to is the slave trade, that is the importing of new slaves. Slavery and slaves that existed, were not outlawed until 1865 with the exception of those slaves freed by the EP, which was actually a war strategy and only pertained to slaves in the seceded States.
The "first part" is irrelevant. You said...

"Suppose there was no slavery and the Confederate States seceded because of other political and cultural and economic reasons (which is partly true). There would still have been a war because the war would have been fought in order to bring the seceding States back into the Union, and not to end slavery that didn't exist."

I'm doing what you said. I'm "supposing there's no slavery." In 1787, the Continental Congress abolished it. Now... why are there hostilities in 1861? Why do all of the cotton states secede? What are the "other" political and cultural differences?
There are none.

Either he was homeschooled or he got taught some war of northern aggression lost cause bullshit.

Imagine being so insecure and racist that you bend of backwards to claim Civil War wasnt fought over slavery?
God the lost cause has got you hard son. Is your education just one side of a Ken Burns documentary?

Did i meet a literal Checkmate Lincolnite’s in the wild?

Trying to divorce from the civil war is definitely a choice.

You say Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union? Why did it need preservation? Because the south left due to slavery- they all citied it and they werent hiding it?

Suppose “other cultural and economic reasons”, yet the cultural and economic reasons both boil down to slavery. What states rights were they looking to keep? Was the culture a “peculiar institution?” What economic system was so important? Come on man. Suppose your dad didnt **** his cousin ? Then I wouldnt be here trying to explain something to you that your high school clearly failed to do.

“States were sovereign”- yeah thats not true. Tell me, in the 1850’s what was South Carolina’s foreign policy? How many ambassadors did it have?

The “right” to leave the Union was no right at all. War was fought over the question and they lost.

“Did not have to be war” if only the north quit its abolitionist meddling and complied with fugitive slave act etc.


“For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property“

“A brief history of the rise, progress, and policy of anti-slavery and the political organization into whose hands the administration of the Federal Government has been committed will fully justify the pronounced verdict of the people of Georgia. The party of Lincoln, called the Republican party, under its present name and organization, is of recent origin. It is admitted to be an anti-slavery party.”

Every state is like that- shall I continue? Whats after this- Holocaust denial? Because this is the same level of settled history that you’re trying to deny.
you're just another garden variety dolt who ignores and fails to address the facts of the matter in order to fall back on wrongheaded pre-conceived notions. You will continue to cluelessly and pointlessly argue the causes of secession, which I have no disagreement with, when plainly I have pointed out that we are supposed to be arguing the causes of the war.

And again, you can easily find that Lincoln made it clear that he was prosecuting the war NOT to affect slavery at all but to prevent the Confederate States from leaving. But instead, you'll ignorantly defer in order to continue spewing ignorance.

I challenge you to provide anything that suggests that there was a prohibition already in place that made secession unlawful. There was nonesuch until the movement toward secession was initiated.

You 'lost cause accusers' are the dumbest of the dumb. That's what you always fall back on when you have no argument. I'm not a 'lost causer'. I don't care about that one way or the other. I just hate stupidity and stupid, misguided beliefs like yours.
There are none.

Either he was homeschooled or he got taught some war of northern aggression lost cause bullshit.

Imagine being so insecure and racist that you bend of backwards to claim Civil War wasnt fought over slavery?
what I can't imagine is being an insecure loser like you who presents nothing factual to support his contentions. I was taught nothing but the facts and the facts are what you can't seem tio deal with.
There are none.

Either he was homeschooled or he got taught some war of northern aggression lost cause bullshit.

Imagine being so insecure and racist that you bend of backwards to claim Civil War wasnt fought over slavery?
The Lost Cause is powerful. I fell for it myself for a long time.

No slavery, no war.
you're just another garden variety dolt who ignores and fails to address the facts of the matter in order to fall back on wrongheaded pre-conceived notions. You will continue to cluelessly and pointlessly argue the causes of secession, which I have no disagreement with, when plainly I have pointed out that we are supposed to be arguing the causes of the war.
And again, you can easily find that Lincoln made it clear that he was prosecuting the war NOT to affect slavery at all but to prevent the Confederate States from leaving. But instead, you'll ignorantly defer in order to continue spewing ignorance.

I challenge you to provide anything that suggests that there was a prohibition already in place that made secession unlawful. There was nonesuch until the movement toward secession was initiated.

You 'lost cause accusers' are the dumbest of the dumb. That's what you always fall back on when you have no argument. I'm not a 'lost causer'. I don't care about that one way or the other. I just hate stupidity and stupid, misguided beliefs like yours.

No one is arguing that Lincoln didnt say he was trying to preserve the Union.

Why dont you touch on why he needed to do that?

“No where is says they cant leave”- you’re right there. The rifle said it. Just like you cant prove South Carolina was sovereign.

Now, there’s no short version of showing you EXACTLY why slavery was the cause, so I can link it for you.

What’s a source that you respect? Because its all there?

Do you know how exhausting this is that this needs to be done? Oh its just the “lost cause bullshit” as you parrot the narrative.

You’re just betraying the fact that the last time you cracked a book about the Civil War was in high school, because thats the last time anyone would encounter the states rights narrative in an academic setting. Its almost like you’re ignoring the reasons WHY thats the case.

So you want me to boil down 100 years of American history in ANOTHER way than the widely accepted shorthard?

Do I need to link foreign historians as a source because you clearly dont accept what US institutions of higher learning are offering? Even the institutions in the south teaches my version. Every civil war historian agrees with me except the absolute fringe, but that fringe are the enlightened ones right?
The Lost Cause is powerful. I fell for it myself for a long time.

No slavery, no war.
of course. And don't forget; no American Revolution, no country and therefor no Civil War. So the Civil War was fouight because of the American Revolution. No American Revolution, no war. But before that there was the colonization of America. No colonization, no States. The Civil War was fought because of the colonization of America. No colonization, no war. But then don't forget Columbus and his discovery of America. The Civil War was fought because Columbus discovered America. No discovery of America, no war. Therefor Columbus caused the Civil War. And on and on and on with irrelevant facts and completely idiotic arguments irrelevant to why the war was actually fought.