OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Wwjd's clip posted above sums it up. Religious zealot nutballs who have twisted original religious values and force their doctrines and rules onto the state via culture war and abandoning compromise while trying to destroy public education and roll back individual rights.
So you're presumptuously criticizing others, perhaps wrongly, while admitting you don't know what you're talking about. Nice going, poopslinger.
lol, he isn't presumptuously doing anything, idiot stick. He isn't here touting its contents or exhibiting any indication that he knows that much about them. By that token, he isn't criticizing you dolts for not having read it, he's criticizing you dolts for talking shit about something you haven't bothered to actually acquaint yourselves with. He doesn't have to have read it himself in order to do that, he just has to assume that you haven't read it....and it doesn't take that many 'tl;dr's here to understand that none of you dolts have actually read that or anything else more involved than how to put your tampons in.
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Maga = American Taliban
ironic that Trump is considered the American Taliban by you when it was Trump who had them by the short hairs in negotiating our withdrawal (you've seen the video I posted of an accounting of that meeting), and it was your boy Biden who jackrabbited out of there to leave the Taliban with a wealth of weaponry and equipment and other materials and gifting them the death of a number of Taliban enemies including a number of our own service men. Seems to me that would make Trump the anti-Taliban American. I wouldn't call Biden the American Taliban either though. I'd just call him a Taliban colluder.
BIDEN IS A DROPOUT. This shit just got realer.

eta; sorry 39 feet, your post hadn't appeared yet.
President Biden has just announced on X that he will not seek re-election, as reported by several media outlets this afternoon. Thanks for your decision and thanks for your service to the United States of America, Mr. President.

lol. Thanks for your 50 years of establishment politics and screwing the American people at every chance. Hell of a guy.
America just got the vaccination it really needed. One more shot to go.

Will feel good to see such a worthless POS as Joe Biden taken out with the other unAmerican trash.
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Wwjd's clip posted above sums it up. Religious zealot nutballs who have twisted original religious values and force their doctrines and rules onto the state via culture war and abandoning compromise while trying to destroy public education and roll back individual rights.
So you're not aware of what the Taliban does. Makes sense now.
Glad that Biden listened to the people (the polls killed him). Kinda like the people, the voters, killed Trump in 2020 (and many of his folks 2022).

It's crazy it took this long. But can you imagine Mitch and other spineless GOP leadership putting out presser's asking Trump to step down?

And can you imagine Trump stepping down because people thought he might be upside down in the polls?
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Glad that Biden listened to the people (the polls killed him). Kinda like the people, the voters, killed Trump in 2020 (and many of his folks 2022).

It's crazy it took this long. But can you imagine Mitch and other spineless GOP leadership putting out presser's asking Trump to step down?

And can you imagine Trump stepping down because people thought he might be upside down in the polls?

Can you imagine any candidate getting the support Trump has? No.

Trump; The Establishment Politician Killer!
Trump 2024
you seem happier about this than him running…lol are you wrongly pegged?

Save the pegging for your bedroom, Holmes.

I don’t know what you’re asking me. I was happy for Biden to be running so Trump could get his revenge in beating PawPaw this time. It was going to be too big to cheat. That would have been nice.

However, I’ll enjoy watching Trump take down Kamala too. Now, if it’s that dude Michelle O, I won’t lie, I’ll be a bit nervous. But barring him jumping in the race, Trump only has to not ruin it for himself. No one the Dems put up poses a threat. Plus, to know that fake doctor Jill is having a rage fit about being pushed out by her fellow Dems warms my heart.

But yes, I’m happy to watch the left eat its own. The mess they currently are pleases me.
Glad that Biden listened to the people
ROFL if it weren't so freaking sad. The actual PEOPLE spoke and said this:

Joe Biden 14,465,519 87.09%
Uncommitted 706,591 4.25%
Dean Phillips 529,664 3.19%
Marianne Williamson 473,761 2.85%
Jason Palmer 20,975 0.13%
Other candidates 413,592 2.49%

The people picked Joe by over an 87% clip and that's after the party had an open war against RFK Jr. and made him go indy. Biden has 3,894 delegates. Phillips 4, Palmer 3 and uncommitted 35.

This is the height of hypocrisy.

This is the very definition of disenfranchising voters.

They repeatedly claim that Trump is the existential threat to democracy, then they do this. The Democrat machine on full display.

This is only about polling. This is only about money. This is only about downvoting.

Final question, what deal has been struck for Hunter?
has the D&C already picked the new candidate? Looks like it could be trouble...

It identifies as a TECHNO VIKING.
ROFL if it weren't so freaking sad. The actual PEOPLE spoke and said this:

Joe Biden 14,465,519 87.09%
Uncommitted 706,591 4.25%
Dean Phillips 529,664 3.19%
Marianne Williamson 473,761 2.85%
Jason Palmer 20,975 0.13%
Other candidates 413,592 2.49%

The people picked Joe by over an 87% clip and that's after the party had an open war against RFK Jr. and made him go indy. Biden has 3,894 delegates. Phillips 4, Palmer 3 and uncommitted 35.

This is the height of hypocrisy.

This is the very definition of disenfranchising voters.

They repeatedly claim that Trump is the existential threat to democracy, then they do this. The Democrat machine on full display.

This is only about polling. This is only about money. This is only about downvoting.

Final question, what deal has been struck for Hunter?
blaze must be talking about different people. The ones pulling Joe's strings, maybe.
Soooooo, are you gonna tell me what scares you so much about P2025 or not?
To reiterate, nothing about it scares me. It's 900+ pages of bombastic dreck created by a group of stuffed shirts who haven't won anything in so long they can't remember how to win. Instead, all they can do is jot down their grievances along with their pipe-dream anecdotes on how to upend American politics.

It's a very wordy joke, but a joke no less.
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However, I’ll enjoy watching Trump take down Kamala too. Now, if it’s that dude Michelle O, I won’t lie, I’ll be a bit nervous. But barring him jumping in the race, Trump only has to not ruin it for himself. No one the Dems put up poses a threat. Plus, to know that fake doctor Jill is having a rage fit about being pushed out by her fellow Dems warms my heart.

But yes, I’m happy to watch the left eat its own. The mess they currently are pleases me.
By all means, let the premature celebration continue. Have you forgotten that Donald Trump is more than capable of defeating himself?
To reiterate, nothing about it scares me. It's 900+ pages of bombastic dreck created by a group of stuffed shirts who haven't won anything in so long they can't remember how to win. Instead, all they can do is jot down their grievances along with their pipe-dream anecdotes on how to upend American politics.

It's a very wordy joke, but a joke no less.

Then why is the left melting in fear of it?
Then why is the left melting in fear of it?
I believe there is a lot of talk about it due to the caustic and extreme nature of it, but I haven't seen anyone actually having a meltdown. I've only glossed over it myself -- there's no way in hell I'm wasting my free time reading that garbage. Instead, I've deferred to the summaries provided by the pundits.

I'll ask you again, why do you call it a "work of fiction"? If I didn't know better I'd think you consider Project 2025 a steaming pile of crap just like everyone else.
I believe there is a lot of talk about it due to the caustic and extreme nature of it, but I haven't seen anyone actually having a meltdown. I've only glossed over it myself -- there's no way in hell I'm wasting my free time reading that garbage. Instead, I've deferred to the summaries provided by the pundits.

I'll ask you again, why do you call it a "work of fiction"? If I didn't know better I'd think you consider Project 2025 a steaming pile of crap just like everyone else.

Like you, I’ve paid no attention to it and instead, taking my cues from the pundits’ summaries. Where I’ve seen multiple meltdowns. I reckon we have different pundits.

As for my feelings about it? I have none. And everyone keeps either crying too loudly for me to pick up any of the details or they’re like you, and just point to the pundits’ summaries.

Sounds like nothing to fret over. Thats what I figured.
Trump is now the oldest Presidential nominee in US History.

I assume that's no longer an issue to anyone on the right. Along with garbled words, walking problems, and all the rest.