OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Lemme guess? You got that from Project 2025, which of course Trump has already told you he does not support and in reality doesn't have a prayer of ever becoming reality. But please, carry on with your hand wringing.
Trump Advisor: Project 2025 is getting really bad press.

Trump: No problem. I'll just say I don't know anything about it and don't support it. My base swallows that every time.
it's pretty simple. Make sure you aren't thinking it's a complex idea.

Suppose you want Ross Perot like I did in whatever year that was with the three major candidates. Suppose you do NOT want Bill Clinton, so your acceptable second choice is Bush. But you don't get a second choice, and (IMO) the votes that Perot gets are drawn off the votes that Bush would have gotten, resulting in a Clinton victory with less than half of the popular vote.. In other words, I screwed myself by voting for who I wanted. But if I was able to rank choices, I and many others like me would have succeeded in seeing Bush elected (a Perot victory was unrealistic but still, he secured a big chunk of the popular vote).

So a ranked choice vote represents a chance for the will of the people to not get shanghaied by voting your preference. It's lunacy for a Bill Clinton to get elected when the majority of people wanted either Ross Perot or George H.W. Bush. So there's that but there's more.

Now, Ross Perot's candidacy isn't just a monkey wrench in the works, it's given credence and allowed to grow into something more significant, rather than being seen as at best a wasted vote.

With his (Perot's) political presence now meaning something, the other parties must pay attention to what the attraction is, and adjust their philosophies accordingly, again forcing elections to favor the will of the people. And who knows, his party might coalesce with another to form a better, more representative party that is responsive to the voters and not so much to the quest to remain in power.
Good boy, now do a primary.
Your conclusions are false. If one person who was present tells another about something. And that person who wasn't there tells ten people about it, and they each tell nine more, it doesn't make something true because 101 people now say it versus the one who was there. There is still only the ONE person who actually witnessed it. With regard to riding in the SUV, the actual agents who were present disputed her version from the beginning, but the J6 couldn't be bothered with actual witnesses because it didn't fit the picture they were painting. Quote from article found on MSN:

“This firsthand testimony directly contradicts Cassidy Hutchinson’s story and the former J6 select committee’s narrative,” said Rep. Barry Loudermilk, a Georgia Republican who has been investigating the prior work of the committee. “Although the select committee had this critical information, they still promoted Ms. Hutchinson’s thirdhand version of events in their final report.”

Of course, we could have known this at the time it happened. The day that she testified, NBC News' Peter Alexander reported that both Engel and the driver were willing to testify that her version of events was inaccurate.
Your entire focus appears to be on the steering-wheel lunge, which is fine, but multiple people, including the limo driver says Trump was either angry or irate, and that is the whole point. He assaults women... so nobody really cares whether he might assault SS too, it's his intense anger which is "intended" to tie him to the insurrection.
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Thanks for the back up. I didn’t need it but it’s nice to see a liberal be honest.
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Your entire focus appears to be on the steering-wheel lunge, which is fine, but multiple people, including the limo driver says Trump was either angry or irate, and that is the whole point. He assaults women... so nobody really cares whether he might assault SS too, it's his intense anger which is "intended" to tie him to the insurrection.
My entire and only focus has been the balls of the J6 Committee to put up a witness who's sole purpose was to present false facts about something she didn't witness and people like Noir who still believe her because it fits what they want to have happened versus reality. She allegedly heard a story twice removed. And it turns out that most of what she claimed was untrue, even under the best of interpretations. Why not simply have those who were present testify, particularly when the committee already had private, closed sessions with those actual witnesses? Perhaps it's because they didn't like what they had to say, they liked Cassidy's version better, and they wanted a good tv show (still can't believe you didn't say would or wouldn't, lol).

Regarding whether Orange was (and still, why not have ACTUAL witnesses testify) red, mad, fired-up, irate or any other word, so what? He's the boss. Literally, he's the most important person in the world at that moment. Have you ever been a boss? How do you like it when someone about 25 levels below you tells you "no" to a specific directive? I guess you'd be all daisies and balloons about that? Regardless, there's a big difference between being mad because they won't go somewhere due to the security risk it would present and taking that to mean he wanted an overthrow of our very government.
Trump Advisor: Project 2025 is getting really bad press.

Trump: No problem. I'll just say I don't know anything about it and don't support it. My base swallows that every time.
DNC Official 1: Hey, have you read that Project 2025 thing the Heritage Foundation came out with?

DNC O. 2: Yeah, it's horrible. Wished we could hang it around Hitler's neck.

D.O. 3: Why can't we just say it's his?

D.O. 4: We can even have the campaign make a website linking it to Trump.

D.O. 1, 2, 3, 4 (in unison): Send the normal memo out to the media and socials to get them onboard.

DNC 1: And while you're at it, tell them to start calling R's, Trump and Vance "weird".
people like Noir who still believe her because it fits what they want to have happened versus reality.
I choose to believe her just as you choose not to believe her. Wherein lies the truth neither of us knows for certain, so STFU.

DNC Official 1: Hey, have you read that Project 2025 thing the Heritage Foundation came out with?

DNC O. 2: Are you f*cking kidding?
Average consumers generally aren’t going to respond well to being told the pie is big and delicious when they’re fighting over crumbs.

The US is objectively outperforming the rest of the world at a macro level, but that doesn’t change the fact that wage growth hasn’t kept up with inflation, much less the pricing shift in the housing market and increased interest rates. More people are having to rent for longer, while their bills grow faster than their paychecks. An increasingly large percentage of the population doesn’t care how the markets are performing because they can’t afford to invest in the first place.

Now point to the policies which caused that? Was it regulation or deregulation? How much of corporate profiteering on the back of covid has contributed to inflation? Whom is more likely to reign corporations in to any extent?

Can you point to any mainstream economist that think tariffs are a good idea? Have fun reading the fringe Austrian’s

Is the US in better shape interest rate rise and inflation wise? Because its yes to both of those
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you know how when you go away dumb and come back even dumber? It isn't awesome.

The point isn't about something being read aloud, idiot. It's that you're stupidly refusing to censor what you're attempting to censor. If it isn't acceptable to be read aloud in front of adults, how is it acceptable in the minds of anyone other than a complete moron for it to be read by an adolescent?

And of course, there are kids who will figure out an end around. But there are a lot of kids who won't or can't make it work anyway.

You sound like someone with a kiddie porn collection of your own. FOAD, lib larva.

Because someone chooses to read it?

Its really “dont tread on me” when it comes to guns but hot damn dont let someone read something you disapprove of.

Want to take the bible off the shelves as well? Rape/incest/abortion/mass violence all in a single text
DNC Official 1: Hey, have you read that Project 2025 thing the Heritage Foundation came out with?

DNC O. 2: Yeah, it's horrible. Wished we could hang it around Hitler's neck.

D.O. 3: Why can't we just say it's his?

D.O. 4: We can even have the campaign make a website linking it to Trump.

D.O. 1, 2, 3, 4 (in unison): Send the normal memo out to the media and socials to get them onboard.

DNC 1: And while you're at it, tell them to start calling R's, Trump and Vance "weird".
You really out here acting like the same people that wrote 2025 isnt going to be all in his admin?

Just being purposefully obtuse now.

Trump is quoted saying how closely he works with the Heritage Foundation. Or how about the bills that were given to republicans written directly by the foundation?

Do you know anyone in the think tank space? Do you know how any of this works?
DNC Official 1: Hey, have you read that Project 2025 thing the Heritage Foundation came out with?

DNC O. 2: Yeah, it's horrible. Wished we could hang it around Hitler's neck.

D.O. 3: Why can't we just say it's his?

D.O. 4: We can even have the campaign make a website linking it to Trump.

D.O. 1, 2, 3, 4 (in unison): Send the normal memo out to the media and socials to get them onboard.

DNC 1: And while you're at it, tell them to start calling R's, Trump and Vance "weird".
Has nobody listed the connections tween the authors and Trump? Or did you ignore it?
CNN article, regarding proj2025 authors:

Six of his former Cabinet secretaries helped write or collaborated on the 900-page playbook...
Four individuals Trump nominated as ambassadors were also involved, along with several enforcers of his controversial immigration crackdown. And about 20 pages are credited to his first deputy chief of staff.

In fact, at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration had a hand in Project 2025, a CNN review found, including more than half of the people listed as authors, editors and contributors to “Mandate for Leadership,” the project’s extensive manifesto for overhauling the executive branch.

Dozens more who staffed Trump’s government hold positions with conservative groups advising Project 2025, including his former chief of staff Mark Meadows and longtime adviser Stephen Miller. These groups also include several lawyers deeply involved in Trump’s attempts to remain in power, such as his impeachment attorney Jay Sekulow and two of the legal architects of his failed bid to overturn the 2020 presidential election, Cleta Mitchell and John Eastman.

To quantify the scope of the involvement from Trump’s orbit, CNN reviewed online biographies, LinkedIn profiles and news clippings for more than 1,000 people listed on published directories for the 110 organizations on Project 2025’s advisory board, as well as the 200-plus names credited with working on “Mandate for Leadership.”

Overall, CNN found nearly 240 people with ties to both Project 2025 and to Trump, covering nearly every aspect of his time in politics and the White House – from day-to-day foot soldiers in Washington to the highest levels of his government. The number is likely higher because many individuals’ online résumés were not available.
Because someone chooses to read it?

Its really “dont tread on me” when it comes to guns but hot damn dont let someone read something you disapprove of.

Want to take the bible off the shelves as well? Rape/incest/abortion/mass violence all in a single text
it's impossible to reach the purposely obtuse. That 'someone' means children. Remember? The same children who aren't allowed to buy guns for reasons obvious to everyone but you, apparently.

The Bible contains references to the things you mention, and in a mature manner. That those things exist is hardly being contested by anyone. The language and content of the Bible is not objectionable in a way that might cause a school board or town council to demand that it not be read aloud. Derp.

Here's your t-shirt, Johnny Derp....

Now point to the policies which caused that? Was it regulation or deregulation? How much of corporate profiteering on the back of covid has contributed to inflation? Whom is more likely to reign corporations in to any extent?

Can you point to any mainstream economist that think tariffs are a good idea? Have fun reading the fringe Austrian’s

Is the US in better shape interest rate rise and inflation wise? Because its yes to both of those

The point I’m trying to make is that the Biden administration trying to pat itself on the back comes across as tone deaf when people are struggling. Its poor messaging and people aren’t responding positively to it.
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Good boy, now do a primary.
Love how he forgot about nader/gore
it's impossible to reach the purposely obtuse. That 'someone' means children. Remember? The same children who aren't allowed to buy guns for reasons obvious to everyone but you, apparently.

The Bible contains references to the things you mention, and in a mature manner. That those things exist is hardly being contested by anyone. The language and content of the Bible is not objectionable in a way that might cause a school board or town council to demand that it not be read aloud. Derp.

Here's your t-shirt, Johnny Derp....


I can see you werent a big reader as a child. If a 13 year old wants to read The Godfather which is sexually explicit as **** then all the power to them. Really acting like all these dont have the internet in their back pocket is next level head in the sand

You, as a parent, can choose to keep your kid sheltered and then watch them go hog wild in college. But dont try to make that choice for everyone.

Small government everybody
The point I’m trying to make is that the Biden administration trying to pat itself on the back comes across as tone deaf when people are struggling. Its poor messaging and people aren’t responding positively to it.
When you come out of a global issue the best in the world its worthy of a pat on the back.

You can argue messaging but you cant argue the actual scoreboard.
Can you point to any mainstream economist that think tariffs are a good idea? Have fun reading the fringe Austrian’s

well, uh ruh...

"President Biden’s economic plan is supporting investments and creating good jobs in key sectors that are vital for America’s economic future and national security. China’s unfair trade practices concerning technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation are threatening American businesses and workers. China is also flooding global markets with artificially low-priced exports. In response to China’s unfair trade practices and to counteract the resulting harms, today, President Biden is directing his Trade Representative to increase tariffs under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 on $18 billion of imports from China to protect American workers and businesses."

Tariffs aren't a good idea. War is not a good idea. Fighting and disagreement aren't good ideas. We know this. Duh. The trick is convincing the other guy of it. Derp.
well, uh ruh...

"President Biden’s economic plan is supporting investments and creating good jobs in key sectors that are vital for America’s economic future and national security. China’s unfair trade practices concerning technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation are threatening American businesses and workers. China is also flooding global markets with artificially low-priced exports. In response to China’s unfair trade practices and to counteract the resulting harms, today, President Biden is directing his Trade Representative to increase tariffs under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 on $18 billion of imports from China to protect American workers and businesses."

Tariffs aren't a good idea. War is not a good idea. Fighting and disagreement aren't good ideas. We know this. Duh. The trick is convincing the other guy of it. Derp.
And those are targeted and not blanket tarrifs. Even then, not Bidens best look.

But theres levels to this:

Targeted tariffs in key sectors vs blanket.
My entire and only focus has been the balls of the J6 Committee to put up a witness who's sole purpose was to present false facts about something she didn't witness and people like Noir who still believe her because it fits what they want to have happened versus reality. She allegedly heard a story twice removed. And it turns out that most of what she claimed was untrue, even under the best of interpretations. Why not simply have those who were present testify, particularly when the committee already had private, closed sessions with those actual witnesses? Perhaps it's because they didn't like what they had to say, they liked Cassidy's version better, and they wanted a good tv show (still can't believe you didn't say would or wouldn't, lol).

Regarding whether Orange was (and still, why not have ACTUAL witnesses testify) red, mad, fired-up, irate or any other word, so what? He's the boss. Literally, he's the most important person in the world at that moment. Have you ever been a boss? How do you like it when someone about 25 levels below you tells you "no" to a specific directive? I guess you'd be all daisies and balloons about that? Regardless, there's a big difference between being mad because they won't go somewhere due to the security risk it would present and taking that to mean he wanted an overthrow of our very government.
You and blueballs incessant, zero-sum, ‘must win every post’ style is really getting old.
Love how he forgot about nader/gore

I can see you werent a big reader as a child. If a 13 year old wants to read The Godfather which is sexually explicit as **** then all the power to them. Really acting like all these dont have the internet in their back pocket is next level head in the sand

You, as a parent, can choose to keep your kid sheltered and then watch them go hog wild in college. But dont try to make that choice for everyone.

Small government everybody
I promise you there is no one here who was a more compulsive and voracious reader than I was as a kid and since. Particularly no one like you, who relies on presumption in lieu of thoughtful consideration.

The stupidity you are displaying makes my point. You should have consumed more common sense-based material than whatever it was that numbed your mind.

Here's a video similar to what I first referenced. Condone having young children exposed to this all you want to, you are merely identifying your ignorance as being the problem.

here's more, and more in depth...

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And those are targeted and not blanket tarrifs. Even then, not Bidens best look.

But theres levels to this:

Targeted tariffs in key sectors vs blanket.

Oh I see. You meant to say blanket tariffs bad, targeted tariffs good.



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