OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Kamala Harris Leads Donald Trump in Three Key States, Times/Siena Polls Find
Surveys of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are the latest indication of a dramatic reversal in standing for the Democratic Party since President Biden dropped out.



Just WOW.

Now, we learn that her skill set goes beyond bj's and reading a teleprompter. Apparently the savior of the election HAS learned a thing or two from watching Joe after all these years.

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Just WOW.

Now, we learn that her skill set goes beyond bj's and reading a teleprompter. Apparently the savior of the election HAS learned a thing or two from watching Joe after all these years.
She's shifty as hell. You'd better keep an eye on her the next four years. I heard a rumor that she only did this to make up for being a lousy tipper.
She's shifty as hell. You'd better keep an eye on her the next four years. I heard a rumor that she only did this to make up for being a lousy tipper.
Once again, your piss poor attempt at humor fails, but this comment says more about your cluelessness than anything. Put a D behind a name and you're "all in".

You probably think this is just fine since it was a Kackula/D rally. These people legitimately believe and act as if they are above the law. And before you go there, I'd say the same thing if this had been at a Trump/R rally. Of course, that would involve the SS actually doing anything at such an event which has been shown to be a challenge in it's self. Watch the video.

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" “But what happened was a number of my Democratic colleagues in the house and Senate thought that I was gonna hurt them in the races.” "

but hurting the country in the interim is perfectly fine I guess. There's no hope. If that portion of the electorate either can't see what a power-grab sham they are enabling, or they do see it and don't care (like our local fools), there's just no way to stop our slide into oblivion.
I cringe every time I see this:

I cringe every time I see someone stupidly fail to understand what it is that makes people from all over the world beg borrow and steal to come here and become part of a country that according to you and other morons is NOT the greatest in the world. I cringe whenever I see people like you seek to drive us toward being like the countries that those people come from. I cringe when someone wants us to incorporate the failings of other countries instead of jealously protecting what makes us better.

I cringe when someone mindlessly takes the script from a movie to heart instead of trying to think for himself and embrace the reality of what having a great country means. I especially cringe when someone says we ain't what we used to be without having a clue that they are why that is.
" “But what happened was a number of my Democratic colleagues in the house and Senate thought that I was gonna hurt them in the races.” "

but hurting the country in the interim is perfectly fine I guess. There's no hope. If that portion of the electorate either can't see what a power-grab sham they are enabling, or they do see it and don't care (like our local fools), there's just no way to stop our slide into oblivion.
just curious, @Heels Noir. Why did you change your emoji response from loving this to laughing at it?
Sure. The left likes to call the right "racist" yet the left is the one that has built their entire platform on racial identity.

The left likes to say that the right is going to end democracy yet it is the left that has stepped outside of the democratic process for their candidate.

The left likes to call the right fascist yet it is the left that has called for censorship and oppressive measures against those that do not subscribe to the left's ideology.

The left likes to call the right weird yet it is the left that supports and promotes deviant ideology and lifestyles and believes such falsehoods like "men can get pregnant". the idea that men can get pregnant not "weird"?

The left likes to insinuate the right is no friend of the middle class yet the good majority of the ruling class elites are on the left.

Should I go on?
I like your examples but the claim was that the left is projecting, and those are not examples of projection.
I cringe every time I see someone stupidly fail to understand what it is that makes people from all over the world beg borrow and steal to come here and become part of a country that according to you and other morons is NOT the greatest in the world. I cringe whenever I see people like you seek to drive us toward being like the countries that those people come from. I cringe when someone wants us to incorporate the failings of other countries instead of jealously protecting what makes us better.

I cringe when someone mindlessly takes the script from a movie to heart instead of trying to think for himself and embrace the reality of what having a great country means. I especially cringe when someone says we ain't what we used to be without having a clue that they are why that is.
I cringe every time I hear the MAGA crowd insist that Donald Trump will "Make America Great Again."
I cringe every time I hear the MAGA crowd insist that Donald Trump will "Make America Great Again."
I know. Thanks for illustrating my POV. You cringe at that when he actually did good things for our country but you laud and promote the fools who are trying to turn us into a third world joke. For example, Biden isn't physiologically fit to run for re-election yet he is somehow capable of remaining our leader, according to those who constantly try to pull the wool over our eyes....with nary a cringe from you.

They aren't concerned with the welfare of the country, they only care about remaining in power. And the dupes just say baaa and orange man bad.
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Once again, your piss poor attempt at humor fails, but this comment says more about your cluelessness than anything. Put a D behind a name and you're "all in".

You probably think this is just fine since it was a Kackula/D rally. These people legitimately believe and act as if they are above the law. And before you go there, I'd say the same thing if this had been at a Trump/R rally. Of course, that would involve the SS actually doing anything at such an event which has been shown to be a challenge in it's self. Watch the video.

Going forward, we shouldn’t be be surprised at anything the SS does. Arrogance combined with DEI incompetence may prove to have deadly consequences. I pray not.
I cringe every time I see someone stupidly fail to understand what it is that makes people from all over the world beg borrow and steal to come here and become part of a country that according to you and other morons is NOT the greatest in the world. I cringe whenever I see people like you seek to drive us toward being like the countries that those people come from. I cringe when someone wants us to incorporate the failings of other countries instead of jealously protecting what makes us better.

I cringe when someone mindlessly takes the script from a movie to heart instead of trying to think for himself and embrace the reality of what having a great country means. I especially cringe when someone says we ain't what we used to be without having a clue that they are why that is.
Well said my man. I could not agree more.
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well, if George Carlin says so.

How did these corporations become our owners? HOW are they our owners? What are the indications of our being owned by them? And how did they organize into this single, powerful entity that corporation conspiracy theorists call 'The Big Corporations'? What is the way by which lobbying makes things happen for them?

The problem isn't corporations. The problem is a structure that has us serving our representatives instead of them serving us, and our being too complacent in our lives to wake up and try to do something about it..
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well, if George Carlin says so.

How did these corporations become our owners? HOW are they our owners? What are the indications of our being owned by them? And how did they organize into this single, powerful entity that corporation conspiracy theorists call 'The Big Corporations'? What is the way by which lobbying makes things happen for them?

The problem isn't corporations. The problem is a structure that has us serving our representatives instead of them serving us, and our being too complacent in our lives to wake up and try to do something about it..
Citizens United (thanks Alito, Roberts and Clarence) isn't helping
not to speak for @gunslingerdick, but why can't it be both? Of course it can be. Trump caused the dems in question to stage the coup because the number Trump was doing on him made winning the presidency impossible for Biden. Therefor Biden was nixed by the conspirators because of Trump. See, it was both. Duh.

Why do you always try too hard? If you could come up with something pertinent and substantial, you wouldn't have to. Oh wait, I just realized what the problem is....
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I cringe every time I see someone stupidly fail to understand what it is that makes people from all over the world beg borrow and steal to come here and become part of a country that according to you and other morons is NOT the greatest in the world. I cringe whenever I see people like you seek to drive us toward being like the countries that those people come from. I cringe when someone wants us to incorporate the failings of other countries instead of jealously protecting what makes us better.

I cringe when someone mindlessly takes the script from a movie to heart instead of trying to think for himself and embrace the reality of what having a great country means. I especially cringe when someone says we ain't what we used to be without having a clue that they are why that is.
I cringe about the cancer Trump has put on the GOP
Citizens United (thanks Alito, Roberts and Clarence) isn't helping
but in the end, isn't the problem with our representatives and possibly the SCOTUS? Corporations will do exactly what's logical for them to do in order to enhance the bottom line, and they'll only do what they are allowed to do to that end. They'll look after the bottom line if they want to survive and succeed and that's why any business is in business.

In the video, Carlin rages that corporations want more for them AND LESS FOR YOU. Well duh. Who doesn't want more? Corporations want more but they don't want you to have less....they just understand that that is how it must work. In fact, they want you to have more to spend with them.

If you get more, do you think it was picked from the 'more' tree? Your 'more' is someone else's less. We aren't communists and we are only half-ass socialist. We are capitalists and that's how corporations are functioning.. There's nothing sinister going on there, unless it's to a commie who despises the profit motive.

As I was indicating, isn't the problem not with what corporations are doing but with what they are being allowed to do? Of course it is, and you know that if you have any understanding of business. Don't blame the corporations as if they are making the rules. Blame the rulemakers. And don't blame corps for trying to influence the rulemakers, of course they will...just as they will try to influence the consumer to do what they want the consumer to do. That's business.
I cringe about the cancer Trump has put on the GOP
I think you just cringe about Trump. I don't understand dumping on someone who got elected and has the following he has because he is not a politician operating out of the swamp. We desperately need to encourage those who aren't swamp-dwellers to represent us. If we can do that, maybe the 'deep state' will lose it's grip on us. Maybe the GOP will be what you want it to be. Or maybe what you want it to be is the problem.
I cringe every time I see this:

I cringe every time someone posts this - as if it's real.

Let's just start with the premise: If America is not the greatest country, then tell us what country is, please? I'd really like you to tell us the greatest country in the world and the reasons or basis for making the argument that it's the greatest.

It's bs when he lists the countries with so-called "freedom". They are not, or not nearly as "free" as us and even that's been eroded. Heck, one of his listed countries, the UK, is currently going after citizens who have posted dissent about their policies on the internet and has even threatened to come after US citizens who post such content by charging and then extraditing them.

And then, there are all the stats he reels off that supposedly demonstrate why we are not great. Stuff like our Life Expectancy ranking. The goal, at least for most of us, is not a competition to see who lives the longest - it's to live life to it's fullest. If being the oldest was the goal, we'd have government mandated workout programs, diet requirements, and genetically analyzed determinations as to with whom we could reproduce (that would leave more than one poster here SOL). No thanks.

Then, and this is the key to the entire diatribe, Daniels' character says, "It sure used to be" and lays out a whole laundry list of great things that freedom and opportunity allowed. Incredibly, he claims that "we were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men, men who were revered."

This was a movie script speech romanticizing people like Cronkite and Brinkley. I'm glad they got your vote on Rotten Tomatoes, but I'm more happy that we no longer depend on the three networks and two newspapers telling us what we should know and what to believe. Just wish a few more out there would see through this bs and veil of controlling the narrative.
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You lost me at "good things."


Do you even realize that you posted a graph produced by Aljazeera? And is that the third theory as to the origin of covid now? It wasn't from a lab in China funded by money that Oouchi funneled their way, it wasn't from a bat at a wet market, Trump gave us covid?
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I cringe every time I see someone stupidly fail to understand what it is that makes people from all over the world beg borrow and steal to come here and become part of a country that according to you and other morons is NOT the greatest in the world. I cringe whenever I see people like you seek to drive us toward being like the countries that those people come from. I cringe when someone wants us to incorporate the failings of other countries instead of jealously protecting what makes us better.

I cringe when someone mindlessly takes the script from a movie to heart instead of trying to think for himself and embrace the reality of what having a great country means. I especially cringe when someone says we ain't what we used to be without having a clue that they are why that is.
This. Rhetoric, power, control, and money aside, people make choices and "vote" with their feet every single time. When people stop banging on our door asking to come over and when people stop sneaking into the backyard, I'll start to worry more. It even happens internally when you look at Cali losing population and states like Fla and Tenn growing. Because they suck? I'm sure that's the reason.
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This entire sequence has been very interesting. I have no way of proving it one way or the other. AI can generate crowds and put them into videos and AI can delete crowds as well. That's why I've not gotten into a back and forth over the panty wetting from some posters here claiming the crowds are enormous, etc. I only know that I can't trust our media to tell us definitively.

These candidates are the same people who have been telling us for three years that Joe was a tiger in the sheets when he plainly had issues that they were covering. These are the same candidates who were considered unelectable prior to the knife in Joe's back. And now, I'm supposed to believe they are the answer to our prayers and everyone is beating their way through hell and high waters to see them.

And this is the same media who just whistled on by for all that time with a nothing to see here attitude. But we are the crazies.
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Correction: It was produced by the U.S. Bureau of Economics. It was merely published by Al Jazaeera among others.
Well, it's sourced to the USBE, we don't know if they just provided the "data" or actually produced it, but fair enough. The point still stands. And, it tells us nothing about the content of the data and its criteria. For example, when the gov parades out unemployment statistics and wants to claim them as being so low (this is not an attack on Joe, they all do this), they always leave out the number of people who have given up on looking for a job. So, it's not anywhere near accurate. Rather, it's a percentage of those which they know about who are looking, but aren't working. Thus, it's not a true picture of things, but it sure makes those in power look better.

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