OOTB's Political Thread . ..

You’d think a political strategist would be smart enough to have his hard drives wiped. Republicans sure do like rigging elections.

I actually tried to look it up and got nothing. Remember when I accused you of never linking to proof of your comments, and you told me I was FoS?

I just googled "republican hard drive" and every single story on the first page of results is the same story. Do you need a lesson in how to google things?
I just googled "republican hard drive" and every single story on the first page of results is the same story. Do you need a lesson in how to google things?

I Googled "republican rigging election". I think this story popped up, but it was from a couple weeks ago and I wasn't sure if it was what you were talking about. It's a lot easier if you just link to the story, dontcha think? It takes less than five seconds to do.
I just googled "republican hard drive" and every single story on the first page of results is the same story. Do you need a lesson in how to google things?

I can't read any of the articles, because I have my web browser on full shutdown when it comes to adds and cookies, but I think I have already heard about this. Is this the issue where the Dems are mad because the Reps don't want to count illegals in the census, which would lead to less representatives in Democrat heavy areas? If so, I have no issue with that and it's obviously the right thing to do. Illegals shouldn't count against the census when it comes to representatives.

Edit: I'm listening to the NPR feed right now. Is this about gerrymandering? Because if it is, I'm just going to laugh at you right now, not because gerrymandering isn't wrong, but because both sides constantly do it.
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What a surprise...

‘Straight Pride’ organisers revealed to have links to far-right and white nationalist groups

"The organisers of a controversial Straight Pride rally proposed for the city of Boston, in the US, are heavily linked with far-right movements and nationalist protests, it has emerged."

Nationalist, not white nationalist. "Far-right" and "nationalist" is considered, by the leftist corporate media, to be anyone right of Bernie Sanders and outside the mainstream element of politics. The current "far-right" is actually a lot less authoritarian than mainstream politicians, but you wouldn't know that from the propaganda spewed by the corporate news media.
No more dumb than any other kind of pride.

That's false.

If you want to rally because for years and years you were given less rights than others and literally beaten down to show you rose above it then great.

Please don't talk to me about the oppression of straight people, white people, men, etc. etc. Having a rally for being a straight white man is like rallying because you won the lottery.
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That's false.

If you want to rally because for years and years you were given less rights than others and literally beaten down to show you rose above it then great.

Please don't talk to me about the oppression of straight people, white people, men, etc. etc. Having a rally for being a straight white man is like rallying because you won the lottery.

Every ethnic group has been oppressed at one time or another. Nobody is oppressed anymore. In fact, minorities have it easier than white people do nowadays with quotas and affirmative action. People need to focus on improving themselves instead of playing the part of a victim.
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You're wrong. You're really f-ing wrong. As usual.

Good day.

Oh yeah? Is that why minorities get added points to SAT scores? That doesn't make it easier for them to get into college? There aren't quotas anymore? See, I offer up examples of why I'm right. You just tell me I'm wrong, sans any kind of example, and storm off like a little kid.
If you want to rally because for years and years you were given less rights than others and literally beaten down to show you rose above it then great.
Eh, from what I've seen in Atlanta (home to one of the biggest gay rights parades in the world) they don't really celebrate getting more rights. It's more of a "we're here we're queer" type of thing. That's fine to do if they want, but let's not pretend this is the million man march.
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"The organisers of a controversial Straight Pride rally proposed for the city of Boston, in the US, are heavily linked with far-right movements and nationalist protests, it has emerged."

Nationalist, not white nationalist. "Far-right" and "nationalist" is considered, by the leftist corporate media, to be anyone right of Bernie Sanders and outside the mainstream element of politics. The current "far-right" is actually a lot less authoritarian than mainstream politicians, but you wouldn't know that from the propaganda spewed by the corporate news media.


“Mr Sahady and Mr Bartley are both heavily associated with Resist Marxism – a loose ultra-conservative group found to have links to white supremacist organisations – while Mr Hugo ran, unsuccessfully, for congress in 2018 with an endorsement from the same group.”

Let’s also not forget these people protested a women’s march. They’re shitty people regardless of whatever label you want to slap on them.

“Mr Sahady and Mr Bartley are both heavily associated with Resist Marxism – a loose ultra-conservative group found to have links to white supremacist organisations – while Mr Hugo ran, unsuccessfully, for congress in 2018 with an endorsement from the same group.”

Let’s also not forget these people protested a women’s march. They’re shitty people regardless of whatever label you want to slap on them.

Okay, what white supremacist group? Don't you find it funny that they linked them to a group, but don't give the name of the group? Look, if these guys are white supremacists then they'r scum, but with the current technique by the MSM as naming ANYONE who doesn't agree with them "far right", "Nazis", and "white supremacists"'s kind of diluted the term. So, what proof is there that these guys are white supremacists? Surely there is proof if a claim is being made. Furthermore, what does white supremacy even have to do with a straight people's march? What? Straight people shouldn't be awarded the same rights as gay people? What is your problem with straight people?

Edit: It kind of sounds like you're trying to play "six degrees from Kevin Bacon", but instead of "Kevin Bacon", it's "white supremacists".
Okay, what white supremacist group? Don't you find it funny that they linked them to a group, but don't give the name of the group? Look, if these guys are white supremacists then they'r scum, but with the current technique by the MSM as naming ANYONE who doesn't agree with them "far right", "Nazis", and "white supremacists"'s kind of diluted the term. So, what proof is there that these guys are white supremacists? Surely there is proof if a claim is being made. Furthermore, what does white supremacy even have to do with a straight people's march? What? Straight people shouldn't be awarded the same rights as gay people? What is your problem with straight people?

Edit: It kind of sounds like you're trying to play "six degrees from Kevin Bacon", but instead of "Kevin Bacon", it's "white supremacists".

They named multiple organizations with white supremacist ties. I don’t blame you for being in denial. Obviously you don’t want to admit that a bunch of your far right wing nationalist cohorts are ethno-nationalist scumbags.
They named multiple organizations with white supremacist ties. I don’t blame you for being in denial. Obviously you don’t want to admit that a bunch of your far right wing nationalist cohorts are ethno-nationalist scumbags.

Great! So what organizations are they? The Proud Boys? Their leader was a Latino man the last time I checked.
Using and S instead of a Z is an English preference. It's similar to the way they add u's to words that we only have an "o". Favour, colour, etc..

You're supposed to read those words with an English accent.
Great! So what organizations are they? The Proud Boys? Their leader was a Latino man the last time I checked.

"Resist Marxism" is a 'group' that is overwhelmingly plagued by white nationalists. It's kinda funny watching you go through denial though. Not surprising from the guy who thinks white people have a harder time in America than people of color. Only a complete fukkin idiot would make that statement.
"Resist Marxism" is a 'group' that is overwhelmingly plagued by white nationalists. It's kinda funny watching you go through denial though. Not surprising from the guy who thinks white people have a harder time in America than people of color. Only a complete fukkin idiot would make that statement.

Again, no actual argument, only denial and insults. Even the article doesn't call "Resist Maxism" a white nationalist group. It says, "a loose ultra-conservative group found to have links to white supremacist organisations", and later on it goes a little further about "Resist Marxism" when it says, "Resist Marxism, itself, does not have members—its leaders organise events for anyone who wants to go along." That doesn't exactly sound like a white supremacist group, does it?
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Oh yeah? Is that why minorities get added points to SAT scores? That doesn't make it easier for them to get into college? There aren't quotas anymore? See, I offer up examples of why I'm right. You just tell me I'm wrong, sans any kind of example, and storm off like a little kid.
The reason why minorities are getting concessions is because of the racial domination of Caucasians in our culture and society. I don't know if I even agree that they're effective measures, or succeed in leveling the playing field, when there's always going to be the memory of the legacy of what has occurred under what is basically "White Rule" in America.

But, to claim that everything is A-OK and "no one is oppressed anymore" is in your Top 10 most inaccurate statements, and that's a pretty amazing list by itself.
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The reason why minorities are getting concessions is because of the racial domination of Caucasians in our culture and society. I don't know if I even agree that they're effective measures, or succeed in leveling the playing field, when there's always going to be the memory of the legacy of what has occurred under what is basically "White Rule" in America.

But, to claim that everything is A-OK and "no one is oppressed anymore" is in your Top 10 most inaccurate statements, and that's a pretty amazing list by itself.

Sure, so tell me why it's inaccurate, since two others arguing that same point haven't been able to do so.
Eh, from what I've seen in Atlanta (home to one of the biggest gay rights parades in the world) they don't really celebrate getting more rights. It's more of a "we're here we're queer" type of thing. That's fine to do if they want, but let's not pretend this is the million man march.

Exactly. Maybe they started as a celebration of landmark legislation or something of the like, but what they are now is exactly what you stated. They go out there and scream their flamboyance from the rooftops - which is awesome, because it pisses off all the homophobes out there. So I'm in full support of them continuing the pride parades.

I also love how the Left is getting their undies in a bundle over the straight parade, so would love to see them have a successful march as well.

The more people that get triggered by these parades, the more I want to see them continue and prosper.
Again, no actual argument, only denial and insults. Even the article doesn't call "Resist Maxism" a white nationalist group. It says, "a loose ultra-conservative group found to have links to white supremacist organisations", and later on it goes a little further about "Resist Marxism" when it says, "Resist Marxism, itself, does not have members—its leaders organise events for anyone who wants to go along." That doesn't exactly sound like a white supremacist group, does it?

I like the selective editing. You should get a job at Faux News.

The rest of the quote:

Resist Marxism, itself, does not have members—its leaders organise events for anyone who wants to go along – allowing it to have become a nimble unofficial meeting hub for nationalists and white supremacists.

Yeah, that sounds exactly like a white nationalist group.

It's also cute when people aren't aware of the rebranding that white nationalists groups have worked so hard to achieve. That's literally what the "alt-right" is. White nationalist groups were dwindling out of existence, so they rebranded their ideas and started downplaying the ethno-nationalist aspects of their ideology to bring in more members. It worked. This was all documented by Christian Piccolinni. Instead of calling themselves white nationalists they now call themselves ordinary nationalists, alt-right, or even just far-right. I bet you think Richard Spencer isn't a white nationalist too...
Exactly. Maybe they started as a celebration of landmark legislation or something of the like, but what they are now is exactly what you stated. They go out there and scream their flamboyance from the rooftops - which is awesome, because it pisses off all the homophobes out there. So I'm in full support of them continuing the pride parades.

I also love how the Left is getting their undies in a bundle over the straight parade, so would love to see them have a successful march as well.

The more people that get triggered by these parades, the more I want to see them continue and prosper.

You sure do know a lot about these parades for a straight guy... ;)
This is what people do when they can’t answer a question. I was looking for the ol’ “Well if you’re too ignorant to ask, there’s no use in me attempting to explain it.” But I see our evasive buddy strum used the other standby, which is: “I already told you”. Yet, I’ve looked and I can’t find where he told you.

To give my thoughts about the issue you brought up, I too have a problem with races receiving benefits from simply being a member of their race. People will argue that blacks were not afforded the same luxuries, experiences, etc. and therefore they should be judged differently. But I’ve always wondered...if they think the SAT is “too white”, why hasn’t a black person developed their own measurement? Their test could be scored however the developers of the test see fit. I’m sure HBCUs could use it as part of their application process. Why doesn’t that work? There’s precedent for this. Blacks didn’t like that they were underrepresented on TV. So Bob Johnson did something about it - he created TV that represents blacks better.

I guess in the grand scheme, I wonder why blacks feel the need to be measured against whites? Why not create your own measuring stick - make it as African-American centered as you like, and be comfortable with it.
I thought I made it very clear why minorities have been oppressed.

ETA: I'm not sure, as a human being in this Society, that you're unaware of how our society is racially dominated by white people.
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No, I want you to tell me why minorities are so oppressed nowadays. Make your case, buddy.

This isn't even debated by intelligent people anymore. Econometrics has clearly proven that racial minorities suffer significant disadvantages, all else being equal. Here's some light reading for you, from one of the most influential political economists of all time.

And this quote is for the morons that make arguments like, "well that's just because black people are lazy."

Modern economic theory for the last 30 years has emphasized how information or, more properly, beliefs and expectations influence economic behavior. These beliefs may in turn be based on some kind of evidence; the rational choice theory implies that beliefs contradicted by experience will not survive. In the present con- text, this has given rise to the theory of statistical discrimination. Suppose blacks and whites do in fact differ in productivity, at least on the average. This is in turn due to some cause, perhaps quality of education, perhaps cultural differences; but the cause is not itself observable. Then the experience of employers over time will cause them to use the observable characteristic, race, as a surrogate for the unobservable characteristics which in fact cause the productivity differences (Phelps, 1972; Arrow, 1972a, b, 1973; for a more recent version, see Lundberg and Startz, 1997). This is a market-based explanation which does not require tastes for discrimination.

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