OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I love that Bernie gets the conservatives panties in a bunch. The fact that he pisses them off is good enough for me.

Sound familiar?
The last estimates I read were around a 1500 dollar increase.

Single payer and tuition free public universities is hardly “free everything.” The welfare queen stereotyoe is also kind of silly. There’s no evidence that a significant portion of welfare recipients are abusing the system. I’d rather not have kids going hungry because of some right wing talking point that has little basis in reality. Even the welfare queen’s kids shouldn’t be going hungry.

The money isn’t all being spent on actually defending this country. Huge sums of money go to ridiculously bloated no bid contracts and outdated weapons and technology. There are huge parking lots full of tanks that the Pentagon specifically said they didn’t want or need. But they got built anyways.

There are important conversations that need to be had regarding many of the issues he has raised. But that’s not going to happen because it’s easier to just say he wants to give people free stuff or call him a communist.

The defense budget definitely needs to be slashed.
From what I read it was a tax on speculations and derivatives which is hopefully not where people have their retirement fundings. There’s no reason to go after people’s mutual funds though.

We bailed out Wall Street and the big banks. Now it’s their turn to return the favor.

Part of the reason we bailed out Wall Street was because of the retarded laws passed by Congress that made it harder to weed out the bums trying to buy houses.
Lenders knew how to weed out the bums. But they packaged those loans with the safer bets and sold the debt as a package so it was in their best interest to give as many loans as possible.

Deregulating Wall Street is never a good idea.
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Deregulation isn't always a bad thing.

Wall Street has never been over regulated. Every republican that has deregulated them has screwed the economy. Yet we keep doing this stupid cycle over and over again.
I’d rather people who can’t afford kids to not have them. I’d rather people take responsibility for their life choices.
k... but, that really wasn't in the scenario he proposed. He wanted his tax money to go to "defense" rather than a 7th child of a welfare mother.

I think (I hope) it's a universal preference for wanting "people to take responsibility for their life choices." Especially if you ask them on an individual basis. Wanting others to do it is easy. Making sure YOU do it is hard!

I wish EVERYONE would have fewer children. Whether they can afford them or not. One, or two, at the very most... replacement value. That's all you ever need. One of my best friends, I've known him for 30 years now! He has SEVEN kids... it's like The Waltons! Dude, kids don't die of measles and smallpox anymore. You don't have a family farm to tend. It's not the 18th and 19th centuries. And, he will always say "I can provide for them and raise them properly." That's all well and good, but we don't need those numbers! Those 7 could become 50 in one generation! And, we DEFINITELY don't need those kinds of numbers. Whenever the subject of reproduction comes up, and if it's ever suggested that "we have a cap on the number of kids a couple can have", I'm not entirely opposed to it. As much as that infringes on "Liberty"- and it does- I just don't think our priorities and the basis for our culture is really going to be able to sustain these numbers.
k... but, that really wasn't in the scenario he proposed. He wanted his tax money to go to "defense" rather than a 7th child of a welfare mother.

I think (I hope) it's a universal preference for wanting "people to take responsibility for their life choices." Especially if you ask them on an individual basis. Wanting others to do it is easy. Making sure YOU do it is hard!

I wish EVERYONE would have fewer children. Whether they can afford them or not. One, or two, at the very most... replacement value. That's all you ever need. One of my best friends, I've known him for 30 years now! He has SEVEN kids... it's like The Waltons! Dude, kids don't die of measles and smallpox anymore. You don't have a family farm to tend. It's not the 18th and 19th centuries. And, he will always say "I can provide for them and raise them properly." That's all well and good, but we don't need those numbers! Those 7 could become 50 in one generation! And, we DEFINITELY don't need those kinds of numbers. Whenever the subject of reproduction comes up, and if it's ever suggested that "we have a cap on the number of kids a couple can have", I'm not entirely opposed to it. As much as that infringes on "Liberty"- and it does- I just don't think our priorities and the basis for our culture is really going to be able to sustain these numbers.
According to what you are saying here, build that wall! Hell yeah
Wall Street has never been over regulated. Every republican that has deregulated them has screwed the economy. Yet we keep doing this stupid cycle over and over again.

I'm not saying that Wall Street is properly regulated, only that deregulation isn't always a bad thing. Also, let us not forget about the Dems contribution to the housing crisis.
The last estimates I read were around a 1500 dollar increase.

Single payer and tuition free public universities is hardly “free everything.” The welfare queen stereotyoe is also kind of silly. There’s no evidence that a significant portion of welfare recipients are abusing the system. I’d rather not have kids going hungry because of some right wing talking point that has little basis in reality. Even the welfare queen’s kids shouldn’t be going hungry.

The money isn’t all being spent on actually defending this country. Huge sums of money go to ridiculously bloated no bid contracts and outdated weapons and technology. There are huge parking lots full of tanks that the Pentagon specifically said they didn’t want or need. But they got built anyways.

There are important conversations that need to be had regarding many of the issues he has raised. But that’s not going to happen because it’s easier to just say he wants to give people free stuff or call him a communist.
It’s all about the kids.
You can't just make a broad comment like "deregulation is bad". It depends on what specific regulation you're talking about.
Right... but, I said Wall Street, specifically. I think even uncboy said Wall Street. And, please don't act like the Democrats single-handedly caused the 2008 crash. Why even say "don't forget about the Democrats contribution?" Of course they contributed to it! These two parties love to buddy-up and feast on the 99%. The theater of opposition works like a charm. Don't muddle-up regulation with regulating EVERYTHING.
k... but, that really wasn't in the scenario he proposed. He wanted his tax money to go to "defense" rather than a 7th child of a welfare mother.

I think (I hope) it's a universal preference for wanting "people to take responsibility for their life choices." Especially if you ask them on an individual basis. Wanting others to do it is easy. Making sure YOU do it is hard!

I wish EVERYONE would have fewer children. Whether they can afford them or not. One, or two, at the very most... replacement value. That's all you ever need. One of my best friends, I've known him for 30 years now! He has SEVEN kids... it's like The Waltons! Dude, kids don't die of measles and smallpox anymore. You don't have a family farm to tend. It's not the 18th and 19th centuries. And, he will always say "I can provide for them and raise them properly." That's all well and good, but we don't need those numbers! Those 7 could become 50 in one generation! And, we DEFINITELY don't need those kinds of numbers. Whenever the subject of reproduction comes up, and if it's ever suggested that "we have a cap on the number of kids a couple can have", I'm not entirely opposed to it. As much as that infringes on "Liberty"- and it does- I just don't think our priorities and the basis for our culture is really going to be able to sustain these numbers.
Oh, I see. So now you’re the ‘too many kids’ police.
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Right... but, I said Wall Street, specifically. I think even uncboy said Wall Street. And, please don't act like the Democrats single-handedly caused the 2008 crash. Why even say "don't forget about the Democrats contribution?" Of course they contributed to it! These two parties love to buddy-up and feast on the 99%. The theater of opposition works like a charm. Don't muddle-up regulation with regulating EVERYTHING.

Yeah, I'm talking about Wall Street. How about this:

You can't just make a broad comment like "all Wall Street deregulation is bad". It depends on what specific regulation you're talking about.
If you want people to reproduce less you must want to curb illegal immigration. Less people right? Curb immigration problem solved.
I'm not talking about where they live, or where they end up living. I mean, AS A SECIES, humans need to stop reproducing so much. It doesn't matter where they're located.
Yeah, I'm talking about Wall Street. How about this:

You can't just make a broad comment like "all Wall Street deregulation is bad". It depends on what specific regulation you're talking about.
You can make the statement, you just need to clarify. What do you want Wall Street to be completely unfettered to do as they want with no oversight?
You sound like the dems last night. Flip flop much?
Well, I didn't watch them, either. You attempted to pull some kind of correlation that was never suggested or even implied, and tried to use it as some cornerstone of my entire statement... which it isn't. You're a walking Fox-News-Right-Wing talking point bullhorn. Illegal immigrants are the enemy for you. That has not one damned thing to do with what I said. I would encourage people EVERYWHERE to quit shitting-out so many kids. I don't give a damn where they live now or wind-up living later on. Fewer of us doesn't mean I am wanting people to stay out of other countries.
Well, I didn't watch them, either. You attempted to pull some kind of correlation that was never suggested or even implied, and tried to use it as some cornerstone of my entire statement... which it isn't. You're a walking Fox-News-Right-Wing talking point bullhorn. Illegal immigrants are the enemy for you. That has not one damned thing to do with what I said. I would encourage people EVERYWHERE to quit shitting-out so many kids. I don't give a damn where they live now or wind-up living later on. Fewer of us doesn't mean I am wanting people to stay out of other countries.
When you said you were talking to a friend I didn't understand he was in Zimbabwe. I figured maybe he was a neighbor therefore he lived in the United States. After all the discussion in this thread is based in America. So from now on clarify your 'Merica comments vs your Globalist views.
And I have 4 kids and 5 grandkids so GFY.
I always wonder how Fox News is still in business, then this board reminds me.
Well, I didn't watch them, either. You attempted to pull some kind of correlation that was never suggested or even implied, and tried to use it as some cornerstone of my entire statement... which it isn't. You're a walking Fox-News-Right-Wing talking point bullhorn. Illegal immigrants are the enemy for you. That has not one damned thing to do with what I said. I would encourage people EVERYWHERE to quit shitting-out so many kids. I don't give a damn where they live now or wind-up living later on. Fewer of us doesn't mean I am wanting people to stay out of other countries.
This is an emotional topic for many, I suppose. I have a very negative reaction to some sort of cap on number of kids people can have (though I do think they should be financially able to support their own kids). A "child cap" makes me think of some of the practices of China of forced abortions or infanticide if more than one child ( or a child of the wrong sex) is born to a mother,

I have three kids - in hindsight I wish I had three more, but that ship has sailed. I hope my kids each have 4+ kids each of their own, and on and on.

It's from 2016, but here is a scientific statistical article on how fertility and children born per family have both significantly declined, in the Western world especially, but overall it's true globally as well.

I had heard - and this article reinforces - that much of Europe and US are dangerously close to being below replacement level (2.0 kids per mother/father).

The article points out that IF there is any real population growth, it is due to people living longer, not due to people having more kids.

Scroll down to the graphs which are interesting too.
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You can make the statement, you just need to clarify. What do you want Wall Street to be completely unfettered to do as they want with no oversight?

I thought the fact that we were talking about Wall Street was clear enough, but I digress. No, I don't want Wall Street to be free from regulations. Good regulations help protect the consumer. However, needless regulations are a hindrance. You can't just say "regulations are good" or "regulations are bad". You have to talk about the individual regulations.
It's always entertaining to watch you lecture people about painting with a broad brush...then watch you paint with a broad brush.

That's a pretty narrow brush actually.

Remind me why you're even here again?
On behalf of everyone with a brain, thank you for not reproducing.
After 2 close calls in a past relationship, I got it fixed. You're welcome. If you do it my way, then everyone has a seat on the lifeboat!
When you said you were talking to a friend I didn't understand he was in Zimbabwe. I figured maybe he was a neighbor therefore he lived in the United States. After all the discussion in this thread is based in America. So from now on clarify your 'Merica comments vs your Globalist views.
And I have 4 kids and 5 grandkids so GFY.
What difference does it make where he lives? I'm not always on a default setting "We Only Think And Speak In The Context Of Being American." I'll try harder to meet your requirements

Don't take it so personal when I say having more than two children- replacement value- is too many. It's a suggestion, not a mandatory statute.
I thought the fact that we were talking about Wall Street was clear enough, but I digress. No, I don't want Wall Street to be free from regulations. Good regulations help protect the consumer. However, needless regulations are a hindrance. You can't just say "regulations are good" or "regulations are bad". You have to talk about the individual regulations.
How is Wall Street being improperly restrained?

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