OOTB's Political Thread . ..

You know who goes after the first amendment? Donald trump. Everytime he calls the press the enemy of the people and says that journalists are traitors, he is undermining the first amendment. He would love to be able to silence anyone who criticizes him.

The second amendment is just fine. We can’t even get universal background checks passed. It’s easier to get a gun than it is to get a driver’s license.
You know who goes after the first amendment? Donald trump. Everytime he calls the press the enemy of the people and says that journalists are traitors, he is undermining the first amendment. He would love to be able to silence anyone who criticizes him.

The second amendment is just fine. We can’t even get universal background checks passed. It’s easier to get a gun than it is to get a driver’s license.

There's a big difference between criticism and actively shutting down the press. If anyone is trying to shut down the press right now, it's the left. Just look at what's going on with Twitter/Google/Facebook.

Edit: And you may think the 2nd Amendment is fine, but gun laws have restricted the liberty of US citizens. We could also get into the FED or the Income Tax as well. Both those amendments were a yuge blow to personal liberties.
Just look at what's going on with Twitter/Google/Facebook.
Private companies are chipping away at the first amendment? If so, the government should step in and regulate what they can and can't do. Nothing says freedom like government interference.
Private companies are chipping away at the first amendment? If so, the government should step in and regulate what they can and can't do. Nothing says freedom like government interference.

Yeah, because they're supposed to be free speech platforms. They're acting like publishers, but they don't want to be publishers because then they're responsible for what gets posted on their platform. There's a lot of Hamas and ANTIFA BS happening on these social networks and they want to be protected from the legal ramifications.
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This is shitty, no one deserves to be spit on unless you've done some actual real bad shit. Eric Trump is just a moron with a voice cuz his dad is President.

That said, it's also shitty for the right to say "the left is evil" cuz of this. It's one person, who happens to be a cocktail waitress, not an entire party. The right would be just as angry if it was vice versa and some idiot Trump supporter spit on Bernie Sanders and the left blamed the entire party.

This is shitty, no one deserves to be spit on unless you've done some actual real bad shit. Eric Trump is just a moron with a voice cuz his dad is President.

That said, it's also shitty for the right to say "the left is evil" cuz of this. It's one person, who happens to be a cocktail waitress, not an entire party. The right would be just as angry if it was vice versa and some idiot Trump supporter spit on Bernie Sanders and the left blamed the entire party.
I won't say "all of the left is evil" because of this.

But I dare anyone to say that this is not proof of a double standard of how people of different parties in the White House are covered by the media. Sure it was just one bad spitter, but there were a lot of people laughing and cheering about it. These are sick people, too. And I've seen little from the media or anyone on the left condemning it.

Think for a minute if somebody had spit on one of Obama's children, or Chelsea Clinton. For the media, everything else in the world would stop until the spitter was found and punished within an inch of his / her life. But since its Orange Man's kid - "ha ha good trick lets move along now nothing more to see or do here."

Spitting on anyone is horrible and gross. I guess one could make an argument though - why is it any worse that a Trump or Obama or Clinton got spit on, than you or me, or our kids? I get that presidents' families are targets and need extra protection. I'm just saying people who do this sort of thing (spitting on others) should be punished the same, regardless of party, or whether its DJT's kids, or yours or mine.
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Only takes about ten seconds to condemn that kind of stupidity and then move on to ignoring them. These people love nothing more than to be the topic of conversation.

This Dem debate is pure comedy. They all promise free things and won’t say they will raise taxes (which they will obviously have to do).

Drink every time Bernie says “Wall Street”. You’ll die.

I didn't watch it, but I saw the part where they all started speaking Spanish. I don't know how any of these people expect to beat DT Barnum.
I didn't watch it, but I saw the part where they all started speaking Spanish. I don't know how any of these people expect to beat DT Barnum.

Part 2 is on right now.

Healthcare is ****ed because none of these idiots understand it. Bernie thinks we are Canada. Harris has zero plan. Biden looks lost. Dems are in bad shape.
Part 2 is on right now.

Healthcare is ****ed because none of these idiots understand it. Bernie thinks we are Canada. Harris has zero plan. Biden looks lost. Dems are in bad shape.

Only a couple of people on the Dem side have captured my interest at this point. One of them is Tulsi Gabbard, who had a great interview with probably the only corporate talking head that I don't despise.

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This Dem debate is pure comedy. They all promise free things and won’t say they will raise taxes (which they will obviously have to do).

Drink every time Bernie says “Wall Street”. You’ll die.
Bernie finally admitted he would raise taxes on everyone.
Bernie finally admitted he would raise taxes on everyone.

He never claimed otherwise. He’s always advocated for a slight increase in taxes that is more than made up for in savings by not paying for health insurance. And that he wants our tax dollars to actually be spent helping the public instead of subsidizing oil companies and defense contractors.
He never claimed otherwise. He’s always advocated for a slight increase in taxes that is more than made up for in savings by not paying for health insurance. And that he wants our tax dollars to actually be spent helping the public instead of subsidizing oil companies and defense contractors.
Thanks but no thanks.
He never claimed otherwise. He’s always advocated for a slight increase in taxes that is more than made up for in savings by not paying for health insurance. And that he wants our tax dollars to actually be spent helping the public instead of subsidizing oil companies and defense contractors.


This dude wants to give free everything to everyone. In a country that has 330 million people. Yeah, good luck there buddy.

I’m good with my tax dollars being used for defense instead of giving the person on food stamps additional money cuz she just had her 7th child.
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This dude wants to give free everything to everyone. In a country that has 330 million people. Yeah, good luck there buddy.

I’m good with my tax dollars being used for defense instead of giving the person on food stamps additional money cuz she just had her 7th child.

The last estimates I read were around a 1500 dollar increase.

Single payer and tuition free public universities is hardly “free everything.” The welfare queen stereotyoe is also kind of silly. There’s no evidence that a significant portion of welfare recipients are abusing the system. I’d rather not have kids going hungry because of some right wing talking point that has little basis in reality. Even the welfare queen’s kids shouldn’t be going hungry.

The money isn’t all being spent on actually defending this country. Huge sums of money go to ridiculously bloated no bid contracts and outdated weapons and technology. There are huge parking lots full of tanks that the Pentagon specifically said they didn’t want or need. But they got built anyways.

There are important conversations that need to be had regarding many of the issues he has raised. But that’s not going to happen because it’s easier to just say he wants to give people free stuff or call him a communist.
I’m good with my tax dollars being used for defense instead of giving the person on food stamps additional money cuz she just had her 7th child.
Defense? How often is America ever on DE-fense? I'd rather a kid not starve than a bullet, missile, or bomb not be built to kill people.
The last estimates I read were around a 1500 dollar increase.

Single payer and tuition free public universities is hardly “free everything.” The welfare queen stereotyoe is also kind of silly. There’s no evidence that a significant portion of welfare recipients are abusing the system. I’d rather not have kids going hungry because of some right wing talking point that has little basis in reality. Even the welfare queen’s kids shouldn’t be going hungry.

The money isn’t all being spent on actually defending this country. Huge sums of money go to ridiculously bloated no bid contracts and outdated weapons and technology. There are huge parking lots full of tanks that the Pentagon specifically said they didn’t want or need. But they got built anyways.

There are important conversations that need to be had regarding many of the issues he has raised. But that’s not going to happen because it’s easier to just say he wants to give people free stuff or call him a communist.
I thought the old communist's idea about how to pay off student loans was an interesting one. I'm not a fan of new taxes or paying off the loans, but putting a small fee on trades is an interesting approach that will have the most impact on institutional investors instead of individuals. If he were to exempt retirement plans from that, then I wouldn't be entirely against the idea.
Defense? How often is America ever on DE-fense? I'd rather a kid not starve than a bullet, missile, or bomb not be built to kill people.
Maybe both sides can compromise on this. Use the money to build those things, then use them to kill the starving kids. That way one side is happy we're still building those things and the other side is happy because there are no more starving kids. It's a win-win situation.

This dude wants to give free everything to everyone. In a country that has 330 million people. Yeah, good luck there buddy.

I’m good with my tax dollars being used for defense instead of giving the person on food stamps additional money cuz she just had her 7th child.
36 Trillion dollars over 10 years.
And those folks need the extra dollars. Tattoos don't pay for themselves.
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Maybe both sides can compromise on this. Use the money to build those things, then use them to kill the starving kids. That way one side is happy we're still building those things and the other side is happy because there are no more starving kids. It's a win-win situation.
Dems are killing kids already.
I thought the old communist's idea about how to pay off student loans was an interesting one. I'm not a fan of new taxes or paying off the loans, but putting a small fee on trades is an interesting approach that will have the most impact on institutional investors instead of individuals. If he were to exempt retirement plans from that, then I wouldn't be entirely against the idea.

From what I read it was a tax on speculations and derivatives which is hopefully not where people have their retirement fundings. There’s no reason to go after people’s mutual funds though.

We bailed out Wall Street and the big banks. Now it’s their turn to return the favor.
Maybe both sides can compromise on this. Use the money to build those things, then use them to kill the starving kids. That way one side is happy we're still building those things and the other side is happy because there are no more starving kids. It's a win-win situation.
That's been tried, and often. Dropping bombs on starving kids? Oh, yeah! That's a go-to economic/ordinance parlay!
From what I read it was a tax on speculations and derivatives which is hopefully not where people have their retirement fundings. There’s no reason to go after people’s mutual funds though.

We bailed out Wall Street and the big banks. Now it’s their turn to return the favor.
"The tax plan will include a 0.5% fee on all stock trades, a 0.1% fee on all bond trades and a 0.005% fee on all derivatives trades."

I'm definitely against the free four year college though. We need to be convincing more people to go to trade schools. Too many people who shouldn't go to college are pushed to go to college.
"The tax plan will include a 0.5% fee on all stock trades, a 0.1% fee on all bond trades and a 0.005% fee on all derivatives trades."

I'm definitely against the free four year college though. We need to be convincing more people to go to trade schools. Too many people who shouldn't go to college are pushed to go to college.


And we can combine tuition free colleges with rigorous standards to qualify so that smart kids can go to universities, and less qualified students can go to trade schools and community colleges. Even starting with tuition free community colleges and tech schools would cut the cost in half for students who transfer after two years

And we can combine tuition free colleges with rigorous standards to qualify so that smart kids can go to universities, and less qualified students can go to trade schools and community colleges. Even starting with tuition free community colleges and tech schools would cut the cost in half for students who transfer after two years
What type of standards though? If you do that, then you are going to have to include some type of standardized testing. I'm already not a fan of standardized testing, so I wouldn't be in favor of that at all. I would begrudgingly accept free trade schools, but universities shouldn't be free. If states want to make community colleges free, then they could do that on the state level.
What type of standards though? If you do that, then you are going to have to include some type of standardized testing. I'm already not a fan of standardized testing, so I wouldn't be in favor of that at all. I would begrudgingly accept free trade schools, but universities shouldn't be free. If states want to make community colleges free, then they could do that on the state level.

The same standards that are used for admissions. Primarily GPA and SAT/ACT scores.

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