OOTB's Political Thread . ..





I always heard that the NVA and Viet-Cong had better weapons than the US soldiers in Vietnam, who were using M-16's.
The early version of the M16 had reliability issues. The AK47 is known for it's reliability, but it's not as accurate.
Yeah... I knew a guy back in the late 80's/early 90s, when I lived in the Myrtle Beach area, he was a live-wire, and he had been in Vietnam. He always talked about it like it was an extended camping trip- barely phased by the trauma, or so it seemed. Anyway, he always walked point and carried an M-60 because the M-16s were crap... so he always said. I dunno how accurate the M-60's were. He never had a scratch and he said that he basically lived what you saw in the film Platoon! Although, when he was short, they sent him back away from the fighting.
That's correct. I think people get that confused, because of the way it looks. I'm in the camp that thinks the AR15 selection for mass shootings is mostly due to the copycat effect.

It’s not a bad choice for inflicting a lot of damage at moderate range. High velocity, but low caliber round that tends to tumble on impact which makes the wounds much more deadly. Easy to modify but also hard to conceal. It seems to me that mass shooters are on average not very proficient with a firearm. A handgun at close range would do a lot more damage in the hands of someone who really knew what they were doing. That being said, a former marine with a hunting rifle could do more damage than the average joe with an AR-15.
The article you linked seemed to indicate assault weapons weren't the only weapons banned. I just assumed you meant more than just assault weapons.
I never said that. In fact, I pointed out that the article was unclear.
Sounds like it was mandatory but only applied to certain types of weapons (although the article isn't entirely clear on that).

Since you bring up the weapons ban in 1994 though, there are two things to consider. First, the SC precedent was set after that ban and second, that ban has been proven to have little to no impact on homicide rates by multiple studies.
You seem determined to argue about things I'm not arguing about.
Not arguing with anybody, just found it to be an interesting response to the worst mass shooting in the country's history.
I never said that. In fact, I pointed out that the article was unclear.

You seem determined to argue about things I'm not arguing about.
I'm not trying to argue with you. The overall discussion is what we can do to limit shootings. The ban that you brought up didn't really do that. I was just pointing that out.
Good discussion here guys. There’s obviously two sides and both sides have points. Obviously this is why it’s been such a hot button issue.

I think there’s gotta be a middle ground, just don’t know what it is.
Good discussion here guys. There’s obviously two sides and both sides have points. Obviously this is why it’s been such a hot button issue.

I think there’s gotta be a middle ground, just don’t know what it is.
It seems like everyone is ok with background checks, ban on high capacity mags and ban on bump stocks. I think the only difference is some people think it will have an impact and some don't.
It seems like everyone is ok with background checks, ban on high capacity mags and ban on bump stocks. I think the only difference is some people think it will have an impact and some don't.
You're right, we don't know what the impact will (or could) be. But we do know that Thoughts & Prayers - and nothing else - isn't doing squat.
I admittedly am completely ignorant on the value of a gun. I don’t hunt, I live in a big city, and even in that city I’ve never felt the need for that form of protection.

So I’ll ask a very basic question I’m genuinely curious about, what purpose do assault rifles serve citizens? Can you hunt with it? Is it a more threatening form of protection? I honestly don’t know.

Most people aren't allowed to have assault rifles, that's your first mistake. "AR"-15 doesn't stand for assault rifle. The words "assault rifle" just make it seem more dangerous than it really is.
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Good discussion here guys. There’s obviously two sides and both sides have points. Obviously this is why it’s been such a hot button issue.

I think there’s gotta be a middle ground, just don’t know what it is.

Yeah, stop treating these mass killers like rock stars for starters, but good luck getting the click bait media behind that one.

Edit: Also, clamp down on this PC culture. It's making people soft, and soft people have a harder time dealing with...well...anything.
Good thing the Fed lowered interest rates in the greatest economy in the history of America. The DJI only fell 333 points! lol
BTW, I just wanted to make this clear in the thread. I'm not saying that people shouldn't be outrage, we all should be outraged. All I'm personally asking is that, before we start making huge changes to the Constitution, that we all take a deep breath, calm down, and discuss this issue rationally. To me the issue isn't the guns. The issue is that we have people who are too quick to lethal violence. If people want to talk about how we don't support mentally ill people like we once did, that's a discussion I think would be worth having.
You get crickets because you're asking them to rule against the Constitution. That's pretty yuge.

There are 27 precedents to changing the Constitution.

I’m with you that we shouldn’t go changing the Constitution for no reason, it’s the greatest document (set of laws, however you want to describe it) that’s ever been produced.

However, when thinking about how much the world has changed since 1790 and the actual purpose of the 2nd amendment at that time, it seems much less relevant than most of the other articles and original Bill of Rights.
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There are 27 precedents to changing the Constitution.

I’m with you that we shouldn’t go changing the Constitution for no reason, it’s the greatest document (set of laws, however you want to describe it) that’s ever been produced.

However, when thinking about how much the world has changed since 1790 and the actual purpose of the 2nd amendment at that time, it seems much less relevant than most of the other articles and original Bill of Rights.

I don't agree with your degree of relevance for the 2nd Amendment, but I definitely agree with you that the Bill of Rights, and its amendment process, was the best set of laws to ever come from man.

So, we should ban knives because some people are more proficient in using them? I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. That a man, who's clearly grown up around guns, knows how to use them better than some random guy who buys one in order to kill a lot of people? It doesn't seem like career gun people are the ones attempting mass killings. This is a guy with a talent that not a lot of people have. Kind of like a concert pianist who puts in an incredible amount of hours to be proficient in their trade. Essentially, you've found one guy who can support some weak argument that you're trying to make.
Candace Owens interviewing Carl of @uncboy10's most hated people. The guy kills...period. I'll highlight some great points in the interview:
  1. 11:55 - Benjamin makes the case that multi-culturism is white supremacy.
  2. 39:30 - Benjamin talks about Fascism and how it applies to common day politics.
  3. 50:00 - Benjamin talks about public apologies.

I find it funny that uncboy criticized this guy. It just shows how vapid and indoctrinated he is.
I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here.
I wasn't "trying to prove" anything. I succeeded (with his help) in proving that you can take these semi-automatic weapons and make them- for all intents and purposes, if you're on the receiving end of the barrel- as lethal as any "assault rifle."

And, I don't think this guy took lessons and spent years of his life perfecting how to hold a rifle to make it go BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM really fast. I doubt he went to the equivalent of Julliard in order to do what he did in the video. I'm sure anyone could figure that out in about an hour, maybe less. So, the "similar to a concert pianist" correlation isn't even remotely close.

These weapons are military-grade and lethal as fvck. They aren't necessary at all to hunt wild game. They're made to kill people, in huge quantities/high volume, period. And, they do just that.

So, we should ban knives because some people are more proficient in using them?
No, we should not ban knives. Knives have many, many uses besides stabbing and killing another person.
I wasn't "trying to prove" anything. I succeeded (with his help) in proving that you can take these semi-automatic weapons and make them- for all intents and purposes, if you're on the receiving end of the barrel- as lethal as any "assault rifle."

And, I don't think this guy took lessons and spent years of his life perfecting how to hold a rifle to make it go BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM really fast. I doubt he went to the equivalent of Julliard in order to do what he did in the video. I'm sure anyone could figure that out in about an hour, maybe less. So, the "similar to a concert pianist" correlation isn't even remotely close.

These weapons are military-grade and lethal as fvck. They aren't necessary at all to hunt wild game. They're made to kill people, in huge quantities/high volume, period. And, they do just that.

No, we should not ban knives. Knives have many, many uses besides stabbing and killing another person.

If he isn't a professional. How can he do things that most of society can't do? That's a vapid argument.

And While we're picking apart that video. Why was it shot that way? There was no verification of accuracy. Why do you think this method is better than a real assault rifle? Was it just a guy trying to show off his speed without giving away the horrible secret that he couldn't hit anything with said method?
If he isn't a professional. How can he do things that most of society can't do? That's a vapid argument.

And While we're picking apart that video. Why was it shot that way? There was no verification of accuracy. Why do you think this method is better than a real assault rifle? Was it just a guy trying to show off his speed without giving away the horrible secret that he couldn't hit anything with said method?
Talk about a vapid argument. Why don't you contact him through his You Tube channel and volunteer yourself and your family to be targets for him, to see how accurate he fires the rifle.

And, "most of society" is incapable of pulling-off that trick? Physics and gravity work the same with all of us, I would imagine.
1) Talk about a vapid argument. Why don't you contact him through his You Tube channel and volunteer yourself and your family to be targets for him, to see how accurate he fires the rifle.

2) And, "most of society" is incapable of pulling-off that trick? Physics and gravity work the same with all of us, I would imagine.

Okay, I was going to post something "vintage Soup", but I'm trying to be softer.

1) This is just anger personified. You're better than that.

2) Physics and gravity work the same. Work ethic and planning do not.