OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Okay, I was going to post something "vintage Soup", but I'm trying to be softer.

1) This is just anger personified. You're better than that.

2) Physics and gravity work the same. Work ethic and planning do not.
There was not the slightest bit of anger in any of my comments. You are trying to plead the case that the guy's aim is awful. Put your money where your mouth is... or... don't offer such a lame argument.

Not really. If you get stabbed, you're probably going to get stabbed multiple times (pretty much all of those London people were).
Regardless, knives have countless other uses that banning them is not even remotely feasible. And, I still like my chances of survival with a knife a thousand times better than an AR-15 or any other firearm. Even if it is someone who "knows how to use a knife."

1) There was not the slightest bit of anger in any of my comments. You are trying to plead the case that the guy's aim is awful. Put your money where your mouth is... or... don't offer such a lame argument.

2) Regardless, knives have countless other uses that banning them is not even remotely feasible. And, I still like my chances of survival with a knife a thousand times better than an AR-15 or any other firearm. Even if it is someone who "knows how to use a knife."


1) Well, in that case...No, I'm not going to invite a guy to shoot up my family. LULZ! I'm not sure what was the point of that comment.

2) Honestly, the caliber of most AR-15s are pretty small (.223). It's probably better to get hit with them than by something like a shotgun with flechette rounds, a .308, a .357, a .44, or a .50 round.
1) Well, in that case...No, I'm not going to invite a guy to shoot up my family. LULZ! I'm not sure what was the point of that comment.

2) Honestly, the caliber of most AR-15s are pretty small (.223). It's probably better to get hit with them than by something like a shotgun with flechette rounds, a .308, a .357, a .44, or a .50 round.
Okay... I wanna get this on record; You're claiming that knives are just as lethal as these rifles?
Again...Candace Owens interviews a former black police officer about the police vs. the black community.

@strummingram, if you could get a hold of TCNoleOx on HROT, this could be a great conversation. He's a smart guy who could probably help your argument, and I respect him.
That isn't an easy answer. There are other variables in the equation.
It's not an easy answer? Or, not an easy question? The question was direct and specific. You can say Yes or No. You're definitely trying to portray knives as being just as lethal. You must be because you've chosen the knives and England's murder rate to bolster your argument. Even with the scourge of the knives that now plagues England, it isn't a tampon's-worth-of-blood compared to the deaths in the USA.

And, just for the record, I'm not even advocating that these high-powered rifles, or magazines, or bump-stocks, or RPG's, or whatever it takes to make people feel safe, should be banned. It has been interesting seeing how far people will go to try and maintain/insist that these incredibly lethal weapons are 1) not that bad because we might need to fight the government or 2) no worse than people using... knives!

Regardless, there is no doubt that the constitutional framers original intent of the 2nd Amendment had no freaking clue how far humans would, or could, go to inflict damage and death on each other 100 or 200 years later. Let average people own, buy and sell an Abrams Tank for all I care.
Again...Candace Owens interviews a former black police officer about the police vs. the black community.

@strummingram, if you could get a hold of TCNoleOx on HROT, this could be a great conversation. He's a smart guy who could probably help your argument, and I respect him.
Well, if you hadn't been kicked-off, you could do it yourself. I don't get paid enough to be a messenger boy. Surely you've managed to get back on there using multiple new names, many times over.
It's not an easy answer? Or, not an easy question? The question was direct and specific. You can say Yes or No. You're definitely trying to portray knives as being just as lethal. You must be because you've chosen the knives and England's murder rate to bolster your argument. Even with the scourge of the knives that now plagues England, it isn't a tampon's-worth-of-blood compared to the deaths in the USA.

And, just for the record, I'm not even advocating that these high-powered rifles, or magazines, or bump-stocks, or RPG's, or whatever it takes to make people feel safe, should be banned. It has been interesting seeing how far people will go to try and maintain/insist that these incredibly lethal weapons are 1) not that bad because we might need to fight the government or 2) no worse than people using... knives!

Regardless, there is no doubt that the constitutional framers original intent of the 2nd Amendment had no freaking clue how far humans would, or could, go to inflict damage and death on each other 100 or 200 years later. Let average people own, buy and sell an Abrams Tank for all I care.

Any question with multiple variables isn't an easy answer. That's just the law of mathematics.
Well, if you hadn't been kicked-off, you could do it yourself. I don't get paid enough to be a messenger boy. Surely you've managed to get back on there using multiple new names, many times over.

I have one alter-ego, that hasn't been kicked off, but is more of an observer. This HROT obsession, which is led by @Raglefant is extremely humorous to me. Who am I currently on HROT?

Needless to say, if you don't want the help, then don't request the help. It's not like I care. :cool:

Edit: BTW, I like @Raglefant. He's a troll who works within the confines of the bored. There's nothing wrong with that.
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Any question with multiple variables isn't an easy answer. That's just the law of mathematics.
with the best of them.

My answer is easy. I do not think that knives are as lethal as semi-automatic rifles, with or without bumpstocks, or CalTech grads who figured out how to hold the trigger so the force of the rifle makes it easy to achieve the effect of a bumpstock.
with the best of them.

My answer is easy. I do not think that knives are as lethal as semi-automatic rifles, with or without bumpstocks, or CalTech grads who figured out how to hold the trigger so the force of the rifle makes it easy to achieve the effect of a bumpstock.

Look, go dig up @uncboy10 and ask him this question, "If you want to prove a certain variable, you have to lock all other variables to determine if "said" variable is being manipulated?" This is an argument that he should understand.
Look, go dig up @uncboy10 and ask him this question, "If you want to prove a certain variable, you have to lock all other variables to determine if "said" variable is being manipulated?" This is an argument that he should understand.


In layman's terms, you can't prove the "x" variable if you don't know what the "y", "z", "q", and "w" variables are.

Edit: I guess what I really mean is that if you have five variables in the equation, it's hard to find out what any specific variable equals. There could be several other variables that affect the equation.
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Edit: What is my reputation? I would love to hear this.
You already heard it. It was in the comment you quoted. It's tongue-in-cheek... a juxtaposition, kinda-sorta. The opposite is true.

"...your reputation as never trying to draw attention to yourself."
I don't think an ordinary citizen needs an assault weapon.

But then I don't think an ordinary citizen needs a car that goes faster than 70 mph, either.
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Sounds like the gun laws are working. Less than 10% of those murders were gun related.

Uhh, what does that matter? Murder is murder. Plus, I'd rather get killed by a bullet than a stab wound.

Edit: Plus, when you take away guns, you're basically making it survival of the fittest. Women become bigger targets to men. Smaller men become bigger targets to bigger men. Have you ever heard the old adage, "God made man and Sam Colt made them equal?"
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Isn't she married to a black man? LOL, what a racist.

One of the worst things about Twitter is that anyone with an internet connection now thinks their opinion is important. This isn't even newsworthy, but here we are.
Yeah, she's married to a black man and has children with him. You're right though, it shouldn't be newsworthy. I'm just happy I was able to find something outrageous on twitter before @TarHeelNation11 did. That's a hard thing to do.
What is your specific issue with the tariffs?

Edit: And what is your specific arguments with what he said?
My "specific arguments with what he said" are that he is a bullshitter. Nothing he says is something I would believe. He is the consummate master of "Talking Out Of Your Ass!" He says what he wants to hear. Whether or not what he says is true for everyone else is immaterial.

Now, as far as his checkers-to-chess understanding of tariffs, that is obvious as well. The Chinese have leverage that will beat the USA, and anyone else, in a trade war. Short term and long term. And, if he managed to squeeze some minor prize for his efforts, they're not worth the damage done. I have heard him say that the revenue the government earns from China paying for these tariffs will go to directly to those who were hardest hit by the trade war. Well... WTF was the point of the trade war? Just leave it alone. This is a global economy we live in. It's not 1820, or 1920. Trump is antiquated and he is as vaguely aware of economics as he is everything else that he pretends to be an expert on.

Here is a fine summation of how the man doesn't get it, never has gotten it, and never will get it:
My "specific arguments with what he said" are that he is a bullshitter. Nothing he says is something I would believe. He is the consummate master of "Talking Out Of Your Ass!" He says what he wants to hear. Whether or not what he says is true for everyone else is immaterial.

Now, as far as his checkers-to-chess understanding of tariffs, that is obvious as well. The Chinese have leverage that will beat the USA, and anyone else, in a trade war. Short term and long term. And, if he managed to squeeze some minor prize for his efforts, they're not worth the damage done. I have heard him say that the revenue the government earns from China paying for these tariffs will go to directly to those who were hardest hit by the trade war. Well... WTF was the point of the trade war? Just leave it alone. This is a global economy we live in. It's not 1820, or 1920. Trump is antiquated and he is as vaguely aware of economics as he is everything else that he pretends to be an expert on.

Here is a fine summation of how the man doesn't get it, never has gotten it, and never will get it:

You realize there's a lot more to these tariffs than just trade deficits, right? The Chinese are also stealing technology. They also devalue their currency on purpose, which hurts our economy. As for China having us over a barrel, I don't think you understand the power of the US economy. You realize that if we stop buying from them their economy is done, right? You can also keep the "it's not 1820" argument. It's a "globalist" economy because that's how the corporations want it. We've always bought stuff from other countries and sold to other countries. That's nothing new. The laws implemented since then are what has led to this mess.

As for you calling Trump a bullshitter, who isn't one in Congress right now? This is always the funniest complain I hear about Trump. Trump what? They all lie. Who was the last honest politician, apart from Ron Paul?
I don't like the tariffs either, but I'm wondering what you mean by this?
I mean, quite simply, that they have a resolve that the USA does not have. The people in the States are not going to take it in the balls- let's say like Americans pulled together in WWII- and "win" a trade war. The Chinese government has their citizens BY THE BALLS! So what if a million or two die? They have a completely different values system in that culture.