OOTB's Political Thread . ..

So VP Biden, how do you suggest we stop the abuse of women in this country?

"Just keep punching at it, and punching at it, and punching at it".

did anything come up last night about Hunter Biden's newly proven child in Arkansas? I doubt it - and it shouldn't have. I know none of what Hunter has done is a reflection on Joe per se - but whoa what a nasty vile broken loser of a person Hunter is / was.
Did you guys see the video of Nunes squirming during their own witness’ testimony?

Then they repeatedly ask him if trump directly mentioned a quid pro quo to him personally, after he had already testified that Giuliani was used as an intermediary. Just gotta get that video clip so that Fox News can play it on repeat while pushing the narrative that any misdeed was just on Giuliani and trump didn’t know about it. Kinda sad that millions of Americans will fall for such transparent tactics.
It's been awhile since we had a good argument here, so allow me to get one started.

The ACLU is to anyone with a brain:
Fixed it for you.

I don’t think you understand the definition of democratic socialism. I’m pretty sure FDR wasn’t a Nazi. But even if you think it’s the same thing as Marxist style socialism, the soviets killed more Nazis than any other country.

That or you’re playing off what the Nazi regime called itself. But then again North Korea calls itself a republic so names can be deceiving.
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I don’t think you understand the definition of democratic socialism. I’m pretty sure FDR wasn’t a Nazi. But even if you think it’s the same thing as Marxist style socialism, the soviets killed more Nazis than any other country.

That or you’re playing off what the Nazi regime called itself. But then again North Korea calls itself a republic so names can be deceiving.
The name you give a society, and keep using it to refer to it, is more than half the battle of winning-over supporters!

In the film "Valkyrie", a major that is sent to arrest Goebbels. He walks into the room where Goebbels is waiting- with Hitler on the phone, and a cyanide capsule in his mouth, just in case. The major greets him and Goebbels says "Are you a dedicated National Socialist, major?" What happens next explicitly reveals what the major is... a follower of Adolf Hitler. A National Socialist might as well be a candy bar.

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Just curious, Archer, but what year did you graduate from NC State? Or did you even graduate from such a rigorous institution?

Speaking of Goebbels:

“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”

“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”

“We shall go down in history as the greatest statesmen of all time, or as the greatest criminals.”

Hey, Archer, this is a circle:

Just curious, Archer, but what year did you graduate from NC State? Or did you even graduate from such a rigorous institution?

Speaking of Goebbels:

“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”

“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”

“We shall go down in history as the greatest statesmen of all time, or as the greatest criminals.”

Hey, Archer, this is a circle:

I’m not the one comparing Trump to Hitler or Goebbels, Einstein. Trump is an egotistical arsehole sometimes, like every POTUS in my lifetime, but to make those comparisons...? You guys need to study history.
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I’m not the one comparing Trump to Hitler or Goebbels, Einstein. Trump is an egotistical arsehole sometimes, like every POTUS in my lifetime, but to make those comparisons...? You guys need to study history.
You are making the mistake of comparing Trump in the beginning with Hitler at the end. Compare them, or more importantly, compare their followers, during the same timeframe. Hitler didn’t start out starting wars and killing Jews.
I’m not the one comparing Trump to Hitler or Goebbels, Einstein. Trump is an egotistical arsehole sometimes, like every POTUS in my lifetime, but to make those comparisons...? You guys need to study history.
I wasn't claiming that Trump=Hitler. I was illustrating how a Democratic Socialist in Nazi Germany was neither a socialist nor democratic... they were followers of a megalomaniac and an ideology based in fear. United Soviet Socialist Republics was a collection of words that really meant "dictatorship."
You are making the mistake of comparing Trump in the beginning with Hitler at the end. Compare them, or more importantly, compare their followers, during the same timeframe. Hitler didn’t start out starting wars and killing Jews.
I wasn't claiming that Trump=Hitler. I was illustrating how a Democratic Socialist in Nazi Germany was neither a socialist nor democratic... they were followers of a megalomaniac and an ideology based in fear. United Soviet Socialist Republics was a collection of words that really meant "dictatorship."
Apples and Oranges.
I’m not the one comparing Trump to Hitler or Goebbels, Einstein. Trump is an egotistical arsehole sometimes, like every POTUS in my lifetime, but to make those comparisons...? You guys need to study history.

I’m not saying trump wants to exterminate a race of people (although i have NO DOUBT in my personal experience around them that a very significant percentage of his followers do) but to imply hes no more an egotistical asshole than any other president is LAUGHABLE. No other president has even remotely scratched the surface of being the nacissistic, bullying, lying, pos that trump is. The guy mocked a disabled person on stage. He bragged about sexually assaulting women. That ALONE separates him by a mile from any other president.
I’m not saying trump wants to exterminate a race of people (although i have NO DOUBT in my personal experience around them that a very significant percentage of his followers do) but to imply hes no more an egotistical asshole than any other president is LAUGHABLE. No other president has even remotely scratched the surface of being the nacissistic, bullying, lying, pos that trump is. The guy mocked a disabled person on stage. He bragged about sexually assaulting women. That ALONE separates him by a mile from any other president.
Both statements are patently false. But you're certainly entitled to that opinion. Just what race would "a very significant percentage of his followers want to eliminate"?
I’m not the one comparing Trump to Hitler or Goebbels, Einstein.
Neither am I. Go back and you'll notice I was comparing subservient Trump followers to like-minded Hitler followers and referencing a few Goebbels quotes illustrating Nazi totalitarian philosophy to further make my point. You Wolfpack fans are dumb as rocks.
Lol, aka I don't want to look like a complete nutjob by directly comparing Trump to Hitler, so I'll try to skirt around it and compare their followers instead to try to be more subtle.
Which you could do to pretty much any popular person with a strong base. You know, like all those UNC fans who blindly follow Roy and are always saying just trust in Roy. Never question his strategy and vision. Man those guys are just like Hitler followers.
To me, the tragedy of Nazi Germany actually serves a purpose to the future of human culture by showing humans just how far they are capable of going, and the degree of inhumanity they can reach without remorse. It should be used from now to perpetuity as a warning to all future generations to "be careful, it started this way" or "be careful, this is starting to resemble." If it pisses-off some people, fine with me. I'd rather a handful of people get irritated than millions die needlessly.

Every person has an Adolf Hitler in them. Every person has the ability to blindly follow in a cult of personality. To me, the more dangerous aspect is the latter. For an idea, or an ideology to catch-on and become the law of the land, it takes people getting behind it.
You know, like all those UNC fans who blindly follow Roy and are always saying just trust in Roy. Never question his strategy and vision. Man those guys are just like Hitler followers.
Apples to french fries.

Come on, man. A coach of a sport is not going to have any serious affect how people are treated in public life. But, thanks for providing an example of how it doesn't work in every situation, and how to truly make a completely inaccurate comparison.
Apples to french fries.

Come on, man. A coach of a sport is not going to have any serious affect how people are treated in public life. But, thanks for providing an example of how it doesn't work in every situation, and how to truly make a completely inaccurate comparison.
I should have stated my point more clearly. My point is that you can't just make some broad statement in a debate that needs nuance. Saying Trump followers are like Hitler followers because they follow him like sheep is technically accurate, but it's accurate to say Roy followers are like Hitler followers because they follow him like sheep. Just like you said above, cult of personality. But, details matter in this type of comparison. People who try to compare Hitler and Trump followers always ignore the details and just try to broadly find a connection, which can be done with anyone. Like you said, everyone has a little Hitler in them.

And a coach can certainly have an impact on local public life. Dean Smith was probably the most powerful man in NC when he was coaching. He made an impact in NC social culture while he was coaching. Plenty of people still talk about using his philosophy in life and living the Carolina Way.
I should have stated my point more clearly. My point is that you can't just make some broad statement in a debate that needs nuance. Saying Trump followers are like Hitler followers because they follow him like sheep is technically accurate, but it's accurate to say Roy followers are like Hitler followers because they follow him like sheep. Just like you said above, cult of personality. But, details matter in this type of comparison. People who try to compare Hitler and Trump followers always ignore the details and just try to broadly find a connection, which can be done with anyone. Like you said, everyone has a little Hitler in them.

And a coach can certainly have an impact on local public life. Dean Smith was probably the most powerful man in NC when he was coaching. He made an impact in NC social culture while he was coaching. Plenty of people still talk about using his philosophy in life and living the Carolina Way.
Yes, a coach of the stature of Dean Smith can have an influence on society. I agree 100%, and I was wrong to claim otherwise. People who blindly followed Dean Smith could have been taken down any road. THAT is my point. People blindly following popular figures can be led just about anywhere. And, once they get there, they can call their society a Republic, or any other term that puts it in a positive light... but, that doesn't mean it is a classic example of what most define as being a republic.
To me, the tragedy of Nazi Germany actually serves a purpose to the future of human culture by showing humans just how far they are capable of going, and the degree of inhumanity they can reach without remorse. It should be used from now to perpetuity as a warning to all future generations to "be careful, it started this way" or "be careful, this is starting to resemble." If it pisses-off some people, fine with me. I'd rather a handful of people get irritated than millions die needlessly.

Every person has an Adolf Hitler in them. Every person has the ability to blindly follow in a cult of personality. To me, the more dangerous aspect is the latter. For an idea, or an ideology to catch-on and become the law of the land, it takes people getting behind it.

I think it's great to have that serve as a warning to prevent future mistakes. It's also important to guard against over-using that connection when it's not appropriate, lest it loses it's warning power in the future when it's actually applicable (i.e. the Boy Who Cried Wolf)

The connections of Trump to Hitler are tired and lazy. People need to do better.
And, once they get there, they can call their society a Republic, or any other term that puts it in a positive light... but, that doesn't mean it is a classic example of what most define as being a republic.

This was touched upon earlier and I think it's a great point. People can come up with whatever moniker they want for their group/party - it's important to look into whether that actually describes the group. The example of the USSR being called a Republic is a great example.

Another is the term "progressive". Every marketing major should be using that as a case study. They're in favor of "progress" whatever the hell that means. What exactly are you trying to "progress" to, and is that really a step in the right direction? They've marketed that one very well.
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Lol, aka I don't want to look like a complete nutjob by directly comparing Trump to Hitler, so I'll try to skirt around it and compare their followers instead to try to be more subtle.
Once again, you have to go back to when Hitler started trying to gain power and look at his follower's at that timeeeee.
Once again, you have to go back to when Hitler started trying to gain power and look at his follower's at that timeeeee.
You also have to look at the circumstances of the time and why they followed him. It's not a great comparison. Like I said before you are taking a debate that needs nuance and detail and stripping away the nuance and detail. @Hark_The_Sound_2010 is correct when he says the comparisons are tired and lazy.
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Lol, aka I don't want to look like a complete nutjob by directly comparing Trump to Hitler, so I'll try to skirt around it and compare their followers instead to try to be more subtle.
There's nothing wrong with being literal on this board. We could use more of it, so mean what you say here. But if it makes you happy, who doesn't see the obvious comparable traits and counteractive type personalities in both Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler?

- Looking for revenge due to insults and injured pride
- Represses and denies the inadequacies of himself
- There is an effort to become, or at least believe he has become, a superior self
- Exhibits extremism and a weak neurotic structural foundation
- Discriminatory aggression and revenge towards others, and a general need for apparent dominance and air of superiority
- Contempt for his own inferiorities such as weakness, timidity, and submissiveness with a desire to condemn them in others
- Megalomania
- The thought he is never wrong and must be followed with blind obedience
- Is a masochist
- Overall just a big sissy who never engaged in any form of manual labor; never got his hands dirty except metaphorically
- Amasses legions of peasant followers primarily through a misguided oratory
- Eventually becomes an irrefutable threat to national and global security by brainwashing those same peasants

Yep, it looks like Hitler and Führer Trump indeed have a whole lot in common.

“He who is to be a good ruler must have first been ruled.”
- Aristotle
There's nothing wrong with being literal on this board. We could use more of it, so mean what you say here. But if it makes you happy, who doesn't see the obvious comparable traits and counteractive type personalities in both Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler?

- Looking for revenge due to insults and injured pride
- Represses and denies the inadequacies of himself
- There is an effort to become, or at least believe he has become, a superior self
- Exhibits extremism and a weak neurotic structural foundation
- Discriminatory aggression and revenge towards others, and a general need for apparent dominance and air of superiority
- Contempt for his own inferiorities such as weakness, timidity, and submissiveness with a desire to condemn them in others
- Megalomania
- The thought he is never wrong and must be followed with blind obedience
- Is a masochist
- Overall just a big sissy who never engaged in any form of manual labor; never got his hands dirty except metaphorically
- Amasses legions of peasant followers primarily through a misguided oratory
- Eventually becomes an irrefutable threat to national and global security by brainwashing those same peasants

Yep, it looks like Hitler and Führer Trump indeed have a whole lot in common.

“He who is to be a good ruler must have first been ruled.”
- Aristotle
Wow - where to begin? Lots of inaccuracies in this post, but to label the majority of Trump supporters as "peasants" is hysterical. There aren't even any peasants in the US, and I'd say there haven't really been "peasants" in the western world since beginning of 20th century.

This is not to justify anything Hitler did. He was a most vile racist, eugenics, exterminating sub-human monster.

A reason he got so many in Germany to blindly follow him, was that he was a master (evil) influencer. In touring Berlin, I learned a lot about the economy of Germany before WW1 - and then after WW1, leading up to WW2 / Holocaust. Hitler was crafty and deceptive in painting this picture in proud German citizen's minds:
"Germany was once the greatest military and economic power in the world. Then we got screwed in the post-WW1 treaty, and this led to the tanking of the economy to where it literally looked like Venezuala's economy today....hyperinflation, huge unemployment, pallets of nearly worthless currency to buy very scarce single basic food items. We blame this primarily on the European Jews and their financial tricks". Germans were all too willing to see this devastating loss of power for Germany, and loss of their own personal standard of living, and wanting things to change back to when Germany was great (I know.... just like MAGA nationalism, right?)

But where it was over the line was the extermination of races, religions, etc. How more Germans didn't see this happening and stop it before it was too late (before Hitler became all powerful with a brutal power structure nobody dare challenge) is baffling to me.

There is plenty of nationalism in DJT's game. I just don't see him as hypnotizing millions of people - or these people being OK with the extermination of one person, let alone entire races, religions, groups.

And the 2016 state of US: somewhat stagnant US economy, swamp, deep state, etc that DJT vowed to improve, remove..... is not remotely on the dire level that Germany's was which propelled Hitler into power.
I think it's great to have that serve as a warning to prevent future mistakes. It's also important to guard against over-using that connection when it's not appropriate, lest it loses it's warning power in the future when it's actually applicable (i.e. the Boy Who Cried Wolf)

The connections of Trump to Hitler are tired and lazy. People need to do better.
I've tried to make it clear that my focus is on the following, not the leader. He's only as strong as his following and support base. That was my intention in this episode of the popcorn thread.

I've said many, many times that I don't believe that Donald Trump, the individual, is a classic example of a racist, or white supremacist, or any other exclusionary type. He is an average intellect narcissist who has marketed himself and bullshitted people like a boss. But, aspiring to achieve genocide? No. The biggest problem for Trump and the association with the whole bigotry/white supremacy thing is that he gets a lot of support from those people. And... ever since the Republicans got in bed with the evangelicals, it will always put them closer to social intolerance.
Wow - where to begin? Lots of inaccuracies in this post, but to label the majority of Trump supporters as "peasants" is hysterical. There aren't even any peasants in the US, and I'd say there haven't really been "peasants" in the western world since beginning of 20th century.

This is not to justify anything Hitler did. He was a most vile racist, eugenics, exterminating sub-human monster.

A reason he got so many in Germany to blindly follow him, was that he was a master (evil) influencer. In touring Berlin, I learned a lot about the economy of Germany before WW1 - and then after WW1, leading up to WW2 / Holocaust. Hitler was crafty and deceptive in painting this picture in proud German citizen's minds:
"Germany was once the greatest military and economic power in the world. Then we got screwed in the post-WW1 treaty, and this led to the tanking of the economy to where it literally looked like Venezuala's economy today....hyperinflation, huge unemployment, pallets of nearly worthless currency to buy very scarce single basic food items. We blame this primarily on the European Jews and their financial tricks". Germans were all too willing to see this devastating loss of power for Germany, and loss of their own personal standard of living, and wanting things to change back to when Germany was great (I know.... just like MAGA nationalism, right?)

But where it was over the line was the extermination of races, religions, etc. How more Germans didn't see this happening and stop it before it was too late (before Hitler became all powerful with a brutal power structure nobody dare challenge) is baffling to me.

There is plenty of nationalism in DJT's game. I just don't see him as hypnotizing millions of people - or these people being OK with the extermination of one person, let alone entire races, religions, groups.

And the 2016 state of US: somewhat stagnant US economy, swamp, deep state, etc that DJT vowed to improve, remove..... is not remotely on the dire level that Germany's was which propelled Hitler into power.
So... if things got really bad economically, Trump would be ideal? You're not really counter HNs comparisons. You're sorta making them more convincing.

Never use "This is not to sound racist..." or "This isn't to sound supportive of _____ , but...."
So... if things got really bad economically, Trump would be ideal? You're not really counter HNs comparisons. You're sorta making them more convincing.

Never use "This is not to sound racist..." or "This isn't to sound supportive of _____ , but...."
1) I didn't use that language you quoted. I agree with what you are saying so was careful not to use that language. Was just trying to explain his mind set, while in no way condoning or justifying any of it - and actually stating how vile I think he was. (I see I did use "but where it was over the line" in one place - which wasn't the best choice by me. There is nothing I condone in anything Hitler ever did. Period).

2) No - DJT isn't ideal. Obama or Bush or Clinton or Reagan isn't ideal. No one man with such centralized power or cult following is ideal or even desirable. the more local, individual power in the citizenry, the better. I meant to type, here are some things where DJT does sound like Hitler, and has been solidly crushed by people who strive for freedom and not for some DJT cult following (I'm in the former FWIW).
DJT's call for journalists and journalism orgs to be shut down.
DJT select protectionist / nationalist economic policies, tarriffs
DJT propensity to remove anyone in his admin who doesn't agree with him or speaks frankly and honestly to him.

I think one would be hard pressed to say DJT has made freedoms or standard of living worse for any race or religious group or LGBT group, for US citizens in this nation....let alone put any of them in danger of personal harm. In fact, the economy, deregulation, etc. has made standard of living better for basically all citizens.

I understand though that not all credit for the economy goes to him, but wages and employment and new small businesses are better now (under him) than in almost any time in history.
Lots of inaccuracies in this post, but to label the majority of Trump supporters as "peasants" is hysterical. There aren't even any peasants in the US, and I'd say there haven't really been "peasants" in the western world since beginning of 20th century.
Let me clarify something because I don't think you'll figure it out on your own.

"Peasant" is being used here, more so in the case of Trump than Hitler, as a derogatory term. It appears you're a little too caught up in the formal use of the word; you're being a little too literal in this case. It's true that since the industrial revolution this nation has become far less of an agrarian society, but that doesn't mean we don't have more than our fair share of peasants in our midst.

peasant /'pe-znt/
an ignorant, rude, or unsophisticated person; a usually uneducated person of low social status.
"Since when do you read Céline, you peasant?"
"We attended the Trump rally with all the other uncultured peasants."
Both statements are patently false. But you're certainly entitled to that opinion. Just what race would "a very significant percentage of his followers want to eliminate"?

No actually both statements are DEAD ON accurate and factual. And to even ask “what race” is the cherry on top of your denial of the facts. Thanks.

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