OOTB's Political Thread . ..

That's not what I have been reading. They are saying their options are pretty limited. I'm sure they will do something on a small scale, but the chances of a large scale attack are pretty small. This is a pretty good summary of where things stand.

Not sure what we call this in terms of small vs. large but they're certainly retaliating.
I would think if anyone was killed, it would have been reported by now. Was anyone actually at the spot they bombed?

Stuff is just coming out now - happened within the last hour. I've seen reports that say at least 20 troops killed but it's from Twitter accounts that I have no idea if they are legit. I'm leaning toward that being BS, the base is super remote and I'm not sure even in use.
Stuff is just coming out now - happened within the last hour. I've seen reports that say at least 20 troops killed but it's from Twitter accounts that I have no idea if they are legit. I'm leaning toward that being BS, the base is super remote and I'm not sure even in use.
It would be a smart play for Iran to attack a base that wasn't in use or an area of it that didn't have troops. They get to puff out their chest and say they attacked us without suffering wrath from us for killing troops.
It would be a smart play for Iran to attack a base that wasn't in use or an area of it that didn't have troops. They get to puff out their chest and say they attacked us without suffering wrath from us for killing troops.


Although this may backfire on them, only 10 of their 30 missiles actually hit the base. If that was the intent then fine, but if their small to mid range missiles only hit at 30% then their weapon technology blows.
It will be interesting to see how Iraq responds. This is an attack on their country too. Will they condemn it like they did to us?
It will be interesting to see how Iraq responds. This is an attack on their country too. Will they condemn it like they did to us?

This is an odd sentence in the tweet but it appears at least some Iraqi's are dead which makes what you said above very interesting indeed.
Stuff is just coming out now - happened within the last hour. I've seen reports that say at least 20 troops killed but it's from Twitter accounts that I have no idea if they are legit. I'm leaning toward that being BS, the base is super remote and I'm not sure even in use.
CNN is saying there are Iraqi casualties. Big mistake by Iran if true.
Early reports no Americans dead. This seems to be a very safe way for Iran to save face domestically. Let's see if we fall for it and further escalate a situation that should be done. We won, we got their guy and no one died in the response.
not sure what source is saying no americans have been killed because everyone is reporting different news.

which in itself is kinda effed up that even all these media outlets can’t report legitimate news.
Yeah - this was just a big save face by Iran. Wonder if they missed on purpose because if not they have some real shitty weapon technology.
Yeah, they had to do something so this was the smart move by them. I read that this was one of the air bases that they were planning to attack as part of the imminent threat Trump referenced.
Anyone wonder about the pre strike intel used to kill Salami? Could Iran have given him up?
Anyone wonder about the pre strike intel used to kill Salami? Could Iran have given him up?
Don't know about Iran, but I have no doubt Iraq was involved in some way. There's no way an airport gets bombed without collateral damage unless you know what's going to happen.
If this is all Iran does and no troops were killed, I think Trump comes out ahead on this. Taking out a terrorist and only suffering some damaged real estate is a pretty good deal.
I’m afraid the real payback will come at a time and place we least expect and know nothing about
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I’m afraid the real payback will come at a time and place we least expect and know nothing about

the longer we stay over there the more likely it is that your prediction will come true. Time to get troops out of any sort of forward position in Iraq or hell, get them all out of Iraq and police the Middle East from a carrier group and SA/Kuwait bases.
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Also, how long til the resident libs and Nevertrumpers ITT admit that maybe Trump actually might know exactly what he is doing?

This thread originally started with Kavanaugh- Trump win. Then remember Syria and the Kurds? Trump win. Mueller? Trump win. Trade war and tariffs? Trump win. How about renegotiating NAFTA? Trump win. Record economy and employment? Trump win. Impeachment? Trump win.

How many more times do you people need to lose before you just admit that this guy wins? Probably no limit, actually, and I for one thank you for this entertainment.
I’m afraid the real payback will come at a time and place we least expect and know nothing about
Possible, but I don't see anything big happening. They did all they could do without risking all out war. They probably just go back to being a nuisance in the strait and using their proxies to stir up trouble in other countries. Pulling out of the nuclear deal was probably their strongest move.

But, let me ask you a question. Do you think we should have killed the terrorist or just let him continue to do his thing?
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But, let me ask you a question. Do you think we should have killed the terrorist or just let him continue to do his thing?
I don’t know enough to form an opinion. I’m sure he could have been taken out about any time but Trump needed a “win”. My biggest concern is my grandson. He is with the 82nd Airborne division’s rapid deployment unit. Things like this was what I feared most when Trump was elected.
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If this is all Iran does and no troops were killed, I think Trump comes out ahead on this. Taking out a terrorist and only suffering some damaged real estate is a pretty good deal.

Agree - said this to the wife last night when she was bitching about Trump. On his watch we eliminated a terrorist and the blowback to it was no casualties on our side and Iran saying they want to stand down? Win win there.

As I said when this was brought up days ago, I was going to wait to pass judgement. Right now, it looks very good.
I don’t know enough to form an opinion. I’m sure he could have been taken out about any time but Trump needed a “win”. My biggest concern is my grandson. He is with the 82nd Airborne division’s rapid deployment unit. Things like this was what I feared most when Trump was elected.
Hope your grandson is ok if he gets deployed. I'm sure looking at and analyzing these decisions are much more complex when a loved one is involved. I appreciate his service.
the longer we stay over there the more likely it is that your prediction will come true. Time to get troops out of any sort of forward position in Iraq or hell, get them all out of Iraq and police the Middle East from a carrier group and SA/Kuwait bases.
Last time we completely left a new terrorist group took over. I agree with getting them out of a forward position, but we need a small presence to help with training and tactical decisions.
I don’t know enough to form an opinion. I’m sure he could have been taken out about any time but Trump needed a “win”. My biggest concern is my grandson. He is with the 82nd Airborne division’s rapid deployment unit. Things like this was what I feared most when Trump was elected.

The people most likely to send troops are the ones Trump defeated. You should be thankful we have a CIC who wants to avoid wars.

But of course you can't be thankful because you are bitter and stubborn about being so wrong about Trump's election and accomplishments. Nothing like letting your ego get in the way of a good thing, I guess.
Last time we completely left a new terrorist group took over. I agree with getting them out of a forward position, but we need a small presence to help with training and tactical decisions.

Well, the last time we left we made sure on the way out to empower the Iranians by sending them pallets of cash and all but inviting them to wreak havoc in Syria and Lebanon. I doubt Trump would be as kind to the Iranians as Obama was if and when we pull out.
Hope your grandson is ok if he gets deployed. I'm sure looking at and analyzing these decisions are much more complex when a loved one is involved. I appreciate his service.

Yes, it is. My lifelong best friend has been deployed 4 different times to Iraq and Afghanistan. The guy who lived next door to me for 3 years at VMI was killed in Iraq. I hate this war and all of the neocons and libs who have promoted it.
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