OOTB's Political Thread . ..

So they thought they were firing at a US military aircraft and accidentally shot down a civillian aircraft? That would make sense. But wouldnt it still be safe to assume that is a response to our killing their guy?
I don't see it being a possible response. It wouldn't benefit them in any way. They are already getting a lot of blow back for it.

I’m not arguing Trump was wrong for taking the guy out. Just questioning the narrative that there was no cost. If they were correct about the target and shot a US pilot out of the sky then what happens?
Not sure. Nothing good I would imagine. Supposedly Trump wasn't willing to accept even one soldier dying. If true, we might be in the middle of a war right now.

here’s the thing about this video. I think it is absurd and sophomoric. That’s partially what makes it funny. And if all this video achieved was sophomoric and absurd humor, that would be good enough.

But the best and funniest part is that when mentally challenged lib (I know this is redundant) watches it, he actually is angered/annoyed.

so much winning.
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You actually think Iran's thought process was that they should shoot down a Ukrainian plane full of Canadians and Iranians because the US killed someone?


yes he really does think this because he is a fukkin idiot.
Fair enough. Hopefully your first hunch is correct and Iran has gotten all this revenge business out of its system, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

I expect Blabbersnot71 to be overwhelmed by messages with double-digit word counts or longer. The guy has the attention span of a sea urchin. But I expect better from you.

I have lost count of how many times I have painted you into a corner. It’s sad how bad you are at this but since you keep asking for more, I will oblige.

However in order to do this, you need to do more than make one poast and then run away for 2 days. If you aren’t willing to engage, then I will continue to mock you like the pussy you are.
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the thing is that when Boy reads your response and sees your gif, he will actually think that you are seriously advocating for nuclear strikes. Libs have gone completely and totally phucking off the rails.
Not sure I can get behind blaming Trump for Iran shooting down a plane. And I can't imagine it would be anything but a mistake. Probably just someone saw a plane on radar, got nervous thinking it was one of ours and shot it. Horrible thing to do, but I don't think it was done on purpose.
I agree
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I don't see it being a possible response. It wouldn't benefit them in any way. They are already getting a lot of blow back for it.

Not sure. Nothing good I would imagine. Supposedly Trump wasn't willing to accept even one soldier dying. If true, we might be in the middle of a war right now.

If its not a response then why would Iran just randomly target what they thought was a US military aircraft? If we crossed into their airspace under normal conditions then why would they risk it?

The only two options I see are it being a response, or they thought they were playing defense against a hostile foreign aircraft. And I dont see any way to argue that us assasinating their top general wouldnt make them more likely to shoot down our aircraft as they would obviously be viewed as hostile after we bombed their guy into another dimension.
If they shot it down on purpose as a result of being provoked by our drone strike taking out their guy, then you can’t really argue that the two events weren't causally linked. If thats the case then it would be understandable for people to question whether that first strike was worth it or not.

I could see it being intentional. Terrible look for Iran but also a chance to attack citizens from one of our allies without shooting down a US military aircraft.

Trump Derangement Syndrome Exhibit #1
I dont blame trump for the airline but its certainly collateral damage from taking out salamander.

I’m not grieving the guys demise but seems to me it was an unnecessary provocation that escalated tensions , raised oil prices, and put american lives even more at risk than prior to the strike. Why cant we do like the russians and anonymously poke the guy with a posioned umbrella?
I dont blame trump for the airline but its certainly collateral damage from taking out salamander.

I’m not grieving the guys demise but seems to me it was an unnecessary provocation that escalated tensions , raised oil prices, and put american lives even more at risk than prior to the strike. Why cant we do like the russians and anonymously poke the guy with a posioned umbrella?
Oil prices are down but carry on.
I dont blame trump for the airline but its certainly collateral damage from taking out salamander.

I’m not grieving the guys demise but seems to me it was an unnecessary provocation that escalated tensions , raised oil prices, and put american lives even more at risk than prior to the strike. Why cant we do like the russians and anonymously poke the guy with a posioned umbrella?
Looks like this is causing a lot of unrest in Iran. There have been protests by citizens and journalist quiting over this "collateral damage". Maybe something good will come out of this.
Oil prices are down but carry on.

I’m not making a prediction, I have no idea what the market will do. But, the price probably wouldn’t have shifted much by now either way. There’s enough supply already moving through the market to create a lag before the price shift actually happens. Plus there’s other people ready to sell more oil if Iran raises their prices.

Yet another reason we should be moving to sustainable energy including nuclear. It’s silly to be dependent on oil when there are better options.
It is kinda funny that the party that's made it's bacon recently off of identity politics, and supposedly a young millennial wave, has 5 of the 6 candidates being 59 or older, 3 of whom (the 3 favorites in fact) are 70 or older, and they're all white.
It's almost like the millennials and those bellowing about identity politics don't actually represent the average Democratic voter.
I dont blame trump for the airline but its certainly collateral damage from taking out salamander.

I’m not grieving the guys demise but seems to me it was an unnecessary provocation that escalated tensions , raised oil prices, and put american lives even more at risk than prior to the strike. Why cant we do like the russians and anonymously poke the guy with a posioned umbrella?
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That Dem debate last night was really bad.

Mayor Pete is the only one who speaks at least some sense but the party and their voters are too stupid and throw their support behind unlikeable 70 somethings who have zero shot at beating Trump.

Andrew Yang at least has a successful business background, a minority, and youth which is supposed to be what that party represents. They can't even get him polling high enough to get him on stage.

Trump is going to easily win in 2020 unless something drastic happens economically.
That Dem debate last night was really bad.

Mayor Pete is the only one who speaks at least some sense but the party and their voters are too stupid and throw their support behind unlikeable 70 somethings who have zero shot at beating Trump.

Andrew Yang at least has a successful business background, a minority, and youth which is supposed to be what that party represents. They can't even get him polling high enough to get him on stage.

Trump is going to easily win in 2020 unless something drastic happens economically.
I didn't watch the debates, but even Yang wouldn't help them win. They need those moderate democrats and conservative independents to win the election. That's the votes Trump flipped last time and the reason he won. The so called "Reagan democrats." Right now they are appealing to the left wing of the party. That will work out great to secure the nomination, but will fall flat in the general election because it's not going to work in the swing states.
I didn't watch the debates, but even Yang wouldn't help them win. They need those moderate democrats and conservative independents to win the election. That's the votes Trump flipped last time and the reason he won. The so called "Reagan democrats." Right now they are appealing to the left wing of the party. That will work out great to secure the nomination, but will fall flat in the general election because it's not going to work in the swing states.

Yup, exactly. While they fall over themselves to "out left" the rest of the group up there, they're ensuring that the eventual nominee will be too left to win a general election.

Pete is a pretty solid candidate, and could win the moderate votes (and everything left of moderate when matched up against Trump), but he's getting crushed on not wanting medicare for all and for not kowtowing for the "black vote". Which is something else I find comical - how the DNC treats the entire black population as one mind, that will all flow towards the same candidate as if they weren't capable of thinking for themselves. Talk about offensive.
That Dem debate last night was really bad.

Mayor Pete is the only one who speaks at least some sense but the party and their voters are too stupid and throw their support behind unlikeable 70 somethings who have zero shot at beating Trump.

Andrew Yang at least has a successful business background, a minority, and youth which is supposed to be what that party represents. They can't even get him polling high enough to get him on stage.

Trump is going to easily win in 2020 unless something drastic happens economically.

@prlyles with @Heels Noir as his VP has a better chance of beating Trump than any of those yahoos on stage last night.
Yup, exactly. While they fall over themselves to "out left" the rest of the group up there, they're ensuring that the eventual nominee will be too left to win a general election.

Pete is a pretty solid candidate, and could win the moderate votes (and everything left of moderate when matched up against Trump), but he's getting crushed on not wanting medicare for all and for not kowtowing for the "black vote". Which is something else I find comical - how the DNC treats the entire black population as one mind, that will all flow towards the same candidate as if they weren't capable of thinking for themselves. Talk about offensive.
If he were to get the nomination, even though he won't, they will hammer him on his record in Indiana. He can't even manage a city.
If he were to get the nomination, even though he won't, they will hammer him on his record in Indiana. He can't even manage a city.

Every dem candidate is flawed and Trump will pounce on them for it.

Hell, the Dems have a ton of firepower against Trump that the idiotic average voter would latch on to but they just aren't smart enough or savvy enough to hammer it home.

- They finally mentioned how Trump lost by 3 million votes in 2016 last night in the debate. I'd be all over him in Presidential debates for that if I were them. He talks like he won in a "landslide" and it's only because our map is laid out certain ways. I'd constantly bring up how 3 million more people wanted what he's deemed as a terrible person in Hillary.

- There isn't a poll out there that has his approval rating above 50%. Hammer him for that. And when he responds "well the polls didn't think I could win in 2016" I'd retort with "you lost by 3,000,000 votes."

- Tax returns. He apparently couldn't release them in 2016 cuz he was being audited. He's yet to release them 4 years later. No audit takes 4 years. I'd say he's afraid because of Russian ties and personal business conflicting with his Presidency and then I'd bring up the impeachment with it, even when he's acquitted.

This isn't rocket science. None of this matters in reality but average voters are morons and they will jump all over this crap.
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Every dem candidate is flawed and Trump will pounce on them for it.

Hell, the Dems have a ton of firepower against Trump that the idiotic average voter would latch on to but they just aren't smart enough or savvy enough to hammer it home.

- They finally mentioned how Trump lost by 3 million votes in 2016 last night in the debate. I'd be all over him in Presidential debates for that if I were them. He talks like he won in a "landslide" and it's only because our map is laid out certain ways. I'd constantly bring up how 3 million more people wanted what he's deemed as a terrible person in Hillary.

- There isn't a poll out there that has his approval rating above 50%. Hammer him for that. And when he responds "well the polls didn't think I could win in 2016" I'd retort with "you lost by 3,000,000 votes."

- Tax returns. He apparently couldn't release them in 2016 cuz he was being audited. He's yet to release them 4 years later. No audit takes 4 years. I'd say he's afraid because of Russian ties and personal business conflicting with his Presidency and then I'd bring up the impeachment with it, even when he's acquitted.

This isn't rocket science. None of this matters in reality but average voters are morons and they will jump all over this crap.
Regarding the losing by 3 million thing. That would be hard for some of the guys to do it. I read Warren had a pretty good comeback last night about how the men on stage lost elections and the women hadn't. If i'm Trump's adviser, I'd just tell him to respond with a "at least I still won my election unlike you" line. There is just no good dem running right now that has a chance of winning. The economy is what will win it in the end.
"you lost by 3,000,000 votes.

I think the Democrats make themselves look so stupid when they say this. Because he didn't lose by 3M votes. He won the fuggin election. Obviously HRC got 3M more votes than him, that's factual, but by the rules of the game, he won the election by getting more votes where he needed to get more votes.

I think the Dem's barking to change the way the election is run for the first time in 230+ years was a sign they didn't think they could win in 2020.

This isn't rocket science. None of this matters in reality but average voters are morons and they will jump all over this crap.

Ultimately this is all that matters. They need to get your average moron to believe whatever it is that makes them look like a better option that Trump, regardless of whether it's true or not. They need to leverage the advantage they have in most of the media willingly going along with whatever they choose to highlight, or just straight make up.
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Ultimately this is all that matters. They need to get your average moron to believe whatever it is that makes them look like a better option that Trump, regardless of whether it's true or not. They need to leverage the advantage they have in most of the media willingly going along with whatever they choose to highlight, or just straight make up.

Yeah that's my whole argument.

Great point with the media also. They hate Trump enough that whatever the dems say bad about Trump they will run with.
It is of zero relevance that Trump lost the popular vote and no one cares other than lib morons because:

1) He wasn't campaigning to win the popular vote. He was campaigning to win the election
2) I don't think anyone with a brain believes the reported popular vote numbers from California and Illinois, given the population of illegals and no voter ID laws.

As far as tax returns, no one cares about that either. Obama already proved that the IRS is a sham and completely untrustworthy when his admin selectively went after conservative non-profits.

Here's what people care about:
1) Money (jobs)
2) Being left alone. This hasn't happened for years because the far left pushes their crazy ass beliefs nonstop and it is affecting the rest of us (or at least the perception of being affected exists). Trump stands up to these dickholes and uses their own tactics better than they do. That is ultimately why he is so popular and why he will win again.
3) Common sense- Trump has taken a common sense approach to most everything and it all has turned out smelling like roses. Most recent examples being Iran and Trade War.
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It is of zero relevance that Trump lost the popular vote and no one cares other than lib morons because:

1) He wasn't campaigning to win the popular vote. He was campaigning to win the election
2) I don't think anyone with a brain believes the reported popular vote numbers from California and Illinois, given the population of illegals and no voter ID laws.

As far as tax returns, no one cares about that either. Obama already proved that the IRS is a sham and completely untrustworthy when his admin selectively went after conservative non-profits.

Here's what people care about:
1) Money (jobs)
2) Being left alone. This hasn't happened for years because the far left pushes their crazy ass beliefs nonstop and it is affecting the rest of us (or at least the perception of being affected exists). Trump stands up to these dickholes and uses their own tactics better than they do. That is ultimately why he is so popular and why he will win again.
3) Common sense- Trump has taken a common sense approach to most everything and it all has turned out smelling like roses. Most recent examples being Iran and Trade War.

Again...we aren't here to argue whether or not the things Dems can say are accurate/meaningful/etc.

It's whether the idiot average voter would jump on it. The answer is yes.
Again...we aren't here to argue whether or not the things Dems can say are accurate/meaningful/etc.

It's whether the idiot average voter would jump on it. The answer is yes.

I disagree. A dem isn't persuading anyone to vote for a dem because the dem says that Trump lost the popular election in 2016 by 3 million votes.

This is liberal echo chamber nonsense.
I disagree. A dem isn't persuading anyone to vote for a dem because the dem says that Trump lost the popular election in 2016 by 3 million votes.

This is liberal echo chamber nonsense.
To any person remotely capable of understanding the rules of the game, this analogy should apply:

It would be like Clemson coming out in the media today and hammering non-stop that they are the real college football champs because they gained more yards than LSU (I'm not sure if Clemson did gain more yards)….but what does total yards gained (popular votes) matter, when the rules of the game clearly state the winner is points scored via TDs and kicks (or electoral votes via states won)?

There are countries governed by pure democratic elections, which tend to infringe upon individual and state rights. Candidates might be advised to move to those locations if they want to run under those rules, because the representative republic, states rights, electoral college rules aren't changing here anytime soon. Especially given the makeup of the courts including the Supreme Court and their collective views on this topic.
Again...we aren't here to argue whether or not the things Dems can say are accurate/meaningful/etc.

It's whether the idiot average voter would jump on it. The answer is yes.

A dem isn't persuading anyone to vote for a dem because the dem says that Trump lost the popular election in 2016 by 3 million votes.

Let's test the theory and find out once and for all. @Heels Noir, how important is it to you that Trump got 3M less votes in 2016 than Clinton?

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