OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Biden is the favorite in Vegas to win the nomination, and appears to be leading most polls.

The debates of Biden v. Trump will be appointment viewing.

Beavis vs butthead
The two party system has us so ****ed its beyond belief. And noone seems to care. I mean look at these two fuking clowns. You mean to tell me these are the two best choices we can muster? Unbelievable.
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Beavis vs butthead
The two party system has us so ****ed its beyond belief. And noone seems to care. I mean look at these two fuking clowns. You mean to tell me these are the two best choices we can muster? Unbelievable.
It really is a clown show. Biden is an old, white, creepy, male who the Dems want to put up there to beat the guy they constantly rant about being an old white creepy male.

Warren and Sanders can't get out of their own ways and have both tanked their chances at the nomination.

I think Mayor Pete would be a reasonable option, but the DNC won't allow it.
You're right. Biden is always winning the nomination and the general election. He's never been known to lose in his bid for the presidency.
Not true, strum, but I hear your sarcasm. I just wanted to point out that Biden is 0-2 in presidential campaigns, not 0-4. Had you compared him to the Cincinnati Bengals, Atlanta Falcons, or Carolina Panthers you would have been spot on.
I didn't think so either, but I thought Bernie would have dropped out by now and Warren would pick up the majority of the progressive vote. The longer Bernie stays in, the better Biden's chances are.

Bernie is a much better candidate than Warren. Nobody is buying the story she made up about him saying a woman couldn't be president because he was marching with MLK while she was a republican pretending to be native american to get a job at Harvard.

I don't know why you thought he would have dropped out. Last I heard he was the favorite to win Iowa and has been out fundraising everyone else.
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Bernie is a much better candidate than Warren. Nobody is buying the story she made up about him saying a woman couldn't be president because he was marching with MLK while she was a republican pretending to be native american to get a job at Harvard.

I don't know why you thought he would have dropped out. Last I heard he was the favorite to win Iowa and has been out fundraising everyone else.
I thought he would have figured out that the dems will never allow him to win the nomination and even if they would he doesn't have a chance as long as Warren is running. The importance of winning Iowa isn't what it once was.
The Dems are sabotaging poor Ol Bernie again. This sham impeachment trial means he won’t be able to campaign any, which will give Uncle Joe a much better shot at coming out of the gate with the early primary victories.

orange man bad though, right @uncboy10?
I thought pictures didn’t prove someone knew someone else. Have the rules changed again?

Come on dude. I know you’re purposely being a dick to our old pal Noir but you actually believe he didn’t know these guys?

Even the hardest supporters admit he did and they just don’t care.
Come on dude. I know you’re purposely being a dick to our old pal Noir but you actually believe he didn’t know these guys?

Even the hardest supporters admit he did and they just don’t care.

I just want to know the rules as they seem to change from person to person and photo to photo. Do pictures with other people mean that that the subject does or does not know the other person in the picture?

And no, I don't personally care about pictures. But I do care about the rules so I need those declared. Please and thanks.,
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I thought pictures didn’t prove someone knew someone else. Have the rules changed again?
What about video?

The bigger question should be about the veracity of Parnas's words. I find him a lot more believable than Donald Trump*.
Bernie is a much better candidate than Warren. Nobody is buying the story she made up about him saying a woman couldn't be president because he was marching with MLK while she was a republican pretending to be native american to get a job at Harvard.
I don't know how they let it blow up into such an ordeal. On it's face, it's a nothing-burger, even if true. Ok, so Bernie said he didn't think a woman could win the 2020 election. Big F'ing deal. He didn't say he hated women, or thought they were stupid, or anything like that. Should have just blown over, but now with the he-said-she-said fighting and calling each other liars and all that has made it into much more of a negative for both of them than it ever should have been.

I don't know why you thought he would have dropped out. Last I heard he was the favorite to win Iowa and has been out fundraising everyone else.

Everywhere I've seen Biden is still the favorite. But I agree that Bernie needs to ride this til the end. In the event he does start picking up some steam, the DNC will put the screws to him again. I don't see any path to him getting the nomination, but he needs to stay in it to show their deceitfulness.
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I just want to know the rules as they seem to change from person to person and photo to photo. Do pictures with other people mean that that the subject does or does not know the other person in the picture?

And no, I don't personally care about pictures. But I do care about the rules so I need those declared. Please and thanks.,

Yea these pics could be nothing more than photo ops and trump may or may not even remember them nevertheless know the people.

A good rule of thumb though. If knowing these people would be an embarrassment to trump then hes most likely lying when he denies it.
I don't know how they let it blow up into such an ordeal. On it's face, it's a nothing-burger, even if true. Ok, so Bernie said he didn't think a woman could win the 2020 election. Big F'ing deal. He didn't say he hated women, or thought they were stupid, or anything like that. Should have just blown over, but now with the he-said-she-said fighting and calling each other liars and all that has made it into much more of a negative for both of them than it ever should have been.

Everywhere I've seen Biden is still the favorite. But I agree that Bernie needs to ride this til the end. In the event he does start picking up some steam, the DNC will put the screws to him again. I don't see any path to him getting the nomination, but he needs to stay in it to show their deceitfulness.

Agreed with both points. But assuming he didn’t say it, I can’t blame him for calling her out for making up a bogus story.

He’ll have to win handily to ensure he doesn’t get screwed. We’ll see what happens.
What about video?

The bigger question should be about the veracity of Parnas's words. I find him a lot more believable than Donald Trump*.

can you list for me the people who you find less believable than Trump?
Bernie is a much better candidate than Warren. Nobody is buying the story she made up about him saying a woman couldn't be president because he was marching with MLK while she was a republican pretending to be native american to get a job at Harvard.

I don't know why you thought he would have dropped out. Last I heard he was the favorite to win Iowa and has been out fundraising everyone else.
This is true. I don't agree with Bernie on much - but comparing Warren to Bernie as a candidate is a joke. Warren never met a lie she didn't like.... and no matter how much CNN and the DNC pump up and promote Warren - her stupid "sexism" comments toward Bernie are going to backfire - bigly. The Bernie Bros are totally PO'd at Warren - and Bernie has raised money like crazy since Warren's little I am the Victim Episode 37 last week. Her campaign was nose-diving before the last the best she can hope for is to take Bernie down with her. Kamikaze style.
Everywhere I've seen Biden is still the favorite. But I agree that Bernie needs to ride this til the end. In the event he does start picking up some steam, the DNC will put the screws to him again. I don't see any path to him getting the nomination, but he needs to stay in it to show their deceitfulness.
I've heard in several places out of the Bernie camp something to the effect of: "if Bernie doesn't get the nomination....which is to say if the DNC and media F Bernie over again...we're gonna riot or burn Milwaukee (site of Dem convention) down". Just tough talk for now, but there looks to be a lot of infighting yet on the horizon...
Bernie. And before somebody points out his Democratic oath of fealty, let’s call it what it is: a politically expedient maneuver to make sure he’d be on stage. He’s as much a Democrat as the folks from Alabama who bought dook season football tickets are dook fans.

what is he? Honest question.

immediate answer that comes to mind is Communist but I don’t think that’s where you are going

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