OOTB's Political Thread . ..

You would think that's how it would work, but I've seen it described (on 538) that isn't actually the case. Don't know all the specifics, but it has to do with the states that require a 15% threshold to win delegates. So something like a 35% Sanders, 20% Biden, 14% Buttigieg, 13% Warren, 13% Bloomberg, 5% Klobuchar or whatever, would only give delegates to Sanders and Biden, but a 40% Sanders, 25% Biden, 20% Bloomberg, 15% Warren would give all 4 of them delegates and thus make getting a majority of delegates more difficult for Bernie (or anyone for that matter).

Yeah the whole thing is a clusterf*ck.

I should have said if he has a majority of delegates after the first vote at the convention then there’s nothing they can do because superdelegates can’t vote in the first round.
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Ladies and gents....I present your options for president.

I have to chuckle at the fact that a party which criticizes old white rich people, is now running nothing but old white rich people. The working man will finally have a voice with the old rich white person in charge!
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I have to chuckle at the fact that a party which criticizes old white rich people, is now running nothing but old white rich people. The working man will finally have a voice with the old rich white person in charge!

Man, that's what gets me the most.

Hey, 35 year old black single mother in the ghetto working your ass off trying to get by, here's a rich old white man that will solve all of your problems by promising you free shit! Yeah, right.

Two democrats have won Presidential elections since 1977. Clinton, a young southern man who's family broke lines of segregation as he was growing up and whom the black community embraced and Obama, a black guy. This isn't rocket science.

If you're the dems, you better nominate a minority or someone who minorities like in 2024 or it's Trump Jr for us all.
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Man, that's what gets me the most.

Hey, 35 year old black single mother in the ghetto working your ass off trying to get by, here's a rich old white man that will solve all of your problems by promising you free shit! Yeah, right.

Two democrats have won Presidential elections since 1977. Clinton, a young southern man who's family broke lines of segregation as he was growing up and whom the black community embraced and Obama, a black guy. This isn't rocket science.

If you're the dems, you better nominate a minority or someone who minorities like in 2024 or it's Trump Jr for us all.
I don't know about Trump Jr, but I could get on board with Ivanka. At least that way we'll have something good to look at for four years. In all seriousness though, the GOP would be smart to run someone like Nikki Haley in 2024. I think the dems will realize what you said is correct and Haley would neutralize some of that.
I don't know about Trump Jr, but I could get on board with Ivanka. At least that way we'll have something good to look at for four years. In all seriousness though, the GOP would be smart to run someone like Nikki Haley in 2024. I think the dems will realize what you said is correct and Haley would neutralize some of that.

VERY curious if Pence will run and how the party will view him. Also, you know Trump is going to want to pick his successor and you know he'll pick his family over Pence. Losing Trump's support would probably kill Pence.

Also, there are rumors floating around that Trump will replace Pence with Haley for 2020. This would be a very smart move by Trump which is why I doubt it will happen.

Then, I'd be really curious to see which Republicans break from Trump (i.e. Nikki Haley) and run against Trump Jr in 2024.

Haley did sign the bill to remove the confederate flag for the South Carolina state capital so I'm sure the OOTB conservatives don't like her.
Polling had Hillary in a landslide...

well iirc they had her winning popular vote by 4 pts when she won by 2. Well within margin of error. I do remember several key states though where trump won despite Clinton leading in polls. But they were narrow wins.
Anyway the polling I linked shows surprisingly to me huge leads for Bernie fwiw. Way bigger than what Clinton had on election eve.
Also, there are rumors floating around that Trump will replace Pence with Haley for 2020. This would be a very smart move by Trump which is why I doubt it will happen.
I haven't heard about that one. That would definitely get him some more votes with middle class women, but I don't think it's something he needs.

Then, I'd be really curious to see which Republicans break from Trump (i.e. Nikki Haley) and run against Trump Jr in 2024.
Nikki has already broken from Trump slightly, but she hasn't broken away with him a lot. I think that's because she wants to be able to keep Trump supporters votes in case of a 2024 run. I also think the GOP will do everything in their power to make sure a Trump Jr nomination never happens, similar to what the dems are doing to Bernie. Trump isn't that popular outside of his core supporters, but these guys are smart and know that right now they need his support for reelection and to make sure they keep a majority in the senate. After he gets out of office, I don't think Trump holds as much power as previous presidents.

Haley did sign the bill to remove the confederate flag for the South Carolina state capital so I'm sure the OOTB conservatives don't like her.
I think things like that will help her with the minority vote and would help put her over the top in some of those toss up states. A GOP candidate will never win the minority vote, but they don't have to. They just need to peel away enough of them to make a difference. Similar to what W did with the Latino vote.
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VERY curious if Pence will run and how the party will view him. Also, you know Trump is going to want to pick his successor and you know he'll pick his family over Pence. Losing Trump's support would probably kill Pence.

Also, there are rumors floating around that Trump will replace Pence with Haley for 2020. This would be a very smart move by Trump which is why I doubt it will happen.

Then, I'd be really curious to see which Republicans break from Trump (i.e. Nikki Haley) and run against Trump Jr in 2024.

Haley did sign the bill to remove the confederate flag for the South Carolina state capital so I'm sure the OOTB conservatives don't like her.
I consider myself an OOTB conservative, and I'm all-in for Nikki Haley. Including supporting her way more than Pence.

I've followed her career, and read her recent bio book (With All Due Respect) - and I like her a lot. She'd be my choice over anyone who could possibly run in 2024.

I'd certainly stay home, not vote if any other Trump family member runs in 2024 or any time in the future. The thought of these clowns perpetuating an incompetent nepotism dynasty / monarchy - makes me almost vomit. Seeing any of them on TV shill for the dumb stuff their daddy did makes me want to punch the TV.
Also, there are rumors floating around that Trump will replace Pence with Haley for 2020. This would be a very smart move by Trump which is why I doubt it will happen.

Then, I'd be really curious to see which Republicans break from Trump (i.e. Nikki Haley) and run against Trump Jr in 2024.

Haley did sign the bill to remove the confederate flag for the South Carolina state capital so I'm sure the OOTB conservatives don't like her.

Smart move = Trump do the opposite: true. But the more you read about DJT and Haley, the more you see they both respect each other (even if they may not like each other all the time necessarily) - Haley seems to have been very careful in not burning any bridges and not getting on the bad side of DJT and some of his deranged cult-level worshippers.

Again - reading what Haley did about the flag - it was an issue she really struggled with, as did the state - but in the end, what the flag represented to some people targeted by hate groups in the state, overrode the persons who see it as a military symbol of importance. I believe the flag still is displayed in context somewhere inside the SC capitol? With some context around "what the flag represents to different groups of people, and we should respect both groups point of view."
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National polls are nice to look at, but as long as the EC exists national polls are mostly irrelevant. Swing state polling is what matters. As soon as Bernie admits on national TV that the middle class will pay more taxes, he will lose big time.

Lots of people are willing to pay slightly more in taxes if it means expanding public programs instead of subsidizing oil companies and walmart. What really pisses people off is the idea that their tax rate is higher than people like Bloomberg or Trump.

According to some recent polling, Bernie is within one point of Trump in Texas. He does extremely well with latino voters, maybe even well enough to flip the state. If that happens it doesn't matter what happens in Florida or Ohio. That being said, Emerson has Bernie +6 in Ohio. He does well against Trump in a lot of the swing states.

Bernie will stay on message through the debates, while highlight reels of the dumb shit trump has said/done play on repeat. I know a lot of people who thought Bernie was some crazy radical until they sat down and heard him speak uninterrupted for an extended period of time, like he did on the JRE podcast.

On the other hand, Biden is struggling to form a coherent sentence. Trump will run circles around him in the debates.
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Lots of people are willing to pay slightly more in taxes if it means expanding public programs instead of subsidizing oil companies and walmart. What really pisses people off is the idea that their tax rate is higher than people like Bloomberg or Trump.
Lots of people like to say that, until they are faced with the decision to actually have to do it. There is a reason that candidates always go out of their way to make sure the middle class won't pay more taxes. And it won't be slightly more if Bernie gets what he wants. Free health care, school, etc are going to raise taxes by a noticeable amount. He can claim it will be offset by not having to pay for insurance all he wants, but most people aren't dumb enough to believe that. Also, don't forget that our taxes are higher than that millionaire Bernie too (although smart people know that those guys are actually in a higher bracket and don't really pay less than us in income taxes).
Lots of people are willing to pay slightly more in taxes if it means expanding public programs instead of subsidizing oil companies and walmart. What really pisses people off is the idea that their tax rate is higher than people like Bloomberg or Trump..

Slightly more?

Free healthcare and college for a population of 327 million people (and growing) is not realistic without a 60% tax on anyone making above $25,000. And Bernie saying the decrease in medical bills will make up for the tax is a lie for most Americans.

I pay $100 a month for mine and my wife's insurance. When we go to doctor visits and such we pay a minimal copay and a minimal amount for prescriptions. All in all, I'd say we pay about $3,000 a year in medical...I'd estimate that being bumped to $5,000 with kids. I know we are very fortunate to not have medical conditions currently but most Americans don't spend more than $10,000 on medical bills in a year.

Without going into salary details, Bernie's plan has me losing a HELL OF A LOT more than that if he bumps me just 5% in taxes. 5% won't cover the trillions needed to fund all of his promises.

That's why I would never ever ever vote for a radical like Bernie/AOC. Trump could take a dump on the Statue of Liberty's face and I'd vote for him before Bernie/AOC.
When wlt
Will this lie ever go go away? Most credible polls had them real close on election day
Polling isn't just taken on election day. You can't be wrong for months and then say "oh, we were right . Just look at our polls from a few hours ago". That's like the recruiting analysis who switch their pick after they get word that a recruit is going to pick a school later that day.
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Slightly more?

Free healthcare and college for a population of 327 million people (and growing) is not realistic without a 60% tax on anyone making above $25,000. And Bernie saying the decrease in medical bills will make up for the tax is a lie for most Americans.

I pay $100 a month for mine and my wife's insurance. When we go to doctor visits and such we pay a minimal copay and a minimal amount for prescriptions. All in all, I'd say we pay about $3,000 a year in medical...I'd estimate that being bumped to $5,000 with kids.

Wow did you get that policy on the exchange?
And it won't be slightly more if Bernie gets what he wants. Free health care, school, etc are going to raise taxes by a noticeable amount. He can claim it will be offset by not having to pay for insurance all he wants, but most people aren't dumb enough to believe that.

Slightly more?

Free healthcare and college for a population of 327 million people (and growing) is not realistic without a 60% tax on anyone making above $25,000. And Bernie saying the decrease in medical bills will make up for the tax is a lie for most Americans.

I pay $100 a month for mine and my wife's insurance. When we go to doctor visits and such we pay a minimal copay and a minimal amount for prescriptions. All in all, I'd say we pay about $3,000 a year in medical...I'd estimate that being bumped to $5,000 with kids. I know we are very fortunate to not have medical conditions currently but most Americans don't spend more than $10,000 on medical bills in a year.

Without going into salary details, Bernie's plan has me losing a HELL OF A LOT more than that if he bumps me just 5% in taxes. 5% won't cover the trillions needed to fund all of his promises.

That's why I would never ever ever vote for a radical like Bernie/AOC. Trump could take a dump on the Statue of Liberty's face and I'd vote for him before Bernie/AOC.
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so, your healthcare does cost quite a bit more than a hundred bucks a month......

It does. And guess what, if we start taking money away from these corporations that Bernie Sanders paints as being run by Satan then myself and the 18,000 other employees will have to pay much more than we are currently paying because they won't be as generous. we take money away from corporations who treat their employees very well and allow said employees to have more money in their pocket to spend in the US economy...or should we understand the greater good that employing tens and hundreds of thousands of people does for our country?
2 - $100 per month for insurance? Holy shit. That's absurdly low. For my family of 4, it's about $1200-$1300 per month, of which I pay about 50%.

No kids and no preexisting conditions. My company covers about 75% of the insurance costs so yeah, it's about $800/month before it.
It does. And guess what, if we start taking money away from these corporations that Bernie Sanders paints as being run by Satan then myself and the 18,000 other employees will have to pay much more than we are currently paying because they won't be as generous. we take money away from corporations who treat their employees very well and allow said employees to have more money in their pocket to spend in the US economy...or should we understand the greater good that employing tens and hundreds of thousands of people does for our country?
Why do you think businesses should provide healthcare for their workers?
Why do you think businesses should provide healthcare for their workers?

Why shouldn't they?

You wanna turn healthcare into the DMV? You want doctors to get paid and have the skill level of DMV workers?

Private, for profit organizations have run better and more efficient than anything government run since the beginning of time. If part of privatizing that is that businesses have relationships with insurance companies to provide coverage then I'm all good.

That's why.
Lots of people are willing to pay slightly more in taxes if it means expanding public programs instead of subsidizing oil companies and walmart. What really pisses people off is the idea that their tax rate is higher than people like Bloomberg or Trump.

According to some recent polling, Bernie is within one point of Trump in Texas. He does extremely well with latino voters, maybe even well enough to flip the state. If that happens it doesn't matter what happens in Florida or Ohio. That being said, Emerson has Bernie +6 in Ohio. He does well against Trump in a lot of the swing states.

Bernie will stay on message through the debates, while highlight reels of the dumb shit trump has said/done play on repeat. I know a lot of people who thought Bernie was some crazy radical until they sat down and heard him speak uninterrupted for an extended period of time, like he did on the JRE podcast.

On the other hand, Biden is struggling to form a coherent sentence. Trump will run circles around him in the debates.
JRE podcasts are the best!
$1,000 I think. Nothing crazy.
That's pretty good. I think that's probably close to what mine would be if I broke it down per person. I'm paying a decent amount more than you, but I chose one of the more expensive plans because of health issues. BofA still pays well over half of the total cost though. I have zero complaints about my benefits and I have no doubt the government could do any better.
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That's pretty good. I think that's probably close to what mine would be if I broke it down per person. I'm paying a decent amount more than you, but I chose one of the more expensive plans because of health issues. BofA still pays well over half of the total cost though. I have zero complaints about my benefits and I have no doubt the government could do any better.

Yeah same - I really like my healthcare and doctors currently so that's why any change kinda freaks me out. Couple that with the change moving toward government run and I'm like hell MF no.

My main thought on healthcare is we need to do what makes doctors happy. We need to ensure that the smartest and most responsible people are going into the healthcare industry. The easiest way to do that is to cater to them with both money and by removing any obstacles that would upset them or make it harder to do their job. That's why the idea of the government being in control of doctors is a huge no for me.
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