Saved me from typing it out.
But, since you quoted me:
Frankly, I don't care who the man tried to diddle when he was 18 or 21. It sounds like he lacked respect and discretion, but that's not uncommon. It doesn't affect most people... unless you plan on being a Supreme Court Judge!
However, this circus has provided a very necessary insight to how he cannot be trusted to be impartial, he's incapable of being objective. That was proven TODAY, not 35 years ago. And, if he did what he's being accused of, just own-up to it. You can be humble and apologetic and HONEST. He chose to deny it, and that denial is lying. And, the denial happened this week, not 35 years ago. Now, he's a liar in the present moment. I'd prefer that Supreme Court Judges not be public liars. We have (and have had) enough of those in the legislative and executive branch.