OOTB's Political Thread . ..

So is it not a hoax?

Trifecta of high risk
-Poor (according all that debt listed in his taxes)

Hope Hicks is like a sexy smokin double-agent assassin or is Trump lying to get out of debate, or what?
well, it didn't take long for the most idiotic response to come along. Let's see if anyone can top it.
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look how much the market dropped just on the news he tested positive, even though he is asymptomatic.

imagine what it would do if he were to lose the election? Thankfully, that’s a hypothetical.

Gonna get to see true colors on some people today.
OK, here is my true colors. I hope the son of a bitch gets sick as a dog for about 2 days and then recovers fully. Maybe that would pound some sense into him and his supporters and maybe save so innocent American lives. One big concern by a lot of people will be the history of lying that has overshadowed the WH ever since he took office. His lying has cost this country greatly and will a lot more now and this is a time when the American people need to know that what the man is saying is the truth.
look how much the market dropped just on the news he tested positive, even though he is asymptomatic.

imagine what it would do if he were to lose the election? Thankfully, that’s a hypothetical.

Gonna get to see true colors on some people today.
The futures dropped by 600 points when he was elected. Wall Street crooks always prosper in the end.

His administration rarely follow protocols, he's constantly at his rallies, never wears a mask unless it's at RBG's wake. He sees masks as weakness and panic. He's downplayed the crisis since the beginning. He's been skeptical about masking. He questioned it at the debate.

I'm sure he'll be fine.

















Want to bump this again lest we never forget.
OK, here is my true colors. I hope the son of a bitch gets sick as a dog for about 2 days and then recovers fully. Maybe that would pound some sense into him and his supporters and maybe save so innocent American lives. One big concern by a lot of people will be the history of lying that has overshadowed the WH ever since he took office. His lying has cost this country greatly and will a lot more now and this is a time when the American people need to know that what the man is saying is the truth.

While I disagree vehemently with this post and think it is full of assumed bullshit and typical rantings from an angry old man, I can see the logic.

You pass the test.
I wonder what the fallout will be if any members of the press or fundraisers in New Jersey become infected?

As the nation reacts to the news of President Trump and first lady Melania Trump’s coronavirus diagnoses, some are also raising questions about the administration’s handling of the situation after top Trump aide Hope Hicks confirmed that she had tested positive.

A small group of White House officials knew by Thursday morning that Hicks had contracted Covid-19, according to CNN Correspondent Kaitlan Collins — but Trump still took a trip to New Jersey for a fundraiser, and press secretary Kayleigh McEnany still held a news briefing at the White House on Thursday.

McEnany didn't wear a mask at the briefing, and made no mention of Hicks' diagnosis to reporters in the room, Collins said.

"So the question is going to be for the White House, why did the President still go to New Jersey, knowing that he could potentially put these people at risk, these donors and fund raisers? And of course, why did the press secretary still hold a briefing despite knowing she had come into contact with somebody who had just tested positive for coronavirus?" Collins said.

"She didn't even tell us. Didn't even tell reporters who were on the plane. And there are going to be serious questions about the White House keeping that information not just from the reporters in the room but also from the American people about the state of the health of the President and the people that he potentially came into contact with."
youre cheering for him to die, aren’t you? Just go ahead and say it.
well, it didn't take long for the most idiotic response to come along. Let's see if anyone can top it.
Man, you guys are sensitive this morning. Was it the "Poor" part, or do you disagree that Hope is sexy (looking at you bluetoe)? Or the part about Trump looking for an excuse to skip the debate?
Man, you guys are sensitive this morning. Was it the "Poor" part, or do you disagree that Hope is sexy (looking at you bluetoe)? Or the part about Trump looking for an excuse to skip the debate?

None of the above. Just waiting for you to crack and say you hope he and Melania suffer and then die.
Oh, are we talking about the media?

Yeah, these people have no bias nor animosity against our President.
The tweet says "Less than an hour after news broke of Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis, the Washington Post tweeted, “Imagine what it will be like to never have to think about Trump again.” "

What does that headline have to do with Trump getting coronavirus? Nothing

What does the article itself have to do with Trump getting coronavirus? Nothing

You are getting your panties wadded up over Nothing.
The tweet says "Less than an hour after news broke of Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis, the Washington Post tweeted, “Imagine what it will be like to never have to think about Trump again.” "

What does that headline have to do with Trump getting coronavirus? Nothing

What does the article itself have to do with Trump getting coronavirus? Nothing

You are getting your panties wadded up over Nothing.

Yeah you are right- there is no way the WaPo was promoting Trump's diagnosis as a good thing.

You are even dumber than Gtee and I didn't think that was possible.
You: look at all these examples of bias.

First example: not biased at all.

Me: - you are an idiot.
Yeah you are right- there is no way the WaPo was promoting Trump's diagnosis as a good thing.

You are even dumber than Gtee and I didn't think that was possible.
Did you read the article? Did you read the headline? You need to get out of your feedback-loop. Yes the media is biased, yes the world is full of hypocrisy, but don't make it worse by claiming X is an example of Y when it isn't.
So is it not a hoax?

Trifecta of high risk
-Poor (according all that debt listed in his taxes)

Hope Hicks is like a sexy smokin double-agent assassin or is Trump lying to get out of debate, or what?

And when the 74 year old man recovers from it, he's going to say, "see, it's like having the flu, nothing more." Which is what he said originally.
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OK, here is my true colors. I hope the son of a bitch gets sick as a dog for about 2 days and then recovers fully. Maybe that would pound some sense into him and his supporters and maybe save so innocent American lives. One big concern by a lot of people will be the history of lying that has overshadowed the WH ever since he took office. His lying has cost this country greatly and will a lot more now and this is a time when the American people need to know that what the man is saying is the truth.

He's going to recover and show that the hysteria was indeed unwarranted.
Maybe remove the slate articles at top since there is absolutely nothing wrong with a news site / magazine offering multiple, varying opinions on matters?

Yet you still refuse to address the multiple other examples of media bias and continue to focus on one small, trivial point.

Yep, you're a stupid liberal alright.
You: look at all these examples of bias.

First example: not biased at all.

Me: - you are an idiot.

Did you read the article? Did you read the headline? You need to get out of your feedback-loop. Yes the media is biased, yes the world is full of hypocrisy, but don't make it worse by claiming X is an example of Y when it isn't.

Oh, so you mean when you do things like say this:

So is it not a hoax?

you really aren't just passing along a complete bullshit hoax and making things worse by claiming X when X was never said? Even far left Snopes knows you are full of shit.

And the WaPo headline speaks for itself. Only a completely brainwashed stooge would try to gaslight that.
You: look at all these examples of bias.

First example: not biased at all.

Me: - you are an idiot.

Did you read the article? Did you read the headline? You need to get out of your feedback-loop. Yes the media is biased, yes the world is full of hypocrisy, but don't make it worse by claiming X is an example of Y when it isn't.
Me: Look at all these examples of bias.

You: Look at the one example I found that I didn't like.

I wonder what the fallout will be if any members of the press or fundraisers in New Jersey become infected?

As the nation reacts to the news of President Trump and first lady Melania Trump’s coronavirus diagnoses, some are also raising questions about the administration’s handling of the situation after top Trump aide Hope Hicks confirmed that she had tested positive.

A small group of White House officials knew by Thursday morning that Hicks had contracted Covid-19, according to CNN Correspondent Kaitlan Collins — but Trump still took a trip to New Jersey for a fundraiser, and press secretary Kayleigh McEnany still held a news briefing at the White House on Thursday.

McEnany didn't wear a mask at the briefing, and made no mention of Hicks' diagnosis to reporters in the room, Collins said.

"So the question is going to be for the White House, why did the President still go to New Jersey, knowing that he could potentially put these people at risk, these donors and fund raisers? And of course, why did the press secretary still hold a briefing despite knowing she had come into contact with somebody who had just tested positive for coronavirus?" Collins said.

just more irresponsible bullshit from this administration...those supporting this team continue to be clowned, like nobody, ever.

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