OOTB's Political Thread . ..

A woman's place is pregnant, in the kitchen, doing what the husband tells her to do. THAT is the way they venerate the housewife. Basically, pre-1919, is the venerated status they want.
I think if you could somehow manage to get your head out of your ass, you'd easily understand that while they celebrate and promote the housewife, they can venerate anything they care to and it's no skin off anyone's one is forcing anyone into any role. If a woman finds their encouragement to her liking, she can certainly act on it; and if she doesn't, I doubt she has to fear coercion from them.

I'm for getting a good blowjob, and in fact I venerate women (sorry strum) who are into that; but so far I haven't coerced cooperation from any potential partners. Although sometimes I think a gun might be helpful. But I digress. In other words, just because you're for something doesn't mean anyone needs to be intimidated or even concerned by your desires...except you of course.

You're what's wrong with this country at this time. We could all be much happier if we just concerned ourselves with our own contentment instead of telling everybody else what drum they should march to.
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Well, it's pretty obvious that they are more aligned with Trump. I dunno if I'd characterize them as being "guilty" of that. But, okay?
you should try to expand your literacy. And yes hell you would, that's all you do.
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I didn't miss any reference, but you did...and jokes are supposed to be recognizably funny. I wish you knew how much your thick skull belongs on the graph.
I think if you could somehow manage to get your head out of your ass, you'd easily understand that while they celebrate and promote the housewife, they can venerate anything they care to and it's no skin off anyone's one is forcing anyone into any role. If a woman finds their encouragement to her liking, she can certainly act on it; and if she doesn't, I doubt she has to fear coercion from them.

I'm for getting a good blowjob, and in fact I venerate women (sorry strum) who are into that; but so far I haven't coerced cooperation from any potential partners. Although sometimes I think a gun might be helpful. But I digress. In other words, just because you're for something doesn't mean anyone needs to be intimidated or even concerned by your desires...except you of course.

You're what's wrong with this country at this time. We could all be much happier if we just concerned ourselves with our own contentment instead of telling everybody else what drum they should march to.
Well, join-up and enjoy the abundance of their amazing platform and desire to live in the 19th century.
I didn't miss any reference, but you did...and jokes are supposed to be recognizably funny. I wish you knew how much your thick skull belongs on the graph.
not the joke, the reference, Sadie. The REFERENCE. It wasn't meant to be funny. You missed the reference, dear.
Awww, you are so flustered. Come here, sweetie. Lemme give you a hug and a kiss.
the lamest of the lame fall back on that third grade shit. And now you'll never convince me that you aren't after my man meat. Ain't gonna happen but I can't stop you from dreaming.
the lamest of the lame fall back on that third grade shit. And now you'll never convince me that you aren't after my man meat. Ain't gonna happen but I can't stop you from dreaming.
Was that 3rd grade shit?

I'll never convince you? Really? Okay... that's fine. You keep thinking I want your man meat.
this is good, saw this earlier
The fact-checking was followed by some entertainment. Van Jones saying "I'm as bipartisan as anybody..." was hilarious. And, Rick Santorum made some comments about the Covid response- about how there's another health crisis that is also important and can be just as damaging as Covid 19. I think Trump's response to Covid is mixed at best. Now that I know what he admitted to knowing to Bob Woodward, I have a much more harsh critique of Trump. Prior to hearing those tapes, I was actually warming to Trump's overall handling of the Covid situation, given his lack of experience, and how even science and medical experts weren't sure about it. Now? He knew it was dangerous, and he chose to just pander, even lie about the severity, and playing-it-down to keep up the appearance that he's doing a good job. And, last night, he even mocked Joe Biden for wearing a mask. He's so fragile and insecure that I never believe him.
I think Trump's response to Covid is mixed at best...
Prior to hearing those tapes, I was actually warming to Trump's overall handling of the Covid situation, given his lack of experience...
Aside for downplaying it, then handing off to governors, what his response? I'm still curious about what his national plan is.
Aside for downplaying it, then handing off to governors, what his response? I'm still curious about what his national plan is.
His national plan is having a rally while the country burns.

Remember, the only way he can lose is if the election is rigged.
Settle down. You seem really upset. No need to get this angry about it.

Then what? It's fun and entertaining for you to get on here and bemoan the current state of politics on a daily basis? I mean, I guess that's your prerogative but man, you've devolved as poaster. This seems to be eating you up. When you first came to this board, you were a completely different poaster than you are today. Your daily whining here would indicate that you definitely care. If I'm misreading, then I guess that's on me.
I blame it on the goats.
I think if you could somehow manage to get your head out of your ass, you'd easily understand that while they celebrate and promote the housewife, they can venerate anything they care to and it's no skin off anyone's one is forcing anyone into any role. If a woman finds their encouragement to her liking, she can certainly act on it; and if she doesn't, I doubt she has to fear coercion from them.

I'm for getting a good blowjob, and in fact I venerate women (sorry strum) who are into that; but so far I haven't coerced cooperation from any potential partners. Although sometimes I think a gun might be helpful. But I digress. In other words, just because you're for something doesn't mean anyone needs to be intimidated or even concerned by your desires...except you of course.

You're what's wrong with this country at this time. We could all be much happier if we just concerned ourselves with our own contentment instead of telling everybody else what drum they should march to.
We have a winner!
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In today's edition of "Why are libs such fvcking idiots?", we learn that the moderator for the next debate used to....wait for it.... intern for Joe Biden.

In other words, they have just made it so regardless of what happens on the next one, Trump will be seen as the winner. Americans have an intrinsic sense of fairness and even the most partisan of libs will agree that you can't roll out a former Biden employee to referee the next match. If Trump wins the next one like he did this one, then he was the winner. And if anything other than that happens, people will blame the moderator. It also shows weakness from the Sleepy Joe campaign because they have to stack the deck to even pretend like they have a shot.

TL;DR: Liberalism is a mental disorder.
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