The cops in Uvalde (repub congressman) Texas were incompetent and unprepared because of Biden and dems. Lol.
well, let's have an example.
Biden has practically made it his personal obligation, for example, to persecute those two (?) border patrol agents for doing their jobs, but not being nice enough about it in the way they detained several illegals trying to break into our country.. I think they dared lasso them. Biden wants them or has already ridden them out of the Border Patrol, and they'll likely spend some time in jail.....for doing a job that we sane people thank them for.
There hasn't exactly been a groundswell of criticism of him from the left, or maybe I missed it. In fact, Biden pandered to those idiots who made an uproar over that nothingburger incident. And you know damn well that this is not an isolated example. This is typical of the attitude that permeates the leftist mindset. So yes, you fvcking retard, Biden and the dems are responsible for the negativity toward police of all agencies for simply doing their jobs. Biden and the dems create and sustain the atmosphere of hate and negativity toward law enforcement and send the dystopian message that protection of the public should be secondary to appeasement of people too stupid to pour piss out of a boot with directions printed on the heel.. Cops are accordingly being trained more and more to be nice first, and effective second, because of the same dolts who are farking up all other phases of our existence.
More importantly, whenever an incident occurs, the message from the left isn't 'don't be a criminal', it's 'we're watching you cop, better be nice to those criminals'.
Don't come back at me with examples of cops gone bad. I hate those as much as anyone. I still can see that SOB in SCar shooting the black guy in the back round after round for no good reason; and I want him to die, tit for tat. But you don't despise an entire profession for the actions of a very few. Conversely, Biden and the dems represent the attitudes of the majority of that half of the spectrum, and that attitude is hurting all of us by taking an effective edge off law enforcement.