OOTB's Political Thread . ..

try again.

" Despite his early reluctance to employ the Defense Production Act to compel businesses to make supplies necessary for the COVID-19 response, Trump said in a March 27 press conference that he had invoked the act “to compel General Motors to accept, perform, and prioritize federal contracts for ventilators.”

Trump also tapped Peter Navarro, a White House trade adviser, to act as national Defense Production Act policy coordinator. At the press conference, Navarro explained that the Defense Production Act was employed to compel General Motors to make ventilators only after the federal government “ran into roadblocks” in its negotiations with GM over production. "
Technically, on paper, Trump invoked the DPA and technically he implemented it surrounding GM and ventilators, but in reality it was half-assed and potentially just showmanship.

a- The nation's biggest need in terms of DPA was PPE, and PPE was the biggest mess in terms of aquisition and distribution. People called for centralized supply chain around the end product, raw materials, production, etc, but this never happened. Trump NEVER did anything regarding PPE aside for let Jared muddy the waters.

b- Trump was slow to act.

c- GM / Ventec had begun doing exactly what they did PRIOR to Trump/Navarro. Industry folks called his command sabre-rattling over something that was happening anyway:

Kudos to him for guaranteeing we'd have ventilators if needed, but all signs show this was happening (driven by the market) BEFORE his call for dpa.

Heelnoir's point was that Trump should've used the DPA to help America, and nothing he did regarding DPA helped America. Trump's response on this was a complete failure.
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I think the part many fail to consider or try to ignore.. no one knew exactly what they were dealing with early last year. The doctor (that some on this board still claim to be a genius) went from "wear a mask" to "makes don't work" to "wear a mask because they work" in about a 2 month span. But it's a lot easier to just blame Trump.
Fake news. Trump's effort to play the hero only came after GM announced plans to team with startup company Ventec Life Systems to build additional ventilators at one of their plants in Indiana.

Face it, your boy Trump fumbled the ball when it counted most, arguably costing him the election. And now all you and your fellow Trumpanzees have to cling to is a lot of Trump merchandise, also known as junk.
Wait, your precious is now fake news? Also funny how you always make claims but never bother to substantiate them. You only care about thumbing your nose at someone, and giggling at your silly made-up names. That's why you are treated like a five year old, because basically you are one. You are mindless.

Trump invoked the act because GM was not moving quickly enough and was being exorbitant. Period. Any arrangements GM had made or was making falls under that reality. And yes, as I have said before, I am sad for this country that dolts like you elected Biden.
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I think the part many fail to consider or try to ignore.. no one knew exactly what they were dealing with early last year. The doctor (that some on this board still claim to be a genius) went from "wear a mask" to "makes don't work" to "wear a mask because they work" in about a 2 month span. But it's a lot easier to just blame Trump.
Trump had a hard job. So did leaders in countries with much lower deaths per capita and cases per capita while resulting in similar economic hit.

Governors had an even harder job when the US gov decided to let states handle everything themselves. Trump handicapped the CDC, politicized the entire messaging from NIH down, made mask-wearing a political issue. The nation needed a centralized, coordinated approach and it got nothing but mixed messaging. Every state would've been best served if Trump told states in late January that he was shutting down the CDC & FEMA and they should all start immediately acting to save their own butts.

HCW and teachers had an even harder job.

Service workers had no job because they were laid-off or their bus closed.
I think the part many fail to consider or try to ignore.. no one knew exactly what they were dealing with early last year. The doctor (that some on this board still claim to be a genius) went from "wear a mask" to "makes don't work" to "wear a mask because they work" in about a 2 month span. But it's a lot easier to just blame Trump.
It is easy to blame Trump because he was the leader of this country and it seems all he wanted to do was sweep it under the rug and tell Americans everything was okay and the virus would "magically" go away. He was recklessly irresponsible.
Wait, your precious is now fake news? Also funny how you always make claims but never bother to substantiate them.
No, your half-ass investigating is what I was calling fake news.

Trump invoked the act because GM was not moving quickly enough and was being exorbitant. Period. Any arrangements GM had made or was making falls under that reality. And yes, as I have said before, I am sad for this country that dolts like you elected Biden.
You just accused me of making claims without substantiating them, and yet in the very same post you're doing exactly that. I must ask again, are you staring in the mirror, Blabbersnot II?
I think the part many fail to consider or try to ignore.. no one knew exactly what they were dealing with early last year. The doctor (that some on this board still claim to be a genius) went from "wear a mask" to "makes don't work" to "wear a mask because they work" in about a 2 month span. But it's a lot easier to just blame Trump.

God this bullshit again? Is it fun having a belief system you have to constantly lie and deny fact to defend? Once again...for the fuk nuts in the back of the room not paying attention...upon the onset of covid on mar 8 fauci said there’s no reason for Americans to wear masks. Then a month later as know....EVIDENCE BECAME AVAILABLE ON HOW IT WAS SPREADING....the cdc and fauci started recommending masks. So you see what happened was he took a position then as it was proven innaccurate he changed his mind. Thats science. It wasn’t political or part of some nefarious world wide conspiracy to defeat Trump. It’s just science. Trump did the exact opposite cause as we know science and the rw don’t mesh well. He denied science in favor of politics EVEN TO THE POINT OF CONCEALING BEING VACCINATED. And that cost him the election. So fuk him and anyone defending the idiot and good riddance.
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Technically, on paper, Trump invoked the DPA and technically he implemented it surrounding GM and ventilators, but in reality it was half-assed and potentially just showmanship.

a- The nation's biggest need in terms of DPA was PPE, and PPE was the biggest mess in terms of aquisition and distribution. People called for centralized supply chain around the end product, raw materials, production, etc, but this never happened. Trump NEVER did anything regarding PPE aside for let Jared muddy the waters.

b- Trump was slow to act.

c- GM / Ventec had begun doing exactly what they did PRIOR to Trump/Navarro. Industry folks called his command sabre-rattling over something that was happening anyway:

Kudos to him for guaranteeing we'd have ventilators if needed, but all signs show this was happening (driven by the market) BEFORE his call for dpa.

Heelnoir's point was that Trump should've used the DPA to help America, and nothing he did regarding DPA helped America. Trump's response on this was a complete failure.

Trump was simply following principles. Instead of commanding the government to run private business, he was negotiating with them, just as he explained that he would. When that didn't work with GM, he used what he had at his disposal. It's just that simple. If one is so disposed to couch this in negative terms in order to disparage Trump, than one can do so just as one can do with ANY situation. Your slant doesn't make the reality any different.

What your linked article doesn't clarify is that while the manufacturers were stepping up production, negotiations were ongoing. So hard to believe that NPR might have neglected to point this out.

We had more than four years of a relentless push to make every single thing that Trump did seem to be either a negative or borne of negative intent. If I took a shit on that effort for four years, why would you think I would stop taking a shit on it now?
God this bullshit again? Is it fun having a belief system you have to constantly lie and deny fact to defend? Once again...for the fuk nuts in the back of the room not paying attention...upon the onset of covid on mar 8 fauci said there’s no reason for Americans to wear masks. Then a month later as know....EVIDENCE BECAME AVAILABLE ON HOW IT WAS SPREADING....the cdc and fauci started recommending masks. So you see what happened was he took a position then as it was proven innaccurate he changed his mind. Thats science. It wasn’t political or part of some nefarious world wide conspiracy to defeat Trump. It’s just science. Trump did the exact opposite cause as we know science and the rw don’t mesh well. He denied science in favor of politics EVEN TO THE POINT OF CONCEALING BEING VACCINATED. And that cost him the election. So fuk him and anyone defending the idiot and good riddance.

So Trump should have listened to the doctor even though it was clear he was just guessing?
No, your half-ass investigating is what I was calling fake news.

You just accused me of making claims without substantiating them, and yet in the very same post you're doing exactly that. I must ask again, are you staring in the mirror, Blabbersnot II?
I'm sorry dude. I forgot that you can't read or speaky Engy so well. Let me put it this way for you. I linky, you NO linky.
So Trump should have listened to the doctor even though it was clear he was just guessing?

no he should have listened to the worlds leading pandemic researcher and health orgs as they evaluated the data coming in from around the world on how the virus was spreading. Crazy talk eh? Instead with the help of complete morons like rush limpbaugh and Sean hannity he started on the “democrat conspiracy” bullshit narrative and the brain dead partisan sheep lapped it up.
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no he should have listened to the worlds leading pandemic researcher and health orgs as they evaluated the data coming in from around the world on how the virus was spreading. Crazy talk eh? Instead with the help of complete morons like rush limpbaugh and Sean hannity he started on the “democrat conspiracy” bullshit narrative and the brain dead partisan sheep lapped it up.

So why do you think Trump in May 2020 pushed to get a Covid-19 vaccine ?
because the election was looming and doing so would benefit him politically.

Why do you think he concealed being vaccinated?

So you don't think Trump "listened to the worlds leading pandemic researcher and health orgs as they evaluated the data coming in from around the world on how the virus was spreading" when he wanted to get a vaccine available as soon as possible?
So you don't think Trump "listened to the worlds leading pandemic researcher and health orgs as they evaluated the data coming in from around the world on how the virus was spreading" when he wanted to get a vaccine available as soon as possible?

he didn’t meet with his covid response team for the last 6 mos of his term. So no....he wasn’t listening to them

so why do you think he concealed being vaccinated?
he didn’t meet with his covid response team for the last 6 mos of his term. So no....he wasn’t listening to them

so why do you think he concealed being vaccinated?

The plan to get a vaccine was started in May.. 9 months before his term was over.

I dont know or care why he didnt share he got a vaccine.
The plan to get a vaccine was started in May.. 9 months before his term was over.

I dont know or care why he didnt share he got a vaccine.

the fact he blew them off for six months tells me he he didn’t ever listen to them to begin with.

and of course you won’t answer as to why he concealed being vaccinated. Cause you would have to admit he never gave a rats fuking ass about the good of the country and showing some leadership, only his political career.
the fact he blew them off for six months tells me he he didn’t ever listen to them to begin with.

and of course you won’t answer as to why he concealed being vaccinated. Cause you would have to admit he never gave a rats fuking ass about the good of the country and showing some leadership, only his political career.

LOL.. I forgot that your kind just fall in line and would run right out and do what the President said to do.
LOL.. I forgot that your kind just fall in line and would run right out and do what the President said to do.

People marched on the capitol to try and prevent the certification of an election, just because trump said it was rigged. What is it with trump supporters and making ridiculously ironic accusations?
I'm sorry dude. I forgot that you can't read or speaky Engy so well. Let me put it this way for you. I linky, you NO linky.
Sometimes I provide links, other times I don't, like when I'm arguing with brain-dead morons like you who I believe could use the workout in doing their own research.

To emphasize the point, you have now made two false claims: that it was Trump's influence that pushed GM into production, and again that Trump squeezed GM because they were dragging their feet, the latter of which you provided "no linky."
thats not what showing leadership implies. Your kind doesn’t understand.

so you don’t think concealing being vaccinated was by design?

I don't depend on the government to take care of me. If someone wants to get the vaccine then have at it. I have not got one and have no plans to get it.
People marched on the capitol to try and prevent the certification of an election, just because trump said it was rigged. What is it with trump supporters and making ridiculously ironic accusations?

I'd like for one of you blowhards to provide evidence that Trump said to storm the Capitol.
Trump was simply following principles. Instead of commanding the government to run private business, he was negotiating with them, just as he explained that he would. When that didn't work with GM, he used what he had at his disposal. It's just that simple. If one is so disposed to couch this in negative terms in order to disparage Trump, than one can do so just as one can do with ANY situation. Your slant doesn't make the reality any different.

What your linked article doesn't clarify is that while the manufacturers were stepping up production, negotiations were ongoing. So hard to believe that NPR might have neglected to point this out.
During a pandemic it is clear that some principles suck... like free market principles since they result in black markets being the goto for masks.

The original point Noir makes still stands, which is that Trump could've used the DPA to help america - PPE, vents, info collection - and he failed on this.
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the fact he blew them off for six months tells me he he didn’t ever listen to them to begin with.

and of course you won’t answer as to why he concealed being vaccinated. Cause you would have to admit he never gave a rats fuking ass about the good of the country and showing some leadership, only his political career.
seriously, the President of The U.S. of A. gets vaccinated and that proves he doesn't give a rat's ass about the good of the country? Is it possible he just thought it would be no more a big deal than getting two scoops of ice cream....oh wait, never mind.
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So if I post that Capital Ford screwed me on some car repairs that means you should go to the dealership and vandalize the place?
Hate speech leads to hate violence. So if I'm brainwashed in a cult and you are the cult leader, and several of the top people in the cult also preach the same rhetoric (Hawley, Cruz, Cawthorne, etc, plus the non-elected crazies in media), then yes, i take your marching orders and the orders you've been echoing.

Trump isn't alone in blame, Fox news and all the media enablers and elected enablers are to blame too.
During a pandemic it is clear that some principles suck... like free market principles since they result in black markets being the goto for masks.

The original point Noir makes still stands, which is that Trump could've used the DPA to help america - PPE, vents, info collection - and he failed on this.
LOL you and @Heels Noir are both sidewinders. His original point, the specific one that I responded to, was simply that Trump DID NOT USE the DPA AT ALL. It's right there, all you have to do is go back and read it. Everything else you've said is just horse mustard (I don't know what that means either, but it seems appropriate somehow). When he started skewing away from the original path with his opinion, I followed with plain fact relating back to his original point.

You've got to get better at strawman-making. As much as you have practiced it, you aren't very good at it.

But to address your concerns, I never said that Trump's response was perfect; but I have said that anyone who claims in retrospect that there was a better way is just an idiot with an agenda. No one can say what might have been and anyone who claims to be able to is somebody to avoid taking seriously.
Because what you have heard him say, and do, over and over, isn't enough?
I heard him call for a peaceful gathering, a demonstration. You know, not like the ones that the left calls demonstrations where people die and property is burned and otherwise destroyed. What did you hear? Oh wait, you must not have been allowed to hear him say that because your handlers didn't want to sway your hatred.

I keep hearing about this vague 'what he said'. I want to believe, so please provide an example of him saying 'rape, pillage, and destroy' or any words to that effect. I know they must exist, just because you say so.
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I heard him call for a peaceful gathering, a demonstration. You know, not like the ones that the left calls demonstrations where people die and property is burned and otherwise destroyed. What did you hear? Oh wait, you must not have been allowed to hear him say that because your handlers didn't want to sway your hatred.

I keep hearing about this vague 'what he said'. I want to believe, so please provide an example of him saying 'rape, pillage, and destroy' or any words to that effect. I know they must exist, just because you say so.
My handlers?
So if I post that Capital Ford screwed me on some car repairs that means you should go to the dealership and vandalize the place?
this is where they play dumb and pretend that your simple, obvious point is just too confusing to comprehend. Oh never mind, my post is too late.
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My handlers?
he said, deflecting as usual. Deflecting was just what he did. "Deflection is what I am", he was proud of saying. "No one has ever made a point contrary to anything I've said that I couldn't deflect from by playing the dumbass". And so it was.

But yes, your handlers. You know, those who control your mind and actions.
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he said, deflecting as usual. Deflecting was just what he did. "Deflection is what I am", he was proud of saying. "No one has ever made a point contrary to anything I've said that I couldn't deflect from by playing the dumbass". And so it was.

But yes, your handlers. You know, those who control your mind and actions.
And, who are they?
His original point, the specific one that I responded to, was simply that Trump DID NOT USE the DPA AT ALL.
Okay, 'snot II, you got me. Trump in fact attempted to use the DPA for good although he was a day late and a dollar short (BIG eye roll).

"Accept loss forever."
- Jack Kerouac, on what would today be his 99th birthday, and his message to forever losers like you

Happy Birthday, Jack
And, who are they?
you don't even know? You poor mindless bastard. Wish I could help but I think you're beyond that.

And no I'm not deflecting, it's just that your question is purposely idiotic and I won't respect it enough to answer. But I will say that I told you before that you are maybe the most susceptible person I know of.
Okay, 'snot II, you got me. Trump in fact attempted to use the DPA for good although he was a day late and a dollar short (BIG eye roll).

"Accept loss forever."
- Jack Kerouac, on what would today be his 99th birthday, and his message to forever losers like you

Happy Birthday, Jack
you just can't admit it completely, can you? It isn't whether he used it for good (which gives you something to roll your eyes over moronically), it was whether he used it AT ALL. Which of course he did, and which of course you were wrong about. Look at all the trouble you could have saved just by being honest to begin with.

But I'm not complaining, I actually respect your coming mostly clean on the matter.

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