OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Too late, already happened, several people are lucky they aren't dead or paralyzed. I have no idea why this dude broke bad, but the prison system didn't slow him down at all... Damage has been done.

I agree completely. Sounds like he needs to go to prison and never get out…which was my argument to begin with. Stiffer consequences; not weaker such as being sent to timeout at a mental institution for a 3 month vacation.

Thank you.
I agree completely. Sounds like he needs to go to prison and never get out…which was my argument to begin with. Stiffer consequences; not weaker such as being sent to timeout at a mental institution for a 3 month vacation.

Thank you.

I thought you were arguing against the stance that mental health care can help prevent crime.

He's facing a potential life sentence for attempted murder... consequences can't get much more stiff for the sake of prevention!
I thought you were arguing against the stance that mental health care can help prevent crime.

He's facing a potential life sentence for attempted murder... consequences can't get much more stiff for the sake of prevention!
yep, nothing stiffer than a potential sentence with potential parole. His potential future victims can feel safe and secure now....potentially
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I thought you were arguing against the stance that mental health care can help prevent crime.

He's facing a potential life sentence for attempted murder... consequences can't get much more stiff for the sake of prevention!

I wasn't arguing against mental health interventions. I was arguing for stiffer sentences. And for people to put the safety of the masses before the mental health of the individual.

As someone that has spent 25 years working in and around the mental health field, I can tell you that judging success is difficult. I've worked with hundreds of kids in my 25 years. Maybe thousands. And to my knowledge, none have gone on to commit murder. So by that standard, sure, it's working. But upon further inspection, many (most?) have ended up in jail for other offenses, battled addiction, became teen parents, dropped out of school and just generally lived an unhealthy lifestyle and became nonproductive members of society. No doubt I've been a part of changing the path of some kids' lives. And that should be celebrated. But the point I'm making is that if we're relying on preventative mental health services to keep the masses safe, we're in trouble.

I am for preventative mental health care. I'm simply telling you that the success rate is low, especially when it's free mental healthcare. I've worked for the SC department of mental health. When I was there, I'm not sure who was healthier - the clients or those performing the services. Mental health workers are some of the most malcontented people I've ever been around. Second hand trauma is real and when you work in that field for a long period of time, it definitely effects your own mental health. Plus, state run agencies are weak on accountability and many of those mental health professionals see that career as a not-very-demanding, easy ride. So putting our faith in those type of "professionals" isn't the wisest move.
There has to be a collective belief that putting people in cages is not effective. I don't see that ever happening. People like @bleeduncblue are convinced that jails and prisons work because he is afraid of them. Impoverished people aren't afraid of prison. Hell, most criminals see it as a rite of passage!

the problem is that will never know what percentage of convicts are/were "impoverished."

2 people in my extended family are doing time for violent crimes ... they definitely didnt do it as a "rite of passage" and they were certainly not impoverished. they just lost control of their emotions and messed up - and they got the penalty that they deserved.

i agree that mental health is a major contributing factor in all of this. but to say that we need to stop building prisons and instead start focusing on mental health as a means to stopping violent crime is just plain stupid. violent crime, like racism, will be part of our society as long as humans are drawing breath.
I wasn't arguing against mental health interventions. I was arguing for stiffer sentences. And for people to put the safety of the masses before the mental health of the individual.

As someone that has spent 25 years working in and around the mental health field, I can tell you that judging success is difficult. I've worked with hundreds of kids in my 25 years. Maybe thousands. And to my knowledge, none have gone on to commit murder. So by that standard, sure, it's working. But upon further inspection, many (most?) have ended up in jail for other offenses, battled addiction, became teen parents, dropped out of school and just generally lived an unhealthy lifestyle and became nonproductive members of society. No doubt I've been a part of changing the path of some kids' lives. And that should be celebrated. But the point I'm making is that if we're relying on preventative mental health services to keep the masses safe, we're in trouble.

I am for preventative mental health care. I'm simply telling you that the success rate is low, especially when it's free mental healthcare. I've worked for the SC department of mental health. When I was there, I'm not sure who was healthier - the clients or those performing the services. Mental health workers are some of the most malcontented people I've ever been around. Second hand trauma is real and when you work in that field for a long period of time, it definitely effects your own mental health. Plus, state run agencies are weak on accountability and many of those mental health professionals see that career as a not-very-demanding, easy ride. So putting our faith in those type of "professionals" isn't the wisest move.
I read all of that tldr poast and enjoyed it. Someone with boots on the ground and real world experience trump idealist in my book.
Honestly, who wouldnt love a world with no racism, violent crime, and no harsh prison sentences? But that world doesnt exist. All people can be bad. Its alot about personal choices. With choices should be accountability.
I read all of that tldr poast and enjoyed it. Someone with boots on the ground and real world experience trump idealist in my book.
Honestly, who wouldnt love a world with no racism, violent crime, and no harsh prison sentences? But that world doesnt exist. All people can be bad. Its alot about personal choices. With choices should be accountability.
Boil down what it should mean to be a strong person in society, in the US:

Freedom and Responsibility.
I was arguing for stiffer sentences. And for people to put the safety of the masses before the mental health of the individual.
I don't see many people arguing for individual mental health over safety of masses.

Nobody asked for this "If we're relying on preventative mental health services to keep the masses safe..."

People are just saying that more jails alone aren't the answer, more mental health can't hurt.

(And there is huge debate as to whether or not stiffer sentences prevent crime).
As always, George provided a suggestion:

you dodged my question, so i'll ask again. if you believe that we need to stop building prisons, what do you suggest we do with future violent criminals? are you going to add on to your house and invite them in as tenants? maybe add a couch or two and talk through their mental problems, why they did what they did and how they can avoid doing it again. 😆
you dodged my question, so i'll ask again. if you believe that we need to stop building prisons, what do you suggest we do with future violent criminals? are you going to add on to your house and invite them in as tenants? maybe add a couch or two and talk through their mental problems, why they did what they did and how they can avoid doing it again. 😆
I kinda liked his suggestions.
I have no faith / no hope for this city of [Minneapolis] or state of MN actually turning around. The left-leaning, anti-cop, anti-individual freedom & responsibility is just way too deeply entrenched, ingrained, corrupt to change, in the next many years anyway.

I agree 100% with your cop comments. The mayor and city council members are soft, clueless, idiots. The police rightly have quit in droves... and I think the ones that have stayed on have pulled back (are much more selective about what calls they respond to - knowing to not get into a situation where they will get framed).
I can't blame you for wanting to get the hell out of Minnesota, but for much different reasons. It's not the liberal citizens or government that I would be running away from. The real embarrassment up there is the Minnesota Vikings. Talk about soft, clueless idiots.

With a 21-30 record in the playoffs, including 0-4 in Super Bowls, it makes you wonder why anyone shows up for games during the regular season. Add to that team owners who are nothing more than a corrupt family who currently has a $100+ million judgment against them for fraud, bad faith, and racketeering in New Jersey. And of course the most egregious offense of all by the franchise came back in 2016 when they replaced one sacrilegious indoor, climate-controlled, dome stadium with another one. Bunch of sissies!

No wonder the Vikes can't handle playing in Green Bay or Chicago or any other cold-weather city.
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Oh look, Trump was right again. The liberal media again with egg on its face.
Oh, look, poopslingerdick is slinging more poop again!

In no way does that article support your claim that the media mishandled reports of Donald Trump's June 1 photo op in front of St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington, or that Trump was "right again."

Written by a right-wing hack (Glenn Greenwald), which cites another right-wing hack (Mollie Hemingway), it actually lists a slew of respectable and liberal news reporters and institutions who first reported on the incident.

At the very least, it's he said, she said.
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Oh, look, poopslingerdick is slinging more poop!

In no way does that article support your claim that the media mishandled reports of Donald Trump's June 1 photo op in front of St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington, or that Trump was "right again."

That article, written by a right-wing hack (Glenn Greenwald), which cites another right-wing hack (Mollie Hemingway), actually lists a slew of respectable news reporters and institutions who first reported on the incident.

At the very least, it's he said, she said.
So we have right wing hacks, but not left wing hacks? Maybe those respectable news reporters are hacks as well. Most on the left seems to fit that description.
I can't blame you for wanting to get the hell out of Minnesota, but for much different reasons. It's not the liberal citizens or government that I would be running away from. The real embarrassment up there is the Minnesota Vikings. Talk about soft, clueless idiots.

With a 21-30 record in the playoffs, including 0-4 in Super Bowls, it makes you wonder why anyone shows up for games during the regular season. Add to that team owners who are nothing more than a corrupt family who currently has a $100+ million judgment against them for fraud, bad faith, and racketeering in New Jersey. And of course the most egregious offense of all by the franchise came back in 2016 when they replaced one sacrilegious indoor, climate-controlled, dome stadium with another one. Bunch of sissies!

No wonder the Vikes can't handle playing in Green Bay or Chicago or any other cold-weather city.

Oh, look, poopslingerdick is slinging more poop again!

In no way does that article support your claim that the media mishandled reports of Donald Trump's June 1 photo op in front of St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington, or that Trump was "right again."

Written by a right-wing hack (Glenn Greenwald), which cites another right-wing hack (Mollie Hemingway), it actually lists a slew of respectable and liberal news reporters and institutions who first reported on the incident.

At the very least, it's he said, she said.
Glenn Greenwald isn't really a right-wing hack. Greenwald is sort of a critic of the MIC and the politicians that are subjugated by it. He's more like Matt Taibbi, although I trust Taibbi more. Greenwald is a lawyer, author and journalist, but he's definitely going to be critical and even vindictive toward career politicians that cater to corporations like General Dynamics, Raytheon and Northrop-Grumman. From what I have heard of him, he tends to emphasize that Trump didn't start any new wars and tried to scale-back a lot of the military presence the USA had in the Middle East. That was one of the very few things I liked about Trump!

I've never heard of Mollie Hemingway.
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Oh, look, poopslingerdick is slinging more poop again!

In no way does that article support your claim that the media mishandled reports of Donald Trump's June 1 photo op in front of St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington, or that Trump was "right again."

Written by a right-wing hack (Glenn Greenwald), which cites another right-wing hack (Mollie Hemingway), it actually lists a slew of respectable and liberal news reporters and institutions who first reported on the incident.

At the very least, it's he said, she said.
This is weapons-grade stupid. Yes, MH comes from a conservative POV, but as @strummingram stated generally, GG is no right-winger, no DJT lover by any stretch. I believe GG is on public record not voting for DJT either time. GG is an independent, libertarian type...against large corrupt establishment, that we have in the main stream media, large corporations, and our federal government.

I don't recall the media organization he helped start and build to prominence, but he was fired from them for not engaging in proper woke PC propaganda lies and groupthink. He kept his principles and now writes under Substack. He is a smart guy, and at least historically leaned much more Democratic / left than Republican / Right.

For you to say that the entire thorough debunking of the outright lies and media malpractice that occurred with DJT and rioters at the church is "he said, she said" ? Whoa.

What can one say? It is like the mainstream media and the protesters are a football team, and they've just been handed a 70-0 arse whupping by DJT and factual accurate reporter team.

And you're calling it a tie game. Insane.

He said - she said. Sure...he GG said the truth, the MSM said BS lies. Just FYI - That is not what "he said, she said" means, or how it works.
Maybe I should start charging admission.
LOL good luck with that. Why pay when we can see you make an ass of yourself free of charge.

The article presented here was basically making a claim (that the park being cleared had nothing to do with Trump or a photo-op) based on a report from the DOI OIG, not Mollie Hemingway. The article doesn't cite Mollie Hemingway for substantiation, but was rather citing the report to substantiate that MH was accurate in her previous reporting of the incident...and that in order to substantiate what low-life liars the liberal media are.

That report automatically reveals the left wing media and certain politicians as shameless liars intent on dividing the country by destroying its right-leaning Presidency. None of the disgusting and despicable bile spewed could possibly have come from a verifiable source, it had to be made up since it was all dispelled by the report.. The actors, politicians included, are treasonous and anti-American IMO, and they deserve the worst imaginable.

That report is what the article hinges on, not Mollie Hemingway. And that report negates whatever leanings the writer of the article might have. Will the real poopslinger please stand up and admit that he has pooped his own bed yet again?

I doubt it.
I love it when old, Protestant white people are too ignorant to realize that Muslims have the exact same "God" (The God of Abraham) as Jews, Catholics, and Protestants. I'm also glad when their prejudices result in their membership declining! Somehow, this genius has even included Thomas Jefferson's personal recognition of whatever she thinks God was to him! "As a race, as a thought process..." Make up your mind, lady!

I love it when old, Protestant white people are too ignorant to realize that Muslims have the exact same "God" (The God of Abraham) as Jews, Catholics, and Protestants. I'm also glad when their prejudices result in their membership declining! Somehow, this genius has even included Thomas Jefferson's personal recognition of whatever she thinks God was to him! "As a race, as a thought process..." Make up your mind, lady!

Out of curiosity, do you also love it when Muslims are too ignorant to realize that they have the exact same "God" (The God of Abraham) as Jews, Catholics, and Protestants?
I love it when old, Protestant white people are too ignorant to realize that Muslims have the exact same "God" (The God of Abraham) as Jews, Catholics, and Protestants. I'm also glad when their prejudices result in their membership declining! Somehow, this genius has even included Thomas Jefferson's personal recognition of whatever she thinks God was to him! "As a race, as a thought process..." Make up your mind, lady!

Stupid qunt. Muslim isn’t a race to begin with and yea they worship the same sky daddy she does. Lol. The bird cackling during her blabbering is right on cue.
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Out of curiosity, do you also love it when Muslims are too ignorant to realize that they have the exact same "God" (The God of Abraham) as Jews, Catholics, and Protestants?
Sure... why not! The members of Abrahamic religions are always entertaining- all of them. Catholics and Protestants murdering each other because they don't like how the other "worships" the exact same Savior. Same goes for Sunnis and Shiites! Blowing each other up to gain favor with "God." It's never dull.

Look at the Holocaust, for cripes sake! A bunch of bigots murdering millions of "Chosen people." Their own Savior was a Jew!
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Was the party private? If so, the old bat should have said, "I don't like your kind. Now scram."

If the party was public, then I guess the old bat has to sit there and take it.

Let this be a lesson to everyone. Private anything is better than public anything.
Stupid qunt. Muslim isn’t a race to begin with and yea they worship the same sky daddy she does. Lol. The bird cackling during her blabbering is right on cue.
"The only Muslims in this party are Democrats!"


I would love to know what the bedazzled "MK" stands for on her t-shirt... next to her prized "50-year pin."
And, props to Jefferson for not recognizing them when he "did the Constitution." That's like the Hokey-pokey, but you don't shake it all about.

"Hey! Shuttup! I'm doin' the constitution ovuh-here!"
I love it when old, Protestant white people are too ignorant to realize that Muslims have the exact same "God" (The God of Abraham) as Jews, Catholics, and Protestants. I'm also glad when their prejudices result in their membership declining! Somehow, this genius has even included Thomas Jefferson's personal recognition of whatever she thinks God was to him! "As a race, as a thought process..." Make up your mind, lady!

I checked out WuTang's Twitter. Exactly as leftist and truth-distortion-oriented as I'd expect. What circles does one run in to follow this kind of out-there guy?

I'm not defending this woman in the TikTok. She is a confused old lady with a scrambled brain. How is she representative of any major prominent group of people?
On the one hand, you have this senile lady spewing unclear, confusing gibberish at a GOP state gathering.
On the other hand, you have a an old senile dude saying the same sort of unclear gibberish - but he is leader of the party and of our country.

Just one of many items that can be deconstructed and delineated between the teaching and beliefs of Muslims and Judeo-Christians, regarding conversion to a new faith:

Compare the treatment of people in these two religions:
  • how Muslims treat someone converting from Islam to Christianity (many Muslim clerics advocate for death to the "infidel")
  • how Jews / Christians treat someone converting from Judaism or Christianity to Islam (will pray for them and witness to them but in no circumstances of legitimate Judeo-Christian following do they advocate for the death of these people)
Look at the Holocaust, for cripes sake! A bunch of bigots murdering millions of "Chosen people." Their own Savior was a Jew!
"Their" own Savior was a Jew! ... wow - are you equating the Nazi party, Hitler, with Christians?
This is the most incorrect, ignorant, wrong thing I've ever heard on this topic. Like something most would learn to be blatantly false, by 8th grade at least.

It is a typical operation to take for Christian-haters to tie Hitler / Nazis to Christians and the church. But it is so lazy, wrong, offensive.

If you're actually interested in the truth about Hitler's and the Nazi Party's persecution of true Christians (not the Nazi false church Hitler created and propped up and promoted as a means to help deliver Nazism, that had zero to do with God or Christian faith)...

read the life story of incredibly devout Christian Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his constant struggle to maintain the real Christian church in Europe during the time of Hitler and his attempt to destroy the Christian church in Europe. It is a fascinating story. Including Bonhoeffer's plot to assassinate Hitler.

Hitler's thugs won against Bonhoeffer in this world / life (he was murdered in a Nazi death camp just before the end of WW2), but you can't find a more heroic inspirational story than Bonhoeffer's about courage, Christian faith, and witness about God in the face of unspeakable evil against Jews, but also against true devout Christians, homosexuals, people with "defects", gypsies, musicians, artists, etc.
Stupid qunt. Muslim isn’t a race to begin with and yea they worship the same sky daddy she does. Lol. The bird cackling during her blabbering is right on cue.
I googled qunt. It's Arabic. There's a short quiz. I checked 'Girl's name', but that might not be right.

And I would absolutely choke that cackling qunt to death, BTW. I'd leave the main idiot alone though, she's museum quality.