OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Classic example of Dims misrepresenting the truth, taking six words out of a statement and using them completely out of context. Dims have to lie and obfuscate to further their agenda because their policies are by and large shite.
you summed it up simply and concisely. When what you're selling is an illusion, you either lie or you don't sell it. And as to your first sentence, they compound the lie by accusing the opponent of being the liar.

If people would wake up enough to not just hear the noise but to think about what the noise consists of, they would be amazed at how much the liberal agenda is based on bullshit...misrepresentations (as in the video) and distortions and just plain lies galore.
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You couldn’t be more wrong. Just admit it.
You're right, you couldn't do it. Which shows how pathetic you are because Trump is barely beating a brain dead candidate right now. There's still a chance he could lose. He's not even remotely close to a good choice.
You're right, you couldn't do it. Which shows how pathetic you are because Trump is barely beating a brain dead candidate right now. There's still a chance he could lose. He's not even remotely close to a good choice.
No, I couldn’t. I’m an unknown, as are you and I imagine the other posters here. Are you saying that you could? And just who is a good choice?
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No, I couldn’t. I’m an unknown, as are you and I imagine the other posters here. Are you saying that you could? And just who is a good choice?
We have to have a starting point here. Do you think Trump is a good choice? Do you think it's an issue that he can't pull away from a brain dead opponent? If you answer yes to the first question and/or no to the second, then it's going to be impossible to discuss this with you.
As bad a candidate as Orange Man is, Dims are terrified that their incumbent candidate can’t defeat him, despite the MSM covering for Joe ever since he was elected. How could that be? To wit:
the wide open border, the economy, inflation, rampant crime, Joe’s dementia, etc…
We have to have a starting point here. Do you think Trump is a good choice? Do you think it's an issue that he can't pull away from a brain dead opponent? If you answer yes to the first question and/or no to the second, then it's going to be impossible to discuss this with you.
I might have missed the key here, but what do you mean by a good choice? A good choice to beat Biden or a good choice for president? For my part, I wanted someone else to run against Biden because I thought someone else would have a better chance of beating him. But now that Trump's the guy, I have no problem supporting him because as far as I'm concerned, he did a great job as president. And with the global hornet's nest we have going on, I can't think of anyone I'd rather have.

Of course, I'm concerned that if he wins, our democracy will be trashed in favor of his dictatorship, while he drops nukes all over the place and helps Putin take over Europe and puts women in shackles, and worst of all, that he will have no interest in going to lunch with me.
My response was in response to this post. Again, name five. That should be simple if there are 200 million options.
I already named five. I need a baseline here. If you answer those questions a certain way, then it will be impossible to have the conversation. If that's the case, why spend hours arguing about it?
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I might have missed the key here, but what do you mean by a good choice? A good choice to beat Biden or a good choice for president? For my part, I wanted someone else to run against Biden because I thought someone else would have a better chance of beating him. But now that Trump's the guy, I have no problem supporting him because as far as I'm concerned, he did a great job as president. And with the global hornet's nest we have going on, I can't think of anyone I'd rather have.

Of course, I'm concerned that if he wins, our democracy will be trashed in favor of his dictatorship, while he drops nukes all over the place and helps Putin take over Europe and puts women in shackles, and worst of all, that he will have no interest in going to lunch with me.
let's pile on a little.....I mean, WHY NOT?

When it gets to the good stuff, you probably will have seen what comes up first. Persist, it's worth it.

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the dems are in complete disarray over whether to support Joe or find someone else. What a chaotic melee over in libland. It's too bad they don't believe in guns cause they would be killing each other off in droves, much to the betterment of our society.

Only a Joe Biden could create this kind of rift within his own party.

Har har, I couldn't care less whether those sheep split the flock and baa baa each other to death on that side of things, but it's too hard to resist mocking our local libnerds, who only recently were spouting similar words about the GOP. Kharma, baby. LMAO.
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the dems are in complete disarray over whether to support Joe or find someone else. What a chaotic melee over in libland. It's too bad they don't believe in guns cause they would be killing each other off in droves, much to the betterment of our society.

Only a Joe Biden could create this kind of rift within his own party.

Har har, I couldn't care less whether those sheep split the flock and baa baa each other to death on that side of things, but it's too hard to resist mocking our local libnerds, who only recently were spouting similar words about the GOP. Kharma, baby. LMAO.
There was the same disarray 4 yrs ago. Nobody voted for Joe because he was Joe. They voted for him cuz he was someone who seemed like he could beat Trump. Same scenario now except people think Joe might croak any day now, and it is getting late in the cycle. Dems are bad at playing the game of politics as a group.

But has he created never-bidens and DINOs? Nope.
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Hasn't seen it ( like healthcare and all policy, there is no plan other than trying to pwn the libs) but he supports it.
There was the same disarray 4 yrs ago. Nobody voted for Joe because he was Joe. They voted for him cuz he was someone who seemed like he could beat Trump. Same scenario now except people think Joe might croak any day now, and it is getting late in the cycle. Dems are bad at playing the game of politics as a group.

But has he created never-bidens and DINOs? Nope.
not a bad post but if you think there aren't scads of biden-created never-bidens, I think you've got a surprise coming up soon.

I disagree somewhat with why Biden was nominated. As opposed to those who support Trump so enthusiastically because he is non-political, Biden was nominated because he represented the mainstream democrat politics-as-usual zone of comfort, the talking head that the dem flock was most comfortable with simply because he was the most well-known as an entrenched politician; so they flocked to him. If Trump wasn't the opposition, they still would have nominated Biden, IMO.
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Hasn't seen it ( like healthcare and all policy, there is no plan other than trying to pwn the libs) but he supports it.
let me make sure I get your thrust here. YOU're criticizing a plan an effort to end the war in Ukraine without knowing a single detail of it just because it's a Trump plan effort and because Putin, in spite of likewise not knowing the details of the plan effort, likes that Trump wants to end the war?

That isn't the laughable part. The laughable part is that you have the balls to posit what you did and contend that there is no plan other than to own the libs, when all that has been done the past almost four years has been to counteract everything that Trump had done or tried to do. You just exemplified this.

Please, dude, recognize the insanity and refuse to indulge in it any longer.
Hasn't seen it ( like healthcare and all policy, there is no plan other than trying to pwn the libs) but he supports it.
Doesn't it get old always lying about what was said and twisting it to support an agenda? Context matters. Putin didn't say that he supports Trump's "plan". What he said was that he supported ending the war in Ukraine. This is from Reuters just so you'll know I didn't run to a Trump biased source:

Putin, speaking at a news conference in Kazakhstan at the end of a regional security conference, commented after being asked about Trump's statements that he could end the Ukraine war swiftly if he won the White House race on Nov. 5.

"The fact that Mr Trump, as a presidential candidate, declares that he is ready and wants to stop the war in Ukraine, we take this completely seriously," Putin said.
"I am not, of course, familiar with possible proposals for how he plans to do this. This is the key question. But I have no doubt that he means it sincerely, and we support it (the idea of ending the war)."
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Doesn't it get old always lying about what was said and twisting it to support an agenda? Context matters. Putin didn't say that he supports Trump's "plan". What he said was that he supported ending the war in Ukraine. This is from Reuters just so you'll know I didn't run to a Trump biased source:

Putin, speaking at a news conference in Kazakhstan at the end of a regional security conference, commented after being asked about Trump's statements that he could end the Ukraine war swiftly if he won the White House race on Nov. 5.

"The fact that Mr Trump, as a presidential candidate, declares that he is ready and wants to stop the war in Ukraine, we take this completely seriously," Putin said.
"I am not, of course, familiar with possible proposals for how he plans to do this. This is the key question. But I have no doubt that he means it sincerely, and we support it (the idea of ending the war)."
pretty much the entire lib agenda is based on lies. As I and a wise man named @Archer2 indicated recently, when you're selling a lie, you lie to sell it.
He probably didn't even read this part in my post as the things they have done are simply inconsequential from his perspective because it is all and only about stopping the orange menace. It is truly the textbook definition of any means whatsoever justifying the ends. The fact that he is now quoting Mitch for support is downright comical.

This is the type of stuff that they will do

LMAO. Keisha Lance Bottoms? I wonder if she knows Lance Boyles.
Been in Europe the last couple of weeks.
I miss the version of you that would tell us when you were traveling and then post pics of where you went. That was before 2016 and this thread, though. It's crazy how much that election altered this board for the worst. It went from being Rolls Royce to being Daewoo.
I miss the version of you that would tell us when you were traveling and then post pics of where you went. That was before 2016 and this thread, though. It's crazy how much that election altered this board for the worst. It went from being Rolls Royce to being Daewoo.
Boy, did you open up a can of worms (not that you're wrong on seeing his pics). But your post is enlightening as an example of what are bigger issues. I would counter it is much more than "that election" as 2016 was not the cause but more of a reflection of changes on a much larger scale. And, it started well before the orange hitler was elected.
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Boy, did you open up a can of worms (not that you're wrong on seeing his pics). But your post is enlightening as an example of what are bigger issues. I would counter it is much more than "that election" as 2016 was not the cause but more of a reflection of changes on a much larger scale. And, it started well before the orange hitler was elected.
I didn't mean it to be that deep. Just saying that a lot of posters on both sides couldn't compartmentalize once 2016 hit. That lead to politics everywhere, good posters leaving, good posters becoming crazy and good threads almost ceasing to exist. Wasn't meant to be an indictment just on Trump. That election was definitely what caused the board to change, though. Politics was rarely discussed before then.
not a bad post but if you think there aren't scads of biden-created never-bidens, I think you've got a surprise coming up soon.

I disagree somewhat with why Biden was nominated. As opposed to those who support Trump so enthusiastically because he is non-political, Biden was nominated because he represented the mainstream democrat politics-as-usual zone of comfort, the talking head that the dem flock was most comfortable with simply because he was the most well-known as an entrenched politician; so they flocked to him. If Trump wasn't the opposition, they still would have nominated Biden, IMO.
Depends on the opposition. Someone moderate would've required a very different dem candidate.

ETA: lol at you comparing anti-biden dem drama to the destruction of the gop since 2016.
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Depends on the opposition. Someone moderate would've required a very different dem candidate.

ETA: lol at you comparing anti-biden dem drama to the destruction of the gop since 2016.
but that's what I'm saying and I wish there was a way to prove it because I'm confident that I'm right. Given other opposition, the flock would have voted for Biden as long as the other candidates carried similar credentials. What is 'needed' has less to do with it than herd instinct.

"ETA: lol at you comparing anti-biden dem drama to the destruction of the gop since 2016."

Of course you laugh. Not much else you can do.
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I miss the version of you that would tell us when you were traveling and then post pics of where you went. That was before 2016 and this thread, though. It's crazy how much that election altered this board for the worst. It went from being Rolls Royce to being Daewoo.
Sad to say, those days are over.
this is worth the read. Further in, it's mentioned that the Biden people are accusing Hur of being part of a smear campaign. You know, Hur...the guy who kept Biden from being prosecuted for the same thing that Trump is on the hook for.

Doesn't it remind you of Hillary and Comey? He lets her get away with a FAR more egregious offense than anything Trump might have done, something that she could easily have gone to jail for, and they end up accusing him of ruining her chances of becoming president. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Don't try to tell me the fix isn't in.

I hope to God that entire rats nest gets burned, somehow some way.
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this is exactly what I've been thinking, and I hope those who make a difference wake up to it as well. We are currently preoccupied with Biden's senility when we should be focusing on the disaster he has been even BEFORE he started drifting into never-never land.

We should be waking up to the fact that any replacement is simply going to continue the ruination that he started. It isn't that we need to not have Joe, it's that we need to have Trump.

BREAKING: Putin says he supports Trump's plan to end the war in Ukraine..

If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand–the ultimatum. And what then? When Nikita Khrushchev has told his people he knows what our answer will be? He has told them that we are retreating under the pressure of the Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary because by that time we will have weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically.
There is no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there is only one guaranteed way you can have peace–and you can have it in the next second–surrender.

- Ronald Reagan, October 27, 1964

If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand–the ultimatum. And what then? When Nikita Khrushchev has told his people he knows what our answer will be? He has told them that we are retreating under the pressure of the Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary because by that time we will have weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically.
There is no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there is only one guaranteed way you can have peace–and you can have it in the next second–surrender.

- Ronald Reagan, October 27, 1964

excellent, I see your point and I agree completely. Why worry about actual war when you can surrender from within as we are currently doing, and basically just hand over the keys to the enemy? As some of us have pointed out, Putin must be laughing his ass off at our stupidity, spending our resources to support military resistance to Russian hegemony in a far away place, while simultaneously making ourselves everybody's bitch with a more insidious sort of self-destruction.

Senility shmenility, just get that idiot out of there and don't replace him with an even bigger liberal idiot..
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