OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I continue to marvel at your transformation from a Public Enemy, Fight The Power kind of guy to a docile, subservient NPC to the same power you used to fight. Remarkable really.

Oh what? Dick Cheney is stumping for Kamala? That’s all you had to say, Negro!
Subservient NPC? What's NPC?
Confirming that it didn’t happen. I didn’t need the back up but thanks.
I provided a link that it did happen and there are other links out there. I remember when this was happening in real time although it's understandable you have conveniently forgotten it.

Can you find a link that corroborates your claim that it never happened, that it is simply made up?

I didn't think so. Like I said, LOSERS hate LOSING.
Subservient NPC? What's NPC?

Non Player Character

NPC (Non Player Character)"NPC" stands for "Non-Player Character" and is used as a metaphor to describe someone who is perceived as lacking independent thought or blindly following trends.

Don’t take it personal Strum. Big Orange made a lot of folks go that route. Remember those anti-establishment guys, Rage Against The Machine?

“F*ck you, I’ll do just what you tell me!”
I provided a link that it did happen ands there are other links out there. I remember when this was happening in real time although it's understandable you have conveniently forgotten it.

Can you find a link that corroborates your claim that it never happened, that it is simply made up?

I didn't think so. Like I said, LOSERS hate LOSING.

Wait, what? Nuclear war happened? Holy shit. How did I make it out alive?
  • Haha
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Non Player Character

NPC (Non Player Character)"NPC" stands for "Non-Player Character" and is used as a metaphor to describe someone who is perceived as lacking independent thought or blindly following trends.
Ohhh... some Q'anon terminology. It's been just as fun watching you turn into a MAGA/Q cult nut.
Wait, what? Nuclear war happened? Holy shit. How did I make it out alive?

Hey moron, you said we almost went to war with nukes with N. Korea. I asked if it happened and if not, then STFU. You then poasted an article confirming we didn’t go to war using nukes. And yet, I’m surrendering?

Interesting tactic. If that’s winning to you, you can’t lose. Clever.
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  • Haha
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Hey moron, you said we almost went to war with nukes with N. Korea. I asked if it happened and if not, then STFU. You then poasted an article confirming we didn’t go to war using nukes. And yet, I’m surrendering?

Interesting tactic. If that’s winning to you, you can’t lose. Clever.
Hey, jackass, do you understand the meaning of the word "almost"?
Hey, jackass, do you understand the meaning of the word "almost"?

Oh sure. I almost made a billion dollars yesterday while simultaneously finishing first in an Iron Man competition and motorboating Sydney Sweeney’s tits. Yes, I’m very familiar with almost. Another way of saying almost is “it didn’t happen”.
  • Haha
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Oh sure. I almost made a billion dollars yesterday while simultaneously finishing first in an Iron Man competition and motorboating Sydney Sweeney’s tits. Yes, I’m very familiar with almost. Another way of saying almost is “it didn’t happen”.
Iron Man competition? It's all you can do to lift you fat ass off the sofa with your bad knees and shoulders.
Good one, poopslinger! 🤣
I bet she could goad him into one. His entire world is saying "do not do it". But she could challenge him to a discussion on crowd size and he'd jump for it.
If anyone is really "in charge" of his campaign, they'd better make sure there's no way for a repeat performance of Tuesday. If she can throw him off his game like that again, it could be even worse.

People talk about how poorly Harris did in the primary debates in 2020. When you have to share time with 6, 7 or more people, you can get lost in the shuffle and minimized. But, when it's just 2 people, it's easier. Trump was much more quick-witted in 2016... his style was brand new for politics. And, Hillary Clinton was old-school political presence. She was intimidated by him. I think, by contrast, Kamala Harris couldn't wait to debate Trump. Harris is much more vibrant and sharp... she's younger. A former prosecutor has to be articulate. Trump has chinks in his armor. Biden was too old and slow to be able to take advantage of it. Harris showed she can take him. I'm not sure she could have a better debate than Tuesday, though. He fell into every trap and coughed-up more loony shit than all of his other debates combined.
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same…and i was.
I didn't watch the GOP primary debates in 2015 & 16. I've only seen him in the presidential debates. That was the only time I have seen him get stomped. Clinton and Biden, neither one, had him cornered like Harris. I don't know if she was coached to do it, or what. Once you threaten the thing he loves the most, he loses his shit.
Trump loves his rallies more than his children! If he could just campaign for the rest of his life he'd be as happy as a pig in shit. I think that was his intent in 2016... campaign for perpetuity, as long as he could, as often as he could. I never thought Republicans would hand it over the way they did.
Does your wife laugh at your small gifs? Does she mock you for your inability to make it bigger? Like this:


Stud and dud. That's me and you.

I just thought about something. It’s been there all this time. You should be my assistant. With my wit and creativity and aside from you getting my coffee, you doing all the technical nerd stuff I don’t care about, I could take over the internet. Think about it. It beats your current gig working for UNC71-00.
Hey moron, you said we almost went to war with nukes with N. Korea. I asked if it happened and if not, then STFU. You then poasted an article confirming we didn’t go to war using nukes. And yet, I’m surrendering?

Interesting tactic. If that’s winning to you, you can’t lose. Clever.
it's fun isn't it? When you catch Heels saying something stupid, he'll chase his tail forever in denial if you keep prodding him. Keep it up.
I just thought about something. It’s been there all this time. You should be my assistant. With my wit and creativity and aside from you getting my coffee, you doing all the technical nerd stuff I don’t care about, I could take over the internet. Think about it. It beats your current gig working for UNC71-00.
Be your assistant? 🤣 Wouldn't that be like the horse riding the jockey?

Sorry, guns, I'd love to throw you a bone and bail you out of your current troubles, whatever they might be, but I have much more important things to do. Besides, I doubt you could afford me.

Maybe @bluetoe would accept your offer. Together, the two of you can "take over the internet" with your unique brand of stupidity. You both already have a foothold in that area.

Just before noon Wednesday, when President Joe Biden took the oath of office, the nuclear codes in the briefcase carried by a military aide to Donald Trump became invalid. The United States and the world survived the four years of Trump’s presidency without him starting a nuclear war.

This was a genuine possibility during 2017 and early 2018, Trump’s first year in office, when he brought the U.S. far closer to a nuclear conflict with North Korea than most Americans realize. Incredibly, the American foreign policy establishment seemed to look upon this risk with equanimity at the time and by now seems to have completely forgotten it.
North korea can't make a paper airplane fly much less a rocket.
A Clinton loyalist? You're laughable.

MAR. 2, 2019

Penn had recently been brought into the Clinton orbit by Dick Morris. [T]ogether they were orchestrating the president’s 1996 reelection campaign.

Morris was famously ejected from ClintonWorld right as the 1996 general election was getting underway after a prostitute disclosed he was giving her access to confidential White House information, and even letting her listen in to conversations with the Big Dog. Penn got to stick around for the campaign and the rest of the Clinton presidency, where he often battled with liberals.

I also recall attending a 1997 House Democratic Caucus retreat in which Penn showed up conspicuously late for a panel and performed diffidently at best. He clearly didn’t care.
If anyone is really "in charge" of his campaign, they'd better make sure there's no way for a repeat performance of Tuesday. If she can throw him off his game like that again, it could be even worse.

People talk about how poorly Harris did in the primary debates in 2020. When you have to share time with 6, 7 or more people, you can get lost in the shuffle and minimized. But, when it's just 2 people, it's easier. Trump was much more quick-witted in 2016... his style was brand new for politics. And, Hillary Clinton was old-school political presence. She was intimidated by him. I think, by contrast, Kamala Harris couldn't wait to debate Trump. Harris is much more vibrant and sharp... she's younger. A former prosecutor has to be articulate. Trump has chinks in his armor. Biden was too old and slow to be able to take advantage of it. Harris showed she can take him. I'm not sure she could have a better debate than Tuesday, though. He fell into every trap and coughed-up more loony shit than all of his other debates combined.
So all of Harris' supporters love the performance because she was able to insult the opposition and distract from questions with non-sequitur traps, while refraining from discussing the mechanisms and approach to any actual policies.

The Left has become the very thing they despised in 2016.

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