OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Your TDS is so strong. Did Kamala lie during the debate?
I didn't see it but I think I know the answer. Were her lips moving?

I'm thinking that her lies that can be are not yet unburdened by the lies that have been.
Doesn't really matter much though when her supporters are dumber than a box of rocks.
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What would you do with a nonviable pregnancy?
I love how you call it "a nonviable pregnancy" and CNN calls it a "late term abortion bill". Neither of those describe what the former gov of VA was in hot water over. Here is his quote:

"The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired."

He's referring to what is universally known as, always has been, always will be, a BABY. To then kill it would be what is known as murder, not abortion. Doing the liberal progressive thing of redefining or misinterpreting words here doesn't work.

We can talk about the idea or concept of the appropriate point of gestation to limit abortions and only allow them thereafter for exceptions like the life of the mother, but the idiocy of what he was talking about was not abortion.
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I'm linking NBC so "you know it's true". Iran hacked trump and gave the info to Kamala. But all those bad regimes want Trump to be re-elected?
They also gave the dump of info to all the major media, but those outlets aren't revealing it:

Very interesting that "evil big media" isn't doing the right thing and not revealing it.
I'm linking NBC so "you know it's true". Iran hacked trump and gave the info to Kamala. But all those bad regimes want Trump to be re-elected?
also this. But to address your question or vague point: North Korea and Russia are pro-trump, they fall into the category of bad regime.

They also gave the dump of info to all the major media, but those outlets aren't revealing it:

Very interesting that "evil big media" isn't doing the right thing and not revealing it.
Did "they" and was it to "all the major media"????????? Hardly. It's like you don't read your own links or don't care about the details, just hits on he who must not be re-elected. Hmmmm.

First, it went to NYT, WaPo, and Politico. Bastions of fairness and neutrality you say? ROFL. Also, just because they aren't printing it for the world to see doesn't mean that they didn't pour through it and have/will use it to assist them in future "reporting". Do you volunteer at a kindergarten or something?

Second, the article specifically says that the source of the leak to the three lib media outlets is unknown and they were warned to not go digging into it. So, we don't know if the "they" you refer to that provided it is some Iranian related resource or simply KH's operative. Here's the quote:

What’s unclear is who provided the material. Politico said it did not know who “Robert” was and that when it spoke to the supposed leaker, he said, “I suggest you don’t be curious about where I got them from.”
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I agree that there are parts of nearly every U.S. city that have depressed or slum areas, but the way you paint it sounds like most cities have nothing to offer besides failing infrastructure and tenement housing. Even urban blight has little resemblance to "poor countries and even refugee camps."
We have few enough reasonable people here that we shouldn't overstate each other's positions. When I said "people in poor countries and even refugee camps sometimes look better dressed than many Americans" I was in no way saying we are that bad off. Just expressing my recurring surprise on that particular point.

I used to think maybe foreign shows were simply putting their best foot forward. Or that the dismal views offered by our shows stem from the fact that we Americans seem to like sordid dramas in run down urban and rural areas (think The Wire or Mare of Easttown just to pick a couple of quality HBO offerings). And maybe that's part of it. But not all.

And it's not just dramas. I watch a good bit of foreign news, and we just don't look like the best the world has to offer these days.

Then again, maybe that's a good thing. Maybe the worse we look on TV, the less refugees will want to come here.

Hmm. Maybe to reduce the level of illegal immigration and asylum seekers, we should ban glitzy TV shows that make us look good for a few years. I wonder which party would add that to their platform? No crazier than deporting cat eaters.
also this. But to address your question or vague point: North Korea and Russia are pro-trump, they fall into the category of bad regime.

Two issues:

First, other than constantly screaming RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, and the endless msm and sm drumbeat claiming such, how is it that we actually know NK and Russia are pro Trump? And just as importantly, why? Where is the smoking gun other than the constant conclusion that then becomes a given in those circles? And how was this distinction arrived at versus the very real goal of simply sowing unrest and descension amongst our citizenry and seeking to undermine our way of life? I get the idea and don't disagree that having us bicker endlessly with each other is in their interests, but how do we actually know that they are pro Trump? And if that is accurate, why are they that way?

Second, your candidate literally paid for a novel of fiction to be written about Trump and then it was used to launch a massive propaganda campaign where people repeatedly lied under oath to courts and before government bodies that even resulted in an impeachment. Until everyone involved from the guy getting coffee at the DNC all the way up to Joe resigns, you've got no room to complain about anyone.
You people didn't know that we have men and women in areas of the world that under constant threat and attack? The Charlottesville speech has been fully debunked even by liberal websites. Crime is under-reported to the FBI in many liberal cities.

that link and others previously offered are damnable MAGA lies! Reliable sources right here on this board have told us that no one supports late-term abortion.

Oh but wait...this would only be considered if the mothers mental health would be negatively affected by not killing her survivable baby. I can see how that sort of burden might really put her in a bad mood.
I love how you call it "a nonviable pregnancy" and CNN calls it a "late term abortion bill". Neither of those describe what the former gov of VA was in hot water over. Here is his quote:

"The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired."

He's referring to what is universally known as, always has been, always will be, a BABY. To then kill it would be what is known as murder, not abortion. Doing the liberal progressive thing of redefining or misinterpreting words here doesn't work.

We can talk about the idea or concept of the appropriate point of gestation to limit abortions and only allow them thereafter for exceptions like the life of the mother, but the idiocy of what he was talking about was not abortion.

That's simply not true. Unfortunately, you an many others have bought into another lie from this clown, or Tim Scott or fox news.

If you listen to whole interview, they are discussing nonviable pregnancies. You might want to ask yourself- why they lying to you? Especially about something that's so easy to disprove.

Northam was referring to “third-trimester abortions” that are done in cases “where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non viable” he said. “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam stated...

At the time, a spokesperson for Northam told Vox the “governor had ‘absolutely not’ been referring to the euthanasia of infants born after a failed abortion” and that he was talking about a “tragic and extremely rare case in which a woman with a nonviable pregnancy or severe fetal abnormalities went into labor.”

I get that you need to be way down the fox news rabbit hole to believe this- but can we now agree that it's simply not true?
Yeah, but my side came to it's senses.

What's your excuse?
no excuses because my good senses never left me. We knew Biden was a stumblebum all along and we said so, loud and clear. IT WAS OBVIOUS. Your side didn't 'come to its senses' until the debate made 'ol Joe unelectable. Otherwise you'd have been happy foisting that mentally incapacitated old buzzard on us.
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That's simply not true. Unfortunately, you an many others have bought into another lie from this clown, or Tim Scott or fox news.

If you listen to whole interview, they are discussing nonviable pregnancies. You might want to ask yourself- why they lying to you? Especially about something that's so easy to disprove.

Northam was referring to “third-trimester abortions” that are done in cases “where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non viable” he said. “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam stated...

At the time, a spokesperson for Northam told Vox the “governor had ‘absolutely not’ been referring to the euthanasia of infants born after a failed abortion” and that he was talking about a “tragic and extremely rare case in which a woman with a nonviable pregnancy or severe fetal abnormalities went into labor.”

I get that you need to be way down the fox news rabbit hole to believe this- but can we now agree that it's simply not true?
Do any states offer late term abortions? I know you won't answer but yes there are.
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That's simply not true. Unfortunately, you an many others have bought into another lie from this clown, or Tim Scott or fox news.

If you listen to whole interview, they are discussing nonviable pregnancies. You might want to ask yourself- why they lying to you? Especially about something that's so easy to disprove.

Northam was referring to “third-trimester abortions” that are done in cases “where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non viable” he said. “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam stated...

At the time, a spokesperson for Northam told Vox the “governor had ‘absolutely not’ been referring to the euthanasia of infants born after a failed abortion” and that he was talking about a “tragic and extremely rare case in which a woman with a nonviable pregnancy or severe fetal abnormalities went into labor.”

I get that you need to be way down the fox news rabbit hole to believe this- but can we now agree that it's simply not true?
OOPS! You forgot this part. Just an oversight, I'm sure....

"The bill – which among other things would end a state rule that requires at least three physicians confirm “that a third trimester abortion is necessary to prevent the woman’s death or impairment of her mental or physical health” and ends “the need to find that any such impairment to the woman’s health would be substantial and irremediable” – is currently tabled in Virginia’s legislature
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no excuses because my good senses never left me. We knew Biden was a stumblebum all along and we said so, loud and clear. IT WAS OBVIOUS. Your side didn't 'come to its senses' until the debate made 'ol Joe unelectable. Otherwise you'd have been happy foisting that mentally incapacitated old buzzard on us.
That's funny. He's doing that word thing again. "come to its senses" in their world of redefining everything to suit one's purposes actually means "the donations have all stopped because the secret is out and we can't cover for him anymore" as well as "we are going to get our asses handed to us not only in the presidential election, but in all the down ballots because no one is even going to bother voting".
That's funny. He's doing that word thing again. "come to its senses" in their world of redefining everything to suit one's purposes actually means "the donations have all stopped because the secret is out and we can't cover for him anymore" as well as "we are going to get our asses handed to us not only in the presidential election, but in all the down ballots because no one is even going to bother voting".
libs do love to conveniently redefine things as it suits them, don't they? It's almost like we're speaking a different language than we were just twenty years ago.
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That's simply not true. Unfortunately, you an many others have bought into another lie from this clown, or Tim Scott or fox news.
The unfortunate part is that myself "an many others" can actually listen and can actually read. Northam said what he said and no amount of spokesperson speak after the fact can clean it up.
If you listen to whole interview, they are discussing nonviable pregnancies. You might want to ask yourself- why they lying to you? Especially about something that's so easy to disprove.

Northam was referring to “third-trimester abortions” that are done in cases “where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non viable” he said. “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam stated...
I'm not sure you understand how abortions are actually performed. Even with a partial birth abortion when part of the "whatever you want to call it" is hanging out and some is still inside the mother, they proceed to suck out whatever brain matter it has before it is fully delivered. No one has ever described any of that as an infant being delivered and set aside to then have a discussion about what to do. At that point, it has been "born" and is a child by any definition. Viability, deformity, or having an extra nipple doesn't change that it is a human being at that point. That's not abortion. To do something then would be murder or perhaps you could argue assisted suicide, mercy killing, etc. If he'd just stopped before describing a child being born to only then kill it, he'd not have landed himself in hot water. Do you actually support doing this?

At the time, a spokesperson for Northam told Vox the “governor had ‘absolutely not’ been referring to the euthanasia of infants born after a failed abortion” and that he was talking about a “tragic and extremely rare case in which a woman with a nonviable pregnancy or severe fetal abnormalities went into labor.”

I get that you need to be way down the fox news rabbit hole to believe this- but can we now agree that it's simply not true?
I get that you are way down the abortion on demand under any circumstances rabbit hole, but can you not see how absurd a position you are taking? A "whatever you want to call it" has been born. It's out of it's mother. Only then do you do something to end it's existence? You really think that is an abortion?
What would you do with a nonviable pregnancy?
first, I would try to pin you down as to what you mean by a non-viable pregnancy. You would of course then try to avoid being pinned down that way, probably by being disingenuous about keeping with liberal methods of getting what they want by hook or by crook.

If I was able to make you say that non-viable means the baby would be terribly deformed or largely incapacitated as a human being such that only a life of pain and misery would result, or that the baby would suffer and die anyway, we might find grounds for agreement.
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first, I would try to pin you down as to what you mean by a non-viable pregnancy. You would of course then try to avoid being pinned down that way, probably by being disingenuous about keeping with liberal methods of getting what they want by hook or by crook.

If I was able to make you say that non-viable means the baby would be terribly deformed or largely incapacitated as a human being such that only a life of pain and misery would result, or that the baby would suffer and die anyway, we might find grounds for agreement.
And there's the rub. Because not only does he want abortion on demand up to the point of birth, but he wants to expand the term to include a pregnancy that is no longer a pregnancy and the "thing" has been born. And even then, we'll end it's existence but let's call it an abortion.

Like so many issues, this is the problem with being so entrenched in a position. One is so dedicated to the cause and to winning, that they can't see how extreme and absurd they taken an argument. As I have said here many times, I am not pro-abortion, but I am pro-choice. I would do everything I could to encourage someone not to have an abortion and to take other potential options. However, that doesn't mean that I don't support the ability to have an abortion if that is the final decision. My issue is at some point on the timeline, it really shouldn't be an option anymore. And that point is definitely before the "thing" has been born.
Do any states offer late term abortions? I know you won't answer but yes there are.

Even in "progressive" New York

People of all ages have the absolute right to abortion through the 24th week of pregnancy. After 24 weeks, abortion is permitted if your medical provider decides your fetus is not viable or your life, physical health, or mental health is at risk.

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Even in "progressive" New York

People of all ages have the absolute right to abortion through the 24th week of pregnancy. After 24 weeks, abortion is permitted if your medical provider decides your fetus is not viable or your life, physical health, or mental health is at risk.

Again, you fail to answer the question. I'll leave your VP's state here as an example.

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Further, what happens in most states when you murder a pregnant woman? Most states it's called double homicide.

Look, I'm not totally against abortion, I think there should be exceptions. Rape and incest are two I can go along with. I also believe there should be a time limit except for the absolute life of the mother.
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The unfortunate part is that myself "an many others" can actually listen and can actually read. Northam said what he said and no amount of spokesperson speak after the fact can clean it up.

I'm not sure you understand how abortions are actually performed. Even with a partial birth abortion when part of the "whatever you want to call it" is hanging out and some is still inside the mother, they proceed to suck out whatever brain matter it has before it is fully delivered. No one has ever described any of that as an infant being delivered and set aside to then have a discussion about what to do. At that point, it has been "born" and is a child by any definition. Viability, deformity, or having an extra nipple doesn't change that it is a human being at that point. That's not abortion. To do something then would be murder or perhaps you could argue assisted suicide, mercy killing, etc. If he'd just stopped before describing a child being born to only then kill it, he'd not have landed himself in hot water. Do you actually support doing this?

I get that you are way down the abortion on demand under any circumstances rabbit hole, but can you not see how absurd a position you are taking? A "whatever you want to call it" has been born. It's out of it's mother. Only then do you do something to end it's existence? You really think that is an abortion?

Apparently you can't comprehend what he said. Which is why you still are confused to the meaning of words like "nonviable".

Sorry for pointing out that you were led to believe utter nonsense.
We have few enough reasonable people here that we shouldn't overstate each other's positions. When I said "people in poor countries and even refugee camps sometimes look better dressed than many Americans" I was in no way saying we are that bad off. Just expressing my recurring surprise on that particular point.

I used to think maybe foreign shows were simply putting their best foot forward. Or that the dismal views offered by our shows stem from the fact that we Americans seem to like sordid dramas in run down urban and rural areas (think The Wire or Mare of Easttown just to pick a couple of quality HBO offerings). And maybe that's part of it. But not all.

And it's not just dramas. I watch a good bit of foreign news, and we just don't look like the best the world has to offer these days.

Then again, maybe that's a good thing. Maybe the worse we look on TV, the less refugees will want to come here.

Hmm. Maybe to reduce the level of illegal immigration and asylum seekers, we should ban glitzy TV shows that make us look good for a few years. I wonder which party would add that to their platform? No crazier than deporting cat eaters.
America: come for the high wages, stay for the tasty pets!

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