OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I can't imagine getting to a place where my life is so awful that I'm chanting the demise of other law abiding people because of the color of their skin. It's truly amazing that one POS can get this many other POS to show their true colors in public. They are an absolute embarrassment to the country.

I can’t imagine being so stupid or intentionally obtuse that I’d make bad faith arguments on a message board by ignoring a real problem and insinuating my political opponent is “RaCiSt!” because he wants to protect our border and American customs.

But I should have figured. You’ve yet to make any legit points since you started poasting here and you seem like every, soft, thoughtless, run-of-the-mill, virtue-signaling, Gen Z liberal I’ve come across.
Law-abiding my ass. Illegal aliens! You lefties are all about crying racism. That's all you have. And here's why your wonderful immigration bill didn't pass:
Codify catch/release
Let in 1.8M illegals
Fund sanctuary cities
Fund NGO's
Lawyers for illegals
Work permits
Nothing for deportation
No wall funding
Weak asylum screening
60B to Ukraine

So you think your lack of understanding of the topic makes being a lying racist ok?

The Haitian people in Springfield are largely (if any) not illegal. Most are there because of Dewine's charity to grow his formerly dying towns.
I can’t imagine being so stupid or intentionally obtuse that I’d make bad faith arguments on a message board by ignoring a real problem and insinuating my political opponent is “RaCiSt!” because he wants to protect our border and American customs.

But I should have figured. You’ve yet to make any legit points since you started poasting here and you seem like every, soft, thoughtless, run-of-the-mill, virtue-signaling, Gen Z liberal I’ve come across.

Considering Trump had all 3 branches of government for 2 years and didn't fund any improvements at the border, while defunding mechanisms that were in place, then he kills a border security bill 6 years later because he thought it was helpful to his campaign.

Why would anyone be so gullible to believe his nonsense about the border this time around?
So you think your lack of understanding of the topic makes being a lying racist ok?

The Haitian people in Springfield are largely (if any) not illegal. Most are there because of Dewine's charity to grow his formerly dying towns.
Ask the people of Springfield about that. Why is the governor now having to send in mobile medical units? You don't flood a town of 50,000 with 15-20,000 more thousand. I guess all the people at the town halls are lying.
Considering Trump had all 3 branches of government for 2 years and didn't fund any improvements at the border, while defunding mechanisms that were in place, then he kills a border security bill 6 years later because he thought it was helpful to his campaign.

Why would anyone be so gullible to believe his nonsense about the border this time around?
You are truly a special one. You fit right in with our other village idiots.
I know you won't like the source, but since you probably won't see this in any of your crack msm or sm sources, I don't have much choice. What I don't understand is why would a guy so interested in being a dictator, overthrowing democracy, ignoring the Constitution, being THE existential threat, would authorize troops, guard etc for security, but everyone else, including the DC mayor poo pooed it for optics. Just another crack in the J6 dam.

Bombshell transcripts: Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6 , but was rebuffed​

Key lawmaker says interviews prove Pentagon wrongly allowed optics to overwhelm security concerns in lead-up to fateful day. The Pentagon's top brass did not comply with Trump's orders because of political concerns and "optics."
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Considering Trump had all 3 branches of government for 2 years and didn't fund any improvements at the border, while defunding mechanisms that were in place, then he kills a border security bill 6 years later because he thought it was helpful to his campaign.

Why would anyone be so gullible to believe his nonsense about the border this time around?

“Kills border security bill”…please stop with this idiocy. I and others here have shown repeatedly the major flaws of that bill. This is you again being intentionally obtuse.

And as I’ve said a million times, the first step to slowing immigration (both legal and illegal) is to start with strong rhetoric. Make them feel as if they are not welcome. If you want to do it the right way, learn English, respect American customs and traditions, keep your head down and put in more than you take out, I’m all for that. We all are. Even those awful, racist Trump supporters.
“Kills border security bill”…please stop with this idiocy. I and others here have shown repeatedly the major flaws of that bill. This is you again being intentionally obtuse.

And as I’ve said a million times, the first step to slowing immigration (both legal and illegal) is to start with strong rhetoric. Make them feel as if they are not welcome. If you want to do it the right way, learn English, respect American customs and traditions, keep your head down and put in more than you take out, I’m all for that. We all are. Even those awful, racist Trump supporters.
It isn't like I didn't just post a short list of reasons why it didn't pass. And he totally ignored the remain in Mexico EO and all the Mexican troops that were placed at the border because Trump threatened them with tariffs.
You would think that since Kamala is all of a sudden the greatest thing ever our resident libs would be posting about the wonderful plans she has. They don't even try to tell us about her policies because they, like everyone else, don't know what her plans are. All they know is Orange man bad.
The Haitian people in Springfield are largely (if any) not illegal.
Btw, you are technically correct on this point at this moment. But that is because through the CHNV parole program, Mayorkas has extended Temporary Permanent Status to them and granted work authorizations. There is, however, ongoing litigation where state AG's have sued him to stop this practice asserting that they the programs are illegal, Mayorkas doesn't have this authority as is claimed, and it is just one of the reasons that there was an impeachment effort directed towards him. Hopefully, he is long gone by the time that it is finally decided, but it may well be that they were not legally imported and thrust on Springfield as well as everywhere else.
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You would think that since Kamala is all of a sudden the greatest thing ever our resident libs would be posting about the wonderful plans she has. They don't even try to tell us about her policies because they, like everyone else, don't know what her plans are. All they know is Orange man bad.
No, no, no. We ALL know exactly what her plans are. We just don't know what today's false claims are to get elected so the minions can hold their noses and vote ABT.
Ask the people of Springfield about that. Why is the governor now having to send in mobile medical units? You don't flood a town of 50,000 with 15-20,000 more thousand. I guess all the people at the town halls are lying.

That 15k number is actually 12k-15k in Clark county not specifically to Springfield and it's a total number of migrants not Haitians.

Hopefully you read the actual attached Springfield document so you can stop repeating lies.
She would manage the country the same way she managed the $42B Program to expand internet services. Not one single person has been connected since she was put in charge of the project 3+ years ago. Where did the money go?
That 15k number is actually 12k-15k in Clark county not specifically to Springfield and it's a total number of migrants not Haitians.

Hopefully you read the actual attached Springfield document so you can stop repeating lies.
Ask the people there. I don't give a damn what some government official says. That's the problem with Libs, you believe everything the government feeds you. Did you even glance at the video I posted about the government cover-up? I'm sure you didn't. You are exactly the type of sheep our government loves.
“Kills border security bill”…please stop with this idiocy. I and others here have shown repeatedly the major flaws of that bill. This is you again being intentionally obtuse.

And as I’ve said a million times, the first step to slowing immigration (both legal and illegal) is to start with strong rhetoric. Make them feel as if they are not welcome. If you want to do it the right way, learn English, respect American customs and traditions, keep your head down and put in more than you take out, I’m all for that. We all are. Even those awful, racist Trump supporters.

Lol. It's actually funny that you think your understanding of the bill is better than the GOP members of congress and Senate who actually wanted to help secure the border instead of playing politics with the bill.

The rest of your gibberish is pretty offensive to normal folks. WTF do you think the people of Springfield are doing? By most accounts they are hard working people who are trying to get their kids a better education (if not for the 33 bomb threats caused by Trump/JV Vance).
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Ask the people there. I don't give a damn what some government official says. That's the problem with Libs, you believe everything the government feeds you. Did you even glance at the video I posted about the government cover-up? I'm sure you didn't. You are exactly the type of sheep our government loves.

You heard it here, nctransplant declares that you can't trust a Republican Governor and a Republican Mayor.

Lol. You don't give a damn what the facts are because you have feeling that everyone needs to coddle. Lol. Good grief man. It's time to find yourself back in reality.
That 15k number is actually 12k-15k in Clark county not specifically to Springfield and it's a total number of migrants not Haitians.

Hopefully you read the actual attached Springfield document so you can stop repeating lies.
First, it feels like you are wanting to make an issue out of a nothingburger. We aren't talking about 150 or even 1,500 in a city of 60k. We are talking about a shit ton of people that represent a significant portion of existing population that will severely impact the community in many, many ways and will overwhelm all city/county services, particularly a group who need a bunch of services, at least initially.

More importantly, this didn't just happen randomly where some Haitian leader said to all their followers that they should go to a point on a map. These people have been placed there through a federal government program. Someone should be able to click a few times on a computer and tell us exactly the number whether that's 12,467 or 25,932. Of course, we should allow a plus or minus of say 500 for deaths and births, but you are really making a point that doesn't matter. I'm sure glad my smallish community hasn't had a democrat voter import program thrust upon them this way. Of course, we don't need it here as my state is overwhelmingly D.
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She would manage the country the same way she managed the $42B Program to expand internet services. Not one single person has been connected since she was put in charge of the project 3+ years ago. Where did the money go?
Probably needed to reallocate it to the electric car charging program. Oh wait. . . . .

Um, maybe they're taking the funds from them both to build the wall that she now favors.
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First, it feels like you are wanting to make an issue out of a nothingburger. We aren't talking about 150 or even 1,500 in a city of 60k. We are talking about a shit ton of people that represent a significant portion of existing population that will severely impact the community in many, many ways and will overwhelm all city/county services, particularly a group who need a bunch of services, at least initially.

More importantly, this didn't just happen randomly where some Haitian leader said to all their followers that they should go to a point on a map. These people have been placed there through a federal government program. Someone should be able to click a few times on a computer and tell us exactly the number whether that's 12,467 or 25,932. Of course, we should allow a plus or minus of say 500 for deaths and births, but you are really making a point that doesn't matter. I'm sure glad my smallish community hasn't had a democrat voter import program thrust upon them this way. Of course, we don't need it here as my state is overwhelmingly D.

Just curious, do you know anything about Mike Dewine? He and his wife have decades long roots in Haiti. He's deceased daughter's name is on a school there that they support. There is a reason why these legal immigrants ended up in Ohio- their governor supports them being there because he knows it's good for business and it's good for an otherwise dying community.
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You heard it here, nctransplant declares that you can't trust a Republican Governor and a Republican Mayor.

Lol. You don't give a damn what the facts are because you have feeling that everyone needs to coddle. Lol. Good grief man. It's time to find yourself back in reality.
Just so you know what you are dealing with, @nctransplant is the most uninformed and least educated person on this board. You may notice that he is also the least addressed poster because his comments are generally so insipid they don't deserve notice. Personally, I don't read much of anything this spitbrain has to say since I'd rather do more important things like clipping my toenails or scrubbing the toilet.
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She would manage the country the same way she managed the $42B Program to expand internet services. Not one single person has been connected since she was put in charge of the project 3+ years ago. Where did the money go?

Lol. Dude seriously. You literally can track where each state is in their progress. Where do you get this nonsense?

Just so you know what you are dealing with, @nctransplant is the most uninformed and least educated person on this board. You may notice that he is also the least addressed poster because his comments are generally so insipid they don't deserve notice. Personally, I don't read much of anything this spitbrain has to say since I'd rather do more important things like clipping my toenails or scrubbing the toilet.

I'm just doing to my little part to help him with his trump derangement syndrome. Lol.

I realized, facts have no place with him when he's dealing with his feelings.
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This shows Donald Trump actually purchasing a vote in Pennsylvania. It cost him $100. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Someone should tell him he has fallen so far behind Kamala Harris in that state that this woman's vote really won't help him.

Just so you know what you are dealing with, @nctransplant is the most uninformed and least educated person on this board. You may notice that he is also the least addressed poster because his comments are generally so insipid they don't deserve notice. Personally, I don't read much of anything this spitbrain has to say since I'd rather do more important things like clipping my toenails or scrubbing the toilet.
I'm sure your husband appreciates you doing those things.
Just curious, do you know anything about Mike Dewine? He and his wife have decades long roots in Haiti. He's deceased daughter's name is on a school there that they support. There is a reason why these legal immigrants ended up in Ohio- their governor supports them being there because he knows it's good for business and it's good for an otherwise dying community.
Now, if only Dewine was a regular citizen who lived in Springfield, you'd be on to something. This is a bit like the rich people who tell everyone else that they need to drive an electric car and not use a gas stove, while their limo takes them to the jet they own and flies them to their private island where their chef is preparing dinner in his commercial grade kitchen, all while their private security bodyguards protect them with firearms.

Whether Dewine truly cares for Haitians, this may end up being a good thing five or ten years from now when everything has been torqued up to deal with it all. But for now, it's just typical of a government "solution" that creates all kinds of other unintended problems and the incredible shit show that the residents are living through. And that's best case. I happen to think it's much less noble.
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