OOTB's Political Thread . ..

His book. It really explains a lot of his bizarre behavior.
Okay... I have no interest in reading that.

I was just trying to understand what relevance his sexuality (repressed or otherwise) has on his comments and perspective in the clip. He sounds like EVERY OTHER POLITICIAN when they're backed into a corner and given a Yes or No option. Almost all of them are former lawyers, or have extensive experience in adjudication complexities. The last place they ever want to be is anywhere near Yes or No. Those require commitment.
JV Vance is just such an unlikable weirdo. He definitely wears the scars of being a closeted gay man pretending to be otherwise.

thanks for showing us this perfectly reasonable response to an interviewer trying her best to put her subject in a corner to get the answer she wanted out of him. I am impressed by the eloquence of his retort to what she wanted to insinuate, which is that the election was contested for no other reason then that it was not won by Trump. There are good reasons that that election should be contested, and he gave one very good one..

That being said, I repeat what I've already said; which is that he should have conceded, just for appearances if nothing else. But the election as it was executed was bogus.
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He doesn't believe Trump is going to win. He has never thought Trump really had a chance:
Luntz is really hard to take seriously. Whenever someone wears that kind of hairpiece... and expects to be taken seriously? I just can't. He looks like he's in between sketches at SNL.
He doesn't believe Trump is going to win. He has never thought Trump really had a chance:

gunslingerdick said:
As much as a Trump second term would please the shit out of me, I really hope he’ll do the right thing and not run again. He’s unelectable. Not because he can’t legitimately win an election. But because he’s so hated that Dems and GOP leaders will come together to cheat him again. So because of that, we can’t have him going after the next best thing in DeSantis.
thanks for showing us this perfectly reasonable response to an interviewer trying her best to put her subject in a corner to get the answer she wanted out of him. I am impressed by the eloquence of his retort to what she wanted to insinuate, which is that the election was contested for no other reason then that it was not won by Trump. There are good reasons that that election should be contested, and he gave one very good one..

That being said, I repeat what I've already said; which is that he should have conceded, just for appearances if nothing else. But the election as it was executed was bogus.
Who is/was being censored??? I keep hearing about censorship. Who was censored so much that it made Trump lose the election?
thanks for showing us this perfectly reasonable response to an interviewer trying her best to put her subject in a corner to get the answer she wanted out of him.
Or another way of putting it is she was giving him ample opportunity to come clean with the voters. His insistence on not answering her primary question and then saying he would not have certified the election if it were him instead of Pence as VP is just shooting himself in his other foot.
No different than when you guys share something and link it to FOX News.
another toadstool to deal with. Pay attention, penisbreath, it's isn't even the same thing. The criticism was not over the worth of the source but the courtesy of linking to the source so we can evaluate it for ourselves as you just referred to having done regarding Fox.....because someone was decent enough and had strong enough conviction to provide a link or otherwise identify the source. This would have been clear if you hadn't used your tired habit of taking words out of context and responding to them to try to seem to have a valid point to drivel about.

And BTW, you'll have a hard time finding me among 'you guys who quote Fox'. I'm not sure I ever have but if I ever did, it was an exception.
Or another way of putting it is she was giving him ample opportunity to come clean with the voters. His insistence on not answering her primary question and then saying he would not have certified the election if it were him instead of Pence as VP is just shooting himself in his other foot.
I disagree. He was not on trial, and subject to the sort of tactics you use on someone you have decided is guilty and are trying to prove is guilty as in a court of law. A decent journalist asks a question and then allows the subject to give an answer without badgering him into giving the answer she has decided to get out of him. Had he not answered as he did, his reasonable objection to the election would never have been voiced in the context allowed. And having voiced it, admitting a refusal to certify doesn't sound as horrific as the dems would want to make it seem.
It's a shame when people can't answer Yes or No.

How did you get "closeted gay" out of that exchange?
He has wishful thinking. He wants JD to join him and Heel Diddy on an excursion to a private place where slUsher and Gay Z are waiting. Take it like a champ, Joydavid. Make sure its not recorded, though!
And, you blame that on Joe fvckin Biden??? You need to sell all assets now. A fool and his money, something-something.
Who the **** else am I gonna blame? If a restaurant goes to new ownership/management and the food and service start being shitty, should we blame it on the last owners or the new one?

Are you too inbred to know that? The answer is yes, yes you are. I bet your last name is Whittaker. I saw a documentary about yall. Pretty comical.
He doesn't believe Trump is going to win. He has never thought Trump really had a chance:

I don’t think he is going to win so much that I was willing to bet you and you chickened out (in addition to you chickening out with @Hark_The_Sound_2010 ). I reckon I was just trying to lose a bet that you apparently wanted no part of.

I’ll offer the bet again. He can’t win. It’s free money for you. You in?
JV Vance is just such an unlikable weirdo. He definitely wears the scars of being a closeted gay man pretending to be otherwise.

He brings up a great point. I’ve said since 2020 that the cheat came in many forms, some of which are verified at this point. Frankly, I’m disappointed that Vance doesn’t come out and say, “no, I don’t believe that Trump lost a legitimate election. If you’re asking about the 2020 election, I don’t consider it legitimate but he did (air quotes) lose (air quotes)that one.”

Also, are you being homophobic by attacking Vance for potentially hiding his sexual orientation?
Okay... I have no interest in reading that.

I was just trying to understand what relevance his sexuality (repressed or otherwise) has on his comments and perspective in the clip. He sounds like EVERY OTHER POLITICIAN when they're backed into a corner and given a Yes or No option. Almost all of them are former lawyers, or have extensive experience in adjudication complexities. The last place they ever want to be is anywhere near Yes or No. Those require commitment.

He just has such a high level of disdain for all women; it really comes through every time he's that close to one.
He brings up a great point. I’ve said since 2020 that the cheat came in many forms, some of which are verified at this point. Frankly, I’m disappointed that Vance doesn’t come out and say, “no, I don’t believe that Trump lost a legitimate election. If you’re asking about the 2020 election, I don’t consider it legitimate but he did (air quotes) lose (air quotes)that one.”

Also, are you being homophobic by attacking Vance for potentially hiding his sexual orientation?

Lol. There was one guy and all of his peabrained cult followers who tried to illegitimately win an election. If you actually believe "it was rigged"; well, you can't coach stupid.

I couldn't care less about Vance being a closeted gay man. Just like I couldn't care less about Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham being in the closet. Just weird that they choose to pretend so homophobic people will support them.

Can you point out the board members in this video for reference?

I disagree. He was not on trial, and subject to the sort of tactics you use on someone you have decided is guilty and are trying to prove is guilty as in a court of law. A decent journalist asks a question and then allows the subject to give an answer without badgering him into giving the answer she has decided to get out of him. Had he not answered as he did, his reasonable objection to the election would never have been voiced in the context allowed. And having voiced it, admitting a refusal to certify doesn't sound as horrific as the dems would want to make it seem.
We must be watching two different interviews. Either that or you're simply too stubbornly dumb to admit to the truth like JD Vance.
Okay, from the BBC link:

"Facebook did not completely ban sharing of the article, but instead limited how much its algorithm automatically shared it to other people for a week, while third-party fact-checkers tried to verify the reporting.

So while people could post the article and discuss it, it was less likely to spread organically to new users."

That hardly sounds like silencing the public, to me.
Check it out, strum. The chickenhunter discovered the Whittakers. He probably took a 23andMe test.
The guy from SWU did several videos on them... and... it's just disturbing. I don't know how that guy keeps from going totally insane with the work he does.
Okay, from the BBC link:

"Facebook did not completely ban sharing of the article, but instead limited how much its algorithm automatically shared it to other people for a week, while third-party fact-checkers tried to verify the reporting.

So while people could post the article and discuss it, it was less likely to spread organically to new users."

That hardly sounds like silencing the public, to me.

That doesn't even address his claim.

He's still looking for his Infowars login credentials...
That doesn't even address his claim.

He's still looking for his Infowars login credentials...
Well... I know that they suspended Trump's Twitter account. I don't think that should have happened. But, Twitter is not "America." Nor is Facebook, for that matter.

The truth is, Trump has simply used this corrupt system that America dangles from, to the extremes. He was taught how to do it, and he perfected it. I think Vance is the heir-apparent for MAGA republicans. Vance can be co-opted. Trump is really a one-of-a-kind example. He's too old, and he never had any real motivation or allegiance except to promote himself. Vance is a potential career-politician. He's got a lot of skin in the game.
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And, you blame that on Joe fvckin Biden??? You need to sell all assets now. A fool and his money, something-something.
If a restaurant is purchased by new owners with new management and the food and service turns shitty, who you going to blame? The old owners or the new ones?

You need to stop breeding, Mr. Whittaker. Its gotta stop sometime.
Mea culpa. Of course that is who you will blame! LOL

But, you have admitted that your 401K revived itself... in spite of a democrat residing in the White House. How is that possible? You should be broke by now.
and you should be intelligent by now but here we are!
Well... I know that they suspended Trump's Twitter account. I don't think that should have happened. But, Twitter is not "America." Nor is Facebook, for that matter.

The truth is, Trump has simply used this corrupt system that America dangles from, to the extremes. He was taught how to do it, and he perfected it. I think Vance is the heir-apparent for MAGA republicans. Vance can be co-opted. Trump is really a one-of-a-kind example. He's too old, and he never had any real motivation or allegiance except to promote himself. Vance is a potential career-politician. He's got a lot of skin in the game.

Vance's biggest issue is how unlikable he is. He's conniving enough fake it for a while; then his hatred of women overtakes his act. I could see him in the "Lindsey Graham" role. Where he is willing to say anything to hang onto power.

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