OOTB's Political Thread . ..

So, that's what you expected when you asked for a link?
What I expected, based on your posting record, is that you were spewing nonsense that you couldn't back up. But sometimes people step up and I learn something I didn't know.

That didn't happen this time. Instead you just wasted your time NOT providing evidence of your claim. AGAIN.
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Back to what's important....

This strikes me as worthwhile.

A US university has a new requirement to graduate: take a climate change course

UC San Diego has added an innovative prerequisite to ‘prepare students for the future they really will encounter’

UC San Diego has implemented an innovative graduation requirement for students starting this autumn: a course in climate change. Courses must cover at least 30% climate-related content and address two of four areas, including scientific foundations, human impacts, mitigation strategies, and project-based learning. About 7,000 students from the class of 2028 will be affected this year.

“The most important thing is that UC San Diego wants to make sure we’re preparing students for the future that they really will encounter,” says Sarah Gille, a physical oceanographer at Scripps Institution of Oceanography who was part of the committee to create the new plan.

more here:

It's rich that you didn't mention the fact that he stood silent because 2 people fainted so they played music to keep the crowd calm.
They were dropping like flies last night at the Trump rally. I guess that's what happens when the majority of your constituency is either geriatric, severely obese, sickly as hell, or all three.

They were dropping like flies last night at the Trump rally. I guess that's what happens when the majority of your constituency is either geriatric, severely obese, sickly as hell, or all three.

Moving the goal post, what you libtards do best.
Just take the L and move on.
I can't imagine why so-called "democrat imposters" would dress up their boat with Trump and Nazi flags, be giving the Sieg Heil salute, and join in on a mindless Trump boat parade. It's much more likely this is just another boatload of idiots who fell victim of a practical joker rather than a gotcha moment.

Another failed tweet, pooptard.
Lot's of failed tweets this morning, LMFAO.

Idiot can't load a shotgun. A real man's man...
And the thing is, it's not just a shotgun, it's a Beretta A400 - that's over $1,800 worth of shotgun. And since he claims to have shot trap with it and served "24 years in the military", you'd think he'd be very familiar with it specifically and firearms in general. But that's about what should be expected from this guy.
And the thing is, it's not just a shotgun, it's a Beretta A400 - that's over $1,800 worth of shotgun. And since he claims to have shot trap with it and served "24 years in the military", you'd think he'd be very familiar with it specifically and firearms in general. But that's about what should be expected from this guy.
They both are a joke. The NYT has an article about the plagiarism in Harris' book.
The NYT has an article about the plagiarism in Harris' book.
GASP! She (or her co-author) may have cut and pasted from Wikipedia.

Oh, the humanity!

"...five sections that he said were lifted from widely available sites including Wikipedia and news reports."​
"In a review of the book, The New York Times found that none of the passages in question took the ideas or thoughts of another writer.... Instead, the sentences copy descriptions of programs or statistical information that appear elsewhere."​
"The passages called into question by Mr. Rufo on his Substack platform involve about 500 words in the approximately 65,000-word, 200-page book."​

For those keeping track, that's 5 instances averaging 100 words each, from public sources, mostly stats or descriptions of programs.

Lot's of failed tweets this morning, LMFAO.
Glad you replied as I would have never have seen his post. He apparently deleted it after you replied. Typical.

But it's not shocking. It's my understanding that this wasn't the only boat of actual trump boaters who "watered" the boneheads. So desperate to smear and make a claim that is false - like Charlottesville.
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GASP! She (or her co-author) may have cut and pasted from Wikipedia.

Oh, the humanity!

"...five sections that he said were lifted from widely available sites including Wikipedia and news reports."​
"In a review of the book, The New York Times found that none of the passages in question took the ideas or thoughts of another writer.... Instead, the sentences copy descriptions of programs or statistical information that appear elsewhere."​
"The passages called into question by Mr. Rufo on his Substack platform involve about 500 words in the approximately 65,000-word, 200-page book."​

For those keeping track, that's 5 instances averaging 100 words each, from public sources, mostly stats or descriptions of programs.

I noticed you didn't mention the first gentleman slapping a woman around or Tampon Tim diddling boys. It's ok though, plagiarism is plagiarism just like her Daddy Joe.
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They both are a joke. The NYT has an article about the plagiarism in Harris' book.
KH keeps referencing that she owns a Glock. I'd love someone to ask her some details like model, capacity, how it operates, etc. or even prove her assertion. They have almost 30 different models without even getting into subvariants within each model group. And these all fall into firearms that she has sought to restrict or eliminate completely. Why would she even have one other than to pander for votes?
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Glad you replied as I would have never have seen his post. He apparently deleted it after you replied. Typical.

But it's not shocking. It's my understanding that this wasn't the only boat of actual trump boaters who "watered" the boneheads. So desperate to smear and make a claim that is false - like Charlottesville.
He deleted hoping no one would see another failed attempt. Oh how our weak libs will be screaming at the sky in less than a month.
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KH keeps referencing that she owns a Glock. I'd love someone to ask her some details like model, capacity, how it operates, etc. or even prove her assertion. They have almost 30 different models without even getting into subvariants within each model group. And these all fall into firearms that she has sought to restrict or eliminate completely. Why would she even have one other than to pander for votes?
Very true. When someone asks me what I bird hunt with I always say, a 20ga Montefletro Benelli or a 12ga Montefeltro Benelli. She probably owns the same gun my 3 week old grandson owns, nadda.
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GASP! She (or her co-author) may have cut and pasted from Wikipedia.

Oh, the humanity!

"...five sections that he said were lifted from widely available sites including Wikipedia and news reports."​
"In a review of the book, The New York Times found that none of the passages in question took the ideas or thoughts of another writer.... Instead, the sentences copy descriptions of programs or statistical information that appear elsewhere."​
"The passages called into question by Mr. Rufo on his Substack platform involve about 500 words in the approximately 65,000-word, 200-page book."​

For those keeping track, that's 5 instances averaging 100 words each, from public sources, mostly stats or descriptions of programs.

I spent a few minutes checking out the alleged examples at where they are listed side-by-side with the original sources. In the first example is a paragraph that uses three common words or phrases: "mother," "What do you want?" and variations of the word "freedom" as spoken by a young girl (Harris in her youth).

I say when someone files a lawsuit and it isn't laughed out of the courtroom, get back with us. It's hilarious to hear the Trumpanzees accusing us of being in desperate panic mode.
Very true. When someone asks me what I bird hunt with I always say, a 20ga Montefletro Benelli or a 12ga Montefeltro Benelli. She probably owns the same gun my 3 week old grandson owns, nadda.
I do find it somewhat humorous that the guns to which they keep referring, or in Walz's case showing, are made in Austria and Italy, respectively. They are both fantastic, high quality firearms, but you'd think they'd also be speaking about some American made, available to the everyday person's budget, stuff as well. It would be like claiming their cars at home in the garage are BMW Motorren's and Ferrari's versus Chevy and Ford. Admittedly, none of them are playing to a highly discerning electorate, but they could at least try.
I spent a few minutes checking out the alleged examples at where they are listed side-by-side with the original sources. In the first example is a paragraph that uses three common words or phrases: "mother," "What do you want?" and variations of the word "freedom" as spoken by a young girl (Harris in her youth).

I say when someone files a lawsuit and it isn't laughed out of the courtroom, get back with us. It's hilarious to hear the Trumpanzees accusing us of being in panic mode.
Well, say what you want, but for awhile there, you were Mr. Poll every ten minutes or so. Now that the shine is wearing off from replacing President Change My Depends, not so much.

Speaking of which, why is she out campaigning instead of getting the 25th Amendment invoked? Does she not owe a duty in her role as VP? If she's not the last person in the room, who is making decisions for Joe now? So many questions. If only she could answer them.
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It has just been reported that Lowes, Home Depot, and Menards nationwide have been overrun with liberals. They are buying a new paint called Kamala. It's cheap, not too bright, and spreads easily...
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It has just been reported that Lowes, Home Depot, and Menards nationwide have been overrun with liberals. They are buying a new paint called Kamala. It's cheap, not too bright, and spreads easily...
That's incredibly funny, except that there's nothing "cheap" about what KH has planned for us.
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Well, say what you want, but for awhile there, you were Mr. Poll every ten minutes or so.
Like when I was sharing this national poll?
Harris - 48.5% . . . . . +2.4
Trump - 46.1%

President Change My Depends

Donald Von Shitzenpants​

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Who cares? You morons will be showing up at the polls in January, long after Kamala Harris is announced the winner.
Who cares about the electoral college versus the popularity vote from the big, dominate states? That's exactly the point of the system. That you don't care or don't understand is exactly the reason it was instituted from the beginning.
What I expected, based on your posting record, is that you were spewing nonsense that you couldn't back up. But sometimes people step up and I learn something I didn't know.

That didn't happen this time. Instead you just wasted your time NOT providing evidence of your claim. AGAIN.
you are being laughably stupid and disingenuous. What claim did I not back up? Seriously, you want to take me to task for not backing up my claims, which is absolutely untrue? Then let's see you back this claim of yours up. Demonstrate your claim that I made a claim that I didn't back up, fraud..

You asked @gunslingerdick for a link that made the tweet a lie. I didn't say it was or was not a lie, I ridiculed you for asking for a link making a lie of what shouldn't have been taken seriously to begin with, and which, as I said, practically refuted itself. I pointed out that the videographer/narrator was implying something that the video did not demonstrate, and his tweet represented 'republicans against Trump'. What fool would give that any credence at all?

And that was when you laughably tried to deny trying to catch someone not backing up a claim and said you were only trying to learn more.

I then called you a fraud, and now you're doubling down on being exactly that. Like I said, at least try to not be so transparent. And back up your claim, fraud. I await your lying response, because I know you won't admit being the fraud you are..
Who cares about the electoral college versus the popularity vote from the big, dominate states? That's exactly the point of the system. That you don't care or don't understand is exactly the reason it was instituted from the beginning.


Further evidence that you live under a rock.
Who cares about the electoral college versus the popularity vote from the big, dominate states? That's exactly the point of the system. That you don't care or don't understand is exactly the reason it was instituted from the beginning.
No... That's not why it was "instituted" from the beginning.

The electoral college is so efficient and perfect that it's never been used anywhere else in self-governing societies, and never will be used.
This is the entire playbook. You can take anything out of context and make it seem to fit your purposes. They dealt with two medical emergencies and rather than continue with the town hall as if nothing was happening, they took a break with music rather than silence. It's flat out disrespectful to the people involved to spread this type of "misinformation", but they were Trump supporters, so all is fair, correct?
as I always contend, the reason the libdems lie and distort so much is because their entire POV is based on lies and misconceptions. If you try to prop up a lie or a misconception, you're having to tell another lie or convey a misconception to do so.
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