OOTB's Political Thread . ..

“Mitch McConnell said after the 2020 election that then-President Donald Trump was ‘stupid as well as being ill-tempered,’ a ‘despicable human being’ and a ‘narcissist,’ according to excerpts from a new biography of the Senate Republican leader that will be released this month.”

But, that's what is so awesome about American politics. The so-called GOP leaders said all of that, and yet the party has nominated him three times for president. Trump could have been a democrat plant to show just how gullible, spineless, and hypocritical the high-rank Republicans CAN BE... to let them exhibit just how blatantly it can be done... and, the public eats it up and supports him unconditionally.
You have no clue. And what would you say if a candidate who got no votes, was the most unpopular of all time, had to drop out of their only race but the public eats them up and supports them unconditionally
I would say you're the queen of "Whataboutism."
Where I differ is that I favor giving care to those who need care, based on need, not status. If they don't belong here, you can ship them out after they've received the care. They're people, regardless of their legal status.
I'm good with giving care to those who need it, even those here illegally, provided they are last in line and not jumping ahead of any legal resident for care. This is provided they pay for said care on their own, not on the taxpayer's dime.
As for whether trans surgeries should be supported with public funds, my answer is the same as for any other course of treatment: if it's justified, then yes. Just because I don't think an alcoholic deserves a liver transplant that a less complicit sick person could use doesn't mean I want to withhold payment for that service if the medical folks decide it should go forward. Same with trans surgeries.
I don't think public funds should be used for either the liver transplant or the trans surgery. Although medical care isn't the worst use for public funds that I can think of - if we halved the amount we shipped off to Ukraine, Israel, Iran, etc. we could likely fund a lot of life saving surgeries here at home.
Libs have to stop being afraid to answer questions like this.

I'm not in favor of making special provisions to pay for those sorts of treatments. BUT, I do approve of providing top notch medical care for all in our jurisdiction who need it. So if those treatments are covered by existing provisions, I have no problem with them.

Since I answered your question, maybe you'll answer one for me on this same topic.

Is this issue really important enough to be a big focus in a presidential election? Immigration, sure. Climate change, sure. Inflation, sure. Ukraine, sure. The expanding war in the Middle East, sure. But transgender surgeries for a tiny number of people? Seriously?

I just don't care. Why do you?

The conversations revolving around this would stop immediately if 100% of politicians would simply state:

“Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. We as a society have subscribed to the same rules of being man or woman since time began. Every civilization has agreed to these principles. We will not promote discussions around gender dysphoria. We do not hate these people and we do not wish them harm. However, instead of affirming their dysfunctional mental state and promoting measures that help change their bodies, we seek to help these folks with psychological treatment for them to become comfortable in their own bodies.

Say that and then we can move on to these “more important” discussions you are citing.
Different reasons and different issues.

I think we're on the wrong track on a number of issues. I suspect you do too. But do we agree on those issues? And, maybe even more important, can we agree on how to address them?

Just to take one example that I care a lot about, Trump and the Rs want to drill more and roll back emission controls. Trump and Biden both want to make it hard for ordinary people to buy inexpensive Chinese electric vehicles. Those are terrible values, imo. To the extent possible, fossil energy deposits should stay in the ground and we should be aggressively switching to greener sources, greener businesses, greener homes, greener vehicles, etc.

Make green as convenient to me as fossil is. Make it cost the exact same. Make it look the same. Make it so I don’t even know it’s “green” and I’m on board.
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Pretty funny. I have never been a registered Democrat. Am a registered republican (just not a psychotic cultist like you) probably more if a libertarian. I live in a fully restored, 150 year old 5000 sq/ft brownstone in a city (do the math in your head). My business generates roughly $1 million per year passively. So when I'm not traveling, I have a lot of time read about how do many ignorant poor folk can be taken so easily by such a low IQ buffoon, like trump. It's actually quite sad but here we are.

And none if this meant as a brag; just pointing out how idiotic your posts are..

You can just admit that your take isn't consistent with the majority of people including those on Fox who still occasionally deal in reality. It's OK to wrong (again).

lol. She’s been relentlessly roasted for sounding like a moron. You want to battle with Twitter links? No, you don’t.
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Make green as convenient to me as fossil is. Make it cost the exact same. Make it look the same. Make it so I don’t even know it’s “green” and I’m on board.
And if you can do any of that, it will take off and become feasible. Then, we wouldn't be self-imploding our entire way of life just to become subjects to other countries. Make it real world ready and people will quickly flock to it.
Y’all laugh but Harris is polling well with the incarcerated felony transexuals. I think she carried the astronauts marooned on the space station as well.
what if she said she was in favor of just abandoning those astronauts? Would that be the big deal? I mean hell, there's only two of them (@blazers usual argument) and we have plenty more, and their fate doesn't affect me or you at all.

With her being up for election, we need to know what her mindset is on a number of specifics and we need to know her general outlook and her philosophy. If she said 'oh, F those guys, let's talk about something important' would you vote for her?

I know that trans surgery doesn't compare to abandoning astronauts and you're smart enough to know that that isn't the point anyway. The point is that she reveals a mindset that is indicative of her general thinking when she presses the point that she favors taxpayer-paid trans surgery for prisoners and illegal detainees. Hell no, I'm not voting for that astronaut-abandoning lunatic.

I had another thought regarding her border czardom mindset. She said the focus was on fixing the base problem, so she was in Guatemala handing out cash while many millions who shouldn't be here came to stay....and the gullible ate it up. Sure, fix the basic problem, that makes sense they say.

Now take those astronauts, and say she was the space flight czar and apply her 'logic'. Bring those marooned astronauts home? No, focus on fixing the problem that got them marooned and then deal with what happened in the meantime. Right?
Make green as convenient to me as fossil is. Make it cost the exact same. Make it look the same. Make it so I don’t even know it’s “green” and I’m on board.
And if you can do any of that, it will take off and become feasible. Then, we wouldn't be self-imploding our entire way of life just to become subjects to other countries. Make it real world ready and people will quickly flock to it.
nope, sorry. There are 'costs' that aren't immediate and not so close to home YET. We are doing what we always do, sweeping it under the rug until it hits us right in the face and we are forced to do something out of sheer necessity. At that point we will have lost much that wouldn't have been unnecessarily given up if we had just accepted a little inconvenience and spent a little money on what is readily apparent to those not closing their eyes and covering their ears.

We don't like change, especially not to our lifestyles, even though time after time when lifestyle changes come about, we become just as attached to the new one that we were to the old one. Would you go back to the horse and buggy? Would you want aspirin and bed rest to be the best a doctor could recommend? Hell no.

Additionally, solutions created on an emergency basis are not as viable as those that come about as a progression. We'll never get that progression if we don't start that progression, and YESTERDAY was the time to start it.

It was around '74 that we got a slap in the face over fossil fuels, and I had hoped that we would start getting off the petro-tit then. So did many others who waited in line for hours to get five gallons of gas IF the station was even open. So what did we do when oil supplies were cut loose again? We pulled our blankies up around us and went right back to our old complacency. In those fifty years, if we had only seriously pursued a better alternative to FF, what we would have now would be a better life that we would oppose giving up just the same as what we oppose now.

Libs will applaud this. But if they don't stop being afraid of the dark and start allowing and promoting practical alternatives to FF, they should hold that applause.

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