OOTB's Political Thread . ..

MAGA support:
FIFY. Plenty of republicans are voting for Harris.

Harris has a ton of small-donor support, grassroots support, and how REPUBLICAN support. She might lose small, might win small, but she also might win BIG. Trump definitely won't big despite what betting markets or what low quality polls (marketing grift) are spewing recently.
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Everything I posted is a fact in that list is a fact. I do wonder what is so cognitively wrong with you that you are able to so easily disregard facts.
I wonder what cognitive impairment you suffer that keeps you from understanding what a fact is. I know what cognitive impairment caused you to offer this nonsense though. Plain old liberalism with complications of TDS.

As I said, none of them can be substantiated as fact and I'll leave it at that because it isn't worth wasting any more time on. However, if you would care to try, please be my guest.
More often than not it would be an unstable single parent situation who would have neglected said child who would have grown up to be a burden on society (criminal, needing public assistance, etc.) that would be getting an abortion. They're willingly nipping that problem in the bud for the rest of us. We shouldn't discourage that, we should send them a thank you card.

While I agree with the rationale, we’re not making any headway on reducing the number of these types of people. You’d think if you aborted them all, throughout time, their population would shrink. We’ve been doing a lot of abortin’. Why are there still so many?
he needs empathy alright, and you could use a few more IQ points if you are trying to make this seem to be the fault of an election campaign or 'republicans', as if they broke into his home and held him at gunpoint. The empathy he needed should have come from his family which allowed his dementia to go out of bounds.

I'm surprised this didn't make your list of thing that republicans support.
You're the one who supports all this evil because your cult leader tells you to.

You're the only one in danger of jumping, or drinking the flavor aid, if your cult leader tells you to.

This expresses my feelings perfectly

I think what is baffling for many of us (not a dem but I’m a never Trumper) is that Trump isn’t just “bad”. He is awful. Like historically one of the worst public GOP figures in our nation’s history. And I’m not just talking about his moral failings. His go to economic policy is tariffs, he flirts with dictators, he won’t solve the deficit, etc. He is awful.

Kamala, on the other hand is a run of the mill progressive democrat. She is not a Marxist. She is not a socialist. She is a bland run of the mill candidate. She is unlikely to be a great president, but c’mon, she is orders of magnitude better than the piece of shit has been that is Trump.

For me, I just want MAGA gone from our politics. I want an actual fiscal conservative candidate from the GOP, I want balanced budgets. The only way to get that is to break MAGA’s chokehold on the GOP and the only way to get that is 4 years of Kamala. That is the only pragmatic choice.
yes, all we need is four years of Kamala and all our wildest dreams will come true. My wildest dream is clearing out our debt. I wonder what it will be down to after four years of Kamala. I bet it will be down to orders of magnitude higher than it is now. That takes care of that. Next problem that Kamala will solve by denying Trump the presidency....

How stupid are you? You want Kamala so that after four years, you can have a fiscal conservative in charge, with no more Trump. But THINK. There will be no more Trump after four years if he is elected, but if he isn't, he could very well be around to run again. And if so, they might as well just surrender the presidency to him. After four years of Kamala Harris, even Liz Cheney will vote for him and publicly beg his forgiveness.

There is no way that getting Harris elected is better for us than Trump would be.

The simple truth is obvious. You have allowed your TDS to take control of your senses.
FIFY. Plenty of republicans are voting for Harris.

Harris has a ton of small-donor support, grassroots support, and how REPUBLICAN support. She might lose small, might win small, but she also might win BIG. Trump definitely won't big despite what betting markets or what low quality polls (marketing grift) are spewing recently.
Betting markets are a poor place to try to determine outcome. Odds can change based on betting patterns. If many people bet on one outcome, the bookmaker might adjust the odds to balance their risk
FIFY. Plenty of republicans are voting for Harris.

Harris has a ton of small-donor support, grassroots support, and how REPUBLICAN support. She might lose small, might win small, but she also might win BIG. Trump definitely won't big despite what betting markets or what low quality polls (marketing grift) are spewing recently.

Here's trump whole plan to win.

He currently has 196 active voting and election cases pending in 40 states. Number of cases by state.

Georgia 23
Pennsylvania 16
North Carolina 15
Wisconsin 14
Arizona 14

He knows, that he needs to disqualify large swaths of votes so his cult followers can assault police and democracy.
says the New Republic

here's a fun look at the New Republic's bias rating....


For fun, now do all all of the propaganda information sources you use to justify joining a cult. Of course, a Fox isn't going to report on a topic like this.

Nate Cohn is probably the most respected pollster out there.

"Theoretically, this should game the averages as well. Something like this happened in 2022: As Nate Cohn wrote for the Times on the eve of that election, the averages were being bombarded by “a wave of polls” from firms that didn’t “adhere to industry standards for transparency or data collection” and which were producing “much more Republican-friendly results.” Democrats ended up defying the results suggested by some of the averages, picking up a Senate seat and holding House losses to a minimum—itself a historically anomalous result for a party holding the White House in a midterm election—even as many predicted a GOP rout."
Not to mention it is illegal for U.S. citizens to place bets on polymarkets' elections. It's literally, all foreign money.
Bet you've never exceeded the speed limit either. Of course, some here would point out to me that doing so can be a challenge to those on a bike that are physically out of shape.
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Bet you've never exceeded the speed limit either. Of course, some here would point out to me that doing so can be a challenge to those on a bike that are physically out of shape.

So your "argument" is there some really dumb people who are willing to illegally place bets and that's why you think there's some legitimate insights on the election via polymarkets?

Cracking Up Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield
This is so sad on so many levels. The biggest is that millions of people like yourself are so infected with TDS that you'd blame such a situation on Trump and spread such falsehoods claiming the Trump campaign made this poor guy lose his life savings.

No, the gentleman has dementia/Alzheimer's (or some other variant which acts the same way) and his daughter/son are attempting to shift the blame for this horrible disease and their utter failures to deal with the realities of it to someone else where they conveniently have a willing audience on CNN. The family is responsible for not taking steps to address the situation. Period. No amount of shifting of the blame and deflection will make that not the case.

It's a terrible thing, but you deal with it rather than playing ostrich. Had they done what was appropriate, this man would not have spent money with anyone that he shouldn't have. He signed up for recurring charges. And the family allowed that to happen. After the horse is out of the barn, it's too late to undo and you can't blame automated systems which the guy willingly signed up for and approved. He could have done the same thing with a prince in Nigeria, dogs and cats being rescued, or the CBS record and tape club. Not one iota of information there suggests that the "campaign" did anything wrong other than they accepted regular donations from the guy. The family should have cut it off and not allowed it to happen. They were either in denial or asleep at the wheel.

We've had to deal with this multiple times within my family and it sucks. But, when my grandmother left a cast iron skillet on the stovetop and my cousin walked in to find it glowing red, we didn't blame GE or Lowe's for selling her an electric stove or Duke Power for providing electricity to her house. We simply removed the pigtail so she wasn't able to burn down the house the next time she forgot about a pan.

Your issues with Trump have nothing to do with this poor man and his disease/decline. It's so sad that you'd take advantage of his plight to push such an agenda. Further, it wasn't Trump's campaign, but WinRed. Ever heard of ActBlue? Sure, they're both paragons of virtue.

Lastly, have you looked at the person sitting in the Oval Office the last two or three years? The "family" stepped in to take care of that situation like they should have and told him to have a seat. The problem is, they left him sitting behind the Resolute Desk instead of telling him to permanently take a seat at the beach in Rehoboth. Claiming this was all on Trump is actually a great example of the real issue being presented to the voters and a great illustration of the lies that have been sold about KH and the agenda. It couldn't be more clear, but you can't see it through the orange fog in which you exist.
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So your "argument" is there some really dumb people who are willing to illegally place bets and that's why you think there's some legitimate insights on the election via polymarkets?

Cracking Up Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield
Who's arguing?

I simply pointed out that you're a dumbass and a hypocrite because you keep stating that it's illegal to bet on the election. People, including yourself, do things all the time that are technically illegal. It doesn't mean it's not happening.
That's interesting.

"Just under 17% of North Carolina’s registered voters live in areas impacted by Helene, totaling more than 1.277 million people in 25 counties, according to the state board of elections. Unaffiliated voters make up the greatest percentage of registered voters with 491,098, followed by registered Republicans at 480,916. There are 293,397 registered Democrats in those counties."

If i read that correctly the group of people are majority repub. You'd think they'd want to make it easier for the repubs to vote. Maybe disenfranchisement is their MO, but that is shooting themselves in the foot.
Here's trump whole plan to win.

He currently has 196 active voting and election cases pending in 40 states. Number of cases by state.

Georgia 23
Pennsylvania 16
North Carolina 15
Wisconsin 14
Arizona 14

He knows, that he needs to disqualify large swaths of votes so his cult followers can assault police and democracy.
And shitty, skewed polls could help gin up some support for his claims of "rigged election".
"Theoretically, this should game the averages as well. Something like this happened in 2022: As Nate Cohn wrote for the Times on the eve of that election, the averages were being bombarded by “a wave of polls” from firms that didn’t “adhere to industry standards for transparency or data collection” and which were producing “much more Republican-friendly results.” Democrats ended up defying the results suggested by some of the averages, picking up a Senate seat and holding House losses to a minimum—itself a historically anomalous result for a party holding the White House in a midterm election—even as many predicted a GOP rout."

Polls are kinda worthless in a tight race. Even high-level pollsters try to explain the worth of their poll and their answer is full of caveats and qualifiers.
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Grifting the elderly - that's swell.
Except there was no grift. Not a scintilla of evidence that they did anything other than send messages and requests to which the guy willingly said Yes. There is nothing to suggest that WinRed did anything nefarious or had any information that they were dealing with someone who had such issues.

This is someone who was let down by his kids. Plain and simple. I understand how it could happen, but just because WinRed was the ultimate beneficiary, it doesn't make them the problem. But, playing on emotion is all you've got and you guys do it well.
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Polls are kinda worthless in a tight race. Even high-level pollsters try to explain the worth of their poll and their answer is full of caveats and qualifiers.
Agree completely. It's part of the reason I called a poster here Poll Boy because they really mean nothing. And it's only worse when Orangeman is involved. They have a terrible time accounting for him and the false polling.
If i read that correctly the group of people are majority repub. You'd think they'd want to make it easier for the repubs to vote. Maybe disenfranchisement is their MO, but that is shooting themselves in the foot.
Rather astounding, isn't it? Especially in a state where the race is so close that both candidates need as much help as they can get. I knew some of our leaders in Raleigh were shortsighted, but this decision is confounding.
That's interesting.

"Just under 17% of North Carolina’s registered voters live in areas impacted by Helene, totaling more than 1.277 million people in 25 counties, according to the state board of elections. Unaffiliated voters make up the greatest percentage of registered voters with 491,098, followed by registered Republicans at 480,916. There are 293,397 registered Democrats in those counties."

If i read that correctly the group of people are majority repub. You'd think they'd want to make it easier for the repubs to vote. Maybe disenfranchisement is their MO, but that is shooting themselves in the foot.
I saw this "headline" and wondered about this vote. I figured someone here would fill us in on the rest of the story because I really find it hard to believe that R's are unanimously against helping the people of western NC. Rather, it's probably a horrible bill with all kinds of other stuff snuck into it. You know, like calling something a Border Bill that contains mostly foreign war funding or calling something an Inflation Reduction Act that is really a climate bill (per our president's own words). So, what's the real story behind this headline?
I should add that since it's about voting, I'm guessing the fear is that these provisions would be able to be exploited by the machine to swing the vote. By the time we get to election day, what are the projected numbers of actual voters who will be unable to literally get to a polling location? Is this just a solution to a problem that won't really exist?

ETA: The New Republic? Seriously?
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I saw this "headline" and wondered about this vote. I figured someone here would fill us in on the rest of the story because I really find it hard to believe that R's are unanimously against helping the people of western NC. Rather, it's probably a horrible bill with all kinds of other stuff snuck into it. You know, like calling something a Border Bill that contains mostly foreign war funding or calling something an Inflation Reduction Act that is really a climate bill (per our president's own words). So, what's the real story behind this headline?

You do know the reason Ukraine aid was included right? That's what the GOP originally wanted, then they had an issue with their own original stance when their pro-putin members started barking.

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