OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I think they are in hiding because it's become obvious how bad this admin has been all along, even as they were telling us how FOS we were to think so. So you are exactly correct...whatever they were hiding behind isn't there any more. They are just as exposed as Biden/Harris are.

It'll make your skin crawl to read about some of the societal filth he pardoned. But as someone pointed out, much more to come. Please President Trump, go after that jackass hard.
Even the all-knowing, virtue-signalling @strummingram has disappeared. Maybe his neighbor changed the wifi password.

More proof Dems are POS.
this is one that I was referring to in my last post. For those who don't care to read the linkage, this POS judge was convicted of sending undeserving kids off to a private prison in exchange for kickbacks. One of the kids committed suicide. How do you justify a pardon for someone who should have had an icepick shoved into the base of his worthless skull.

Another he pardoned was convicted of embezzling 50 MILLION DOLLARS from the city she worked for (can't remember her position). How do you find merit, let alone forgiveness, in that?
this is one that I was referring to in my last post. For those who don't care to read the linkage, this POS judge was convicted of sending undeserving kids off to a private prison in exchange for kickbacks. One of the kids committed suicide. How do you justify a pardon for someone who should have had an icepick shoved into the base of his worthless skull.

Another he pardoned was convicted of embezzling 50 MILLION DOLLARS from the city she worked for (can't remember her position). How do you find merit, let alone forgiveness, in that?
The POS judge and the chinese spy with all the child porn are indefensible. But he may not even know he's pardoned anyone.
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garbage. Outcompete the Chinese? I have an idea. Let's 'outcompete the Chinese' by establishing a minimum wage that would comfortably support two Chinese families of ten each, and then constantly try to make it even higher in order to make us what, even more competitive? And you have a PHD in economy from Yale? Well then, I wouldn't send my dog to Yale for a decent education.

Oh, and the Chinese 'borrowed' from the rest of the world, tee hee, to boost their economy so tremendously. Don't say they 'stole', that might reveal that what you're trying to sell is bullshit.

Let's just pull out of our ass that American-made electric vehicles are not on a par with Chinese electric vehicles. No substantiation offered, just make shit up as you go. Many of our sheep will buy it just because it feeds their TDS.

And you say efforts to make trade with China fair and equitable are stupid? You'd have to get a lot smarter to be stupid.

And so on and so forth. I made it about a minute before I wanted to upchuck over the disingenuity. Take this commie propaganda and shove it up your China-loving ass..
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hard for you to deal with MAGA is more like it. If you could handle the truth you wouldn't spout so much idiocy. Just another lib who has to create and adhere to false narratives in order to have something to whine about. Ho hum.

I wonder if you have any ability at all to understand how transparent libhood is. We read you like a book. When there isn't some actual demon to exorcize, no problem... just check a classic out of the exorcized demon library or make a new one up. Any situation or person or inanimate object will do.

The lib motto is 'never let the truth get in the way of a good whine'.
That and “never let a disaster go to waste!”
Even the all-knowing, virtue-signalling @strummingram has disappeared. Maybe his neighbor changed the wifi password.
They’re all in one of their parents’ basement doing a circle thumb suck.
this is one that I was referring to in my last post. For those who don't care to read the linkage, this POS judge was convicted of sending undeserving kids off to a private prison in exchange for kickbacks. One of the kids committed suicide. How do you justify a pardon for someone who should have had an icepick shoved into the base of his worthless skull.

Another he pardoned was convicted of embezzling 50 MILLION DOLLARS from the city she worked for (can't remember her position). How do you find merit, let alone forgiveness, in that?
Any comments Squad?
garbage. Outcompete the Chinese? I have an idea. Let's 'outcompete the Chinese' by establishing a minimum wage that would comfortably support two Chinese families of ten each, and then constantly try to make it even higher in order to make us what, even more competitive? And you have a PHD in economy from Yale? Well then, I wouldn't send my dog to Yale for a decent education.

Oh, and the Chinese 'borrowed' from the rest of the world, tee hee, to boost their economy so tremendously. Don't say they 'stole', that might reveal that what you're trying to sell is bullshit.

Let's just pull out of our ass that American-made electric vehicles are not on a par with Chinese electric vehicles. No substantiation offered, just make shit up as you go. Many of our sheep will buy it just because it feeds their TDS.

And you say efforts to make trade with China fair and equitable are stupid? You'd have to get a lot smarter to be stupid.

And so on and so forth. I made it about a minute before I wanted to upchuck over the disingenuity. Take this commie propaganda and shove it up your China-loving ass..
If you combined the brains of WWJD and the other squad members and put them in a bird, it would fly backwards. Zero common sense.
Things like this now emerging, because up until a hot minute ago, this was considered tin foil hat stuff.

Just like the Hunter laptop, Smollett attack being a hoax, COVID being a lab leak, etc. seems like there's a lot of things the Left brands as a dangerous conspiracy that end up being absolutely true.
Just like the Hunter laptop, Smollett attack being a hoax, COVID being a lab leak, etc. seems like there's a lot of things the Left brands as a dangerous conspiracy that end up being absolutely true.
And the general public doesn’t know half the truth about what has been going on. This may be the most corrupt, non-transparent administrations ever. And don’t get me started on Smollett’s overturned hate crime conviction.
Just like the Hunter laptop, Smollett attack being a hoax, COVID being a lab leak, etc. seems like there's a lot of things the Left brands as a dangerous conspiracy that end up being absolutely true.
and frankly, I'm had enough of the constant string of apologies and admissions of wrongheadedness from those on the left who have been so eager and quick to accuse the right of what they in fact have been guilty of themselves. No, wait....
Been saying it for a long time. Dems are the party of evil. It is no surprise they'd pardon a judge trafficking children or pedophiles. They enslaved 500K children in 3 years. That's more people that were brought to the colonies and USA as slaves from Africa, albeit not measured as a percentage of the population.
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this is so typical of the leftist persuasion, I had to bring it here. It touches on a number of liberal quirks in the face of defeat. But the best part to me is that it reinforces what I said in a recent argument here that libs simply change the definition of words to suit their purposes as they go along.

Second best is that the lawsuit was settled by ABC not because they were wrong, but because Trump was elected President. Because you know, they can never be wrong and anything on the right can never NOT be wrong, so there has to be some other reason for ABC to settle.. LMAO, SMDH.

@strummingram , @blazers , @prlyles , @Heels Noir ,@joeydavid ,@What Would Jesus Do? all in unison now,

Awkward Cricket GIF
I love this. I love it because I was the only one among friends and other people that I knew who dared question the guilt of the lacrosse players. I questioned it because the circumstances seemed to me to be questionable, just as simple as that. And I was disgusted by the widespread lynch mob mentality and disregard for one our leading principles, 'innocent until proven guilty'. And every day it went on I gleaned the interwebs for every tidbit of fact I could, and the more I did the more I suspected that the accuser was lying or at least exaggerating greatly..

One night I was out to dinner with a group of friends when the subject came up, and when I suggested that they might be innocent, I was almost literally hooted out of the restaurant, but I held my ground. There are posters here who would have called me a racist for doing so, to say my motive was to uphold an ideal of white supremacy when my only concern was for the truth.

So this guy is not just fine with me, and way beyond just OK, even if it turns out he's a screwup otherwise. We need more people like him. It's one thing to mouth the words that state a belief, it's entirely another to believe what you're mouthing. It's one thing to say you have an open mind, but an entirely different one to actually avoid jumping to conclusions and keep your mind open to all possibilities.

How much you wanna bet the lefties will roast him just because Trump picked him..
it just goes to show, if they don't have some made-up trash to talk, they have nothing to talk about at all.
The challenge for them at this point is how to create a distraction to push an agenda while trying to ignore the hypocrisy.

For example, for days and weeks, there has been sympathy and distraction about the healthcare CEO who was a targeted murder victim but they attack the flaws in healthcare without ever addressing that the entire setup and guardrails are government creations and subject to their scheme. Further, the shooter is celebrated for bringing the problem of healthcare to light without ever addressing the murderer being one of the most entitled people you'll find.

Now, Biden comes out with a renewed call for a bunch of new gun laws that would do nothing to have stopped the school shooting yesterday and he never addresses the issue of the 15 year old shooter having some significant mental issues. And, he wants these new gun laws to be put in place when he just pardoned his son for violating existing gun laws.
I'd like to say they've become intelligent enough to be riding somewhere on the Trump Train but I'm not sure there's any hope for those ra-tards.
TBH I have to disagree just a little. It isn't an intelligence thing exactly. I know quite a few hard core, dyed-in-the-wool anti-conservative libs who are sheer brainiacs. What they lack is common sense. Common sense is intelligence minus fantasy. They outthink themselves into silliness by avoiding reality in order to live in a pretend world that has not and can not exist. That's the ticket for them. Becoming more intelligent won't help them. Dealing with the real world might.

And that's Trump's strength and why we align with him. He might be rich as six feet up a bull's ass but he's also down to earth enough to tell the shit from the Shinola. Anti's can't.
The challenge for them at this point is how to create a distraction to push an agenda while trying to ignore the hypocrisy.

For example, for days and weeks, there has been sympathy and distraction about the healthcare CEO who was a targeted murder victim but they attack the flaws in healthcare without ever addressing that the entire setup and guardrails are government creations and subject to their scheme. Further, the shooter is celebrated for bringing the problem of healthcare to light without ever addressing the murderer being one of the most entitled people you'll find.

Now, Biden comes out with a renewed call for a bunch of new gun laws that would do nothing to have stopped the school shooting yesterday and he never addresses the issue of the 15 year old shooter having some significant mental issues. And, he wants these new gun laws to be put in place when he just pardoned his son for violating existing gun laws.
you might be opening a can of long-winded posts on my part. I have been trying to figure a way to address the core sickness we have as a country in a form that will get read, but so far nothing has come about. But the healthcare murder is the perfect opening for it because it is a perfect example of the wrongheadedness we are killing ourselves with.

Basically, we are spoiled into believing that things that have wondrously given us a better life are things we have somehow become entitled to, and they better be delivered perfectly.. We expect of others what we would never accept for ourselves.

Do some insurance companies scheme to trim down claims? Of course. But do insurance companies also pay for catastrophically high medical bills? Yes, of course. There will always be a positive and a negative, and you can't stupidly condemn something in entirety without considering both; and you can't improve anything by throwing tantrums and eliminating random symbols of what you have your panties bunched up over..

The problem isn't that randos commit these idiotic acts. That murder was awful but it was also barely a blip in our lives. The problem is that there is much empathy for them, and that is a mountain of wayward feeling that is threatening to turn ours into a trash existence..
TBH I have to disagree just a little. It isn't an intelligence thing exactly. I know quite a few hard core, dyed-in-the-wool anti-conservative libs who are sheer brainiacs. What they lack is common sense. Common sense is intelligence minus fantasy.
You hit the nail on the head. My sister in NY fits that description to a tee.
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You hit the nail on the head. My sister in NY fits that description to a tee.
lol, when I posted this, my inexplicably liberal sister and her four liberal girls were high on the list. When my sister invited me to Thanksgiving (they were all there), she made me promise that no matter what any of them said, I would just grin and bear it.

I could have done it because I care about them more than politics, but I avoided the potential for trouble all together by not going. They're all vegans anyway and tofu turkey isn't all that appetizing to me.
lol, when I posted this, my inexplicably liberal sister and her four liberal girls were high on the list. When my sister invited me to Thanksgiving (they were all there), she made me promise that no matter what any of them said, I would just grin and bear it.

I could have done it because I care about them more than politics, but I avoided the potential for trouble all together by not going. They're all vegans anyway and tofu turkey isn't all that appetizing to me.
Just show up wearing the Dark Maga hat.
lol, when I posted this, my inexplicably liberal sister and her four liberal girls were high on the list. When my sister invited me to Thanksgiving (they were all there), she made me promise that no matter what any of them said, I would just grin and bear it.

I could have done it because I care about them more than politics, but I avoided the potential for trouble all together by not going. They're all vegans anyway and tofu turkey isn't all that appetizing to me.
My sister is the mayor of a very small town in NY. All but one of the city council members are Dims. Yet she is determined to get him removed from the council. She graduated from UNC with almost straight A’s. She moved to NYC right after graduating and married a born and bred New Yorker. That’s the only reason I can find for her decline into liberalism.
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