OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Glad to see Trump and Homon sending those fuggin POS back to whatever shithole country they came from. On another board about politics, several members said there are less illegals in the country now than there was in 2007 and used the Pew Center for his ridiculous assertion. Pew does show there are less according to their numbers. I said there is no fuggin way Pew can keep up with how many illegals are in the country at the rate they've been crossing. Seems every time a disagreement comes up, they always use Pew as their go to for 'up to date' information.
I've got no idea how they come up with their numbers, but what is the theory behind such a claim? That is, assume they are correct, but they then have to answer the question of how it came to be? Are they simply relying on the assertion that the great deporter in chief, Barry O, kicked out so many in his 8 years, that the number who came back in during Orange 1 and Biden didn't offset that?

I mean, Orange 2 is now being accused of again being Hitler and that they are acting like the Gustapo for the deportation of serious criminal illegals. What are their feelings on the president who apparently made their claims number wise? Are they now calling him the black Hitler or something?
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Glad to see Trump and Homon sending those fuggin POS back to whatever shithole country they came from. On another board about politics, several members said there are less illegals in the country now than there was in 2007 and used the Pew Center for his ridiculous assertion. Pew does show there are less according to their numbers. I said there is no fuggin way Pew can keep up with how many illegals are in the country at the rate they've been crossing. Seems every time a disagreement comes up, they always use Pew as their go to for 'up to date' information.
Also, whether they are correct or not, isn't the response still the same: SO?

(And you can redefine words anyway you want to fit your agenda, but anyone who comes into our country without documentation through a proper port of entry is a criminal regardless of what else they may have done) Even if there are less criminals now than in 2007, why would that have any impact on our efforts to continue to remove them from our country? Are they seriously suggesting we should just tolerate existing criminals in our society because the number is too low to worry about or something?
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You know @blazers and @Heels Noir are poasting somewhere. Neither of those two idiot blowhards could totally cut off their need to lecture somebody on something.

But where is @prlyles? Don’t make me come find you in the Wordle thread, Gramps. Get in this thread and tell us how much you’ve enjoyed the first week of the second Trump Presidency.
(And you can redefine words anyway you want to fit your agenda, but anyone who comes into our country without documentation through a proper port of entry is a criminal regardless of what else they may have done)
This young lady is gonna kick some reporter ass and take names if her press conference yesterday was any indication.

You know @blazers and @Heels Noir are poasting somewhere. Neither of those two idiot blowhards could totally cut off their need to lecture somebody on something.

But where is @prlyles? Don’t make me come find you in the Wordle thread, Gramps. Get in this thread and tell us how much you’ve enjoyed the first week of the second Trump Presidency.
Don't forget the all knowing @strummingram
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Don't forget the all knowing @strummingram

That one is surprising, honestly. The self-proclaimed independent thinker has been absent since Trump won. Weird....he was here all day, every day before Trump won. He must not want to read me crowing about how right I was. But I wouldn't have guessed @strummingram was the type to slink off in the dark of night. He had some umph. Some grit. Some fight to him. Sad to see how he's tucked tail and run. We'll survive.

I suspect the same reason is why @blazers (or as I like to call him, Gullible @blazers ) and the idiot @Heels Noir have left too. They can't stand that I predicted this. Despite the fake photos of the Kamala rallies and the supposed "enthusiasm", she was never in the fight. The Dems got their doors blown off just as I had predicted. And instead of owning it, they too have found new homes. I guess we can thank Trump for that too.
Also, whether they are correct or not, isn't the response still the same: SO?

(And you can redefine words anyway you want to fit your agenda, but anyone who comes into our country without documentation through a proper port of entry is a criminal regardless of what else they may have done) Even if there are less criminals now than in 2007, why would that have any impact on our efforts to continue to remove them from our country? Are they seriously suggesting we should just tolerate existing criminals in our society because the number is too low to worry about or something?
the actual criminal here is the POS who purposely allowed the requirements of granting asylum to be circumvented in order to let in hordes of foreigners who were not at all properly considered as asylum seekers or even at all properly vetted as acceptable human beings.

The joke is that the next 'authoritative' list of worst/best presidents will place him at or near the top of the 'best' ranking. The truth is that until Biden, I didn't think anyone would ever displace LBJ as the worst president ever. Congrats Joe, you disgusting vermin, you dethroned the former biggest rat's ass president.
Looks like Heels Noir, Strummin, and prlyles have all deleted their accounts on THI. Probably over at to whine and cry with the rest of the losers.

@strummingram is still around, just not so much here. He's been posting on the BB coaching threads and, of course, the music stuff. I think @prlyles is still a regular with the wordle addiction. Noir, well, they'll probably just find a dehydrated corpse in his mom's basement one day.
the actual criminal here is the POS who purposely allowed the requirements of granting asylum to be circumvented in order to let in hordes of foreigners who were not at all properly considered as asylum seekers or even at all properly vetted as acceptable human beings.

The joke is that the next 'authoritative' list of worst/best presidents will place him at or near the top of the 'best' ranking. The truth is that until Biden, I didn't think anyone would ever displace LBJ as the worst president ever. Congrats Joe, you disgusting vermin, you dethroned the former biggest rat's ass president.
One thing I am gonna be interested in is the series of books and leaks that ultimately come out regarding the last administration. I am not defending Joe in any respect, because he should just not have been there for quite awhile, but I do think it's going to eventually become clear to even the most ardent D supporters that our former president was not at all present and was completely and totally mislead/misinformed/led around by his staffers.

That is, he was a figure head and signing things, but the people behind him were really setting and controlling the agenda. If you look at the encounter Speaker Johnson relayed the other day that it was clear to him that Joe had signed something far different from what the man believed it was, it really makes you wonder about what they told him versus what they were doing. Some scary stuff is likely to come out.
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One thing I am gonna be interested in is the series of books and leaks that ultimately come out regarding the last administration. I am not defending Joe in any respect, because he should just not have been there for quite awhile, but I do think it's going to eventually become clear to even the most ardent D supporters that our former president was not at all present and was completely and totally mislead/misinformed/led around by his staffers.

That is, he was a figure head and signing things, but the people behind him were really setting and controlling the agenda. If you look at the encounter Speaker Johnson relayed the other day that it was clear to him that Joe had signed something far different from what the man believed it was, it really makes you wonder about what they told him versus what they were doing. Some scary stuff is likely to come out.
I'm hearing you and agreeing for the most part about who was pulling most of the strings, but my contention is that Joe had his own separate hidden agenda and as long as he could further that, he was happy to let the puppetmasters do about whatever they wanted. No doubt his bumbling was no act, but that bumbling was a distraction from what was really going on with him. He was out to 1) cap off his political career and 2) profit from his position...and it looks like he did so very handsomely. THAT is what I hope will come out some day, backed with substantial evidence.

You've seen me trying my best to point out here that he is dirty and phony even before the beginning of his term. I believe it even more now. So many gullible people will look on him as being a dedicated public servant who just let it get away from him. I used to keep up with politics when I was younger (many years ago), much more so than I do now. I have always seen Biden as one who found a gig that suited his ability to flash an insincere smile and gladhand the dupes who voted for him, while being next to worthless as a Senator. He was actually somewhat of a laughingstock, with his fake hair and his fake teeth and his fake interest in our country's well-being..

I wouldn't make too much of the Johnson thing. IMO it's an isolated incident that his detractors picked up on and magnified a little just because. Truth is, that kind of thing has probably happened to every president, except the part about his being too senile to keep up with what the stringpullers were doing.
Someone's head needs to be chopped off for the helo crash with American Airlines flight near DCA airport. Why would a helo be flying through DCA flight traffic lanes? Did the DCA control give the helo permission to do it or did the Army helo just do cowboy ops?

Hegseth needs to ensure the Air Force and Army helos in the DC area no longer fly through the inbound and outbound DCA traffic lanes. Only Marine 1 with Trump on it is "God" in the DC sky, not some random Army crew flying some night training mission possibly without proper clearances.
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Why would a helo be flying through DCA flight traffic lanes? Did the DCA control give the helo permission to do it or did the Army helo just do cowboy ops?
These questions and many others will get answered in due course. The only thing clear at this point is that someone screwed up bigly and it's pretty darn likely that person or persons will get there head(s) chopped off. Very sad. But just wait, who will be the first politician or media person to claim this is Hitler's fault because he should be concerned with things like basic transportation and not Gestapo raids or something?
I'm hearing you and agreeing for the most part about who was pulling most of the strings, but my contention is that Joe had his own separate hidden agenda and as long as he could further that, he was happy to let the puppetmasters do about whatever they wanted. No doubt his bumbling was no act, but that bumbling was a distraction from what was really going on with him. He was out to 1) cap off his political career and 2) profit from his position...and it looks like he did so very handsomely. THAT is what I hope will come out some day, backed with substantial evidence.

You've seen me trying my best to point out here that he is dirty and phony even before the beginning of his term. I believe it even more now. So many gullible people will look on him as being a dedicated public servant who just let it get away from him. I used to keep up with politics when I was younger (many years ago), much more so than I do now. I have always seen Biden as one who found a gig that suited his ability to flash an insincere smile and gladhand the dupes who voted for him, while being next to worthless as a Senator. He was actually somewhat of a laughingstock, with his fake hair and his fake teeth and his fake interest in our country's well-being..

I wouldn't make too much of the Johnson thing. IMO it's an isolated incident that his detractors picked up on and magnified a little just because. Truth is, that kind of thing has probably happened to every president, except the part about his being too senile to keep up with what the stringpullers were doing.
I'm thinking that these two lines of traitorous behavior can co-exist for the most part, not an either or but a likely aspect of whatever any given situation allowed. Also, I think Joe could have been constantly manipulated and duped while all at the same time still looking out for number one.

I can't stand the grift of our current man selling trading cards, bibles, sneakers, cologne, etc., but I think it is both hilarious and the ultimate hypocrisy that some here attack the Orangeman for his moneymaking while refusing to see the obviousness of others who are simply less obvious.
I'm thinking that these two lines of traitorous behavior can co-exist for the most part, not an either or but a likely aspect of whatever any given situation allowed. Also, I think Joe could have been constantly manipulated and duped while all at the same time still looking out for number one.

I can't stand the grift of our current man selling trading cards, bibles, sneakers, cologne, etc., but I think it is both hilarious and the ultimate hypocrisy that some here attack the Orangeman for his moneymaking while refusing to see the obviousness of others who are simply less obvious.
I agree. Him selling that stuff is hilarious and pretty untoward for a man in his position to engage in it, but it has little to do with how he runs the country. Yet' I've already seen that the usual buttholes will seek to make mountains out of molehills again rather than report on what matters. For instance, when I saw a reference to the airplane crash, I went to the Microsoft newsfeed to catch the story, but all I could find was a negative blurb about Trump's comments regarding it. How often was Biden picked on that way, that is until it became too obvious to avoid doing so.?

I very strongly believe in freedom of speech and a free press, but at this point I would support reasonable measures aimed at preventing the commercial media from purposely and disingenuously creating such a one-sided picture.
There were two air industry experts on FoX News earlier tonight and one of them mentioned in 2013 obama shut down 13 ATC schools for being "too white." That BS hurt filling slots nationwide with competent people such that they had to lower standards for when ATC people make a serious near miss happen that they get a slap on the wrist these days instead of losing their license. I bet the COVID shot BS also took out some ATC people that turned down the shot and got fired, aka leading to less people and less experience. These accidents can usually be traced to some demoncrat BS.
There were two air industry experts on FoX News earlier tonight and one of them mentioned in 2013 obama shut down 13 ATC schools for being "too white." That BS hurt filling slots nationwide with competent people such that they had to lower standards for when ATC people make a serious near miss happen that they get a slap on the wrist these days instead of losing their license. I bet the COVID shot BS also took out some ATC people that turned down the shot and got fired, aka leading to less people and less experience. These accidents can usually be traced to some demoncrat BS.
if you insist on running DEI social experiments, ATC seems like probably the last place you should choose to do so. Maybe it's just me.
Sadly the Blackhawk co-pilot was a UNC grad planning on going to medical school after the Army. I assume the pilot had command of the helo not her.
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Sadly the Blackhawk co-pilot was a UNC grad planning on going to medical school after the Army. I assume the pilot had command of the helo not her.
it's hard to tell what with the quality of reporting nowadays, but I get the impression it might very well have been her. It's very hard to understand how this had to happen when it could have been prevented by simply staying within the given acceptable altitude, particularly when intersecting flight paths.

ETA...I have gotten pretty disgusted that an already overloaded air space around DC was made more crowded and dangerous by self-serving politicians who insisted on even more traffic just to make it more convenient for them to travel back and forth from their homes.
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Looks like Heels Noir, Strummin, and prlyles have all deleted their accounts on THI. Probably over at to whine and cry with the rest of the losers.
I went over to that board to check since I thought politics were banned on the other site, but looks like they started their own ZZL.

Just out of curiosity, then did a search for "randman" and as expected, even after being banned for something like 20 years (I forget exactly) and not posting there, I am apparently still living rent free in the libtards' heads. Amazing.
With all that's going on, wouldn't be surprised if insurance companies start denying treatments related to "gender affirming care." Kind of expected that one poster to be on here complaining and warning about it.

It'd be a good thing. Everyone else shouldn't be paying for this monstrosity.
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