OOTB's Political Thread . ..

The irony of calling someone a whore while your orange idol is trying to sell “green card privileges plus” from the Oval Office and simultaneously hawking his merch… Lol not to mention the scam crypto currency he setup for accepting bribes.

I guess him and Tapper have at least one thing in common. They both have a core base of idiotic suckers that will buy whatever bullshit they’re selling.
Inbred, there is already a VISA program for people investing $1M to come here. Trump just wants richer people to get that benefit.

Now compare that to you scum that want people with diseases, criminal records, low IQs, no job skills, no English skills and/or no education to run across the border to get on the welfare rolls or to set up their local 3rd world gang to rape, steal, murder and/or deal deadly drugs.

We know it pisses you off Trump puts America First in his decisions. He wants companies and rich people to invest here, but you scum like raising their taxes when you somehow steal an election.
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Everybody needs to listen to conservative David Brooks in this clip. And look at his face once he gets into it. This is how every decent America should react. I've cued the video near that point but the whole video is worth watching.

Not listening to inbred scum spew BS.

I am guessing they want to keep sending billions of dollars to the corrupt Ukrainians that steal it for themselves. They also want the massacre on the frontlines to keep going, while thinking somehow that is going to weaken russian. Uh, russia has nukes and very dangerous cyber hackers (military and civilian) that could shut down the grid in seconds. You would be dead within a month if they wanted to shut us down.

The way to harm russia is to put sanctions on their fossil fuels which Trump did in his first term. Biden removed them (because he took russian bribes as VP) which in turn provided billions for russia to invade ukraine. You got that you dumb pile of $#it?? Biden helped fund the ukraine war then dumped billions of our dollars on the other side. You scum are insane in addition to being dumb@sses.
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The kooks need to explain this BS...biden gave the taliban $1.8M. Terrorist supporters

Now you see why DOGE is digging through the dirty swamp.

Also, you need to explain why obama and biden gave Billions to iran to fund their terror wars against us and Israel. I call that treason, an act where they should both rot in prison. Trump put strong sanctions on iran and they suffered but of course biden reversed that and gave them more money.

Explain that....
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The kooks need to explain this BS...biden gave the taliban $1.8M. Terrorist supporters

Now you see why DOGE is digging through the dirty swamp.

Also, you need to explain why obama and biden gave Billions to iran to fund their terror wars against us and Israel. I call that treason, an act where they should both rot in prison. Trump put strong sanctions on iran and they suffered but of course biden reversed that and gave them more money.

Explain that....
if you merely mention treason, I agree with you without even going beyond that mere mention. Things detrimental to our nation are done and accepted by the sheep now that would never have been dared in times not that long ago. A good number of people better be glad if I don't miraculously find myself in absolute power, because if I did, some heads would roll....figuratively speaking, of course. Maybe not necessarily figuratively in some cases.
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would you settle for acknowledging or at least not denying that an attempt is being made to end the war rather than prolonging it to no good end?

The US and NATO have been trying to end the war since it started. Nobody wants to see Ukraine being assaulted by a murderous dictator. The grown ups in the room also understand that Putin has wanted to rebuild the Soviet Union and that we can’t simply allow him to invade sovereign countries in an attempt to expand Russia’s borders.

Russia has lost something like a third of its kinetic firepower and we’ve been able to mobilize tech and weapons that would otherwise just be stockpiled in some warehouse. It’s a minuscule percentage of our arsenal that puts zero strain on our military capacity. They’ve lost a huge number of tanks and other equipment that has weakened their military greatly. We’ve managed to weaken one of our most hostile adversaries without having to put a single troop into combat.

Calling Zelensky a dictator and refusing to condemn Russia for invading Ukraine made Trump look like a complete f*cking idiot and anyone with a functioning brain can see that.
Not listening to inbred scum spew BS.

I am guessing they want to keep sending billions of dollars to the corrupt Ukrainians that steal it for themselves. They also want the massacre on the frontlines to keep going, while thinking somehow that is going to weaken russian. Uh, russia has nukes and very dangerous cyber hackers (military and civilian) that could shut down the grid in seconds. You would be dead within a month if they wanted to shut us down.

The way to harm russia is to put sanctions on their fossil fuels which Trump did in his first term. Biden removed them (because he took russian bribes as VP) which in turn provided billions for russia to invade ukraine. You got that you dumb pile of $#it?? Biden helped fund the ukraine war then dumped billions of our dollars on the other side. You scum are insane in addition to being dumb@sses.

You’re a f*cking moron lol. You think Russia could wipe us out “in a month” if they wanted to “shut us down?” Shut down the grid in seconds? Lol yet they can’t even take over a small Eastern European country with an economy and military that is a tiny fraction of the size of ours.
The US and NATO have been trying to end the war since it started. Nobody wants to see Ukraine being assaulted by a murderous dictator. The grown ups in the room also understand that Putin has wanted to rebuild the Soviet Union and that we can’t simply allow him to invade sovereign countries in an attempt to expand Russia’s borders.

Russia has lost something like a third of its kinetic firepower and we’ve been able to mobilize tech and weapons that would otherwise just be stockpiled in some warehouse. It’s a minuscule percentage of our arsenal that puts zero strain on our military capacity. They’ve lost a huge number of tanks and other equipment that has weakened their military greatly. We’ve managed to weaken one of our most hostile adversaries without having to put a single troop into combat.

Calling Zelensky a dictator and refusing to condemn Russia for invading Ukraine made Trump look like a complete f*cking idiot and anyone with a functioning brain can see that.
Scumbag biden did not threaten harsh punishment for putin when they put their troops on the border for the second invasion. Biden said he would measure what kind of "invasion" it was before deciding how to react. What kind of BS is that?

Putin loves demoncrats because you are dumb, slow and weak. You invite wars then are too slow to make tough decisions like arming Ukraine to the teeth. Obama gave the Ukraine blankets in the original invasion, while biden withheld deadly weapons until putin had a strong foothold in round 2.

How come putin did not invade on Trump's watch? Oh that Russia Collusion BS does not match that scenario. Oh but you idiots are mad at Trump for ripping the midget over not doing a peace deal to end this BS.
You’re a f*cking moron lol. You think Russia could wipe us out “in a month” if they wanted to “shut us down?” Shut down the grid in seconds? Lol yet they can’t even take over a small Eastern European country with an economy and military that is a tiny fraction of the size of ours.
Inbred, if they cut off the grid with a Cyber attack, all food spoils, etc. But then again you live in a cave...

Cyber is my specialty, dumb@ass. I know what Russia does on networks while you live a meaningless life.

Low IQ scum like you confuse Russia taking land compared to their asymmetrical warfare capabilities to do serious damage if they are in moral danger or just don't a crap over a WW3 event.
Inbred, if they cut off the grid with a Cyber attack, all food spoils, etc. But then again you live in a cave...

Cyber is my specialty, dumb@ass. I know what Russia does on networks while you live a meaningless life.

Lol it’s kinda weird that they’d spend so much time and energy bombing infrastructure facilities in Ukraine when they could just do a cyber attack and shut down their grid “in seconds.”

It must be some kind of miracle that the Ukrainians have survived so long when Americans would be dead in a month. Lol you’re an idiot.
Lol it’s kinda weird that they’d spend so much time and energy bombing infrastructure facilities in Ukraine when they could just do a cyber attack and shut down their grid “in seconds.”

It must be some kind of miracle that the Ukrainians have survived so long when Americans would be dead in a month. Lol you’re an idiot.
Ukraine also has very good hackers. Russia is our peer in cyber operations. China is right behind them. Russia has hacked Ukraine, you don't have the clearance to know...crawl back into your hole.

Trump wants to end this BS that you scum caused, twice.
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Ukraine also has very good hackers. Russia is our peer in cyber operations. China is right behind them. Russia has hacked Ukraine, you don't have the clearance to know...crawl back into your hole.

Trump wants to end this BS that you scum caused, twice.

So we’re “peers” but they’re simultaneously so advanced they could shut down our grid “in seconds.”

Better be careful what you say on this message board I’d hate for you to lose that higher “clearance” of yours. Lmfao.

Yes American liberals on a message board caused this. Not the dictator that actually invaded Ukraine.

If you caught RFK’s brain worm it would starve to death.
So we’re “peers” but they’re simultaneously so advanced they could shut down our grid “in seconds.”

Better be careful what you say on this message board I’d hate for you to lose that higher “clearance” of yours. Lmfao.

Yes American liberals on a message board caused this. Not the dictator that actually invaded Ukraine.

If you caught RFK’s brain worm it would starve to death.
Dumbass, our grid is wide open to an attack if the other side wants to do it. Of course we would respond thus why they will only do it in mortal battle. But you trash think the war in Ukraine has turned them into Canada's weak military.

Obama and Biden caused the invasions by not warning putin to not do it or face harsh punishment. Putin knew not to cross Trump. How come Obama and Biden helped putin with selling his fossil fuels...GFY.

Putin, Xi and the Iranian scum love Obama and Biden because they helped them economically to build up their military.

Why did you demoncrat scum help Iran with money and power in Iraq? Marxists like Muslims and hate Jews and Christians. Just look at the demoncrat support for the islamonazis on college campuses today...
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The US and NATO have been trying to end the war since it started. Nobody wants to see Ukraine being assaulted by a murderous dictator. The grown ups in the room also understand that Putin has wanted to rebuild the Soviet Union and that we can’t simply allow him to invade sovereign countries in an attempt to expand Russia’s borders.

Russia has lost something like a third of its kinetic firepower and we’ve been able to mobilize tech and weapons that would otherwise just be stockpiled in some warehouse. It’s a minuscule percentage of our arsenal that puts zero strain on our military capacity. They’ve lost a huge number of tanks and other equipment that has weakened their military greatly. We’ve managed to weaken one of our most hostile adversaries without having to put a single troop into combat.

Calling Zelensky a dictator and refusing to condemn Russia for invading Ukraine made Trump look like a complete f*cking idiot and anyone with a functioning brain can see that.
many things might look idiotic if one views them idiotically. Anyone with a functioning brain understands that.

As I have suggested, what we've done is simply pile on a shitload of additional debt in order to do nothing more than prolong the inevitable while expending lives and property in continuous fashion. NO ONE with a functioning brain can deny that. What you choose to see as stopping the war is akin to putting out a fire by throwing gasoline on it.

There's no doubt you seek to present a balanced POV though. I really appreciated the way you tore Biden a new a-hole over those family pardons and the way you lamented his allowing in millions and millions of illegals by perverting the asylum process and disengaging with the Trump policies that were effective at controlling illegal immigration. I REALLY thought you went almost overboard in excoriating the leftist pols and leftist media for the concealment of Biden's mental state and his inability to properly head our were just beyond brutal in so doing.

Nothing at all one-sided about you I guess.

Hey, wait...
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no surprise that you admire the reaction of someone who isn't for America, brought to us by an entity that isn't for America, but is rather against all things Trump. With the level of support Biden was pushing, there was and is not a snowball's chance in hell that Ukraine doesn't end up losing territory to Russia while risking the embroilment of other European nations and a much greater conflagration. Yet obscene billions were being added to our debt in the name of relentless and useless loss of life.

If support is to be token and ultimately of no help, should it be in the form of helping our debt come crashing down on us?

Trump is rather trying to establish a vested interest in Ukraine, which gives us a substantial bargaining position. I forgive those who aren't bright enough to understand that, since it wasn't expected of them to start with. It also isn't expected of them to not be totally ignorant of the history of that region of the world, both recent and otherwise, while lending their outrage to whatever their demonstrably demented leader suggested that they should.

And let's not forget, Russia didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was president. Oh wait, never mind, never let the facts get in the way of a good case of TDS.

Here's an idea. How about some of us continue to keep our heads up our asses and not pretend to be privy to all the interactions going on, and see how this all shakes out instead of bringing your half-baked TDS cold sweats here to this board.
You responded to my post about David Brooks expressing moral shame in reaction to Trump's behavior.

I take it you don't share his deep sadness about the kind of nation we are fast becoming.
You responded to my post about David Brooks expressing moral shame in reaction to Trump's behavior.

I take it you don't share his deep sadness about the kind of nation we are fast becoming.
I don't know what emotion he was expressing but with me it's more like disgust tinged with anger, and also I'm not an anti-Trumper so I'm not inclined to dump on Trump above all else. I'm a results-oriented personality type. so whoever and whatever is getting the job done without letting bullshit interfere with the task at hand, while not breaking the law, is what I'm for and all I'm after. I'm thankful we are now dealing with a NOT-politics-as-usual leader.

But I'm disgusted and angered that there are those mindless haters who don't care that our nation has been fast turning into a shithole and desire only to place roadblocks against real attempts to correct our direction before it's too late.

Do I need to explain to you what I mean by the haters and the bullshit and what and who comprises it? I'd be happy to do so, and s prime example is in fact exposing itself right here.

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