OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Don't just throw out useless facts that you think proves something.

I think it says a lot . . I'm here to keep the sensible folks of OOTB informed, you may disagree, and that's okay.

Try to remember, son . . . that I own this board, and have for many years. MATA


Have a nice day.
From Bobby 3-Sticks . . "all in all, it's just another brick in the wall."

I didn't like Reagan's administration either, although at least he made it legal to own gold again. Who had made it illegal? Oh yeah, the Dems savior, FDR.
I'm not a huge fan of FDR, overall. I realize that particular time in the history of the country (even the world) was very unique. He certainly ushered-in the biggest dependence on government ever. But, when you look at the circumstances... it seemed to be by design. The peasants were close to rioting if it got much worse. They had to placate and galvanize... and, they did it. I'm actually concerned that we're closing-in on a similar economic situation, very soon.
More breaking news for the MAGAt lovers . .

Nick Ayers says 'No Effing Thank You' to the POTUS over the WH Chief of Staff position. .

Can't really blame him can you . . ? I mean, who really wants to go work for a man that will likely belittle you just to make himself feel good about himself. Blame everyone but yo'self . . it's how the DoTard rolls.
You could show me some proof for starters.

His own son met with Russians in Trump tower to get dirt on Hillary and then lied about it. If that doesn't look like a red flag to you then there's no proof I can offer you that will change your mind. Anyone can just repeatedly say "there's no proof." It's a silly argument, but you do you. It's an ongoing investigation, nobody outside of Mueller's team has access to the material evidence that has been discovered. But pretty much every circumstantial piece of evidence points in the same direction. Its funny that you claim to hate the "establishment" but you're willing to go to almost any length to defend a well connected billionaire that has deep ties to that same establishment.
More breaking news for the MAGAt lovers . .

Nick Ayers says 'No Effing Thank You' to the POTUS over the WH Chief of Staff position. .

Can't really blame him can you . . ? I mean, who really wants to go work for a man that will likely belittle you just to make himself feel good about himself. Blame everyone but yo'self . . it's how the DoTard rolls.

You mean like Hillary blaming everyone and everything else for her loss?

BAAAAAAAM!!! Van Dammed again!
His own son met with Russians in Trump tower to get dirt on Hillary and then lied about it. If that doesn't look like a red flag to you then there's no proof I can offer you that will change your mind. Anyone can just repeatedly say "there's no proof." It's a silly argument, but you do you. It's an ongoing investigation, nobody outside of Mueller's team has access to the material evidence that has been discovered. But pretty much every circumstantial piece of evidence points in the same direction. Its funny that you claim to hate the "establishment" but you're willing to go to almost any length to defend a well connected billionaire that has deep ties to that same establishment.

If that actually happened then it doesn't look good, I will agree with you. However, that in itself isn't evidence. Here's the problem for the Dems right now. You've screamed "WOLF!" so often now that hardly anyone is paying attention to you. You all kind of did it to yourself.
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These were clearly not ordinary business dealings. But there's nothing any of us can very well be say that will make you pull your head out of the sand. The first stage of grief is denial.
We are treding into unknow terrotity here. This is the first time in history we have a president who every well be a foreign agent for another country. I don’t think he knows he is, he’s too stupid but it has been clear from the beginning that he is not working for America’s best interest. They have some bad shit on him or have let him know that he can make some money. Either way it’s bad for us.
If that actually happened then it doesn't look good, I will agree with you. However, that in itself isn't evidence. Here's the problem for the Dems right now. You've screamed "WOLF!" so often now that hardly anyone is paying attention to you. You all kind of did it to yourself.
How do you convince yourself that Donald Trump is NOT the "establishment?" I mean, his own Treasury Secretary is screaming at you that he's no threat to any of the monetary rulers in place.
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If that actually happened then it doesn't look good, I will agree with you. However, that in itself isn't evidence. Here's the problem for the Dems right now. You've screamed "WOLF!" so often now that hardly anyone is paying attention to you. You all kind of did it to yourself.

There's literally zero doubt that it happened in the minds of anyone who isn't a hardcore trumper. Only the most hardcore supporters still try to deny that meeting happened.

I just pointed out that its an ongoing investigation and the material evidence won't be released until the investigation is completed. But given the number of indictments so far, and the dotard's reactions, its pretty clear that he isn't innocent. Once you factor in the overwhelming circumstantial evidence, it paints a pretty clear picture.
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We are treding into unknow terrotity here. This is the first time in history we have a president who every well be a foreign agent for another country. I don’t think he knows he is, he’s too stupid but it has been clear from the beginning that he is not working for America’s best interest. They have some bad shit on him or have let him know that he can make some money. Either way it’s bad for us.

There's literally zero doubt that it happened in the minds of anyone who isn't a hardcore trumper. Only the most hardcore supporters still try to deny that meeting happened.

I just pointed out that its an ongoing investigation and the material evidence won't be released until the investigation is completed. But given the number of indictments so far, and the dotard's reactions, its pretty clear that he isn't innocent. Once you factor in the overwhelming circumstantial evidence, it paints a pretty clear picture.

I'm not denying anything. His actions are no different from any other time in his life. You guys act like he's acting different all of a sudden and that it's a red flag. He's always been this way.
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How do you convince yourself that Donald Trump is NOT the "establishment?" I mean, his own Treasury Secretary is screaming at you that he's no threat to any of the monetary rulers in place.

If he is, it's one helluva black flag operation. When the establishment on both sides hates you, I'm guessing that you aren't part of their little cabal. I could be wrong though, it did happen once. ;)
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We are treding into unknow terrotity here. This is the first time in history we have a president who every well be a foreign agent for another country. I don’t think he knows he is, he’s too stupid but it has been clear from the beginning that he is not working for America’s best interest. They have some bad shit on him or have let him know that he can make some money. Either way it’s bad for us.

The Russian government ran a program in the 80's and 90's where they would invite foreign dignitaries and businessmen to Moscow for 'trade meetings.' They were put up in state run hotels that were bugged and had cameras. They then would provide prostitutes, and get compromising photos/video/audio recordings. In Russian its referred to as "kompromat" and it's a technique they've used for at least a hundred years. I have very little doubt that Trump got himself caught in some kind of Russian honey pot. I would also suspect it's something worse than a pee tape. It's no secret that he has a creepy affinity for underage girls. Normal, sane men do not walk into a teenage beauty pageant changing room...
I'm not denying anything. His actions are no different from any other time in his life. You guys act like he's acting different all of a sudden and that it's a red flag. He's always been this way.

Nobody has said anything about him acting different. He's always been a moron. And has likely been indebted to Russian banks/oligarchs for quite awhile. What's different is that he is now the president of the United States.
The Russian government ran a program in the 80's and 90's where they would invite foreign dignitaries and businessmen to Moscow for 'trade meetings.' They were put up in state run hotels that were bugged and had cameras. They then would provide prostitutes, and get compromising photos/video/audio recordings. In Russian its referred to as "kompromat" and it's a technique they've used for at least a hundred years. I have very little doubt that Trump got himself caught in some kind of Russian honey pot. I would also suspect it's something worse than a pee tape. It's no secret that he has a creepy affinity for underage girls. Normal, sane men do not walk into a teenage beauty pageant changing room...

So, what has Trump done to help Russia. He's actually put more sanctions on them than Obama did. Where is the quid-pro-quo?
Nobody has said anything about him acting different. He's always been a moron. And has likely been indebted to Russian banks/oligarchs for quite awhile. What's different is that he is now the president of the United States.

"But given the number of indictments so far, and the dotard's reactions, its pretty clear that he isn't innocent."

Nope, nobody mentioned it at all.

Edit: Van Dammed
So, what has Trump done to help Russia. He's actually put more sanctions on them than Obama did. Where is the quid-pro-quo?

Putin wants NATO weakened, and he wants to be legitimized in the international community. Trump is doing both of those things for him. Sanctions are small potatoes in the grand scheme of Putin's ambitions.
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If he is, it's one helluva black flag operation. When the establishment on both sides hates you, I'm guessing that you aren't part of their little cabal. I could be wrong though, it did happen once. ;)
Republicans LOVE the guy!!! Are you kidding me? He's remodeled their entire appearance! If you mean someone like Bill Kristol, well, he's just a neocon. He's not to be trusted under any circumstance. I wouldn't believe his opinion on anything.
Republicans LOVE the guy!!! Are you kidding me? He's remodeled their entire appearance! If you mean someone like Bill Kristol, well, he's just a neocon. He's not to be trusted under any circumstance. I wouldn't believe his opinion on anything.

Yeah, neocons...neolibs...that's your establishment right there. They are the globalists, the technocrats.
"But given the number of indictments so far, and the dotard's reactions, its pretty clear that he isn't innocent."

Nope, nobody mentioned it at all.

Edit: Van Dammed

The dotard's reactions to Mueller's investigation is a completely different issue than him changing his behavior after being compromised by the Russians. Sure, the tweets are pretty much par for the course for the dotard. But they are tweets that you would never expect to come from an innocent man, even one as stupid as trump.

You're being a van dam moron about this.
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The dotard's reactions to Mueller's investigation is a completely different issue than him changing his behavior after being compromised by the Russians. Sure, the tweets are pretty much par for the course for the dotard. But they are tweets that you would never expect to come from an innocent man, even one as stupid as trump.

You're being a van dam moron about this.

No, they are not different. He's always lashed out at anyone who has challenged him. He's petty, he's narcissistic, it's just who he is.

Edit: Like for the following phrase, "You're being a van dam moron about this" That was pretty good.
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So, what has Trump done to help Russia. He's actually put more sanctions on them than Obama did. Where is the quid-pro-quo?
God damn man, take a look at our country right now. That is what he has done for Russia
I've planted my flag and taken complete control of this thread.

I've been saying this crap since there was talk of a trade war.

And, if he miscalculated the Chinese resolve... we are proper-fvcked and there's a horrible, global recession. He admits that. I can say, from looking at history, the Asian culture has FAR MORE resolve when it comes to attrition. Those people have a completely different world view. His analysis is from a WESTERN perspective! That's hardly objective. If his opinion is wrong, it's an indescribable mess. Trump and his gamble will have effectively sunk us, economically. And, for what? What is the true benefit? It's not like Americans were starving before this and had nothing to lose. It was the exact opposite. The USA is already THE BUYER! The USA was already holding the cards and had the leverage. And, he even says that China is not going to collapse from this. Those people's leaders give less than a fvck about mass recession. For that matter, OUR leaders give less than a fvck about it. This was a completely unnecessary "war." What's most glaring about that guy's analogy; He mentions the lack of wage growth in over a decade.... well Trump is not addressing the lack of wage growth in the average American's livelihood. He's simply trying to get the Chinese to lower their prices. That's a screwed-up way to try and improve the situation. And, it is a gigantic gamble that could be perilous if China has more resolve.
And, if he miscalculated the Chinese resolve... we are proper-fvcked and there's a horrible, global recession. He admits that. I can say, from looking at history, the Asian culture has FAR MORE resolve when it comes to attrition. Those people have a completely different world view. His analysis is from a WESTERN perspective! That's hardly objective. If his opinion is wrong, it's an indescribable mess. Trump and his gamble will have effectively sunk us, economically. And, for what? What is the true benefit? It's not like Americans were starving before this and had nothing to lose. It was the exact opposite. The USA is already THE BUYER! The USA was already holding the cards and had the leverage. And, he even says that China is not going to collapse from this. Those people's leaders give less than a fvck about mass recession. For that matter, OUR leaders give less than a fvck about it. This was a completely unnecessary "war." What's most glaring about that guy's analogy; He mentions the lack of wage growth in over a decade.... well Trump is not addressing the lack of wage growth in the average American's livelihood. He's simply trying to get the Chinese to lower their prices. That's a screwed-up way to try and improve the situation. And, it is a gigantic gamble that could be perilous if China has more resolve.

You realize that that approach would crush China, right? What would happen to their economy if US companies started pulling out and investing in another place, say Taiwan, who has already volunteered to take over for the Chinese? What do you think would happen then?
You realize that that approach would crush China, right? What would happen to their economy if US companies started pulling out and investing in another place, say Taiwan, who has already volunteered to take over for the Chinese? What do you think would happen then?
Your guy even says that it WILL NOT collapse the Chinese economy. So, either you're wrong, or he is, which is it? And, I hate to tell ya, but, whatever "crushes China" in this whole dick-pulling party will crush the USA as well! The whole thing is tied together. The Chinese have what percent of US Treasuries? How do US consumers get their goods? And, all of this for what?

You failed to address the real issue. American wage growth has not increased in over a decade. Now, I don't care what political party contributed more or less to that variable, but, THAT is the problem. If the solution to that is to try and gamble and force the seller to lower their prices and risk a global recession, then you're doing it wrong.
1) Your guy even says that it WILL NOT collapse the Chinese economy. So, either you're wrong, or he is, which is it? And, I hate to tell ya, but, whatever "crushes China" in this whole dick-pulling party will crush the USA as well! The whole thing is tied together.

2)The Chinese have what percent of US Treasuries? How do US consumers get their goods? And, all of this for what?

3) You failed to address the real issue. American wage growth has not increased in over a decade. Now, I don't care what political party contributed more or less to that variable, but, THAT is the problem. If the solution to that is to try and gamble and force the seller to lower their prices and risk a global recession, then you're doing it wrong.

1) He said this because China can still sell to other countries. This doesn't collapse the Chinese economy, but losing your biggest buyer, by far, will CRUSH your economy.

2) I'm not sure how this is relevant. Governments will always buy US Treasuries until the point where we are no longer the world's reserve currency. Of course, at that point, the rest of the world economy gets wrecked beyond comprehension. We still have a ton of resources in this country, more than the majority of them.

3) If you are angry about the wage growth, then you should be in favor of this. Policies like this will only grow wages. Also, you should be anti-open immigration and overbearing regulations, because they also destroy wages.
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