I haven't seen any evidence that it's being done with any sort of fervent resolve. I haven't seen where it's being considered, let alone utilized. You get out what you put in. Why should we give-up on that? You don't think that working with domestic, and even foreign, Muslim organizations that want these radicals to stop, and using their influence and recognition wouldn't bring improvements? It would at least separate the "bad" from the "good."
I think Plan A would have a huge impact if it were done with a sincere effort. I KNOW that there are an abundant amount of Muslims that hate this association. I think they have got to become the louder voice and they could use the help of our governmental leaders.
Trying to out-fight the radicals is just going to breed newer radicals and get more innocent people killed. And, if those innocent people are Muslim, it will create more vengeful radicals. if they're American and Christian, it will create more rage from everyone back here to hate ALL Muslims without distinction. That's not going to fix this.