Our PG concern for next year...


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Aug 15, 2002
The Brandan Williams thread evolved in to more a discussion, with some heat, of the PGs we already have for next season, felt it may be best to create a thread for that discussion and maybe leave the other one for it's initial purpose. So I started this one for the PGs we have and what I/you, everyone looks for in UNC PGs.

So what do YOU look for in a UNC PG? WE have had so many different types of PGs, the great one tend to have some similar traits but they all had/have their strengths and weaknesses. Kendal was a great passer but he was not really quick or fast, Joel was awesome but not a big assist guy nor did he have great size just as a couple examples. The traits I look for are not there in all our PGs, matter of fact if they clicked off all my boxes they pretty much would be Phil Ford and even Phil lacked great size for todays game. The traits I look for:

1) A floor leader, can see the floor as his mates find those open areas for a pass that can be easily finished. Kendal was a master of this, you run the floor and Kendal had the length and passing ability to find you. The pass covers the length of the court faster than a guy can with the dribble, maybe with the lone exception of Ty Lawson! LOL

2) Solid ball handles, tight with the dribble, been a problem for 7th, over runs his dribble at times, takes a bit to much risk at times, PG has top take care of the rock. IMO we will see J2 (Jet2) have this as a strength, a concern with Coby.

3) Stays in attack mode, does not sit back and allow the defense to dictate. Britt was IMO terrible at this, Joel was the example at times, Marcus was at times but TY and Ray, IMO were constantly looking to attack defenses, Kendal as well with the pass. I do think 7th has this attacking mindset, at times to a fault. It is a balance of knowing when to press the issue and when to pull it back and regroup and that decision has to be made in a milli-second. 7th so far has not shown that he has the grasp on this to the extent that he will need to, Britt never got it, it took TY and Ray more than just 1 season of being the unquestioned starter to get it, Kendal was amazing at this, Bobby Frazier frankly was sharp at this, Dexter came around to it more as a senior. 7th will attack but has to learn to pull back a littl emore. less risky stuff, Coby is going to struggle understanding when to pull back, J-2 will have to attack more, all IMO.

4) Ability to break down the defense with the dribble, penetrate the lane with the dribble, and either slip a pass or finish at the rim. TY, Ray, even kendal with that hesitation dribble and even Theo! Wanted Joel to work more on this, was better as a senior but it was more he finishing than slipping to his mates, I love the draw and slip for the flush to a big man myself. Ty was solid/great at this but didn't have the size to finish in the trees. Ty/Ray/Joel all had really good physical strength and kendal had great length that allowed them to finish inside. Some guys rather than finish hard over the rim give a lil floater action and put the ball high off the back board, Joel got a real knack for that especially last season, Marcus had that, Ray did, Dexter got that going some. I think Coby has this, think 7th can get better with it, going to be an issue for J2 because he does not have the physical strength and I have not yet seen him able to use the floater.

5) Jump shooting and free throw shooting.. For me our PG does not need to lead us in scoring nor does he have to be a great 3pt shooter but he does need to be able to shoot just enough to keep the defenses honest, so defenders will have to stay on him and be able to leave and double without getting burned. Kendal was not a great shooter but if you left him, his length and passing ability he played over the top and easily found guys in scoring position. Joel/Marcus/Ray were deadly 3pt shooters, Ty became 1 his last season with us, Dexter was a really good mid range shooter. So far I would say legit room for concern in this area for 7th and J2, do think Coby could call that a strength, you wil not leave him to double else where. But I do think 7th can use his size to drive if left dared to shoot with success.UNC PGs MUST hit their free throws because they should be the guys going to the lane most often.

6) Good strength/length/ability to play over the rim. Ty and Joel were not long but they were some physically strong lil jokers. Ray was good size and had good reach and strength, Marcus was not real strong but he had good length with those long arms, recall the reaches of Jet. 7th has good size, length, physical strength, other than maybe the physical strength Coby has the rest, J2 is not or was not physically a mismatch, that is area for improvement.

7) Passion to defend, refuse to back down from you, gonna get in your grill and make life hard for you. TY when he wanted to, Joel many times, Marcus at times, Ray at times, the original Jet. IMO, this is and I think will be well known a strength for 7th, I think it may be for Coby as well.

What I look for first is a kid to be in attack mode, when I see that I know, we got something, the rest can vary but I want that attacker! All this is IMO...
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This is good stuff here Dave (we agree again!)

To me, Ty Lawson was the perfect UNC PG. Flew up the court, developed a top of the key jumper to keep D's honest, and could penetrate around anyone and make the correct decision.

I say #3 that you listed is absolutely vital. Our best PG's attacked and kept the defense constantly under pressure.

I will say, to me, PG defense is less of a concern because we recruit wings that can D their butts off. Guys like Theo, Kenny, Jackie, Danny could all D up PG's so Ty/JB/Ray's defense wasn't as vital to us.

Good post here though.
Kendall was fine because he was a big body and passed well, kept his head up and zipped passes to make up ground he would not have made with his feet...

If this thread is about what will work next year, Coby white is electric and can score that will work, Seventh is a good defender that will work... 25/15 minutes split..
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I guess if you are just a High IQ PG get the outlet and push fast with a pass for a shot I am fine.. Seventh probably has not done this one time in 2 years for what I have seen..
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Ty Lawson is the epitome of what I want a UNC pg to look like. Kid had elite quickness, solid shooter from the perimeter, above average passer and elite drive and finish ability.
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I would have loved to see Butter play for 4 years and not get hurt in 2012. We have another title if he doesn’t get hurt in my opinion. One thing is for sure we have outstanding PG’s through the Roy years. Raymond, Ty, Butter, Marcus and Joel. Could have had John Wall. Next? My bet is Coby. What is the latest legal news and recruiting with Jalek Felton?
Kendall was fine because he was a big body and passed well, kept his head up and zipped passes to make up ground he would not have made with his feet...

If this thread is about what will work next year, Coby white is electric and can score that will work, Seventh is a good defender that will work... 25/15 minutes split..
Yea PG and C might have to be tandem efforts. White/Woods and Brooks/Manley. I am more concerned about PG though.
The Brandan Williams thread evolved in to more a discussion, with some heat, of the PGs we already have for next season, felt it may be best to create a thread for that discussion and maybe leave the other one for it's initial purpose. So I started this one for the PGs we have and what I/you, everyone looks for in UNC PGs.

So what do YOU look for in a UNC PG? WE have had so many different types of PGs, the great one tend to have some similar traits but they all had/have their strengths and weaknesses. Kendal was a great passer but he was not really quick or fast, Joel was awesome but not a big assist guy nor did he have great size just as a couple examples. The traits I look for are not there in all our PGs, matter of fact if they clicked off all my boxes they pretty much would be Phil Ford and even Phil lacked great size for todays game. The traits I look for:

1) A floor leader, can see the floor as his mates find those open areas for a pass that can be easily finished. Kendal was a master of this, you run the floor and Kendal had the length and passing ability to find you. The pass covers the length of the court faster than a guy can with the dribble, maybe with the lone exception of Ty Lawson! LOL

2) Solid ball handles, tight with the dribble, been a problem for 7th, over runs his dribble at times, takes a bit to much risk at times, PG has top take care of the rock. IMO we will see J2 (Jet2) have this as a strength, a concern with Coby.

3) Stays in attack mode, does not sit back and allow the defense to dictate. Britt was IMO terrible at this, Joel was the example at times, Marcus was at times but TY and Ray, IMO were constantly looking to attack defenses, Kendal as well with the pass. I do think 7th has this attacking mindset, at times to a fault. It is a balance of knowing when to press the issue and when to pull it back and regroup and that decision has to be made in a milli-second. 7th so far has not shown that he has the grasp on this to the extent that he will need to, Britt never got it, it took TY and Ray more than just 1 season of being the unquestioned starter to get it, Kendal was amazing at this, Bobby Frazier frankly was sharp at this, Dexter came around to it more as a senior. 7th will attack but has to learn to pull back a littl emore. less risky stuff, Coby is going to struggle understanding when to pull back, J-2 will have to attack more, all IMO.

4) Ability to break down the defense with the dribble, penetrate the lane with the dribble, and either slip a pass or finish at the rim. TY, Ray, even kendal with that hesitation dribble and even Theo! Wanted Joel to work more on this, was better as a senior but it was more he finishing than slipping to his mates, I love the draw and slip for the flush to a big man myself. Ty was solid/great at this but didn't have the size to finish in the trees. Ty/Ray/Joel all had really good physical strength and kendal had great length that allowed them to finish inside. Some guys rather than finish hard over the rim give a lil floater action and put the ball high off the back board, Joel got a real knack for that especially last season, Marcus had that, Ray did, Dexter got that going some. I think Coby has this, think 7th can get better with it, going to be an issue for J2 because he does not have the physical strength and I have not yet seen him able to use the floater.

5) Jump shooting and free throw shooting.. For me our PG does not need to lead us in scoring nor does he have to be a great 3pt shooter but he does need to be able to shoot just enough to keep the defenses honest, so defenders will have to stay on him and be able to leave and double without getting burned. Kendal was not a great shooter but if you left him, his length and passing ability he played over the top and easily found guys in scoring position. Joel/Marcus/Ray were deadly 3pt shooters, Ty became 1 his last season with us, Dexter was a really good mid range shooter. So far I would say legit room for concern in this area for 7th and J2, do think Coby could call that a strength, you wil not leave him to double else where. But I do think 7th can use his size to drive if left dared to shoot with success.UNC PGs MUST hit their free throws because they should be the guys going to the lane most often.

6) Good strength/length/ability to play over the rim. Ty and Joel were not long but they were some physically strong lil jokers. Ray was good size and had good reach and strength, Marcus was not real strong but he had good length with those long arms, recall the reaches of Jet. 7th has good size, length, physical strength, other than maybe the physical strength Coby has the rest, J2 is not or was not physically a mismatch, that is area for improvement.

7) Passion to defend, refuse to back down from you, gonna get in your grill and make life hard for you. TY when he wanted to, Joel many times, Marcus at times, Ray at times, the original Jet. IMO, this is and I think will be well known a strength for 7th, I think it may be for Coby as well.

What I look for first is a kid to be in attack mode, when I see that I know, we got something, the rest can vary but I want that attacker! All this is IMO...
Some nice detail Dave, although I think you missed on a few individual assessments.

Nonetheless, it really doesn't matter what "style" of PG you are. It can be a "Lead" PG or a "Pass-First" PG, or anything in between ---- in the UNC SYSTEM the most important requisite is a Floor General who understands spacing, balance and flow... who ideally has the mental vision to see 2 passes ahead in the fly. I've said it before --- the individual Assist is the most arbitrary and overrated stat in basketball. What do matter are Team Assists, and those come from having a PG with the aforementioned ideal traits.

BTW: I loved having Ty but I will respectfully disagree as to him being the ideal. Ty drove Roy (and me) crazy at times for deficits in his Floor Generalship. Truth is Ty got away with some bad habits because of 1. His individual dynamism, and 2. The awesome array of finishers surrounding him. But give him this ---- he made terrific strides in his floor game by 2009 and thus had a monster season.
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in the UNC SYSTEM the most important requisite is a Floor General who understands spacing, balance and flow...

Couldn't disagree more here. Obviously the 3 things you mentioned are important, but I argue they are less important at UNC since we run so much (or at least Roy wants us to always).

Spacing, balance, and flow are vital for a team that runs many offense sets in the half court. We simply don't do that on our best teams.

Give me the fast, constantly attacking PG who makes great decisions with our transition over the guy who understands spacing and balance.
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Spacing, balance, and flow are vital for a team that runs many offense sets in the half court. We simply don't do that on our best teams.
Sorry, but you couldn't be more wrong here. In fact, that is almost the opposite of the truth. In set plays, the "set" takes care of those issues for you (which is why Roy ran so many of them any time Nate was playing PG).

However, when you run a mostly free-lance system with rules, especially one that's triggered off the Secondary like ours, that puts particular onus on the PG to control spacing, balance and flow.
We all have different opinions about who is best suited to be the point guard for us next year. While it may appear to be a weak position right now, I think we have enough talent on the roster and a HOF head coach to be able to overcome any issues. Plus, we have Francis coming in 2019. The Heels will be fine.
Sorry, but you couldn't be more wrong here. In fact, that is almost the opposite of the truth. In set plays, the "set" takes care of those issues for you (which is why Roy ran so many of them any time Nate was playing PG).

However, when you run a mostly free-lance system with rules, especially one that's triggered off the Secondary like ours, that puts particular onus on the PG to control spacing, balance and flow.

If we put things in bold does that make them better?

P.S. You're wrong, but it's ok, I've learned not to hold my breath on you admitting that.
I just wish Francis was coming in 2018. That kid is going to be an excellent PG. I saw a video of him playing in a scrimmage last fall (pre-injury). He's built and plays like a fullback. Great handles too.

He is the next great UNC PG in my opinion.
Handle the ball, have good vision and be able to break a press with ease. As long as they can do that, the supporting pieces will be able to do the rest.
Any thought that KJ Smith will be a viable player for us are ridiculous. He averaged like 2 points a game at Pacific....

We need Coby white to be a player for us from day 1.
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The best point guards we’ve had under Roy ALL had the ability to be big time scorers when we needed them to.
I just wish Francis was coming in 2018. That kid is going to be an excellent PG. I saw a video of him playing in a scrimmage last fall (pre-injury). He's built and plays like a fullback. Great handles too.

He is the next great UNC PG in my opinion.

My very optimistic comparison for him is Jalen Brunson. He's unlikely to be nearly as good of a shooter, but his build and craftiness remind me of Brunson.
Couldn't disagree more here. Obviously the 3 things you mentioned are important, but I argue they are less important at UNC since we run so much (or at least Roy wants us to always).

Spacing, balance, and flow are vital for a team that runs many offense sets in the half court. We simply don't do that on our best teams.

Give me the fast, constantly attacking PG who makes great decisions with our transition over the guy who understands spacing and balance.

Yeah, think I agree, that attacking mindset, that alpha refuse to back down kid is fertile ground for greatness. Now for me, a kid like I am talking about attacks on both sides of the ball, Joel was great when he attacked on both sides, you could see it in his eyes. Ty was great on both sides of the ball...WHEN TY WANTED TO BE GREAT...To often that came after Roy nearly had a stroke on the side lines! If that kid had that passion to defend at all times, like Naz has he would have been OMG, like I believe we will see in both Coby and 7th, Ty could have been even more amazing than he was.

Roy's UNC PGs...Give me Ray over any of the rest, he was the best mix of the traits I look for. But when it comes to all time UNC PGs that reflect what I look for, easy, that is Phil with kudos to Kenny da Jet and Derrick Phelps.

But to gary's point, a valid point is that we are not always able to run, sometimes things devolve down to a half court game thou our guards that I love tend to be able to ramp tempo up and get us out running, especially defensively getting steals. But yeah, floor spacing is vital in the mid court game as well as secondary breaks ect, but to be honest, that isn't all on the PG, positioning and spacing is on ALL 5 players on the court. I do think at times a PG gets dinged because his mates are not doing what they are supposed to and you expect that from kids not heavy experienced, especially in schemes like we run. If a Manley or Brooks are not properly spaced you just can't lay all the blame at 7th, why didn't your experienced bigs move them, why was the kid not where he was supposed to be, it they are not you can't blame Joel or 7th.

So I tend to discount the main argument gary uses against 7th while not bringing any less than respectful tone, I get why gary feels how he does, I just don't completely agree. If we base things on what we have consistently seen, gary is right and I am not but I have seen flashes that 7th can play really well at the point and have offered what to me are compelling reasons why we have not seen the consistency he will now need to bring.

BTW, kudos and THANK YOU for discussing and not just throwing heat for the sake of heat.
If we put things in bold does that make them better?

P.S. You're wrong, but it's ok, I've learned not to hold my breath on you admitting that.
No. I'm not, and frankly I'm surprised and disappointed that you missed something so basic that badly. I'll put it all in bold if you want me to but your notion is 100% wrong, again, the complete opposite of the truth.
I find it tough to not say Ty was perfect for our system the 2009 year. Don't know what more you could ask him to do. Might have been more valuable than Tyler.

I am ducking now but I do believe that for the 2009 season.
What is the latest legal news and recruiting with Jalek Felton?
Your question made me curious. This article from 10 days ago suggests that S.Carolina, Clemson, Georgetown and St John's are all circling. With S.Carolina maybe having an edge based on prior relationship.

The article also says he wants to enroll this summer. So maybe we'll know fairly soon.

Such a shame how things worked out here.
Kendall was a really good UNC point guard but he’s not in the discussion with Ty, Raymond and Joel.
We can agree to disagree on this one. Kendall was a phenomenal PG in my opinion, but in the mold of Roy's "typical" PGs, he is the outlier. Without looking, I think he averaged 10 assists in one of his seasons at UNC. That's pretty impressive.
We can agree to disagree on this one. Kendall was a phenomenal PG in my opinion, but in the mold of Roy's "typical" PGs, he is the outlier. Without looking, I think he averaged 10 assists in one of his seasons at UNC. That's pretty impressive.

581 in 2 years. Had he played all 4 years he would have shattered Cotas UNC record and prob been close on the national record. I know at one time Cota, Hurley and Coriancchi were 3 of the top 4 in NCAA history.
We can agree to disagree on this one. Kendall was a phenomenal PG in my opinion, but in the mold of Roy's "typical" PGs, he is the outlier. Without looking, I think he averaged 10 assists in one of his seasons at UNC. That's pretty impressive.

If he'd have stayed all 4 years he would've broken Hurley's all time assist mark.

Edit - posted this before reading the rest of the thread. Didn't see above posts.
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We can agree to disagree on this one. Kendall was a phenomenal PG in my opinion, but in the mold of Roy's "typical" PGs, he is the outlier. Without looking, I think he averaged 10 assists in one of his seasons at UNC. That's pretty impressive.

I would argue that there isn't really a "typical" Roy PG, other than most are very coachable but even there it is not always true, see Drew, Ty was a knuckle head when it came to doing what Roy was trying to get him to do, Nate pulling off so many break ops, and I do think at times Roy was not overly happy with some of Joel's early clock heat checks.

Under Roy, we have had a good number of combo guards IMO that played the point, I would offer Joel, Marcus, Nate, Bobby, Drew, Dexter, 7th as examples. We have as well more what i consider traditional PGs in Ray, Ty, and kendal. Just in the way I see a kid as a combo does not mean he can not play the point but I as well see a lot of 2 guards that are not guys I want at the point, like Kenny, NATE, or Wayne.
I think the NCAA should reinstate Kendall's remaining 2 years of eligibility.

I'm kidding, of course. However, I wouldn't mind seeing people who haven't played for money for a period of time being allowed to exercise that option. Most will be too old or beat up to want to, but a few could have fun and give fans some good times if they were allowed to do so. What period of time since playing for money? How about 2 years? Obviously they would have to enroll again and meet the same requirements as other players.

It will never happen, of course. And might be a bad idea. But it could also be fun.
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Someone that can control the tempo. The easiest way is the PG's individual speed, but Kendall was able to throw the ball ahead for tempo as well.

Offensively, someone that can get in the paint. Whether that's the PG's individual speed/quickness like Ty and Ray or because he's physically superior and can body his way into the paint like Kendall.

Defensively, someone that really cares about locking down his man individually. Someone that gets offended if his opponent scores on him. Guys aren't created this way and it's a luxury, but it's something I would love to see again. Think Ray kind of had it.

When this team is special, they typically have a PG that's absolutely deadly from 3. The Felton and Lawson teams became special once Felton and Lawson became 40% 3-point shooters. That was a limitation for Marshall.

But the main thing you need in a Roy PG is someone that can manipulate tempo and isn't scared of that responsibility that the ball will be in your hands a lot. And when the game is on the line, the ball will be in your hand and you have to make the right decision. If you win, it's likely because you played well. If you lose, it's likely because you didn't play well.

But to take UNC to a championship level, it typically requires the stuff above plus you being a dead eye 3-point shooter.
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