Umm, sorry snowflake, I am not offended, nor do I care about anyone's buying power causing a cereal company to wet it's panties and I certainly didn't whine about anything. I merely gave my opinion about how silly you and others are who get "offended" over a damn corn pop character on a cereal box. I gave my opinion about how it further illustrates just how absurd things have gotten in this country. I didn't quote you or even mention you in my post, just stated my opinion. It's called a conversation and you chose to chime in with your opinion just like we all did. Problem is YOU started throwing out disparaging comments towards other posters when they posted opposing views, not me, then you look down your nose at them and accuse them of whining, while you were the one whining. Don't start whining about what others post if you choose to engage people with different opinionsin conversations like this.
Oh, and while you are calling out people for "offending" hispanics (still not sure how a slightly darker corn pop can be identified as "hispanic", but you were quick to assume it was hispanic, so perhaps YOU are the one racially profiling), why not look back at your own posts to see some of your own hypocrisy. Like where you look down your nose at someone else by ASSUMING the poster was "redneck" (highly offensive to white Southerners, but I guess that is OK, right?) and then illustrate your moral superiority by listing disparaging "traits" you deemed to to illustrate his/her being a "redneck".
Well, here's a news flash for you, I didn't go to UNC for either undergraduate or grad school, but my degree has served me just fine over the years. I drink domestic beer most of the time, but I don't care if others who claim to have a better palate than me prefer something else. To each his own is my motto. I admit I don't care for brown liquor or any liquor, but that stems more from consuming too much in my younger days and losing a taste for it. I prefer my steak medium rare, but don't get bent out of shape if someone at a chain restaurant can't cook it right (I usually don't order a steak at a chain restaurant, but rather wait to order them at higher end steak houses, where they DO know how to cook it right). I also have never traveled outside the US. Mainly because I went to work right out of college (paid for that myself), got married and had kids not long after that. I prefer to spend my time and money on my family rather than myself and none of us really has an interest to go traveling the world right now. Doesn't mean I can't if I wanted to, just means I don't want to. If you do, knock yourself out.
If all of that makes me a redneck according to your criteria, then I am fine with that. I prefer that to being labeled a self righteous, condescending prick, who looks down his nose at other people any day.