These kind of threads get me shaking my head, Most look at these kind of questions from the fans perspective, the kids have a very different view. Basketball is a business to them, a business they prep for from middle school and it is a year round schedule of prep. It is not about their team or their school, it is about their brand, it is about their marketing. Team, actually funny, these kids play for so any teams, at times multiple teams in a single week, which team should they be loyal to, the very concept is not what it was not that many years ago.
We fans have one TEAM we love but we are on the outside looking in. Older players had 1 high school team for 4 years, moved on to college and had that 1 team for 4 more years ALL before having to deal with the sport they love as a business more so than a love of team, school, and play. Now these kids are going to work nearly every day of the year just like you but for most their pay days are delayed for several years. Now how long would you work your job every day and not get paid for it, can you blame these kids for getting their pay days started as soon as they can?
Now we love to think that the value of that college education is as or even more valuable to these kids than pro ball pay days beginning early? Some one mentioned Marvin taking 10 years to finish his degree...LOL... Marvin was getting paid, paid BIG TIME and here is the secret...He didn't need his degree to get paid like that, his college education did not help him one bit in getting those pay days. Getting his degree was important to Marvin so he got it but I assure you, it didn't matter to him that UNC only paid for a year of his education, he was completely able to pay for the rest of it...That is whats up when you have a few million in the bank. And even those that squander their professional pay and end up broke, ya really think a degree in general studies is going to be a game changer for them? Stupid is as stupid does...The ones that would really benifit from that degree will tend to be the ones that didn't squander their wealth and most of those guys can easy afford to pay their own way if they want it, geez, they donate more to the programs than the cost of a scholly any way. Most programs now days will let you come back and finish your degree at no cost any way...