Prayer please for WNC


Jan 27, 2015
Red Bay AL
Hey guys, I’m trying to get the word out as most of you probably know Swannanoa and Asheville were hit pretty hard with rain and the last little bit. I’m sure other places were hit also. I’m selfishly asking for prayer for my parents who are elderly who just lost everything and their house that they built over 50 years ago. Everybody made it out OK but they’re a lot of people and a lot of businesses that’s going to struggle. Prayers are appreciated. Thanks.
May the grace of God pour over the whole community! There is nothing beyond the power of God who grants us peace in the face of trouble and guarantees victory for the true believers! God never puts more on our shoulders than we can bear so if we feel trouble is overwhelming, we just need to know that God knows us better than we know ourselves! I pray that people's lives are restored, and that the community just becomes closer as a result!
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Is there a support number for the area? I have an acquaintance who has a family member in the area they haven't been able to reach for 2 days now, and they are concerned and wanted to reach out to try and get help or a wellness check. This is Asheville.

Is there a support number for the area? I have an acquaintance who has a family member in the area they haven't been able to reach for 2 days now, and they are concerned and wanted to reach out to try and get help or a wellness check. This is Asheville.

There is a fb page called FRIENDS OF SWANNANOA that a lot of people are posting on county wide. A lot of people not heard from yet.

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