I appreciate the honesty, most wouldn't be so honest and I realize we are on different sides of the political isle. My opinion is very similar to yours but I just can't put very much blame on the politicians. We have a lack of morals and values in America. And it begins at HOME. Too many broken families and dysfunctional families.Yepp. I feel blaming trump or the nra is idiotic. It is our fault we have a gun culture and it is our fault we elect politicians that support it and its our fault we havent done anything about it. The blood’s on our hands. And i’m as guilty as anyone. I rent and attend movies where hundreds are gunned down, i let my son play video games where hundreds are murdered by guns, and i’ve supported politicians whom i have no doubt would support being able to own fully auto weapons. Gun violence is accepted and glorified here and that was the case way before trump.
I believe the roles that politicians can play is to strengthen background checks to include mental disorders. If someone is against this, and they will be, allow those turned down due to mental disorders to be reevaluated on a yearly basis. Also eliminate the ability to purchase bumpstocks or any other device that the novice can make a gun automatic. Also raise the age to 21. Getting rid of certain guns is not the answer. More murders are committed annually with 22's than any other caliber. If someone really wanted to cause harm in schools they would use shotguns anyway because they'd be less likely to miss.
Local governments should allow some school personnel to be armed and make it known on the front door where by the way you have to be buzzed in because all other doors are locked.
Murder has been illegal since Cane and Able, and it will never end.
ETA: Where's the outrage for the 15 Law Enforcement officers killed this year?