Not feeling or reading the fun; one person jumps on, and other people now feel the need to talk crap about my grammar. The hits keep on coming. 0910 said this was a laid-back board. Uh, no; people coming out of left field to be Internet tough guys. At least on Radar people tend to respect my views without feeling the urge to question my education. Then people wonder why I'm upset. It's a ****ing message board. This isn't a midterm or final. Hell, this isn't even my job, which by the way doesn't require me to use all the correct punctuations in my reports. Yet some of you treat this as if it's some test to see if I get into the super ultra-secret I-know-how-to-use-a-,-or-; club. The way you act on here is why I don't use my premium subscription on tos. I digress; maybe I need to just leave message boards alone, because when you insult me I am not the type to say, "Oh, it's cool, he is being sarcastic." I'm outta here, 0910. Thanks for the invite but I am not feeling the fun here, deuces. Umm, is deuces okay with you, Billy? Wouldn't want to use ebonics without your permission.