Keep fearing Muslims... or, their behaviors (or, both, I don't care)... and I'm sure they'll come around to your preferred way of living sooner or later.
The radicals of Islam will eventually diminish. Just like the other Abrahamic religions. Catholics and Protestants don't fight tooth-and-nail as often as they used to. None of the Muslims I know are stoning anyone, or raping any children. I have read the Qu'ran.
Please try to refrain from telling me I have no morals. Just because I don't obsess over these people, and rail against them 24-7, doesn't mean I intend to follow their lead and mimic them. In fact, I have no intention at all. My morals are just fine.
I love how you insist you don't hate them, and then proceed to condemn them, call them camel-f*ckers, child molesters, savages, and an "inferior culture." I'll agree that some of them are responsible for some horrific acts. They're clearly driven by hatred and violence. I just choose to not follow their lead. In fact, if I'm a follower of Christ, then I must find a way to forgive and love them.