Republican Debate

Stop committing crimes and I guarantee you won't get hurt. Police officers put their lives on the line everyday dealing with belligerent , disrespectful thugs who are seeking to incite them and in many instances kill them. I think in many cases the Police being to timid results in loss of their lives and yet wankers like you just complain about them.

Nonsense. Unless you think walking down the street while black is a crime.
Dude I'm an anti-theist. If you want to see me eviscerate Islam I have no problem doing so. But you need to recognize your own religion is also sick and twisted. What about the Christians who blow up abortion clinics?

The only reason Christians do not still believe those things is because of the secular humanist values which will not permit such barbarous practices, even in the name of religion. That's not a defense of Islam, its an indictment of the book you are convinced is an infallible source of moral wisdom.
There are fringe elements in every group just with Islam the fringe is dominant. You obviously don't believe in religion , hard work or self-reliance....congratulations
Nonsense. Unless you think walking down the street while black is a crime.
you mean walking down the middle of the street like an ignorant jackass calling attention to yourself after committing a robbery? Then becoming belligerent when a policeman asks you to get out of the middle of the street and attacking him OK. Just stop committing crimes!.
There are fringe elements in every group just with Islam the fringe is dominant. You obviously don't believe in religion , hard work or self-reliance....congratulations

I'm a social libertarian. Self reliance, and self governance are both core tenets of my life philosophy. And there's over two billion Muslims in the world, if the dominant majority of them were radical extremists we would be facing a much larger problem then we currently are.

you mean walking down the middle of the street like an ignorant jackass calling attention to yourself after committing a robbery? Then becoming belligerent when a policeman asks you to get out of the middle of the street and attacking him OK. Just stop committing crimes!.

You still cant stop fixating on singular examples. I wasn't referring to that, but nice try.
I'm a social libertarian. Self reliance, and self governance are both core tenets of my life philosophy. And there's over two billion Muslims in the world, if the dominant majority of them were radical extremists we would be facing a much larger problem then we currently are.

You still cant stop fixating on singular examples. I wasn't referring to that, but nice try.
2 billion muslims and how many speak out against radical extremists??? I think most are sympathetic to them but just aren't willing to do the heavy lifting just to finance it , kind of like a lot of Americans believing in hard work just not by them. Self reliance and self governance?? Are you sure you didn't mean government reliance and big government because that certainly is what you espouse. You sir are no libertarian on any level.
2 billion muslims and how many speak out against radical extremists??? I think most are sympathetic to them but just aren't willing to do the heavy lifting just to finance it , kind of like a lot of Americans believing in hard work just not by them. Self reliance and self governance?? Are you sure you didn't mean government reliance and big government because that certainly is what you espouse. You sir are no libertarian on any level.

That's a big problem, but when the minority who do speak out against jihad are tortured and murdered publicly, its not much of a surprise.

Your second point is a pathetic caricature of liberalism. Just because I want my taxes to go towards programs that actually provide public utility, instead of lining the pockets of defense contractors, and private bankers, doesn't mean I want a handout.

This country was founded upon the principles of liberalism. I think its funny when conservatives who are generally the most nationalistic members of our society, insult liberalism.
Actually, this makes sense now as to why the media is playing him up and not talking at all about this view of his. They know that anyone who believes in the 6000 year old Earth has no chance of winning the presidency.
What? The average voter can't even spell earth and couldn't find it on a map.
That's a big problem, but when the minority who do speak out against jihad are tortured and murdered publicly, its not much of a surprise.

Your second point is a pathetic caricature of liberalism. Just because I want my taxes to go towards programs that actually provide public utility, instead of lining the pockets of defense contractors, and private bankers, doesn't mean I want a handout.

This country was founded upon the principles of liberalism. I think its funny when conservatives who are generally the most nationalistic members of our society, insult liberalism.
ahhh I don't know about you but I want my taxes to stay in my pocket , bank account , etc. I pay for my public utilities. The liberalism this country was founded on has nothing to do with the government taking care of everybody but good try it is typical liberal BS. You are no libertarian.
ahhh I don't know about you but I want my taxes to stay in my pocket , bank account , etc. I pay for my public utilities. The liberalism this country was founded on has nothing to do with the government taking care of everybody but good try it is typical liberal BS. You are no libertarian.

Really? So how do you plan to pay for roads, schools, ect. without paying taxes?
Really? So how do you plan to pay for roads, schools, ect. without paying taxes?
Don't act dumb. When the income tax was originally enacted it was said it would never go over 10%. LMAO. Then we started adding on entitlement after entitlement and still poverty is still at the same level. So you tell me how much taxation is fair 30 , 40 50 , 60 per cent?????? Federal , State .Property , Sales where does it end?
Don't act dumb. When the income tax was originally enacted it was said it would never go over 10%. LMAO. Then we started adding on entitlement after entitlement and still poverty is still at the same level. So you tell me how much taxation is fair 30 , 40 50 , 60 per cent?????? Federal , State .Property , Sales where does it end?

I asked you a very simple question. Guess you don't plan to answer it.
I asked you a very simple question. Guess you don't plan to answer it.
Consumption tax. Those who want to save can cave and those who want to consume can cosume. Taxes the underground economy and the barter economy taxes drug dealers and thieves taxes the rich more than the poor.Also a reasonable corporate tax and a reasonable dividend tax.
Consumption tax. Those who want to save can cave and those who want to consume can cosume. Taxes the underground economy and the barter economy taxes drug dealers and thieves taxes the rich more than the poor.Also a reasonable corporate tax and a reasonable dividend tax.

Tax drug dealers and thieves to pay for roads and schools. Wow. Just wow.
Tax drug dealers and thieves to pay for roads and schools. Wow. Just wow.
Don't act so stupid it is the money criminals who will probably never be caught , spend on cars , luxury homes etc. at least you tax them even if you can't catch them. Also billionaires that escape taxes every other way will pay when they buy jets . yachts etc.You are nothing but a tax and spend liberal that tries to play himself off as libertarian.
Don't act so stupid it is the money criminals who will probably never be caught , spend on cars , luxury homes etc. at least you tax them even if you can't catch them. Also billionaires that escape taxes every other way will pay when they buy jets . yachts etc.You are nothing but a tax and spend liberal that tries to play himself off as libertarian.

Last time I checked those things were already taxed. And as much as I agree with closing the loop holes for billionaires, even taxing them at an extremely high rate would not be enough.
Last time I checked those things were already taxed. And as much as I agree with closing the loop holes for billionaires, even taxing them at an extremely high rate would not be enough.
Yeah they are already taxed but the tax is very low. I'm talking basically a national sales tax . This country survived for a long time with tariffs as the main source of tax.You never bothered to answer my question on how much taxation is too much 20 , 30 ,40 ,50 ,60% ? You can never get a tax and spend liberal to answer that question. Also how much debt is too much 18,20 ,25 ,50 trillion? How many more illegals can we put on the dole? Where is the collapse point?
Yeah they are already taxed but the tax is very low. I'm talking basically a national sales tax . This country survived for a long time with tariffs as the main source of tax.You never bothered to answer my question on how much taxation is too much 20 , 30 ,40 ,50 ,60% ? You can never get a tax and spend liberal to answer that question. Also how much debt is too much 18,20 ,25 ,50 trillion? How many more illegals can we put on the dole? Where is the collapse point?

Until spending is significantly cut, we're not going to have income tax rate that anyone is fond of. The problem is that the GOP wants to cut it from poor people while giving subsidies to corporations. Providing a path to citizenship so that immigrants CAN pay taxes is not the same as putting "illegals on the dole."
Lol Soros and Buffett are both advocates for higher taxes on themselves... Pretty sure Gates is also for a progressive tax code. That was downright silly.
Last I checked they can pay all the tax they would like to pay. So that argument is garbage.
Christianity says that you can cut off your wife's hand. Or kill her. It places your wife on equivalent status as your chattel. It also sanctions slavery, and provides guidelines for how your slaves should be treated. It also sanctions rape on numerous occasions.

I have to step in here unc. Thats old testament law. Christianity by definition refutes old testament law and makes it obsolete. I admit there are christians who quote old teatament law and make hypocrites out of themselves to justify bigotry, racism, and homophobia but they are totally ignorant to the message of Christ.
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None of those things qualify him to be President of the United States. Being a brilliant neurosurgeon, and being the leader of the free world are two entirely different jobs.

And you think an extremely qualified surgeon who says that god cured his cancer, but he had the tumor removed to be "a good role model" is a straight shooter? Puhhhhhlease
At least he's actually had a damn real job in his life.
Sounds like you've got your hand held above your own head. Put your dentures back in and come up with a legitimate counter argument. I'm done responding to the ad hominem attacks.

He says this in a post containing an ad hominem attack.

How precious.
Watch your tone or I'll ground you for a month. That means you will not ride your bike out of the neighborhood and you won't get a treat after dinner. And you're going to bed early too. Any more lip and I'll paddle your little bottom.
Sending him to bed early just gives him more time for self abuse.
And for the record, Obama was a lecturer at the University of Chicago, not Harvard.
Exactly. He was the editor of the Harvard Law Review, and if I remember correctly, he is the ONLY EDITOR IN HISTORY OF THAT PUBLICATION THAT NEVER WROTE ANYTHING IN IT.
Until spending is significantly cut, we're not going to have income tax rate that anyone is fond of. The problem is that the GOP wants to cut it from poor people while giving subsidies to corporations. Providing a path to citizenship so that immigrants CAN pay taxes is not the same as putting "illegals on the dole."
immigrants pay taxes? We already have 1/2 the population paying no taxes. Apparently you don't understand the tax code because most immigrants will pay NO taxes at all and probably qualify for the earned income credit and get back more than they pay in , not to mention qualifying for welfare , unemployment and food stamps. We don't need more low skilled and uneducated to add to what we already have. Yes , I know we can thank Big Govt Dubya for the EIC and that is why Jeb would be my last choice on the Republican side. JFK said the only way to stimulate the economy is cutting taxes. There is absolutely no incentive for the poor to work unless you cut their benefits and teach them birth control including abortion.
Exactly. He was the editor of the Harvard Law Review, and if I remember correctly, he is the ONLY EDITOR IN HISTORY OF THAT PUBLICATION THAT NEVER WROTE ANYTHING IN IT.
How could he write about something he knows nothing of? Besides he couldn't keep up with the teleprompter unless he knows shorthand.
Exactly. He was the editor of the Harvard Law Review, and if I remember correctly, he is the ONLY EDITOR IN HISTORY OF THAT PUBLICATION THAT NEVER WROTE ANYTHING IN IT.
I would imagine Odumbo's classes were much like the AFAM classes at UNC. I don't know of a single person who has ever stepped forward and admitted to taking one of his classes. Odumbo has also refused to release his grades.
That's actually not true, but... believe what you want. My great-grandmother was 13 when she got married, my great-grandfather was 26. He was a pedophile, too, I guess. Pedophilia is measured by different standards at different times.

She was nine when the camel diddler consummated their "marriage." NINE. Does that seem normal to you?
And they are still following his example today, not just hundreds of years ago.
You truly have no clue, and no moral compass at all, do you?
Christianity says that you can cut off your wife's hand. Or kill her. It places your wife on equivalent status as your chattel. It also sanctions slavery, and provides guidelines for how your slaves should be treated. It also sanctions rape on numerous occasions.

You need to STFU with this unless you can show comtemporary examples of Christians doing this. Contemporary. Not two thousand plus year old texts that NO ONE is taking literally today.
She was nine when the camel diddler consummated their "marriage." NINE. Does that seem normal to you?
And they are still following his example today, not just hundreds of years ago.
You truly have no clue, and no moral compass at all, do you?
There's a great deal of human behavior that doesn't seem "normal" to me. The difference between you and I seems to be that I don't insist that, just because certain people have an accepted living condition that differs from mine, somehow I'm superior to them. Especially when that condition was centuries ago. I see people within a few hundred yards of my home doing very abnormal things... to me. I simply choose not to mimic them and go about my business. I don't feel the need to call them idiots or morons, or camel diddler, in order to compensate an insecurity about it.

My moral compass is actually working fine. What I do is rarely in conflict with my conscience or my soul. If it ever is, then I adjust my path. I don't expect my compass to be the compass for other people. My compass works for ME. Other people aren't subjected to my experiences and my circumstances, so my compass is useless to them. Human beings judge SO MUCH that they have decided to make God a being that judges... and judges the most! I dunno what kind of compass they're using, but my God doesn't judge. My God loves unconditionally. My God accepts my faults and shortcomings as much as my successes and strengths. My God doesn't love hot more than cold, or death more than life. My God just IS, and allows me to be the best me I can be, unobstructed. That is the gift of free will that God gave me. I will return to God when my Soul is ready. Meantime, I'll try my best to let others do the same thing without my intrusion on their path or judgement of their choices. God experiences itself through me and through all of us. The judgement condition is something we have created in our own experience. God's judgement is no more valid, or real, than we make it.
You need to STFU with this unless you can show comtemporary examples of Christians doing this. Contemporary. Not two thousand plus year old texts that NO ONE is taking literally today.
Muslims are the youngest sibling of the Abrahamic religions. They're slow to catch up. You can accept that or continue to hate them. The majority of them do not act in the way that their violent members act. You can try to be empathetic to them, or you can be more LIKE THEM by continuing to hate them. Hating them isn't going to make them hate any less. It only makes you hate more.
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And as far as the rich goes, I don't begrudge them. I never got a job from a poor person.

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Muslims are the youngest sibling of the Abrahamic religions. They're slow to catch up. You can accept that or continue to hate them. The majority of them do not act in the way that their violent members act. You can try to be empathetic to them, or you can be more LIKE THEM by continuing to hate them. Hating them isn't going to make them hate any less. It only makes you hate more.

I don't hate Muslims- I hate some of their behaviors. I find it sweet that you condone child rape and forced child marriage that's OCCURRING NOW, NOT CENTURIES AGO as their cultural birthright. Sorry, ANY culture that condones these abominations IS INFERIOR. Slow to catch up, my ass. Are you sure you don't work for CAIR? What a fine apologist you are.

51% of AMERICAN Muslims favor Sharia Law. In America.
46% of AMERICAN Muslims believe Americans should be prosecuted criminally for criticizing Islam. In America.
1 in 8 AMERICAN Muslims believe you should be killed for it. In America.
These are American Muslim opinions. It's much worse in Muslim countries.
In Egypt, 82% think stoning is OK for adultery, and 80% believe in death for apostasy.

The non violent ones aren't following Islam. You can stick your fingers in your ears and deny that all you want, but it will still be true, and you will still be wrong. .
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I don't hate Muslims- I hate some of their behaviors. I find it sweet that you condone child rape and forced child marriage that's OCCURRING NOW, NOT CENTURIES AGO as their cultural birthright. Sorry, ANY culture that condones these abominations IS INFERIOR. Slow to catch up, my ass. Are you sure you don't work for CAIR? What a fine apologist you are.

51% of AMERICAN Muslims favor Sharia Law. In America.
46% of AMERICAN Muslims believe Americans should be prosecuted criminally for criticizing Islam. In America.
1 in 8 AMERICAN Muslims believe you should be killed for it. In America.
These are American Muslim opinions. It's much worse in Muslim countries.
In Egypt, 82% think stoning is OK for adultery, and 80% believe in death for apostasy.

The non violent ones aren't following Islam. You can stick your fingers in your ears and deny that all you want, but it will still be true, and you will still be wrong. .
Where did I condone child rape?

I'm not apologizing for anyone. I'm not accountable for anyone.

You don't hate Muslims, you hate their behaviors. That's interesting. A wonderful cop-out. I don't hate their behaviors. I just don't understand them. If you think you're superior, good for you. Hey, they probably think you're inferior to them, so you're in good company. You guys can hate each other until there are none of you left. That seems to be the way it's going anyway.

By the way, you get the prize for most ironic handle. If Dean, or anyone like him, were president, you'd be calling for his head.

I find Islam to be a fairly absurd religion in many ways. The tenets and doctrines are arcane and not compliant with modern-day human society, as a whole. But, I find almost all ancient religions to be somewhat absurd like that. Well, maybe it's the people that interpret the religion and act on it in a violent/restrictive way that I find absurd. At any rate, you can choose to be a fairly peaceful person, or a fairly violent person. I don't personally understand why someone would prefer the latter, but they do. All I can do is choose the former and enjoy my life.
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You need to STFU with this unless you can show comtemporary examples of Christians doing this. Contemporary. Not two thousand plus year old texts that NO ONE is taking literally today.

Plenty of people take them literally. I see people justifying the denial of equal rights to people based on the book of Leviticus every single day. So you're not against gay marriage then? It is only condemned in the Old Testament after all...