Santa Fe shooting


Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Not a word here since it happened. Are we becoming numb to it or is this one not as conducive to politicizing?

God bless all those affected.
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He didn't use an "assault" rifle, so it's less conducive to politicizing.

And yep, we've probably become numb. It's pretty terrible. I don't know what the f*** is wrong with kids today, and I say that as someone who is only 10-11 years older than a high school senior. Columbine aside, this ish didn't happen when I was in high school. We had access to guns, we had violent video games, we had Facebook, we had all the same shit these kids have, but we didn't do this crap. If we had a problem with someone else, we fought them after school and that was that.

I do not know what's happened that makes kids do this now. I do know that news outlets need to STOP publishing the assailant's name and picture. Stop that shit immediately. Do not give them the fame. I truly believe at least some of the repetitiveness of school shootings is due to people wanting to copy other ones. Stop giving them the fame.
Not a word here since it happened. Are we becoming numb to it or is this one not as conducive to politicizing?

God bless all those affected.
We got pretty in depth during the last shooting. Not much else to say except prayers for those who were involved and their families.
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To continue on my above, it's downright heartbreaking as well as horrific that high school-aged kids now expect (or at least, consider it even remotely likely) to be involved in a school shooting. I realize some of that is media sensationalizing, but just the fact that some kids think it's more than a remote chance of it happening is so sad and disgusting. When I was in high school, again, just 11 years ago was I a senior, we never considered even for one second that anything like that would happen.

Think about how everyone knows the name Columbine. Why? Because it was so rare, both that it happened and to the magnitude of students killed. Now, Hell, I bet none of us could name more than two of the schools involved in shootings the past 2-3 years.

I really don't know what the fix is, but if you pressed me to come up with a multi-tiered solution, here's what I would propose:

1) Media censorship of all future school shooters' identities. Do not give them fame. Do not inspire other future shooters. Will the media agree to this? Nope, they won't. They'll defend their First Amendment 'freedom of the press' rights, even if it means endangering children.
2) Armed security officers at every entrance/exit of a school (I don't think this is even feasible, nor would it even potentially help if somehow someone got past them with a concealed weapon)
3) If an underaged shooter is determined to have stolen the weapon from parents, hold the parents criminally liable. I used to be against this, but it's one of the only ways I can see to spread liability around and try to incentivize folks to be more careful.

That's all I've got. There's really not a good fix.
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This was what the 22nd school shooting so far in 2018. There will be a lot more of these before anything is done about them . About one a week . . wonder what school it will be at this week . . ? Sooner or later, kids will just say fvck it, and forego going to school altogether . . . and really, who could blame them.
To continue on my above, it's downright heartbreaking as well as horrific that high school-aged kids now expect (or at least, consider it even remotely likely) to be involved in a school shooting. I realize some of that is media sensationalizing, but just the fact that some kids think it's more than a remote chance of it happening is so sad and disgusting. When I was in high school, again, just 11 years ago was I a senior, we never considered even for one second that anything like that would happen.

Think about how everyone knows the name Columbine. Why? Because it was so rare, both that it happened and to the magnitude of students killed. Now, Hell, I bet none of us could name more than two of the schools involved in shootings the past 2-3 years.

I really don't know what the fix is, but if you pressed me to come up with a multi-tiered solution, here's what I would propose:

1) Media censorship of all future school shooters' identities. Do not give them fame. Do not inspire other future shooters. Will the media agree to this? Nope, they won't. They'll defend their First Amendment 'freedom of the press' rights, even if it means endangering children.
2) Armed security officers at every entrance/exit of a school (I don't think this is even feasible, nor would it even potentially help if somehow someone got past them with a concealed weapon)
3) If an underaged shooter is determined to have stolen the weapon from parents, hold the parents criminally liable. I used to be against this, but it's one of the only ways I can see to spread liability around and try to incentivize folks to be more careful.

That's all I've got. There's really not a good fix.
1. Totally agree
2. Agree
3. While I'd like to agree.... as a parent, I know how sneaky kids can be. No matter how safe & secure a gun-owning parent may be, if the kid has ill intent, they could find a way to get to them.
To continue on my above, it's downright heartbreaking as well as horrific that high school-aged kids now expect (or at least, consider it even remotely likely) to be involved in a school shooting. I realize some of that is media sensationalizing, but just the fact that some kids think it's more than a remote chance of it happening is so sad and disgusting. When I was in high school, again, just 11 years ago was I a senior, we never considered even for one second that anything like that would happen.

Think about how everyone knows the name Columbine. Why? Because it was so rare, both that it happened and to the magnitude of students killed. Now, Hell, I bet none of us could name more than two of the schools involved in shootings the past 2-3 years.

I really don't know what the fix is, but if you pressed me to come up with a multi-tiered solution, here's what I would propose:

1) Media censorship of all future school shooters' identities. Do not give them fame. Do not inspire other future shooters. Will the media agree to this? Nope, they won't. They'll defend their First Amendment 'freedom of the press' rights, even if it means endangering children.
2) Armed security officers at every entrance/exit of a school (I don't think this is even feasible, nor would it even potentially help if somehow someone got past them with a concealed weapon)
3) If an underaged shooter is determined to have stolen the weapon from parents, hold the parents criminally liable. I used to be against this, but it's one of the only ways I can see to spread liability around and try to incentivize folks to be more careful.

That's all I've got. There's really not a good fix.

1. I wish. It will never happen but this would probably stop at least some of them.

2. Like you said, not even remotely feasible. My school has 11 doors not included the doors that every classroom has leading outside. Now, they are all locked but still.

3. I think it depends for me. If your guns are locked up it seems that would be tough. If not then I think parents should definitely be responsible to some degree though. I'm not sure it would matter as they are all going to think it won't be there kid but maybe it could make some sort of difference.
1) Media censorship of all future school shooters' identities. Do not give them fame. Do not inspire other future shooters. Will the media agree to this? Nope, they won't. They'll defend their First Amendment 'freedom of the press' rights, even if it means endangering children.

kinda like how people defend the 2nd amendment....

So it's not the guns, it's how the media portrays the people with the guns. Riiiiiggghhhtttt.
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This was what the 22nd school shooting so far in 2018. There will be a lot more of these before anything is done about them . About one a week . . wonder what school it will be at this week . . ? Sooner or later, kids will just say fvck it, and forego going to school altogether . . . and really, who could blame them.

Yo, stop pimping for CNN. That number has been proven a lie. Included in that number are the incidents below:

  • A student shot another student with a BB gun in Gloversville Middle School.
  • A teacher accidentally discharged a gun during a public safety class at Seaside High School, injuring a student.
  • One person was hospitalized after a shooting at an apartment building on the campus of the University of South Alabama.
  • Two people were shot to death at a dormitory on the campus of Central Michigan University. The victims were not students and police think the incident stemmed from a domestic situation.
  • A person was shot in a rec center at Mississippi Valley State University. Police said the person was not a student and the injury was not life-threatening.
  • A fight led to a shooting in the parking lot of Lincoln High School, fatally wounding a 32-year-old man.
Yo, stop pimping for CNN. That number has been proven a lie. Included in that number are the incidents below:

  • A student shot another student with a BB gun in Gloversville Middle School.
  • A teacher accidentally discharged a gun during a public safety class at Seaside High School, injuring a student.
  • One person was hospitalized after a shooting at an apartment building on the campus of the University of South Alabama.
  • Two people were shot to death at a dormitory on the campus of Central Michigan University. The victims were not students and police think the incident stemmed from a domestic situation.
  • A person was shot in a rec center at Mississippi Valley State University. Police said the person was not a student and the injury was not life-threatening.
  • A fight led to a shooting in the parking lot of Lincoln High School, fatally wounding a 32-year-old man.

I'm not pimping for anybody, bitch . . GFY. Nowhere in my post was CNN even mentioned, so, go hug a nut, douchebag.
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Yo, stop pimping for CNN. That number has been proven a lie. Included in that number are the incidents below:

  • A student shot another student with a BB gun in Gloversville Middle School.
  • A teacher accidentally discharged a gun during a public safety class at Seaside High School, injuring a student.
  • One person was hospitalized after a shooting at an apartment building on the campus of the University of South Alabama.
  • Two people were shot to death at a dormitory on the campus of Central Michigan University. The victims were not students and police think the incident stemmed from a domestic situation.
  • A person was shot in a rec center at Mississippi Valley State University. Police said the person was not a student and the injury was not life-threatening.
  • A fight led to a shooting in the parking lot of Lincoln High School, fatally wounding a 32-year-old man.
Whew! Now I feel better. No cause for alarm.
Can I just ask...why do you guys care so much about having guns?

This has always been so confusing to me.
Personally, I just like to be prepared to defend my person, family, and property if it’s ever necessary.

...against other people with guns?

We have an insanely high crime rate to go along with our insanely high gun ownership rate. Having a gun doesn't stop crime according to every single study done on the topic, it increases it.
...against other people with guns?

We have an insanely high crime rate to go along with our insanely high gun ownership rate. Having a gun doesn't stop crime according to every single study done on the topic, it increases it.
...against who/whatever threatens it. Seems pretty straight forward to me.
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...against other people with guns?

We have an insanely high crime rate to go along with our insanely high gun ownership rate. Having a gun doesn't stop crime according to every single study done on the topic, it increases it.

I’m not committing crimes. Why should I be punished?
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I’m not committing crimes. Why should I be punished?

No one is saying to "punish" you. But why is it considered punishment to not own a gun?

Here's an analogy...I like golf. Now let's say you could kill people with golf clubs. If suddenly people who shouldn't have golf clubs start killing people...guess what, I'm cool with you:

1. Making it MUCH harder for me to get a golf club by doing extensive background checks, mental health checks, extended waiting periods, etc.
2. Telling me that I'm not allowed to own a golf club because it's too dangerous, but I can rent them when I want to play golf (i.e. hunt)

Why am I ok with that but people LOSE THEIR MINDS when you talk about taking away their gun? Why is it such a big deal?
...against who/whatever threatens it. Seems pretty straight forward to me.

um, ok. But you do understand that across the world the correlation between crimes involving guns and gun ownership is directly related?

You've yet to give me a solid argument on why an amendment that was ratified in 1790 in the backdrop of the war, exploring the wilderness, general lack of readily available food is at all applicable to today. Care to start?
No one is saying to "punish" you. But why is it considered punishment to not own a gun?

Here's an analogy...I like golf. Now let's say you could kill people with golf clubs. If suddenly people who shouldn't have golf clubs start killing people...guess what, I'm cool with you:

1. Making it MUCH harder for me to get a golf club by doing extensive background checks, mental health checks, extended waiting periods, etc.
2. Telling me that I'm not allowed to own a golf club because it's too dangerous, but I can rent them when I want to play golf (i.e. hunt)

Why am I ok with that but people LOSE THEIR MINDS when you talk about taking away their gun? Why is it such a big deal?

1 - it’s punishment because me owning a gun to protect myself and my family is a god given right.

2 - golf clubs can indeed kill people.

3 - I don’t know why you don’t lose your mind. And I don’t care. Maybe it’s because you’re young. Maybe it’s because you don’t have kids. Maybe it’s because you trust the government more than others. Whatever. Why you don’t lose your mind is irrelevant.
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1 - it’s punishment because me owning a gun to protect myself and my family is a god given right.

2 - golf clubs can indeed kill people.

3 - I don’t know why you don’t lose your mind. And I don’t care. Maybe it’s because you’re young. Maybe it’s because you don’t have kids. Maybe it’s because you trust the government more than others. Whatever. Why you don’t lose your mind is irrelevant.

God gave you the right to own a gun? I missed that one in church.

Where the hell do you guys live that you feel you MUST HAVE A GUN or your family is going to die? I live in freaking NYC where crime is literally happening all around me yet have never, not once, felt the need to own a gun. Millions upon millions of people around the world agree with this. Why is the freaking bible belt the only place where you need a gun to feel safe?

Also...I revert back to my point that more crime happens when there are more guns. So you want less crime and your family to feel safe, what's the answer? Less guns.
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Where the hell do you guys live that you feel you MUST HAVE A GUN or your family is going to die? I live in freaking NYC where crime is literally happening all around me yet have never, not once, felt the need to own a gun. Millions upon millions of people around the world agree with this. Why is the freaking bible belt the only place where you need a gun to feel safe?

I’m not nearly as worried about an individual as I am about a corrupt govt. I can assure you that every house on the road where my river property is has an arsenal. That’s funny...because I can’t remember the last time someone was shot there. But you say crime happens more where guns are,...

Also...I revert back to my point that more crime happens when there are more guns. So you want less crime and your family to feel safe, what's the answer? Less guns.

No, what I want is to make sure me and my family are not a victim of crime. If crime decreases, that’s great. But make no mistake, my first responsibility is to my family. I feel safer with a gun. It doesn’t matter if you agree with my feeling and it doesn’t matter if stats show that I’m not safer. What matters is how I feel about it.
No, what I want is to make sure me and my family are not a victim of crime. If crime decreases, that’s great. But make no mistake, my first responsibility is to my family. I feel safer with a gun. It doesn’t matter if you agree with my feeling and it doesn’t matter if stats show that I’m not safer. What matters is how I feel about it.

You have some odd conspiracy theories man...

So little kids getting brutally murdered is ok as long as you feel safe against the minimal chance that someone decides to rob you? You're a true humanitarian. Plus, having easy access to a gun doesn't make you safer, it puts your life in more jeopardy.

Typical debate with pro-2nd people. I try to get a good, plausible reason that is backed by data and they don't have one. Take care.
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I guess that means you win.

No, it means you put your nose and your agenda where it didn't belong . . if, you can direct me to the part of my poast where CNN is referenced or even linked, that'd be just wunnerful, if, you can't, then you were losing even before you began typing.

God-given right to own guns.

A possible armed insurrection against the greatest, most noble country ever shat into creation?

A whole bunch of MAGA hats will get thrown in the trash, I guess!
I think people have just given up because the gun debate has gotten so ridiculous.

On one side we have conservatives who absolutely refuse to consider any kind of gun law reform.

On the other side we have children claiming that Marco Rubio is just as responsible for the Parkland shooting as Nikolas Cruz.

Obviously we have a problem with guns, and an even bigger one with political discourse.
I think people have just given up because the gun debate has gotten so ridiculous.

On one side we have conservatives who absolutely refuse to consider any kind of gun law reform.

On the other side we have children claiming that Marco Rubio is just as responsible for the Parkland shooting as Nikolas Cruz.

Obviously we have a problem with guns, and an even bigger one with political discourse.

Radical conservatives and democrats are both morons.

How about this...we compromise. Instead of completely taking guns away...we just make it incredibly difficult, damn near impossible, for someone who shouldn't have one get one by passing legislation that requires it and makes it a crime if someone uses your gun to commit a crime, no matter how they got it. So there are far less guns around, which according to every piece of data, means less crime.

Is that too much for the NRA and the bible belt?
I think people have just given up because the gun debate has gotten so ridiculous.

On one side we have conservatives who absolutely refuse to consider any kind of gun law reform.

On the other side we have children claiming that Marco Rubio is just as responsible for the Parkland shooting as Nikolas Cruz.

Obviously we have a problem with guns, and an even bigger one with political discourse.
See where the most money stands to be lost or gained...
But you do understand that across the world the correlation between crimes involving guns and gun ownership is directly related?
I think you're smart enough to know the difference between correlation and causation.
You have some odd conspiracy theories man...

So little kids getting brutally murdered is ok as long as you feel safe against the minimal chance that someone decides to rob you? You're a true humanitarian. Plus, having easy access to a gun doesn't make you safer, it puts your life in more jeopardy.

Typical debate with pro-2nd people. I try to get a good, plausible reason that is backed by data and they don't have one. Take care.

I like data too. You know kids with a mentor are:
  • 46% less likely to start using drugs (precursor to violent acts)
  • 81% more likely to get involved in extracurricular activities (less time to commit violent acts)
  • 52% less likely to skip school
  • 33% less likely to commit a violent act
Right now, 1 in 3 kids in America is growing up without a mentor.

But you probably knew this. That's why you're currently mentoring a handful of youth in the roughest neighborhoods of NYC, right? That's why you're volunteering at the community centers, right? That's why all the local elementary schools all know you by first name, right? Because you spend so much time working with impressionable youth, right?

Oh, what?'re not doing those things? You're a true humanitarian.

You're not doing those things because liberals aren't willing to do the hard work. It's a lot easier for you to call for gun control, because you know, "I don't need to own a gun". Right. You don't need to own a gun so to hell with anyone else. It takes less investment for you to get on a message board and argue about gun control rather than attempting to make a real impact on a local level. "But me mentoring one kid won't stop gun violence across America." No. It won't. But it might stop that one kid from committing a violent act. And did you also know that kids that are mentored are 130% more likely to be in leadership positions? So by putting that one kid on the right path, maybe that kid is then confident enough to help peers get on the right path. But you can just call for gun control and then go about your day. It's much less work that way.

Take care.
Radical conservatives and democrats are both morons.

How about this...we compromise. Instead of completely taking guns away...we just make it incredibly difficult, damn near impossible, for someone who shouldn't have one get one by passing legislation that requires it and makes it a crime if someone uses your gun to commit a crime,

Can I be the one who decides this or are you already taking that position?
Also...I revert back to my point that more crime happens when there are more guns. So you want less crime and your family to feel safe, what's the answer? Less guns.
Just curious, where are you getting these stats? Also, what about crimes that have been prevented because someone had a gun? Not sure you could accurately measure that number, but I'm guessing it's more than a few.
I like data too. You know kids with a mentor are:
  • 46% less likely to start using drugs (precursor to violent acts)
  • 81% more likely to get involved in extracurricular activities (less time to commit violent acts)
  • 52% less likely to skip school
  • 33% less likely to commit a violent act
Right now, 1 in 3 kids in America is growing up without a mentor.

But you probably knew this. That's why you're currently mentoring a handful of youth in the roughest neighborhoods of NYC, right? That's why you're volunteering at the community centers, right? That's why all the local elementary schools all know you by first name, right? Because you spend so much time working with impressionable youth, right?

Oh, what?'re not doing those things? You're a true humanitarian.

You're not doing those things because liberals aren't willing to do the hard work. It's a lot easier for you to call for gun control, because you know, "I don't need to own a gun". Right. You don't need to own a gun so to hell with anyone else. It takes less investment for you to get on a message board and argue about gun control rather than attempting to make a real impact on a local level. "But me mentoring one kid won't stop gun violence across America." No. It won't. But it might stop that one kid from committing a violent act. And did you also know that kids that are mentored are 130% more likely to be in leadership positions? So by putting that one kid on the right path, maybe that kid is then confident enough to help peers get on the right path. But you can just call for gun control and then go about your day. It's much less work that way.

Take care.
You bring up a good point about other factors that can contribute to and/or reduce violent crimes. Just getting rid of guns isn't going to solve the problem, because ultimately it's the person pulling the trigger and not the gun that kills someone. The problem is much more complex to solve and knee jerk reactions after these things turn people off and make them less likely to try to work together.

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