School bathroom decree ...

I like you... you're definitely intelligent and open minded. You're cool in my book :)
Likewise... gracias. Welcome to the board, officially and somewhat belated. Don't let my brothers get to you. We're not used to ladies being around. I'm looking forward to the addition of a female voice here. A matriarch will be a good fit.
Some people are just so insensitive :rolleyes: . If people weren't so afraid of dogs and worrying about people who identify as dogs - this country would be in a better place.

I know, right. I just want to be me. You know, chasing cars, sleeping all the time, licking my balls in public. What's wrong with that? I'm not hurting anyone else so why can't they let me be me? Just a bunch of racist, sexist, bigoted, animal hating religious zealots.
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The General Assembly missed an opportunity to address the biggest issue in public bathrooms today: creepy people having cell phone conversations while dropping a deuce.

Some random dude came into the bathroom at work yesterday, went into a stall, and ripped ass everywhere while talking to his mom or grandmother on the phone. People like him need to be locked up.
I can deal with that better than some prick talking on the phone in line at the grocery store (or where ever) slowing me down.
Two more things that should have been addressed. The cheap ass toilet paper, which feels like I'm wiping with sandpaper and the enforcement of the farthest stall/urinal rule. I can't stand it when I'm using the bathroom and someone comes in and uses the urinal right next to me when there are five more empty ones.
you complaining 'bout free toilet paper? Bring you own. Is the guy at the urinal next to you wearing a dress? I guess you don't even like using the can with regular guys , much less trannies.;)
Can you spare a square?

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Likewise... gracias. Welcome to the board, officially and somewhat belated. Don't let my brothers get to you. We're not used to ladies being around. I'm looking forward to the addition of a female voice here. A matriarch will be a good fit.
matriarch-the state of being an OLDER , powerful woman in a family or group. At least part of that doesn't seem so complimentary.
I know what you're saying. That is why you are forever ignorant on this whole matter.

The people that are the focus of this issue are REALLY IDENTIFYING to these genders. Making up hypotheticals based on PRETENDING is just refusing to accept it for that it truly is. You're trying to justify the potentially deviant behaviors (that happen with or without this kind of law) by creating completely ludicrous possibilities, that are openly being portrayed as pretending, in order to deny people who are not pretending, the right to go where they feel is appropriate. You're trying to support denying them their liberty by fabricating something you're not, and trying to use it as a parallel. Congratulations.
They may really think they are identifying , whether they are or not is truly debatable in the medical and Psychiatric fields.