Seth Trimble Enters Transfer Portal


It's unabashedly business, now. For all involved.

It needs to follow all the rules regular businesses have to follow.

If schools are just hiring employees to play basketball, let's get on with it and

--ditch the 4 year limit
--stop pretending this is an amateur game
--let pros play at schools after their pro career ends
--no more missing games for playing in an unsanctioned game
--why have rules about practices or contacts between coaches and players?
--allow player trades(?)
--let players quit and move to another "employer" at any time

...and so on

Yeah, it's a mess. Maybe it's time to nail some of those deck chairs down before they are blown overboard.
on the plus side, it's never a completely bad thing to get rid of institutional hypocrisy, particu;arly (but arguably) the biggest hypocrisy there is outside of politics. The HOW you get rid of it might svck though. It has so far, IMO.
I thought NIL was to allow gu7ys to get paid for endorsements, come try our Mondo Burger for example. But some how it has morphed in to buying players to play for your program? How has this been allowed?

This combination of transfer portal and NIL has turned the college game in to the NBA WITHOUT the safety net the NBA puts on teams, like salary caps and contracts where a team knows it has a player for some time certain? Why are we even requiring kids to attend class any more, how long before college players unionize? And the NCAA does nothing, does not even clarify what they are and are not going to enforce any more, it is the wild wild wild west with no law man.
And no Lawson 😂
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