Seth Trimble Enters Transfer Portal

“Seth is the fastest point guard in the country with the ball. He’s the most athletic point guard, combo guard in the country. As good as he is, his ceiling is ridiculous. He’s the best on-the-ball defender I saw as we evaluated the class of 2022. Seth can pick up full court and create havoc on the defensive end and with his athleticism and speed he is almost impossible to stop at driving the ball into the paint. He is a true point guard in that he loves to get people involved.” -- Hubert Davis, 2022
"Perhaps the most improved player on North Carolina’s team, and among the tops in the ACC, is sophomore guard Seth Trimble. He has positively impacted the game each time he’s stepped onto the court all season."

Without Seth, who do we have for a full court press? We won a few games this year because we had that arrow in our quiver. Will Ian or Drake give us that? I've heard Drake is a really good defender.
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Without Seth, who do we have for a full court press? We won a few games this year because we had that arrow in our quiver. Will Ian or Drake give us that? I've heard Drake is a really good defender.
Actually, Hubert basically refused to full court press for most of the year. You can go back through the game threads and see me constantly complaining about it. The ACC tournament final was the perfect time to full court press a tired team with no true point guard, but we never did.
“Seth is the fastest point guard in the country with the ball. He’s the most athletic point guard, combo guard in the country. As good as he is, his ceiling is ridiculous. He’s the best on-the-ball defender I saw as we evaluated the class of 2022. Seth can pick up full court and create havoc on the defensive end and with his athleticism and speed he is almost impossible to stop at driving the ball into the paint. He is a true point guard in that he loves to get people involved.” -- Hubert Davis, 2022
Hubert's hyperbole about players is pretty funny
I assume he does it to build up the confidence of his players. As opposed to telling the press a certain player needs a lot of work on offense, or asking why a guy so athletic seems to rarely dunk the ball.
Building confidence is great. When the hyperbole is so frequent and so obvious, it sort of defeats the purpose. Whether player or fan, you know he's blowing smoke; you just don't know how much smoke. That said, it's his thing, so we should probably just smile and roll with it. Overly-effusive praise is a whole lot better than soul-destroying criticism. Just not very helpful.
How dare Seth transfer!

Kidding. Obviously he's entitled to do what he thinks is best. I just really wish he was sticking around.

I was one of his earliest supporters and, even though he didn't quite live up to my expectations, I still think he can get there. He'll be really good as a junior or senior if he lands in a good place.
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Is there any reason to think that Seth's departure is based on insider info that RJ is returning? Because if RJ leaves, Seth has all the PT he can handle, even if Ian is as good as his advertising. So why leave until you know?

Looks like we need a backup PG from the portal. Which I was thinking before Seth left. Now it's really obvious. And if RJ leaves . . . ?
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"Perhaps the most improved player on North Carolina’s team, and among the tops in the ACC, is sophomore guard Seth Trimble. He has positively impacted the game each time he’s stepped onto the court all season."

“Paxson is a talented basketball player who excels at doing everything on the court at a high level,” Davis said in the statement. “He brings consistent perimeter shooting, rebounding and passing from the wing. He will be a great leader for us. We are excited to have Paxson as part of the Carolina basketball family.”

“Jae’Lyn is a versatile big man who can do a number of things really well on both ends of the court. He can consistently make three-pointers, run the floor, post up, attack the offense and create plays off the bounce. He is also an excellent defender and rebounder, exactly what we were looking for at that position. He is a North Carolina kid and we are glad he is back home.”

It's the kind of analyst Hubert was on TV. Overly optimistic and hyperbolic. It's one ear out the other for me when he speaks publicly. It's cool to see him during sideline interviews when you see some of his true emotions come out though.

Right? What has he done in-game in usage to earn that trust. I trust his recruiting and sort of trust doing all he can to keep key pieces.

His in game strategy and using right people at right times - i don’t trust right now - at all.
Half and half. I have more confidence in Hubert right now than I did this time last season or any point beforehand, though my expectations were rock bottom. Recruiting wise, Hubert has been up to snuff so I trust he'll be able to fill the gaps. But I have similar worries as you. The inconsistency between expectations/regular season/post season results is a concern too.

TPTB gave him such a long leash, so you might as well strap in.
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Half and half. I have more confidence in Hubert right now than I did this time last season or any point beforehand, though my expectations were rock bottom. Recruiting wise, Hubert has been up to snuff so I trust he'll be able to fill the gaps. But I have similar worries as you. The inconsistency between expectations/regular season/post season results is a concern too.

TPTB gave him such a long leash, so you might as well strap in.
Yeah - but great poster here who is as connected to the inside / TPTB as anyone here - @bleeduncblue has posted some stuff here…that the leash they’ve given is not as long as it might seem to us.

The big time supporters, funders, Rams club etc are pretty restless and expect better results from Hubert especially in the big tourney - and soon. Especially as a 1 seed, or in having a big lead in title games etc.
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First, I do not believe Seth's decision had anything to do with RJ, it very well could have had a lot to do with our contact with Tyson. Say that because it is looking like RJ does in fact end up leaving, I consider the news of his girl friend transferring to be very important to the question of what RJ will lend up doing.

Seth is just not the kind of kid we need to be losing to the portal, we invest 2yrs of development and just when he gets to that prime time where you actually start to see not only developed play but consistency, we lose him to some other team that gets the best of his college experience? It is guys like Seth and Jalen that come to you out of high school, that stick with you in hard times, that don't get the PT early on but work, those guys build your base. You augment that with high school recruits and the portal but you have that solid base of players to allow that build to be strong. Our up coming Jr class, which typically is a lot of your leadership and experience, what was a 5 man class I believe, is now down to Jalen and many here would not mind at all if Jalen were to leave as well?

Word has it that the bidding for Tyson began at $900K and UNC is in the final 5 for him, if it is about money I darn sure would rather give that to Seth to remain at UNC than I had a kid that we have no idea will fit what we need. If it is about PT, then you tell him and make it stick that Cadeau is our starting PG but I will give you a shot as his primary back up, you have to earn that with your play, need you to work on your ball handles. Now if RJ does leave, we have no back up for Cadeau, Tyson is never going to back up Cadeau, it may have to be Jackson and I fear that is about like having Caleb running the point as a freshman.
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Hubert also said something to the effect of “Styles and Dunn would be two of the best players to wear a Carolina uniform.”
This is clearly about future minutes, not the past
well yeah, but then how do you gauge future minutes? I wish I had said something, because I saw this coming. I started to express my concern a dozen times. Hugely disappointing but not at all surprising to me.

This losing our own players and replacing them with someone else's kids is for the birds.
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I hate losing Seth! I have no issue with him making a decision that he and his family think is in his best interest, but I wish he was staying! I agree we are losing a high character guy who is on the cusp of maximizing his talent, but isn't that what we just benefited from with Harry and Ryan? As much as I hate it, I have to acknowledge it is just a sign of the times and NOT an indication that our coach or program might be in trouble! Any powers that are thinking Hubs should do better than winning the ACC reg season, getting a #1 seed, and getting a team he constructed from scratch to the Sweet 16 are silly at best! They should probably look into how many coaches in history have taken teams to at least the S 16 twice in their first 3 years! Oh, and who can do this while representing the Carolina Way to perfection!

Hubs has grown each year and, like his players, I expect his learning curve to continue!
Seth is just not the kind of kid we need to be losing to the portal, we invest 2yrs of development and just when he gets to that prime time where you actually start to see not only developed play but consistency, we lose him to some other team that gets the best of his college experience?

Is this simply the new reality, or should our coaches be handling this differently.

Last year we debated whether giving kids more minutes as frosh or sophs would ensure they stick around. I don't think we came to any firm conclusion - and maybe coaches haven't either.

From that point of view, I'd think Seth got enough PT to want to stick around. But he also needs to see a path to even more PT going forward, and maybe he didn't see that.

Is this simply the new reality, or should our coaches be handling this differently.

Last year we debated whether giving kids more minutes as frosh or sophs would ensure they stick around. I don't think we came to any firm conclusion - and maybe coaches haven't either.

From that point of view, I'd think Seth got enough PT to want to stick around. But he also needs to see a path to even more PT going forward, and maybe he didn't see that.
Seth is 6'3" and will probably be an inconsistent jump shooter at best in the long term. If he wants to have a basketball career, he needs to play PG. It looks like the primary ballhandling spots on this team are filled. So he probably has to go elsewhere to handle the ball.

I don't think this is all that complicated. He was an undersized wing here because Cadeau and RJ were the primary ballhandlers. This is probably the best move for his basketball future. Not sure what the big deal is. Welcome to college basketball today.

Is this simply the new reality, or should our coaches be handling this differently.

Last year we debated whether giving kids more minutes as frosh or sophs would ensure they stick around. I don't think we came to any firm conclusion - and maybe coaches haven't either.

From that point of view, I'd think Seth got enough PT to want to stick around. But he also needs to see a path to even more PT going forward, and maybe he didn't see that.
What you an @DSouthr stated here perfectly gets to the heart / point of the biggest thing that sucks about transfer portal rules. You used to develop kids and build relationships and growth over 2-4 years for many kids - seeing the real fruits in years 3 and 4 for this kids like Seth who aren’t one and done.

Now that is all long gone and as a coach / program the dev work you put into the kid is only for the next teams benefit, and frankly doesn’t benefit the kid - with the ongoing development becoming disjointed or sent in a different direction. It just sucks for everyone. I don’t think Hubert should’ve done anything different. You hear basically every coach though including ones out of the game - Roy, K, Jay wright, Saban - say something needs to change. Because the current system is a dumpster fire.

Who can say it’s a good or even slightly bad solution. It’s an unmitigated disaster.

Roy and K say they need someone (like them) who understand college sports to drive a solution. Not the morons in the inept weak NCAA.
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Kidding. Obviously he's entitled to do what he thinks is best. I just really wish he was sticking around.
Agree 100% and I think for Seth that is the right thing to do because he won't have the opportunity to develop as a pg .. or anything else at UNC and that is truly a shame. Seth has one helluva lot more NBA game than RJ ever will. Be interesting to see what AJ says about it on his Daily Drop.
What you an @DSouthr stated here perfectly gets to the heart / point of the biggest thing that sucks about transfer portal rules. You used to develop kids and build relationships and growth over 2-4 years for many kids - seeing the real fruits in years 3 and 4 for this kids like Seth who aren’t one and done.

Now that is all long gone and as a coach / program the dev work you put into the kid is only for the next teams benefit, and frankly doesn’t benefit the kid - with the ongoing development becoming disjointed or sent in a different direction. It just sucks for everyone. I don’t think Hubert should’ve done anything different. You hear basically every coach though including ones out of the game - Roy, K, Jay wright, Saban - say something needs to change. Because the current system is a dumpster fire.

Who can say it’s a good or even slightly bad solution. It’s an unmitigated disaster.

Roy and K say they need someone (like them) who understand college sports to drive a solution. Not the morons in the inept weak NCAA.
Most of the reaction we're getting is from one side of the argument coaches. Coaches for almost the entire existence of college basketball/football had the power. They could leave a job if the market proved there was a better opportunity for them and there was no real consequence for them.

Now we're getting players having basically the same rights and all of a sudden, coaches don't like it. Idk about all that. No one really complains about the outrageous salaries and buyouts of coach contracts, but that Tyson kid might be offered almost $1M and there's a reaction to it.

Idk if the game is worse. All I know is the game is different and people don't like change. And people REALLY dislike change when it comes to sports.
How about we just keep our faith in Jesus because I have absolutely no faith in hubcap and his use of very promising and talented freshman/underclassmen. RJ Davis is in no way shape or form a true pg and if RJ comes back it would not surprise me one bit to see EC bolt UNC for a power school that WILL GIVE HIM ALL THE RUN HE CAN HANDLE. YOU DO NOT DEVELOP ON A FRIGGIN BENCH and Elliot has got to be having serious second thoughts about the way he was used/not used this past season and his options going forward !!! And if he (hubcap) keeps this stupid crap of recruiting over his 5*'s and burger boys, and using them as practice players, he won't be at UNC much longer.
Still waiting for you to post the 5 stars and burger boys that Hubcap has recruited over.
Agree 100% and I think for Seth that is the right thing to do because he won't have the opportunity to develop as a pg .. or anything else at UNC and that is truly a shame. Seth has one helluva lot more NBA game than RJ ever will. Be interesting to see what AJ says about it on his Daily Drop.
So you are saying you would prefer to have Seth develop as PG ‘than not have EC or Ian? What does NBA game have to do about Seth playing over RG? I mean Seth will never be half the shooter or scorer that RJ is so I’m not sure how his NBA potential is better. He’s taller & more athletic which makes him a better defender.. I hate to lose Seth but he wants to play the point & those minutes are going to EC.. maybe Ian & possibly RJ I guess..
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So you are saying you would prefer to have Seth develop as PG ‘than not have EC or Ian? What does NBA game have to do about Seth playing over RG? I mean Seth will never be half the shooter or scorer that RJ is so I’m not sure how his NBA potential is better. He’s taller & more athletic which makes him a better defender.. I hate to lose Seth but he wants to play the point & those minutes are going to EC.. maybe Ian & possibly RJ I guess..
You're asking questions of a guy who thinks Hubcap (the name he uses to insult Hubert) has been recruiting over 5 stars and McDonald's All Americans (he's literally never done that.) Don't expect a coherent response.
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Ian Jackson, I think a good chance of RJ returning, and EC is going to play the point.

Seth is going to end up in a good situation. Love to see him and Caleb team up.
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I thought Hubert handled the bench perfectly really the entire season with the exception being the Alabama game. He had a bench that had limited skills and they still contributed. The bench is honestly not a worry for me with Hubert and I can't really grade his bench use until we actually have some talent on the bench, lol. Over the last two seasons, Hubert's most talented bench player is arguably Dontrez Styles and he's a productive player for a 20 loss team.

I'll give you the Luke Maye example, although he is far more skilled than any bench player on UNC the last 2 seasons. Far more. But Roy had really all-conference caliber talent coming off the bench when his teams were really good. Pretty easy to play those guys isn't it?
Happy to agree to disagree slightly regarding the past season. My biggest problem was with EC going to the bench every game at the under 16....

Agree 100% on the talent side of things
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So you are saying you would prefer to have Seth develop as PG ‘than not have EC or Ian? What does NBA game have to do about Seth playing over RG? I mean Seth will never be half the shooter or scorer that RJ is so I’m not sure how his NBA potential is better.
You need to read for comprehension. I said Seth has the ability and athleticism to earn some type of $$ at the next level and it would be as a pg and pg defender and he will never have the opportunity to get significant time at UNC to develop over the next 2 yrs. I'm glad you have a crystal ball that tells you Seth will never be the scorer RJ is .. you should quit wasting time here and get $$$'s as an NBA soothsayer. And I'll take the other side of that prediction and say RJ will never have Seth's size, athleticism and defensive skill set or footwork. Seth did what was good for Seth and it was a no brainer!! jmo

Most of the reaction we're getting is from one side of the argument coaches. Coaches for almost the entire existence of college basketball/football had the power. They could leave a job if the market proved there was a better opportunity for them and there was no real consequence for them.

Now we're getting players having basically the same rights and all of a sudden, coaches don't like it. Idk about all that. No one really complains about the outrageous salaries and buyouts of coach contracts, but that Tyson kid might be offered almost $1M and there's a reaction to it.

Idk if the game is worse. All I know is the game is different and people don't like change. And people REALLY dislike change when it comes to sports.
I've been advocating some of these changes for a long time, but I do feel like we may have gone overboard when I see astronomical NIL numbers and mass migrations.

If college basketball is turning schools/teams into mere entertainment businesses, should they be and are they being regulated and taxed like other entertainment businesses?
I get it - there is a ton of money in college sports and a lot of it goes to the coaches, admins, and colleges themselves. Not enough to the players.

I haven’t studied the options that much - but it is an entertainment business - with the many teams and many players to make it work. One team, one player on his own is worthless, is not a stand alone entertainment product.

So couldn’t they somehow pool the money or have some sort of flat standard $ amount that any player from any school could make regardless of school or product the nil is for - so the kid still gets paid a fair amount, and can’t make more nil $ at another school - so no incentive to go to another school for better nil.

…unless most of the transfers are about getting more playing time - which leads to nil opportunities. Maybe that’s the case. It just doesn’t seem like an impossibility for kids to get good nil $ AND be committed to a single school. Maybe that’s naive.
I thought NIL was to allow gu7ys to get paid for endorsements, come try our Mondo Burger for example. But some how it has morphed in to buying players to play for your program? How has this been allowed?

This combination of transfer portal and NIL has turned the college game in to the NBA WITHOUT the safety net the NBA puts on teams, like salary caps and contracts where a team knows it has a player for some time certain? Why are we even requiring kids to attend class any more, how long before college players unionize? And the NCAA does nothing, does not even clarify what they are and are not going to enforce any more, it is the wild wild wild west with no law man.
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I thought NIL was to allow gu7ys to get paid for endorsements, come try our Mondo Burger for example. But some how it has morphed in to buying players to play for your program? How has this been allowed?
If college basketball is turning schools/teams into mere entertainment businesses, should they be and are they being regulated and taxed like other entertainment businesses?
if that isn't what already actually is the case, then what exactly is the case? The whole concept of amateur student-athlete is a sham created from the get-go to allow the schools to avoid acknowledging the reality and paying the consequences.

What sucks to me is that the schools can't legally agree among themselves to pay their athletes with an education. Instead they have to pretend that they are students and then athletes and not the other way around, and that introduces all the moronic NCAA oversight intended to prop up the appearance of 'amateurism'.

The first move toward non-amateurism has been made. Athletes are now treated like free agents, free to move around and cut their best NIL deal.

The NIL deal has quickly morphed into de-facto pay/signing bonus.
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I thought NIL was to allow gu7ys to get paid for endorsements, come try our Mondo Burger for example. But some how it has morphed in to buying players to play for your program? How has this been allowed?

It's unabashedly business, now. For all involved.

It needs to follow all the rules regular businesses have to follow.

If schools are just hiring employees to play basketball, let's get on with it and

--ditch the 4 year limit
--stop pretending this is an amateur game
--let pros play at schools after their pro career ends
--no more missing games for playing in an unsanctioned game
--why have rules about practices or contacts between coaches and players?
--allow player trades(?)
--let players quit and move to another "employer" at any time

...and so on

Yeah, it's a mess. Maybe it's time to nail some of those deck chairs down before they are blown overboard.

It's unabashedly business, now. For all involved.

It needs to follow all the rules regular businesses have to follow.

If schools are just hiring employees to play basketball, let's get on with it and

--ditch the 4 year limit
--stop pretending this is an amateur game
--let pros play at schools after their pro career ends
--no more missing games for playing in an unsanctioned game
--why have rules about practices or contacts between coaches and players?
--allow player trades(?)
--let players quit and move to another "employer" at any time

...and so on

Yeah, it's a mess. Maybe it's time to nail some of those deck chairs down before they are blown overboard.
Heck with nailing deck chairs, lets just go over there and say hello to that nice ice burg, he looks friendly!😜