"Unlearned" is not what I would call it at all. You're definitely "learned." You are obviously learned. You state as much.
And, "not agreeing" with homosexuality is your choice, and your prerogative. But, you were taught that prejudice. You were taught that it was "wrong" based on your religion. Taught, learned, whatever you wanna call it. I believe that what you learned is antithetical to natural biology. And, yes, continuing to cling to that belief that some sort of male parental figure in the sky is going to punish you after your body stops working by sending you to an eternal fire pit is archaic and holding-back the species, as a whole. But, by all means, keep clinging to it, if that's what you want to do. I'll keep tolerating it and tossing-in a few "passive-aggressive" comments along the way.
If you want to debate homosexuality, I'll gladly do that. Your fear of it (or "not agreeing with it") is rooted entirely in your church/religious beliefs. Am I right?